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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 130
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qt edition
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1st for anime
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kill yourself.jpg
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I want to kill and rape nyaruko
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>kill yourself
>le autistic pink suit man
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2 MB, 4724x4047
Mam taką samą kurtkę w szafie :D
Tylko troche w cycki uwiera.
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2 MB, 2592x1944
shit thread
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why do you play with flour?
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what nose are you?
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57 KB, 895x596

also I'm in love with these eyes
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looks like powdered concrete
1.Miattam ne irtsanak ki esőerdőt (tantál-,lítium-lelőhely)!
2.A mobilgyárban a szalagmunka megbetegíti a dolgozókat. Inkább lemondok, csak végezzenek egészséges munkát!
3.Nem támogatok emberellenes óriáscégeket! Éhbérért dolgoztatnak, erdőt-mezőt irtanak.
4.Nem fizetek uzsoraárat telefonos szolgáltatóknak! Hívásfogadást, kapcsolást is fölszámítanak. Azt a pénzt a bankba teszem kamatozni.
5.Lehallgatnak, tudják, merre járok.
6.Bekapcsolva felejtem, vagy nem lehet kikapcsolni.
7.Rámkapcsolódnak, adatokat lopnak, terhemre telefonálnak.
8.Kéretlen reklámot küldenek.
9.Aki akar, az megtalál - ami sürgős, az ráér! Írjunk levelet kézzel, a posta még elviszi! Ne haljon ki a levélírás szép műfaja!
10.Elég a vonalas telefon, nem kell többletköltség!
11.Nem kell több párhuzamos kommunikációs technika! (sms, fax, távirat, CB-rádió, e-mail, skype, futárposta)
12.Nem kell még egy készülék, amit számon kell tartani, cipelni, vigyázni rá, nehogy ellopják.
13.Energiát fogyaszt, töltögetni kell, veszélyes hulladék lesz, új akkut kell venni.
14.Elromlik, nem tudom megjavítani.
15.Ne hívjanak unos-untalan, szabad akarok maradni, a nyugalmat szeretem.
16.Balesetet okozhat autózásnál, főzéskor, rohanáskor.
17.Sok helyen tilos mobilozni: koncerten, postán, kórházban, számítógép-központban.
18.Nem főzőm a fejem rádiósugarakkal!
19.Ne zavarják lakostársaimat az egyre szaporodó mobil-antennák!
20.Nem zavarom a légkört elektromágneses szmoggal; a vonat-, repülő-, hajóközlekedést, az életmentő hívásokat.
21.Nem zavarom embertársaimat a buszon, utcán, vendéglőben, köztereken, várókban, iskolákban privát telefonálásaimmal.
22.Nem rombolom a sérült mágnespajzsot, ami őrzi a földi életet.
23.Többnyire azzal beszélnek, akivel úgyis találkoznak.
24.Ha mobilon mindent elmeséltem, mit mondok, ha hazaértem?
none of these
I'm white
>>53330655 (Checked)
>hun has fallen for qt slovak marauder
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good thread
are you V4 in Iceland?
is femanon the retard who killed his phone ?
good luck with that

b, kinda sucks desu
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>kinda sucks
that one is qt
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>53330655 (You) (Checked)
I like this, makes me warm and fuzzy

>still talking about her
kill urself
I want s2 of this shit
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>mfw cat/fertile slovakia fag didin't post for a whole day.
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flour wont make you stay awake for 34 hours and not feel tired

a bit
are you an immigrant from v4 countries or a legit icelander
If you had 10 points and had to split them between comedy/romance/kawainess of that show, how would you?
legit icelander
I come here to piss on hungarians

cocaine is expensive none is that messy with it
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today is a good day

I do meth sometimes though the dealer dun goofed so I'm kinda out of options now
didn't know v4 is full of animevirgins

guess we aren't joing yall after all.. .
what? I wouldn't change much, it's nice enough
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That's right. Now get the fuck out.
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Thats right, get out normie
are you implying you have a chance anyway?
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what was that? I've never tried anything like that before

why? does it turn you on, or what
to stay awake, what else could be the reason?
[spoiler]Slovak not Pepik[/spoiler]
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>what was that?
I jsut wanna know how that show is. Like if its qt as fuck and with 0 romance, you would write 2/0/8, if its funny as hell and hella qt with some romance you'd write 4/2/4 and so on.
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>there are junkies in this thread right now
I think hungarians make for breddy gud bants
hungary is my favorite central/eastern european cunt

have you done?
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and the pill? how often do you take it?
it would be 5/1/off the chart

but im a man. it was great as a kid but its a very feminine type nose
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>and the pill?
that was just leftover ketchup chips

>how often do you take it?
not often
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der juden.png
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why would you take that much anyway? It seems to be enough for 2 nights easily
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thread theme

truth always gets the most (You)s :^)
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wasnt the only one having fun
What did you do today?
watched anime
I passed all 3 exams yesterday after all
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>leftover ketchup chips
kek, it kinda looks like a pill
der jude* (singular) or die juden* (plural)
der juden is plural genitiv
Is there an anime that doesn't do those generic gook cartoon bullshit like prancing around like faggots, teenager possessed by spirit of mitsubishi granting him power of okamura to slay demons of fukushima but only if he activates his djoo ji goook power of forgotten tamagochi etc., screaming, gook noises, overreacting, and lol so kawaii autistic cosplay tier smirks all over?

I've seen GitS and that was decent, is there more?
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seras t.jpg
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get the fuck out beach slav lol
studied, met up with some friends for lunch

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>kek, it kinda looks like a pill
yeah i guess it kinda looks like it
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Stuffing you cat with amfetamine may not be the best idea, to be honest.

Cowboy Bebop
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Conquered Finland
Started watching pic related
It's a really unfriendly place, you'd get banned for asking such questions
i dont give a fugg but asking about chinktoons is cancerous
Initial D? or something like that
Darker than Black is one of the best action animes imo
Mushishi is best overall

And they both don't have any of that crap in them.
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Friendly reminder that Hungary is the best v4 country
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Great Teacher Onizuka
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Haven't seen you in a while.
Helmut we are creating Intermarum.
Leave us alone. You have now rapefuges problem, go and fix it.
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Maybe you'll like Psycho-Pass
Death Note if you don't mind the slight edge
Space Dandy I'm not sure about but I personally found it different and likeable, you might find it too silly
Take a look at Berserk too
I haven't seen these yet, but Serial Experiments Lain, Ergo Proxy and >>53331887 might be worth checking out too
>>53332087 are good too, Mushishi might be a bit slow so that one's better in small doses imo
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shit thread
shit thread
boku no pico fag
lurk more
what are normal, non-4chan v4 people like??
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like 4chan v4 people
because we are normal
have you never seen one veefore?
they eat shit and die as a factory workers while being angsty lol.
femanon in pizza coma
Czech 4chan people are the same as irl
my cousin will go to akureyri via erasmus this semester
will she get raped by shitskins?
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iceland has let in 50 refugees total since the whole thing started
it is ok
Have you ever hurt someone psychically?
yes but there's like 12 people living in iceland overall
is that a yes or a no?
is it a nice city?
if I come to Iceland will I be eaten by trolls or fairies?
Akureyri has next to no foreigners as far as I know, so yes, it should be nice

beware, he is the chief troll
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could do better
anime segg
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check these cucks
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>Stuffing you cat with amfetamine may not be the best idea, to be honest.
one cant live forever
>discusses groups, hierarchy and relationship
>makes fun of himself being a loner
>isn't edgy and cool, but actually pathetic
>his dream job is to be a house husband
>the biggest romance is him being shy around a qt boi
This show is fun
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Will you accept me if I move to a V4 country? You are the last bastion of reason in the world
s2 is shit btw
for every anime faggot you kill in this thread, the more welcome you will become
get me a gf first
pretty much this
gets of truth
I will convert to christianity V4u
Get em while they last
In two generations they'll be brown
I'm gonna watch it anyway, for that sweet boipussy
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heart palpitations and music

only if you bring superior smoked salmon
>not using a CD case or something at least
you can smoke my salmon ;)

It's a mole worship combined with turanism here.
ocelovou tyčí
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mou ocelovou tyčí, jestli víš co myslím :^)
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used my id card to crush and line it up
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is this considered dirty talk in iceland? I might move there if so
>tfw below average 13 cm dick
I actually do fish salmon in the summer with a sami
Is it true? I thought bolan was super catholic
sure, but you would be better off fighting for and saving your own country
vole :DD
yes bby
ferment my shark
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>Normal people
fighting doesn't help when the majority wants to run the country into the ground
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19cm master race
džůrág xDDDd
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>I actually do fish salmon in the summer with a sami
you are living the dream m8

if only I could speak to these strange people in their native tongue
co ještě by si mi udělal?
Don't lose hope yet. I think more and more people are starting to open their eyes. Europe is changing and it might just be for the better this time.
It is too late for me my son
The majority of people are leftist and want to let all refugees stay
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you can start learning right now, we'll gladly serve as a testbed for your language skills ŧbh
I don't know, I'm pretty vanilla
I've been searching for a place online that teaches /v4/ languages and haven't found much of anything aside from Polish. :(
>pretty vanilla
I'm no expert but wanting to lick planes doesn't seem vanilla to me
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>sexting with a girl
>"sorry, i can't do this, you are just too cruel"
I wish i was vanilla, my fetishes go all over the place
absolute madman

>too cruel
are you asking her to eat shit?
have you tried interpals, or similar sites?
scat is the gentleman's fetish
If you really want to come in one of these countries than try it inside a multinational company that has offices in both countries. You would get a higher salary than the avarage local and you could speak in english.

My company could get you here if you are a senior developer.

it is quiet common amongst pepiks
i am more into beastiality
bestiality is top tier
agree 100%
Thank you my friend
but furries are shit
Nah, just some pretty generic BDSM, but i have shitload of other fetishes like traps, futa, beastality, hentai etc

did you at least buy her rope
i like v4 threads
In my fantasies i don't use much rope, but shitload of dildos and similar stuff desu
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0113 - CslCcmX.png
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double trips don't lie
Nah, it seems like language exchange sites are dating sites in disguise. I've probably been reading too much 4chan, though.
If I could find a basic interactive Czech tutorial, it'd be nice to practice it in here.
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I have pimsleur's czech on my computer, but I haven't tried it at all yet, I'm a lazy fuck
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Do you like Meme Grips /v4/
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>mutilating pepes eye
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He secretly enjoys it
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>He secretly enjoys it
>uni offers Hungarian courses
Should I do this?
only if you pack a big lunch
Dunno I did classical Mongolian and it was fun
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I'll try to look for something, I'm pretty sure something exists for slow vak, a certain then very good friend of mine once searched for it [spoiler]for her merekan bf[/spoiler]

doesn't duolingo or memrise have any basics?
I don't know, female planes aren't that much different from female humans :^)
become vanilla
'sall in your head mate
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hey v4 do you eh maybe i dont evne know how to sayr dthiss


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>torturing pepe
is it because you are jelly of his big cock?
>female planes
How does one asses the gender of a plane?
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its worth a try
please do
is hungarian hard for english speakers
pls stop with the drugs
no they are really similar
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1032 - QqwYHFm.jpg
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no, I just like to drink his tears
just do it etc

I unironically like memegrips
maybe? I don't know. I lived with a dude from Manchester for a year and he said it's hard, but he wasn't even trying to learn.
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0044 - qMsf6NI.jpg
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yes it is
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How could you do such evil things to something so adorable?
>How does one asses the gender of a plane?
you sort of sense it
>listening to Gypsy singing
koala ber
>you sort of sense it
but you could miss gender it and trigger it making it kamikaze due to your traumatizing words
Pls do, I probably didn't try hard enough to find something.
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found this so far
but it looks scary and it's as interactive as the next webpage.
>but you could miss gender
I don't think so. You can't mistake a female when you're already in her :^)
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get your head out of the gutter(or wherever you insert yourself in a plane), you know imagining seks with planes is too much for the benis
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Is it just because i haven't had a crush in a long time, or does romance and all that teen drama disappear after high school?

Looking at anime, i kinda miss it.
This actually looks pretty cool; I think I'll sign up. Thanks planeanon!

Also, I thought you deleted your plane images
what is this kofola meme?
>excommunicated from the V4 for having shit taste
Fuck it. I'll give it my best shot and come visit you bastards if it's any fun
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382 KB, 1920x1080
I'm on my laptop and apparently, I had just as much content hidden away in here as I had on my desktop
I'm afraid the obsession runs pretty deep, it'll take a while till I find all my stashes
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>be out with a friend
>he starts telling me that he's dating another girl while dating his gf of 3 years
>>53336944 (Checked)
tell his gf of 3 years
blackmail him into sex
Don't get involved
I'm going to visit Finland in april for a week, then probably I will stay to learn finnish. I can't wait.
Good luck with your studies.
obviously im going to do both of these
>lawful neutral
>chaotic neutral
>true neutral
>chaotic evil
Thanks. I'll try my best! Bring some warm clothes with you, it's damn cold in here

good insights into the personalities of the different v4 countries
>chaotic autist
I'm definitely not chaotic, thank you.
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it makes my wewe grow
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hun what is your choice

to reestablish pre-trianon borders and let other nationalities live with you

or to stay monocultural in your current borders
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watch anime
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dumb frogposters

also i got blocked for 15 min, so peepe gets a little rest from all the torture
fap desu
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t. postman
combination of these
mm sexy wings
They may be other nationalities, but the culture is still pretty close, so I don't think there would be bigger problems (except the Romanians, they have no culture). And even if there were problems one much bigger country is much better then a few smaller ones.
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>blocked for 15 min
That is what happens when you are sexually attracted to amphibians
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There are other ways to make your weewee grow my child.
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>Best friend comes to lunch with his new 10/10 gf
>He is manlet and pretty average
and the most I ever got was 6/10
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 130

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / biz / c / cgl / ck / cm / co / d / diy / e / fa / fit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mu / n / news / o / out / p / po / pol / qa / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Home]

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