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Why you like nordic girls anon? https://www.youtube.com/watc
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Why you like nordic girls anon? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDMygKEUePA&feature=youtu.be&t=69
I doubt a norwegian girl would fuck up the interrogative form.
What's the issue? We're opposing foreign-style dancing now?
Should we ban tango too? Maybe stop the food as well, so there goes your kebab, pizza, hamburger... essentially everything that isn't rotten and salty true Nordic style.

Do you know what the Nordics was like before cultural influence? Shit. It was shit. We ate tree bark and whale ass and lived in hoods and went overseas just to escape the crippling depression.

Foreign culture has enriched us.


Fuck you Tor-Ove, fuck yourself, your hand. Meanwhile I'll make love to my qt Syrian gf
I don't

I want a brown girl with smelly feet
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humiliation porn.webm
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>implying Victoria isn't God tier.
>that filename

good taste
stupid white people
i don't.
>literally a man with long hair
look at the size of that fucking beak!
What is this cancer?
generic nordick bimbos are dumb and gross
Overrated man jaws. Ex yu grills are better.
whats wrong? fucking racist
Nordic girls are utter shit. ARAB GIRLS 100% PURE AND 100% FAITHFUL
>fucks Swedish Chads, does hymenoplasty to be "pure" again

Enjoy your pure, brown wife :DD
I think they are pretty :-)
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>not liking a strong jaw
>not wanting high test children
We have people with that type of looks in Norway also
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That's not a manjaw, this is. Pic related, some Norweigan football player.
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Yes that was the point I was making. I just noticed I forgot to quote

>den fole når ikke norske kjæreste
saved to my .txt

will edit it only a touch :^)
I don't, and if you'd stop posting the same meme outlier Instagram beauties, people might start seeing Nordic girls for what they are.

>mostly not blonde and angelic
>very much mildly overweight (being white and from a wealthy country will do that)
>very snotty and stuck up (especially Norwegian girls)
>feminist as hell because of their pinko social democratic social welfare states

Nordic girls IRL were such a massive let down.

The last bastion of acceptable white chicks is in Eastern Europe.
Victoria "coalburner" flamel
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>he bought into the meme
I yet have to get myself a nordic gf, want to racemix for optimal dna. And yes, I'm ayran.
yes,yes dance like our colonials,yes yes
What is it, Balknigger?
>implying you're Aryan

Nice one, Mehmet.
oh, nigger culture again
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