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Hentai Music Videos (HMVs): New Chatzy Room Edition
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You are currently reading a thread in /h/ - Hentai

Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 109
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Post HMVs.
Discuss HMVs.
Don't be a dick.


>What are HMVs?
Are- are you serious? I told you, like, a minute ago. They're Hentai Music Videos. Try fapping to the beat.

If you are looking for Husqvarna mower videos you are in the wrong place. Please stop posting those.

Please use the new HMV Chatzy room. See below for details.

>Where may I find these?
Folders and new releases are typically posted in this thread. You should also check:


There is also a torrent. Here is the most current version as of this post.


>Souce plz
Fuck you. (Please read the thread or at least ctrl+f for some key words before you ask)
>Why do you use shit music?
Fuck you.
>What software do you use to makes these?
Sony Vegas seems to be the most popular choice, but there are alternatives.
>Is there a stream tonight?

The website for all the stream channels is Livestream.

Stream Channels

FapSquared streams every other Saturday night over on /fapfapsden

There's a stream on /trudetude more often than the others. It's usually on a weekend night, but not always, you never know. You'll just have to check back here to see.

Yoruichi4111, neko, aya and the others stream whenever they fucking feel like it and whenever they want to.
So make sure to keep up with the thread.
Aya might do a yuro time stream every once in awhile, so look out for that.

All stream times and dates are subject to change so please pay attention to the thread.

Music suggestions as well as source material suggestions are welcome.

You know, for ease of browsing and such.
Check out the newly created HMV Chatzy room.

If you're looking for an HMV, a song, a particular hentai, an editor, a folder, or anything else, please use Chatzy. The chat log should not clear, so don't be freaked out if your question is not answered immediately or if you log off for a while.

Please also keep OFF TOPIC discussions to Chatzy.

We're not trying to be rent-a-mods or fun police. We're just trying to cut down on traffic and make the threads better. This just makes it easier for people to have drawn out off topic conversations without filling up the thread. HMV fans clearly have shown a desire to talk and at times vent about all sorts of things hentai and non-hentai related and this is just an alternative outlet for you guys to use for that kind of stuff.

Thoughts and concerns about this? Let us know, in Chatzy.
Check out the old thread while it's still around.
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My Folders:
(Replace * with . )
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Guess I'm streaming tonight..... unless something else happens otherwise. See ya guys at midnight (eastern).
So the PC is still down and I'm posting from mobile again.
Note to anyone wanting to use AMD Fx9590 CPU... just go buy a big dumb liquid system. The CPU burned up my first Zolmann aircooler, and then it was even too much for a cheap $80 liquid cooler. I've since ordered a new one, and it hasn't arrived. These last weeks have been hell without a PC.
Send help.
Ok I'm going insane, I'm having so much trouble with these source clips and I don't know why.

>sony vegas and premiere pro don't like avi
>search around, internet says to use avidemux to make it mp4
>sony vegas and premiere pro finally calm the fuck down and accepts them
>video is extremely choppy


>year of the linux desktop


Holy fuck I mad.
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You sound both upset and technologically retarded. I suggest you seek immediate help as many of our community also use Linux, some even use the dreaded Macintosh. Please try to calm down and expand your options instead of bumping the thread closer to it's limit.
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have a short rage fap and it'll be fine
>10 posts in
>worrying about post limit
yeah I'm sure the next 500 posts are all going to be filled with new hmv releases instead of you namefags talking about anything but hmvs
But you're doing the same anon. I'm pretty sure that's what he's getting at. Just stop posting unnecessarily and only post if you're contributing something.
Did you even read the OP? Use chatzy for this shit,
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Getting Vegas to work is your baptism by fire.
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My Folder

nth for fapx2 being based, you're epic mate
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Streaming, ill see ya at the den.

Huh...this really is becoming a general. I love you too man, but don't post this kind of stuff here, do it in chatzy.
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That request hmv will be up soon.
Question, is non-hentai animations allowed here? I plan to do a mv of 3dgspot's animations. Quite frankly I'm bored in the hmv scene. Just got a hybrid hmv to finish and then I'm out of ideas.
You can do whatever you want bud.
>non-hentai animation
3D animation has always been acceptable. 3dgspot stuff is pretty hot, so I'm looking forward to this.
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>Quite frankly I'm bored in the hmv scene
>out of ideas
I know this feel. You really took HMVs from an art form to a science, though.
don't use kdenlive bro

use openshot

much better imo
Music Video Guy's Monarch Mastered is the best HMV ever made.
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My folder

replace * with .

Reposted links to last thread's:

Bible Baker

Butthurt Cantina
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The requested hmv and a sequel to Whip Kream.
Features succubus from Itadaki Seieki and Kyonyuu fantasy.



Thanks that's nice to know.
whip kream just made me like hmvs. I'm so hype!
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If you are a new viewer OR new editor of HMVs, welcome! Your very presence here alongside older viewers and editors can only serve to please Slaanesh further. Questions, feedback, discussion, and of course new HMV submissions are beneficial and might even provide someone with new inspiration. It has happened before. To me.

Here is a link to my pastebin, which contains a short summary of both my style and the contents of all my HMVs. It also cites several music sources I used from before I started putting ending source credits into my HMVs:

And here is my HMV folder:
Sick, I was a fan of the first, so I'm down for the sequel. Great work as usual
mega link down though
Link worked find for me.
Any way you could upload love you like an ass grind to your folder?
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so much win :3
Why would you post this?
to show the type of faggot it attracts
Fair enough. It was just the one guy though. A quick ban would've sufficed.
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>no happywater is a toothbrush
You had one job.
Technical excellence on the latest one again, Cazual. Music wasn't to my tastes but subjectivity and such. Either way, keep it up!
HappyWater is a Very large Toothbrush !
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Always appreciate feedback!
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3dgspot mv featuring Portentia.


Holy crap...this was fucking hot.
Hentype, baby, sweetheart..... if you ever feel like trying something different or experimenting with something else, not only do you have my blessing as well as blade, but my boner as well. This was fucking great, hope to see more of either the same or different. Fucking 10/10 things are getting excited and buttons are getting some pushing!

Liked this one a lot.
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Convert to Lagrith or UT Video codecs and edit in those. Make sure your project settings match the source settings (fps, aspect ratios, etc). Beware of the large file size of lossless codecs and delete the sourcefile after you've exported your project to whatever format you want (test it before deleting anything). You should be good, Vegas OR Premiere.

Kind of embearassing, but does anybody have the link to OP is a Faggot's HMV Depositfile? I have it on good authority he can't even find the email address he used to sign up for it.
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Which hentai is this?
Thanks in advance if so. <3
Sei Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki.
Completely stupid & tasteless. Can't even finish watching it. 2 thumbs down!!
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Spinnelt! Your Bust to Bust HMV was pretty freaking good. To me personally the tentacle crap in Kagaku was always a weakside to the manga/OVA, so it was an unfortunate downside to a long-awaited huge-tit HMV. So I just have to request for you to make a HMV using scenes from the amazing Manyuu Hikenchou OVA, with all its delicious bustiness!
You are some kind of porn Renaissance man.

In all sincerity Hentype, your skill at this suggests a professional talent or two under the surface. While I'm not the best person for a technical appraisal, whatever you wind up doing, here's hoping your audience appreciates it and you.

You've certainly been a crowd pleaser here, and for that - and especially for >>3738401
Cake, which was absolutely delightful - you have my thanks and my respect. Cheers, bro.
I looked through my deposit files favorites/bookmarks and it's either dead or I didn't save it. All I know of is the solidfiles link in the op via spiral vortex. It has 3 vids.

Thanks guys, always appreciate the compliments and feedback!
Well right now I'm out of ideas. Gonna take a break from hmvs until i get some inspiration. Will be waiting on that hybrid hmv from Aya!

I wouldn't call myself a professional or anything of the sort. Just had experience editing throughout my life. Started through home movies to class projects and now to porn. Well i guessed it helped coming from an artistic background as well since I did major in cartooning. Like drawing I spend hours trying to get every detail right.
Anyway since I'm taking a break until something hits me I'm gonna explore other areas. I have a little preview of what I'm working on right now, will link it in the chatzy room i guess. Not hentai related unfortunately but if u like pmvs you might like it.

Well if you, or anyone else for that matter, need more inspiration...you may be onto something with those 3DGSpot vids. Could probably make another 2 or 3 with what is out there.
you could always remix videos already made and make something new. if you have been around hentai long enough, any hmv will contain familiar scenes. what songs are used and how the scenes are executed is what makes the difference.

although i havent seen anything better than fap hero. that will always be my number 1 hmv until something truly glorious will appear.

also, when you said you came from an artistic background and always try to get every detail right, you could simply have OCD.
Reminder that fap hero is not an HMV. Think of fap hero as interstellar 5555 and HMV as actual music videos. One is a music video while the other one is an movie of sorts made from music videos, doesn't mean it's a music video itself.
New HMV Subservient Mass



Whoops small error.
The title is Suckcessive Mass not Subservient Mass
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This is fucking great, Hentype! What else can I say other than: MOAR!!
great stuff dude!
I'll see what I can do. Though it may take a while.
Thank you so much!
Don't count your chickens before they hatch~
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A++ will fap to many times. Please consider doing more of this 3dgspot stuff
I will be a fan of your work as long as you continue to combine the holy duo of porn and music, regardless of the medium.
There are no files here.

Wouldn't point it out, but mediafire's captcha connection seems to be broken atm as well.
Thank you oh great mysterious fixer of things, who may or may not be Spinnelt.
You gave me good times sir.
Indeed... Hentype deserves praise... Among others.

"Abandoned HMVs" breaks my heart though - especially the track in that first one - even if Umero has been done to death. Please return to these poor orphaned children and raise them beyond loli age!
Hey Happy, why do you have two different HMVs in your trashbin (Caramell Caryo and Elves Breeding) that are basically the same thing? Were they supposed to be two different versions or something?
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Yeah. Sure. Let's go with that. Why are you rummaging through my trash?
Speaking of trashed HMVs, Everytime I watch ZWEI's Casual Sister Sex Proto I get heartbroken half way through Having forgotten its incompletion
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Oh you know...
Used Tissues
Used Tampons
Old Clothes
You know...normal stuff.
Not crazy about the hard techno, but god do I love those animations.

For treasure.
Based as fuck. She was the hottest, shame that was all the screen time she was given.

Good news, though! I hear episode 3 will be focused on her. I hope you'll revisit this with the additional footage when it's finally out.
>Good news, though! I hear episode 3 will be focused on her.

Oh really? And where exactly did you hear that?
It was quite some time ago, so I can't remember. May have been here on /h/?


Looks like ep 3 is gonna have the schoolgirl & the purple-haired hottie. At least, by the preview. Dunno if it'll focus on the purple-haired hottie, though.
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>Be me
>Check the Lilith blog
What is this art for? Are they making a new h-anime for Asagi or is it another game? I don't follow the lilith blogs or anything like that so I'm in the dark about upcoming stuff
We got a chat for that.
My bad, should've read the op
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regarding >>3741401
Surely music recommendations can remain in a music video thread.
Yes, they can.
Fuck. The retarded screen bouncing basically makes anything this faggot makes unwatchable.
totally with u there.
Some of you guys think you're running out of ideas?

Well if there's one thing I haven't seen enough of is a desire to really mix it up. Too many of the HMVs I've seen are just musical summaries of a single hentai episode. With a lukewarm first half, leaving most of the action to right at the end.

How about mixing some more of the best scenes of the best hentais? I've yet to see a Ran Sem mixed with stringendo mixed with Kuroinu.

Mix up scenes too, not just the beginning scenes at the beginning and the end scenes at the end. use repetition to extend the fucking, and to put cumshots where the original animators couldn't be assed to. This could be used to better enhance lame hentai scenes and slow down the crazy ones.

I'm not demanding anything though. What you guys have made is damn awesome already, and already beats watching the shows normaly with their squeaky women, pants-on-head retarded story/dialogue and their additional fetishes thrown in that nobody cares about.
maybe you guys need to check your eyes if there's anything wrong with it. It seems like you've got retarded eyesight if you can't handle a little bounce
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Don't be a dick.

My problem with mixes is that they have to be thematic, so I wouldn't mix Ran Sem with Kuroinu unless I was making a gangbang HMV. On that note, Hentype has such a section 2 minutes into his Fuck Mix HMV.
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Dont worry about them too much, it's just epilepsy-tan and his friend Foamy Mouth-kun. They can't enjoy Hentype's stuff without popping and locking on the floor.
agreed, unfortunately

it's a shame too, the videos themselves are awesome

I still wish he'd release his HMVs in a non-zoom-effect version, they'd be instant favorites instead of going to the trash. But he said no *sob*
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Dunno if I should stream today....
I'll let you guys decide, ill check back at the end of the day.

Literally nobody cares, go back to cracking shit jokes and white knighting bad editors.
do it
I was responding to a post made in response to my post, which was a direct response to a new HMV.

I'm not gonna go to your faggot chat and join your faggot circlejerk for that. By your standards, every post in the thread past yours needs to be in the chat as well.
so many douchebags seesh
some of the rounds of fh are individually the best HMVs made
FapSquared you should stream

anybody else streaming now?
You really shouldn't be posting here on your first week
Everyone has them

I've been here since the start, all Fap does is maintain the torrent badly. The rest of his time is spent in competition with Happy for the most obnoxious namefag award.
I love you too, anon.
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>been here from the start
Haha no you haven't.

Now knock off the shitposting and bitch on the chatzy, not here.
>I've been here since the start
Are you the one who goes by the name starting with "I" and ending with "L"? Ohh great, /d/ Warrior please tell me stories about the new world? Have you found the paradise we all need? When will you let me join your ranks in fight with the nu/hmv/?

Nah, who am I kidding. Great Lord I...L is gone, and I bet you don't even know who I'm talking about.

You're just some new guy that is angry at everything. I know teenagers want to be treated as adults, but I don't care enough. I just hope you will grow out of it eventually.

I agree that namefagging and shitposting is bad, I wish it would stay in the chat.
is there an existing hmv with this song?
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It's a pretty popular 3D song.

>all that fucking projection

[Umemaro 3D] Sugimoto - I like That
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Alright, no stream tonight. See ya next week.
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My folder https://www.mediafire.com/?f2noxi8sizf1r
My Latest
Busty Sister Bomb Vanilla http://www.mediafire.com/watch/kk8i3yw6xf6tdt4/Busty%20Sister%20Bomb.mp4
Busty Sister Bomb with Beats Version 3 http://www.mediafire.com/watch/gxxenh6d19t2yyj/Busty%20Sister%20Bomb%20Ver%203.mp4 (version 2 was posted to last thread, this time with improved beats)
And lastely, I owe /hmv/ an apology, I've been a source of cancer to the last few threads and I was doing more harm then good. So, I nuked my side project. Also, it doesn't feel right to me to just say I'm sorry on an anonymous board, so, I want to put action to my words and post a lot of content.
Bed Intruder- http://www.mediafire.com/watch/86dlua9vgboheni/Bed%20Intruder.mp4
Song- Bed Intruder By Eli Rising
Animation- Please Rape Me series

Careless HMV Vanilla -http://www.mediafire.com/watch/tr28y501lpth3b9/Careless%20Vanilla%20HMV.mp4
Song Careless Whisper Remix By Van-O-Drive (Extended by Big Z)
Animation- Oni Chi Chi Series
Alternative HMV
Careless HMV Beats- http://www.mediafire.com/watch/9kinoiwn8iua6zj/Careless_HMV_Beats.mp4
>Alright, no stream tonight. See ya next week.
Welp. Anyone else?
>"Shopping Queen" by Unspecified may be available for download from Amazon.


Am I the only one getting permission denied for the Oni Chichi Series HMV?
That was a quick copyright, and it wasn't even to the right material! I'll upload to mega but it'll take all night and then some. Thanks for notifying.
Mediafire has been hellishly bad lately. :\

Wonder if they received some odd threats, or changed hands recently.
Careless HMV Beats https://mega.co.nz/#!qIAzSL6K!55hwXb1NbXClixhLCEGQcG8Z_QY_NEazWS9XAZBU57M
Careless Vanilla HMV
Thank you. I noticed Careless HMV Beats file size was smaller.
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It's a render of a render, makes it 1000X easier for me to sync the beats. See pic.
Thank you. Possible to make the animation bigger?
Are requests/challenges allowed?

I'd like to see someone make a HMV to Pearl Jam's Do The Evolution.

Pearl Jam? Really!? My favorite radio station plays Pearl Jam obsessively!!
What is this? A gif for ants?

Really. I'd like to see what you could actually put to that song to fit the beat and lyrics.
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More Oni Chi Chi is good Oni Chi Chi.
Awesome stuff Big Z
this ---v
someone stream
any stream up?
No, if there wasn't a post about streaming, then there is no stream. Stop asking
And only one mention of a stream in the entire chat...

Let's say we, not move EVERYTHING to the obscure chat interface that may vanish without notice, vs. the 4chan that's been here forever.

Keep the chat for video editing questions, since it's an easier "real time" interface for that... Use the board for announcements and advertisement, to which it is suited.
People shouldn't even ask about streams, especially on monday/tuesday
Has anybody seen RinxRan Crossbang? I always find myself coming back to it again and again.. and again.
well it's that good...gode bless aya
>Keep the chat for video editing questions
Actually those questions might make most sense for the thread because then everyone can see them and learn. I've learned a lot reading questions and answers about editing in the threads. Anything that helps HMVs or editors belongs in the thread. But I understand if people feel more comfortable using Chatzy for long term back and forth discussion. Basically folks should use their discretion on which to use, but I wouldn't say technical discussion is barred from the thread.
where the fuck is blue's fap hero and fap hero 2?
>Actually those questions might make most sense for the thread because then everyone can see them and learn.

Nah man, according to the shitty namefags that you retards love so much that shit doesn't belong here.

Cause according to their logic every single post here is supposed to be about new HMV releases and anything else will just shit up the thread and bring it closer to bump limit.
google it faggot
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What would be a good stream time for a weekday anyway? I could be up to do one here and there.
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tonight would be a good time
Thumbs up comment
Any time is good, earlier the better for EU people!
if you do one tonight i shall fap along to the beat
I guess no stream tonight
Found a nice fap-to-the-beat music recommandation:


Starts at 16:32 min and goes until 20:25 min.
Unfortunately, i don't know how this song or artist is called.
Pretty good. Fucking Mike Chang in related videos, but whaddya know, he's a roid user anyway.

T-the song would be good with My Lovely Lover ...
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/Anoan streaming now. Not sure for how long yet.

seems like this hasn't been updated in a long time. are you done making videos?
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Real men work out to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhl5K0mTSKY
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Iixil is dead, i know this because... i killed him myself.
I know you tried

(don't reply)
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Just streaming for now.
Anyone know if there's a way to organize Windows folders by the date you last played a video? Want to know what HMVs I've been neglecting to view.
right click on empty space > sort by > more...

should be one of the dates, but that's all I know. I'm not even sure if it is there, but that's the place it would be in
Concerning the collab, do we have a due date. Secondly, it's still comedy themed, right? Lastly, still 2 min per submission, right?
Set to detailed view, and right click at the top headers, where it says "Name/Size/Type/Date Modified" etc. (May vary with olfder settings), then click "More..."

"Date Accessed" is the one you want... Though it wont work if some clever bastard went and optimized your NTFS. (Disabling access journal does give you a smidgen more HD speed.)
Yeah, I think it's the latter. All of my files seem to have their access date frozen to the last time I saved the file, shame. Now I'll never know which HMVs I don't watch often...
Make sure you are looking at Date Accessed - rather than Date Modified.

Might also be your media player is not "touching" files - perhaps as a privacy feature.

Though maybe it has a recently played list that can be set to go back a ways?
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Too late. Already hung my head in defeat.
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Yeah, I'm doing Date Accessed and this is what the file properties show. I also tried using MPC, WMP, and VLC, nothing worked out.
Gotta figure out if there's a way to disable this feature, I guess.
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Hows the idea of a source material thread sound ? Or maybe it could just be posted here. Was thinking that when aya posted that folder that had scenes organized, could make it easier for editors. Or an editor could cut all the fat out of a hentai episode so other editors could spend more time working on the hmv instead of prep work.
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Can I get some criticism from you guys on what I did right and I did wrong in the careless HMV

I feel like I'm in a rut and not really improving anymore
You've always been allowed to recommend source material. Just don't dump like 20 posts or something crazy. And there's always the new Chatzy room.

If that would help editors out or not, I have no clue. You still have to edit specific scenes. Not sure if cutting the non sex parts out helps, if that's what you were talking about.
There were so many links that I didn't download more than one; Busty Sister Bomb.

It was really hot, I loved the music and the way you dragged on the cumshots and made the sex look like it lasted long. I'm not good at feedback unless I put my back into it, but at least it's something. Hopefully you get my point.
I really liked Busty Sister Bomb and also really appreciated the fact you offered versions with and without the bounce effect. Variety is nice. It was strong music with strong source material and you didn't get in the way with over editing. You just let the hentai and music do the work and the result was a great hmv. I love hmvs that are super synced up, but it's also nice to have a more free form one, one that's pace isn't completely dictated by the beat and that's what I thought this one was. Again, variety is nice.

Careless, I really liked the quick cuts. I can tell you changed up the pace significantly. There's a lot of Oni ChiChi scenes so it's a good series to edit in that style. Again, thanks for making two versions with and without the bounce. What happened with resolution change between the two? The Vanilla one looked noticeably better. Not day and night, but enough to make a difference. Lastly, that song is a classic and the remix was good, but it just didn't really work for me. Shame for me, because other than that I really like it. But different music works for different people and that's always going to be the case with HMVs. I'm sure it really really works for others.

If you feel like you're in a rut try something new. Different source material, different genre of music, some new effects or editing style. Maybe try doing an hmv that's synced with the music both in transitions and with the beat, like Umemaro Blowout. That's challenging stuff. I hope you continue to make them because I enjoy watching them.
I should do some critiques now and then.

For the careless hmv
Song choice was not bad. I laughed a bit when I heard the beginning of that classic song. Was wondering why you picked that song but then it turned out to be an awesome remix, so that was great. Most of the stuff I list is minor issues.

I liked the bounce/beats, always like to see that and it matches with song beats well.
A bit of a slow start. When the beat drops i expect to see some pounding action. I'm talking about the part at .50 to 1:03. But i can see that its for a build up for the bigger drop few seconds later.

There are some scenes in there where the girl is talking. I would recommend not using talking scenes unless they sync with the music. Like at 1:41 to 1:43. Looks weird when the music is playing all slow like.

Some parts I felt were not always synced to the beat. They were a bit slow. Examples at 1:05 to 1:15. 4:45 to 4:56. First example I would say is a bit too slow. Speed that up a bit. and the other one is a bit too fast.

2:17 what happened there? Some weird aspect ratio. I would recommend either getting a new source that fits the aspect ratio or just don't use that clip. Would want to be consistent throughout the hmv.

I liked the parts you chose. Good scenes that work with the music.

Now the real question, did I considered this fappable? My answer is no, not because it was bad, it is good. Its due to my preferences. I personally hate most of the hentai Poro puts out. I really don't like their art style and their girls.

So overall a good hmv. I'm sure many people will like it.
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"Not Yandere"


(replace * with . )

Blowjob, masturbation, blood

Video: Bible Black: Night of the Walpulgiss / ???????? La Noche de Walpurgis

Audio: Crazy Bitch by Buckcherry
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Bible Black and Crazy Bitch go perfect together!!
Hrmm... The little "legit" download link below the big green button of death isn't showing up.

...and the big green button of death goes to some place so forbidden that the URL blocker is still scrolling warnings as I post this.
I don't know, bro. It looks to me like solidfiles stopped being a cunt and the big green is the right one now.

It may be problem with your browser... I don't know it works for me, and it downloads mp4, not some exe of death
Hrmmm... It maybe that the URL safety is blocking it, for it knows the exec of viral death was there.

/me disables... Closes eyes... *CLICK*
Porn is serious business.
You better believe it fag
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I like that you guys are being extremely weary, but in this case you need to stop being bitches and hit it.

Damn straight!
>you'll never see a Hentype PoRO HMV
: (
I noticed the same thing and it caught me off guard, but the big green button worked for me this time. It was just the download.
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Pssstt. Hey, I hear a new torrent is out made by that one faggot FapSquared, pass it on.


Enough BS aside, the torrent is almost 80 gigs in size with almost 700 HMVs (680 if you want to get technical). I wonder how long it'll be till we reach our 1000th HMV. Someone HAS to work on it, or it could be a collab. Who knows? Just throwing ideas out.

As far as streaming goes for tonight, 50/50 chance. Something might pop up, so yeah... I'll keep the thread updated.
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What happened to Mr. Aya's 100th? Did I miss his release or is it still not out?
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Take a wild guess. Don't mean anything bad by saying this but, at this rate the 1000th HMV will come before the 100th.
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Can anyone get that negroid to make the preview public? I'm always at work and missed it on the stream. I'm curious just what the fuck this masterpiece is supposed to be
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OH THAT'S RIGHT! Forgot to mention, I put his preview 100 in his folder on the torrent. Enjoy bud.
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Oh, cool. You're actually okay for once, Fap.
Anyone knows if this one was made here?
>hmv murakami compilation
I cant find the original.
Not bad, but no I don't think it was made here.
is this what newfags enjoy nowadays?
Well I don't know. DO you enjoy it?
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You did that with his permission, I hope.
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He made it public when he released the link on a public chat. It's also been shown many times during streams as well. So I would sure hope so. If not, why would he release it publicly? Kinda like his other 72.
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If I made one of my WIPs "public" for the sake of streaming, I would feel my trust was betrayed if it was added to the torrent without my consent.
we exclusive club now?
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Just expressing my opinion that I wouldn't want my Works In Progress in the torrent, especially if they've never been posted outside the streams. They're probably in there anyway, though. Along with a number of redundancies.
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Why would it? I mean it was SHARED on a PUBLIC stream. The torrent is also an archive. I mean sure it's in a WIP stage, and i mentioned that I won't be adding WIPs to the torrent, however I also said i would add WIPs if they had a special or certain case. Aya's definitely counts as a special case. If he really is against it, I would strongly advise he would let me know. As yes, this would be a big issue. Also, the torrent has been adding everyone's work to a big neat pile so everyone can have access. Why would we need to start needing consent now if nobody has brought it up back then. If this is also how you feel, why would you allow me to upload your works to the torrent as well? You're not making a strong case or much sense for that matter. Please don't respond here if you need to, use chatzy for it. I don't want the thread to have a shit flinging contest here.
A new tier of faggotry in /hmv/, when do you guys start accepting money for commissions?
Why don't we just ask him, guys?
That would make things too easy.

in b4 kickstarters for hmvs with stretch goals
You sure are an angry fellow aint ya
And once it's kickstarted it'll go into early access ha.
Nah man, I'm actually really happy. Cause soon I can give money to my favorite editors to commission hmvs and keep the exclusive.
Keep calm and stream!
A requested Manyuu Hikenchou EMV Chichifusa


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Welp, its the former 50%, and that means STREAM TONIGHT. See ya guys at midnight, also bring your own beer to the den.
>dat SISTERS segment
As someone who never joins streams this is what you fucks have been hiding from me?
See aya everyone loves that part. Happy mentioned it to. Just saying.
afrer google it still didn't find anything...
And now the surprise is ruined.
Then maybe it's not yet finished? c'mon, use your head anon
This isn't even the right thread to ask for it anyways.
Sunny created Kick._Snare._Seizure_0813_by_Sunny.mp4. Whats the vid source? Gimme game title.
check the folder
I must have been blind.
Found, thx
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Cannot wait to fap to this

>once used unwillingly, now forsaken by choice. how is this that has become of me. i would give my left eye for only one that would pretend to listen.
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Boobs don't work that way... Wtf, you crazy.
GUYS, Look who I found
bwahaha, so he isn't FBI?
kaka I really enjoy your latest umemaro hmv with the woman from Omega. Did you also do 'Good pizza girl'? Because that is one of my favorites as well
I didn't do a hmv with her exclusively but she appears in my Umemaro Blowout hmv.
Thanks however.
Someone gonna use this?
Hentype did
That's what he wants you to think.
The mediafire link is broken, can someone reupload that torrent file?
You're broken.
The mediafire link for the torrent works fine.
then why does it redirect me to this shit every time
http://download655.mediafire.com/m5r8zz1fw8kg/mf9jual9fcakwbl/HMV+by+FS+1.4.torrent I have no idea what you did wrong. It's not even about copying the link. You simply click on it
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Anyone have a link to that Saint Yariman Gakuen Enkou Nikki HMV with a heavy beat and moaning? The only two I was able to find so far (Thigh High Territory and World Class Tits) aren't what I've been looking for. Also, there was a Kagachi-sama Onagusame Tatematsurimasu: Netorare Mura Inya Hanashi HMV that I've been looking for that had a techno beat and sexy moaning as well.

Anyone know what HMVs I'm talking about?
KAKA please make a new HMV with the Pizza girl from Umemaro to celebrate Umemaro's new release later this month!
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Just going to leave this here.

>You will never see Happy with a ass2phat twerking to this song
You give me hope. I'd recommend music similar to the one you used with the Omega hmv. But thats just my preference.
This might work well with Hentype
it's shit
Could I get a source for Hentype/Sexual Service.mp4?
Whoops, guess I should have read more about the chat room.
also like... check the end of videos... it's right there.
I posted the torrent to nyaa, that explains the influx of Japanese IP's on the torrent. Might as well share it with them and spread the word.

And I also started making thumbnails for all the videos here:


Still haven't finished downloading them all, but I'll get the rest and make an archive of the thumbs as well as having this gallery available.
Who did the Flash Futa HMVs?
I can remember he/she was planing on finishing a 30 minute futa hmv. Any progress there?

also: can someone provide a link to his/her folder?
Does anyone know sauce on this?
And I mean the original video, not anime title.
dirty anna
Thank you.
Your question was just answered in the Chatzy room.
Very impressed thankx
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>Created the 1.4 Torrent not too long ago
>Had like 60 - 80 peers, 9 Seeders
>Check now
>Number jumped up to 140 peers and 18 seeders, still growing
>My little upload number went from 1.2mbps to 3.6mbps

Also, about them thumbnails..... mmmm....I guess I can tack them on each.... individual... HMV... before August comes for the 1.5 torrent. Mmm, when do you think you'll finish all the thumbs so I can get started?
nice job but its still missing a few hmvs
I'll be done downloading it in a few days and I'll generate all the thumbnails soon. It'd be good to bundle them into future torrents since there's so many files.

If you add nyaa as a tracker for future torrents then seed/leechers will show up when viewing the torrent on nyaa.
Would you happen to know what the tracker for nyaa is?
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 109

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