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>put my finger in

eugh what the fuck? Would that even feel good?

This board is run by reddit.

t. Proud demisexual MTF transvestite trans black cuckold socialist Californian who also browses reddit.

Feel the bern xD

Spot the Californian.

KYS you fucking cuck.
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Fuck off, fly-over retard
wait you are trans cali and i am cali too?

don't you kids to bully?


Still have mine, nigger cunt.
>i like to pull on it, and put my finger in, and fiddle with it

what the fuck
I like my penis to be halal, anon
It's fun, cutcuck
Just like we'd play with a nipple
It's nice tbphwy.

why is reddit so disgusting whores
Why are Americans the only Anglos with cut peepers? I guess I imagined if it was anything it'd be a common Anglo thing, not just American (+Korean) Christians/Jews

do muslims have cut penors too?
It's true guys, this is the end. I can't take all this pain, I have to end it. Goodbye
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>americuts will never now that feeling
Very interesting.
Maybe this is why we have a mass shooting issue and why Muslims are so pissed off

doesn't explain Latin America's problem though
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I'd rather be dead than cut
Americans confirmed to be Muslim.
really we're just jews 2bh
best goys
>you'll never get back at your parents for circumcising you
Fucking jews. Hope Foregen.org gets their shit together in a few years so I can get a new foreskin someday. Sex hurts for me because of this.

Fuck anyone who advocates for this shit. I hate this country.

> One shot at life.
> Cut within a few minutes of being born.

End it for me now, anons.
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Every country with cut men is dangerous as fuck to live in
>get blackout drunk
>suck Korean guy's dick
>can't remember if he was cut or not
very curious lads
Give me a hug I feel your pain.

Erections hurt. Let me die.
what the fuck is this shit?
>That blue

I don't believe this meme map, I've been told it's more the older generation but I've never seen this discussion in my history.

Well I suppose you could chop your dad's dick off, but yeah that is about it. Best of luck to you.

> Dangerous as fuck to live in.
> Not Russia.
> Not SE Asia
> Not Central America
> Not South America

German education everyone.
The world is a lot less dangerous than most Americans are led to believe. We are a very insulated society. So insulated that cutting off a 15 square inch piece of functional tissue is considered perectly normal.
Real talk here for a second. In all seriousness, this shit sucks. How do we actually go about solving America's circumcision delusion in a lasting and effective way? There are a few small organizations trying to make a difference, rates have dropped from 88% of American neonates being circumcised to around 70% today, and continue to drop. How do we speed this up so more children can remain whole?
There was one kid at my primary school who was cut. He was fat and a bit of a bully. His name was Tyrone and he was white I shit you not.

Removing feminism would be a start although introducing female genital mutilation would be easier at this point.
>high circumcision
>high homicide
>only one in its immediate area
what the fuck
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>Removing feminism would be a start
Feminism has literally zero to do with cutting dicks you idiot. Most lefty feminists are big advocates of getting rid of the practice
Russia is less dangerous than USA this side of Urals.
Agreed. Until men are allowed to keep all of their body parts under the same laws that protect females from circumcision in the US, these thundercunts have nothing to complain about.

The best thing imo would be to dismantle the 2 billion dollar / year industry driven by the uses of infant foreskins (skincare and biomedical). Hospitals alone make so much money just by selling them. If we take away the lobbyists argument if "it's healthier" by educating the public on the truth, the practice will be brought into question.
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Sure thing. And Mexico isn't a dangerous shithole either...
It's considered normal because it's a simple procedure that has proven health benefits. There's a reason the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends it. Or do you think doctors just circumcise kids for fun?

What's really sheltered is refusing to subject your children to a standard, hygienic medical routine because of "muh nature". It's essentially the equivalent of not getting your kids vaccinated because you think it will make them autistic.

Feminists are always confused about what to get enraged about on their course to ruin western civilization. I bet if you dug up a man from 1900 and said we need to remove some of your foreskin for safety, he'd tell you what to do with that proposal.

> and sex is for fags.

Just finishing that thought for you, there, cunt. Sex is important for the male of the species and not missing your materials enhances it.
That reaction image looks like a map of Spain and Portugal.
If you think feminists got together and decided they needed to cut foreskins off, you're literally retarded. That argument is lazy and feminism is the current big bad bogeyman. Feminists these days are gay as fuck but they are irrelevant

>Circumcision is the world's oldest planned surgical procedure, suggested by anatomist and hyperdiffusionist historian Grafton Elliot Smith to be over 15,000 years old, pre-dating recorded history.
Circumcision is in the Bible. It's not a new practice.
If you really want to blame someone for this, this time it IS the Jews

> use of infant foreskins

I have to go to sleep and... fuck you. Goddamnit, the vomiting will end, right? I'm not going to be vomiting forever, RIGHT!?!?
Anon, USA is a world-famous criminal state. Why don't admit facts like we admit facts about our country?
female genital mutilation is way worse
Sewing the vagina shut/cutting the clitoris completely off is a little bit different than removing skin my man
That's like arguing that I should get rid of my kidneys because it reduces my risk of kidney cancer. I'm not just going to cut off the most sensitive part of my external body just because some puritain doctor in the 1900s said that madturbation led to death. The forskin contains about 300 feet of coiled nerve cells similar to the types of receptors found in your fingertips, and on a cellular level is shown to have specialized immune cells that protect against infecting agents. Foreskin is not a birth defect, it is there for a reason. Of course it's a lot easier to be in denial about it than to accept that you live in a country where the organs of healthy men are harvested for profit.

This structure on the human body had evolved for nearly 200 million years in all mammals, and in no way has shown to have any adverse health effects in other species. Considering that pigs, dogs, and rats are often used to test safety for products produced for humans because our biology is so similar, why should one inocuous little organ be such a life or death issue? A male human being has a one in 16,000 chance of dying due to circumcision complications, but only a one in 100,000 chance of ever developing penile cancer.
it typically involves removing the clitoris
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>Sewing the vagina shut
I don't believe that is typical of FGM. Even if it is it is easily reversible.
>cutting the clitoris completely off
This is different from cutting off the foreskin how? I can't imagine getting any pleasure from masturbation without the foreskin.
It's more akin to cutting the head of the penis off 2bh
Fucking bullshit, Have you ever had a foreskin you pitiful kike? You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
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>tfw you wake up and remember you're circumcised
Plenty of dudes can masturbate just fine without their foreskin though. I'm not defending it but I'm not gonna say it's worse than losing the clitoris.
>There are about 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris glans, double the nerve endings as men have at the head of the penis
The more you learn, the more you'll want to kill yourself over it. The whole thing is disgusting. Educating yourself on this is a
real mindfuck. I suggest you go to bed now.
Except for the fact that the glans on the male genitalia contains almost no meissener's corpsicles (sensory nerves) to begin with, and over 80% of the pleasurable nerves are located along the ridged band near the end of the foreskin's bi-layer tissue. By pure volume, a fullgeown foreskin is about 15 square inches of flesh thats been removed (about the size of a fucking smartphone). It's actually far worse. Female genital mutilation while still terrible, removes far less tissue when measured by mass.
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>we admit facts about our country?
Do you have proofs for such claims?
>Getting your dick jewed
for what purpose?
>being a delusional amerifat
He's right though. I wonder why you're even triggered. While most of violence in Russia is domestic, happens in disfunctional families, your streets are far more dangerous, especially at night. I never felt unsafe in Russia but people I know who used to visit USA or studied there told me it's not a place to relax. Literally everyone tell how small stores are armored and there are chiefs, hobos, junkies and prostitutes everywhere. At least we have only chiefs on streets.
I never asked for this. Please kill me.
>There are about 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris glans, double the nerve endings as men have at the head of the penis

jesus fuck, they could probably take the whole dick and it wouldn't even match that
I'll admit, I didn't even finish reading your post because I've heard all that shit before. I'm going to have to stick with the consensus of doctors who compose the most esteemed medical force on the planet and not some nut on 4chan waxing on about a conspiracy where foreskins are being "harvested for profit".

Thanks for your concern, though. If it's any solace, if you ever have kids you can fight the power and not have them circumcised. I fully intend to have it done to my kids, though.
I totally uderstand. This isn't a problem that cam be solved by harassing people. All you can ask of someone is that they be open minded and are willing to look at both sides of the argument and the materials they both present so that you can make an informed decision to the best of your ability. I hope you keep an open mind about it at the very least.
cutnadian please
My dick has a hoodie

whats your excuse for not owning one america?
Again one reason why the North_korea is the best Korea
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Eh, don't really care. Been using a "foreskin" substitute and touching the gland feels fucking amazing now. I get that I won't have the nerve endings back and that circumcision is a REALLY shitty, pointless practice (that I wouldn't have done to my kids), but I'm not going to loathe myself over what some chink or posters on 4chan say. Best you can do is try to gain back as much gland sensitivity you can and spread awareness so it can stop.
Hopefully in the next 5 years or so, biotechnology companies will patent full functioning foreskin regeneration using cellular matrices, scaffolds, and stem cells. We've managed to regrow tracheas, bladders, and use this method to reverse female circumcison, so male dermal regeneration of the foreskin may be on its way. There are already several companies researching it
>a literal jew
I'm surprised I'm in the dick minority
t. Uncut
I take it you don't intend to introduce your kids to the wonders of showering if you're that concerned about smegma lel

cucked by the Americans
Thank you based funland for not mutilating your kids and letting your babies sleep in comfy boxes.
Why do people still get cut in the US?

I don't see anything good about it. You loose nerve endings and it looks fucking gross. It's very rare that I see a cut dick and find it attractive as the scars are just horrific.
>I'm going to have to stick with the consensus of doctors who compose the most esteemed medical force on the planet

Top kek. The US is ranked 37th best in Healthcare by the World Health Organization. We're behind fucking Colombia for christ sake. That's how much we suck here despite the fact hat we spend more on health than any other country. Stop parroting shit you hear from mom and dad and think for yourself.

Because their dad's cut, and their dad's dad was cut and so on back to when it was introduced in the USA by puritans to stop masturbation
Where does all your health money go, anyway?
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Pharmaceutical companies.
Hospitals here are literal companies. They have quotas and often keep people in beds far longer than necessary in order to make more money. They often order expensive screenings and tests that are not needed. There was a big scandal about this a couple of years ago but nothing changed. Also we over prescribe medications and have the highest pill to patient ratio of any country.
Yes but how does all this "private business" cost the government so much money? Shouldn't it be paid by the patient/insurance?
Anri is a pretty cool chick and she's down for anything including to do a scene in the U.S.
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This pretty much

might explain why my brothers and I are uncut since my father and gradfather are uncut
The problem is that people who are on medicaid/ medicare (government insurance for only the most destitute and old) use a system that was designed by insurance companies, drug companies and hospitals to make money, modeled off the same system as private healthcare. The problem is that you have people on the government who have heavily invested their own finances in private insurance, and therefore allow this to happen with selective legislation in order to see government Healthcare become less effective, protecting their personal investments in private sector Healthcare, and their conservative belief in small government.

Evil innit?
>tfw German and cut

I hate my retarded parents that just listened to some fucking hack doctor instead of just teaching me to stretch the foreskin. fucking bastards.
It's mostly old people. It has completely died out now and only about 10% of newborns are cut
I think I remember you from another thread. That really sucks, sorry to hear that. I'm Jewish so I was doomed at birth. Why would your german parents do that? Do you know?
Well, I had phimosis as a kid, but still you can stretch the foreskin with some exercises instead of getting snipped.
Luckily in Europe the "style" of circumcision is different than in the US, so if you're trying to restore it's much less work.
nothing personnel kid.....
*cuts your foreskin*
*sheathes scalpel*
*sells foreskin to skin lotion companies*
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>tfw I still have my foreskin

t. Juan Jose "El Chicano" Morales
>phimosis as a kid

Medically impossible. The foreskin is chemically fused to the glans until late puberty when the BPL layer begins to dissolve and they separate. That's like telling a 12 year old girl she's going through menopause.

Finlan why? Bls no bully Pekka.
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Feels good senpai,
>until late puberty

uhm no. if it's still causing problems when the kid is between 6-8, there's definitely something wrong.
>until late puberty
define late puberty
Huh. From what I've read and from talking to uncut guys, a lot of people have it fully retracted when they're 12 or 13.
I-I'm sorry... Couldn't imagine that feel tbqh.
Maybe because their parents tell them that they will go to hell and go blind if they touch their dick.
So they cut you, make beauty lotions out of your foreskin, then make you pay for reconstruction... Then they cut you again?
Yeah, loved her responses. Kaho's pretty cool too.
For a long time I simply couldn't understand why boys in american movies needed a bottle of 'lube' to masturbate. The concept of needing lube to masturbate is completely foreign to me.
Sex fucking hurts for me. The puritan fucktards got what they wanted.


Yeah otherwise it feels like your rubbing sandpaper on a burn wound.
>tfw you were peer pressured into getting cut
>Americucks will never know the convenience of the cum pouch trick

Why do they let their dicks get mutilated? I thought it was a Jewish thing.
It only started going all the way back when I was around 11.
That's when they started asking about it in medical checkups too.
Ancuent egyptians and abbos invented it, muzzies and kikes adopted the practice during the bronze age and spread it, and anti-masturbation Christian faggots cemented it here in the United states 120 or so years ago. Then after the Korean war, NATO relief forcees primarily made of Burgerstani doctors set it up as standard medical practice in newly built South Korean hospitals.
>anti-masturbation Christian faggots

I always forget about that lot. They seem like caricatures 2bqhf
This is a great site.

Does your glans harden/lose sensibility if you're cut?
I guess so. I can't imagine having your sensitive glans touching your underpants everytime. That would be hell in earth
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>Americans have more in common with the middle east than just undemocratic regimes, gun nuts and poor healthcare

I literally can't feel anything past the scar, except for an occasional burning sensation if there is too much abrasion. It gets number and less painful as you get older.
It's like 30% here are cut

Yeah it almost callouses, I can't imagine how painful it must be for a baby to have their glans exposed to a dry nappy for their early life
that sucks man. my dick hurts thinking about it
there is a worse feeling. a friend of mine is half turkish and muslim. he was cut in a hospital, but his father wasnt. the story pretty much goes like this:
his father is playing carelessly in the garden. a "wise man" appears at their door with an offer his grandfather cant refuse. a moment later his father is told he will get ice cream in the kitchen but is held down to a table by the grandmother and grandfather and the man uses what can be described as an "almost rustless knife" to cut his foreskin.
trust in grandfather and grandmother is never recovered ever since.
This desu senpai
Ironic isn't it? Even the men who advocate for it as adults once literally screamed about it as infants.
Human beings are fucking psychotic.
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