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>you can fuck a 17 yo Greek girl with price of a sandwitc
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>you can fuck a 17 yo Greek girl with price of a sandwitch

I'm moving to Greece
who the fuck picks up a prostitute on a goddamn clio?

might as well pick them up on a bicycle.
i think this is possible here actually
t. Degeneracy central
why does this matter
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moortugal pls
Idk but it's a tiny ass poor car.

I have one myself. From 2001.
Finally the 20 buck meme can end now.
Does that mean you pick up prostitutes on your bicycle?
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>greek girls

I prefer anime girls
Kek you can do the same here for some cigarette sticks

Each stick costs $0.3 btw
Fuck you this is bullshit!

I once fucked a drunk girl that I bought a hamburger for
Some of them are pretty fucking hot, so that's actually a worthy idea.

>t. someone who has been to Greece 18 times
Try to fuck a 17 years old girl and you get a free flat in prison.
The price is 2 sandwiches now.
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say no more.Greece,here I come!
>implying you can even afford 2 euro
>who the fuck picks up a prostitute on a goddamn clio?

Why not?It's not like he have many chances with regular girls,driving around in that shit.
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lol.Muh toilets...
You can do it for free as well you know
t. cousin/retarded aunt fucker
>you get a free flat in prison
Too bad you sold all your prisons to Germany
Nah, I'll just bribe the cop with a slice of bread.
>Lies! Greece strong!
>>greek girls
don't get fooled mr. Sawtoothington.
Greek hookers are usually Bulgarian gypsies
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I want two white Greek 16 y.o. virgin wives. My monthly salary is $1200, I work remotely by a contract. Can I afford life in some proper Greek city? I want modest Orthodoxy girls, not whores.
If only this was true
I'd rather just eat the sandwich
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>slice of bread
>not designated 5 EURO bill
are you even a Macedonian, lad?
> I want modest Orthodoxy girls, not whores.
Wrong country mate
Why do you think modest Orthodoxy girls from Greece will come for you? The only possible reason is monies and that only work for hoes.
Those are poor ugly crackheads.

Real ht ones cost 20-50 euros and they're usually Greek, Russian or Ukrainian qts etc
The idea of prostitution stops me worrying about growing too old for young girls.

Is this normal?
>white Greek
>proper Greek city
>not whores
i think you'll have better luck on living in Narnia, тbh

Not at all, but it is true
>My dad removed his ballsack to become jewish
God damn it thats why I dont visit /balk/ anymore
D-don't crush muh dreams, please! I have seen white Greek girls' photos on /int/. I'm also like 7/10, I just want Elladean hetaeras.
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Now I feel bad that I spent 30 euros for 10 min sex a month ago
why don't you post that story from the nineties about how students in "insert exotic foreign country here" had sex for "insert obviously ridiculous bullshit reason here", that was a good one
whores this cheap will have vaginas wider than my garage
I'd rather shill out some extra for a tight one not filled with crusty semen and STDs
I have 5000 by mid January

Should I go to greece?
Come on Iskender, do you even own a house?
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my thought exactly, but i didn't want to be rude with a make
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