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money from art
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You are currently reading a thread in /ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: New canvas le fin.png (3 MB, 2048x1152) Image search: [Google]
New canvas le fin.png
3 MB, 2048x1152
So i've been thinkin about this topic a lot lately, when is that the artist is ready to make some money with his art? Now i know that this isn't just about skill, as contacts and opportunities might matter even more, but i think that it's really hard to consider own artwork that good. So.. Is it just about publishing your art somewhere and waiting for people to catch on and hope that they will offer when they need your skills or how does this proffesional artist thing even work, i really have no idea.
So any pros out there willing to help newbie or perhaps newbies as i'm sure that more people would like this question answered, any topic related reply is be welcome
A career in art is kind of like fishing. Some people with cast their pole and get some nibbles, some with get nothing and others with get the biggest goddamn salmon on their first try. Sometimes its the bait, or the way the fisherman wiggles their line.

But honestly, you will never get any fish if you sit at home trying to craft the perfect bait or fishing techniques if you dont get your ass to the river.

2deep4me metaphors aside, just put your work up, and go comment on other peoples works. Then people will notice you and eventually, you will garner people in your fanbase with disposable income for you.
You have a very pragmatic perspective about things.

Thank you.

Don't bother. Honestly.
Thank you very much, i can now see it quite better, awesome reply
well i guess thanks for your opinion))
please never draw another infinitely long beach
yeah, don't worry, this isn't really concept i've came up with, it was supposed to be something where i only learn to make textures similar to visual novel and as i was spending quite a lot time on it, i said to myself i'm gonna try to finish it despite it being so unnatural. So i'm sorry for that.
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