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How come Scandinavians can speak better english than most of us?
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How come Scandinavians can speak better english than most of us?
They are not lazy.
I worked night shift at a gas station for around two years and nothing really crazy happened, just a few weird things like

>Dude comes in once or twice a week in the middle of the night to buy smokes and occasionally dog food, never on security cams. I would have assumed it was some technical glitch if I couldn't see myself in three of the six inside cameras like normal

I asked if he was a vampire and he said no but it wasn't entirely convincing. I sucked his dick once.

>See cars pull up on cam
>Go outside to fill their tanks because fucking jersey
>No car anywhere in sight

This happened so often i complained until they replaced the outside cameras and had a guy look at all the jargon but it didn't fix anything. So instead I asked for a new window so I wouldn't have to go all the way outside to see if there was actually a car but the owner said no. It was really annoying.

>People going to the bathroom and never coming out

The bathroom door was like right next to the counter and they had to borrow a key to use it. I could have missed them coming out because I was stoned most of the time but the keys never came back. Had to replace so many. There was also this one drunk chick who asked to go to the bathroom and instead ended up in the cold room and she died and wasn't found for like a week which was kind of weird.

Also this isn't paranormal really but there was this one guy who would come in once a month and buy all the toothpaste (literally all of it) and one set of nail clippers. So that was weird.
Where the fuck is our maiden's hand?

1. TV and movies are subbed, not dubbed. Same thing for games

2. Nordic master race
Really weird.
They're white
Cool story.
How was this relevant to OP?
They don't translate films/tv/books. You can find anything in English. They are almost bilingual society. But English is perceived as cool and hip. Sometimes they speak english between themselves. I think scandinavian languages are in decline.
Because they learn the grammar before starting to speak the language, and 99% of the english they're exposed to is grammatically correct.
Also they're exposed to basically as much english as their own language.
small population so we can't really have an internal circle-jerk on the same scale as germany or france. i used to spend time on the something awful forums back in like 2005 because there weren't any norwegian forums of the same size and quality

for us, learning english is like learning how to cook. it'll make your life better and easier

because theyre not dumb
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My tummy aches I ate too much popcorn.
Honestly their accent always makes me question if they are retarded
gib tax money
you are retaded they still speak their respective languages in day to day communication
I fucking sucked at English before I started playing wow when I was like 14.
We be smart n shit yo
Cause their languages sound somehow similar to English.
Besides they are way harder so English is really easy for them.
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Everyone knows
>Norge har troll
Literally just saw 2 white native Viennese girls talking in English that told us "German isn't very pretty" when asked why
I`m interested more as to why the Indians can`t speak English well when it`s the second official language in India.
Have you ever been outside of Humenné, Mirko?
They switch between their language and English all the time. I've spent some time in Stockholm and Copenhagen, so I know better.
>Cause their languages sound somehow similar to English.
Does it?
I assume their languages are more similar to German.
yes i spent month in denmark and nobody talked in fucking english unless there were foreigners present in the debate
They speak it well they just have an accent which is pretty normal.
I've never seen 2 finns speak anything but finnish between the two
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well its a germanic language as well, so wouldn't that be like if i learned kazak turkish?
shouldn't be hard at all desu
You are not scandinavian, mongoloid bro.
English is just dialect of Norwegian t b h
>he missed the early days of vgd.no, around the millenium
O i am laffin

No, we don't. I am born and bred here, I know better. Your experiences are either a lie or you came across some literal turboautists.
We have a board for this. >/x/

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Good point, I often forget since everyone always mistakes us as one of them
>They speak it well they just have an accent which is pretty normal.
Are positive about that? I mean the vast majority. Bet it`s more about public servants or upper class in general.
Implying english sounds anything like wharbblgarlsven.
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>Cause their languages sound somehow similar to English.
Absolut inte. Mämmi paska uloste.
>Besides they are way harder so English is really easy for them.
It doesn't work that way, Hector.
I can say the same for Norwegians and Swedes. Although Swedes, Norwegians and Danes will often talk English between each other, especially younger people. It's just the easiest solution most of the time.
He's not positive about shit. I swear to god Indian tech support has lowered my faith in humanity so fucking much.
>It doesn't work that way, Hector.
This is what I'm talking about. The dumbest americans don't even know that sentence needs a comma.
The question is how importan knowing English is for an average person in Sweden or Norway. Is it required for work?
mer autisme enn her fåvæ
Get ya. However, I still exceedingly doubt that most Indians know English well.
High education standards.
I was agreeing with you.
r u bernie? :D
tbqh finns are too autistic to write 4chan-english without caps or punctuation marks
some people just want to watch the world bern
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>Although Swedes, Norwegians and Danes will often talk English between each other, especially younger people. It's just the easiest solution most of the time.
autism meg her og autism meg der, kukskalle
This, I learned to speak through video games. Germans, frenchies etc keep to themselves for the most part, but we're just too few. I think it's true for Dutchies aswell, at least I played with them and Brits for the most part. The Dutch are even better than scandis, but they also benefit from a non-shit educational system.
Idag har du helt rett, men rundt år 2000-2003 var forumet ganske morsomt. Da var det ikke så mye unger med tilgang på internett, og de uutdannede innavlproduktene som regjerer der nå, hadde ikke fått oynene opp for internett ennå. Tror det var verdens 9. mest aktive forum på et tidspunkt.
oh you mean between the countries sorry

t. assburger
It should be said that this is mostly true for people unfamiliar with the akin languages, or Danes. It's easier to understand English than both Danish and Swedish for me, and I grew up close to the Swedish border. Norway have regional dialects that vary a tremendous amount aswell, literally impossible for Swedes and Danes to understand some of them. It's just a matter of being pragmatic, you know how much nordics hate communication.
Nothing to do with that, moron you are.
they dont have their own language anyway so why not just use english
except finns
finns are just cool and smart
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Köszönöm, bro.
Are u srs? Even if you don't know the proper grammar, you'd at least be able hear it from the pronunciational rhythm of the sentence.
I stand by what I said.
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English is super easy to learn desu senpai.
Finnish on the other hand is pure cancer. You can all be thankful you will never have to take the Finnish matriculation examination.
>I sucked his dick once.

Spotted the fag
i don't know

it's retarded. in norwegian schools we learn a meme language known as nynorsk when we could be learning danish and swedish

in sweden they could have danish and norwegian instead of immigrant appreciation class
Spotted the gullible, try-hard Amerifat spouting pseudo-intellectual memes like the sad fuck he is.
I'd much rather have grown up speaking any other language than the one I speak now. It's too common, you know? It doesn't feel unique.

I almost feel envious of people simply for having been born into a different culture.
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Finlandssvensk is truly the superior Scandinavian language.

>Spoken so slowly anyone can understand
>Swedish, most basic of the whole
>Alway speak with a cheeky smile on you face.
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Bring back norrœnt mál!
Surely spanish is already quite common in USA? Can you take classes on it in school?
But, Ola, we are already learning Danish in school :^)
A fair amount of white people in Southern California know enough spanish to speak to a Mexican. In school the required foreign language classes are usually Spanish, French, German, or Italian.
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They don't bother to learn how to shoot a duck with a .500 before acquiring a sophisticated way of speaking (i.e. the original, British English)

That's the tl;dr to it
So your fluent in 3-4 languages on average?
LOL. I don't think I made that clear. By required classes I meant just the bare minimum.That's only from middle school to high school. And you only get your choice of one language at a time. Fuck, we're not that smart.
I kinda wish we'd speak swedish, some for of scandi language.
Kinda sucks speaking hard-ass language no one else in the world speaks (no, we can't really understand estonian).
Would be cool to have some oversea random island where people spoke finnish.
*or some other form
1) Cold weather fosters indoor culture
2) Tradition of subtitling instead of dubbing
3) Autists like video game sci-fi(all of which is in English)

The english taught in their school system is virtually the same in other places which place an emphasis on english.
also good luck traveling abroad if you expect anyone to know norwegian

That shit too, nigga
Hvis du hadde studiespess på vgs skal du ha lært å lese og tolke svenske og danske tekster.
So what was the difference between nynorsk and bokmål again? Is it just spoken and written language?
They are very Americanised
Pretty much. >>58193067 also raises some good points.
That's where the cuckoldry comes from. I never knew what it was until americas started rambling about it on 4keks.
That's only recently though, pretty much all people aged 30+ speak british english
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Oh East Germany hi there. Long time no see

Oh btw a few NATO members subsumed
They're both written languages. One is a heavily norwegianized Danish (bokmål), the other is based on Western dialects (nynorsk).
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