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Bogans are truly a beautiful sight
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Bogans are truly a beautiful sight
this is nigger-tier behavior
i heard bogans are middle class with university education
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You heard wrong my friend
You heard wrong

Bogan is a slightly more abstract term than 'hillbilly' or 'redneck' though so there is a bit more room for interpretation. For example, if a upper class guy with a PHD in neurological science was walking around a train station with one thong on shouting deeply personal information about his girlfriend and asking everyone for a lighter, he'd be a bogan too.
Is it bad if I don't understand what is being said? It's like English, but not really.
Australian English in its infancy. When we become a superpower in 2030 it will become the standard dialect for foreigners to learn
they aren't typical bogans but they do exist me n the lads call them bourgeois bogan

uncultured americanised people with large land cruisers - sometimes theyre only recognisable when they''re drunk and their inner bogan comes out
Is it normal in Australian to not use dots?
>le you are le bogan x---DDD

mate don't be a cunt yehhh?

ah' just wanna light me ciggy

go on mate
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>tfw some of my friends use the word "yous"
Adam plz
Bogans are fascinating to me. They're like hillbillies but not.
Using punctuation at all makes you what is referred to in the Australian dialect as a "posh dickhead"
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How is the name Keiran pronounced

Never seen it before
walla u kunt give me back my shoez
>I'm gunna smash ya head into the road right cunt
And they say chivalry is dead
probably the way it looks
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they're ass, the know it and somehow proud of it
what the fug
Thank you

Never know
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donnie laughing.jpg
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>tfw every aussie poster here wouldn't look away if this kid looked at them on the street
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Australian tourists.jpg
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Australians make the best tourists
Pretty sure he's an umpire for kids soccer or something
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/int/ is filled with bogans
i hate beach so when my company give a free vacation bonus there i just enjoy bogan's insanity
what a fucking ride to get into
Where so bogans live?

I want to send friend requests to some to enjoy juicy drama at 3 in the morning
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Elizabeth, South Australia
is this man a kiwi
Instead of reading it all in some weird Aussie accent I all read them in a cockney english accent.

Same here
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>australians will defend the air max plus
haha triggered so triggered
Brits are funnier. We still have a Brit MMA fighter in custody that stole a forklift,rammed some cars with it,ran into a gas station,attacked the cops with a fire extinguisher and 2 knives and smashed his own head repeatedly with a hammer. Apparently he doesnt remember shit because he was on some ungodly drug mix. Watched some interviews with him, looks like a decent fellow.
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