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have you ever fell in love with an ethnic wageslave worker from
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have you ever fell in love with an ethnic wageslave worker from your local supermarket int
I worked at a warehouse and my supervisor was a fit 30 year old Chinese woman with a heavy accent.

I wanted to fuck her so bad.
I jacked off in a grocery store once and came on the zuchinnis.

Then I watched a QT clean them off, kek.
why would you jerk off in a grocery store
she (probably) hates you now!!
I'm starting to think that everyone in Canada is the equivalent of the weird kid from school in normal countries
I jacked off at my work one time
I had to time my
Gently stroke when people were quietly using toilet but went full blast when people do loud things like using urinals or flushing
This is the best jack off I've ever had
I try to do again at home and use the same rythm but the climax is never ate good
I really am perverted that the only good faps I have are when I can't be doing it
>tfw degenerate
I offered her 50 bucks to suck me off. She said she would suck for free because I'm white therefore I'm superior.
Nope, don't have those yet.
Wow sorry prince Faggot, us plebs can never understand why fucking around and having a few good laughs is such a big deal.

Why do I have a feeling you're the same guy in my threads/posts on every board?
Idk could be because I literally ayyy lmao through life and spend it here
I'm unsure if it's just how my countrymen communicate or if it's literally one guy.

Do you go on /biz/? The Canadian threads are always kekworthy.

No but a disgusting midget cashier girl tried to flirt with me. I was like, oooookay byebye.
idk but please stop I'm feeling uncomfortable
Yeah, she is Nepalese
In my nearby Siwa there's an old Russian babushka and a young toight assed Vietnamese or something like that.

Poo in loo or Tibetan type?
Tibetan type my friend, pale skin
The girl I like is extremely lazy, she doesn't like her job. She is some kind of -stan asian.
>-stan asian
best kind of asian, you know :^)
stan asians are underrated
people talk about east asians only
Wageslave worker is an ethnicity?
Marry her and give her babies
Noodle shop boy around the corner. I want him bad, and his smirk tells me he knows.
I see you've been scouting out Chinese boipussy in Kolkata chinatown. It's bound to end badly.
Panjeet my son
The people who end up on 4chan are. Canada is a country of normies. People here are the most pedestrian mofos you can imagine.
You do not know a fall from a rise.
I fell in love with a girl I dreamed about
I have done it once in my life. I had a super cute supervisor and I couldn't think of anything but to fuck her. So I went to the bathroom and jack off when nobody was here when she was gone.

I though it was really hot, when she came back and kept on talking super seriously about work stuff without having no idea of what I just did.

I wouldn't do it again. I am too scared of potentially getting caught.
Thread replies: 31
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