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>Headphone purchase advice

Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon.
If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"

>/g/ wiki headphone FAQ:

Previous thread:
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First for the best dynamic in the market.
Focal Utopia
Headsets come with a mic. Those are not headsets. Google image headset.
Full Sized Headphones
>Comfort Level
Preferably High
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
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are moon audio cables worth it?
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Yep. They definitely provide larger soundstage, more impactful bass and less harsh treble.
Is buying an Objective 2 on B stock a bad idea?

Best headphones for $50?

Closed or Open, Full size, everything else doesn't matter
hyperx cloud and qpad qh-90 is both rebranded pro 80 but with a removable mic, might be cheaper (and also go on sale) depending on region.
Add the Qpad QH-85 to that list, which is the semi-open cousin (rebadged Hi2050).
Fiio x1/Pc
>Preferred type of headphone
Full size
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Don't care
>Past headphones
memezer kraken 7.1 or some shit
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United States
>Preferred type of headphone
Full headphone
>Open or closed
Closed, looking for lots of isolation
>Comfort level
Good enough to wear for long periods of time
>Preferred tonal balance
Normal? none?
>Past headphones
I have a USB slot next to my headphone socket on my laptop

When I accidentally put the jack in the usb (all the time) sparks fly out

Is this normal?
for got budget

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I was thinking of buying a pair of AKG 240. This is my first headphones that arent $10 worth so can someone redpill me on this set? Is it worth it? My budget is very limited

v6 is wired differently from the 7506 iirc.

v6 has some crossfeed, 7506 has both channels totally isolated. not something you would notice in casual listening I think. some people say the v6 also has a slightly more bass.
Where's the fucking anime???
anime is for children
are there any concrete mods out for the mk3 yet?
Great sound.
Don't buy them.

Get some closed headphones.

redpill enough?
CAL for closed, 668b/681 for open. you could probably get a pro80 or hi2050 for close to that as well, though I wouldn't say they're better. v6 is also not much more so if you can get that go for it.
>Get some closed headphones.
What are some good ones in the $45-60 range?
Not as far as I know.
I'm satisfied with my current setup though, can provide more details if you want.
These cables are such snake oil that you are probably a troll.
xpt100 for home only use. m40x if you might take them out. hd280 for maximum isolation at the cost of comfort and some sound quality.
Im new to this. Help me out here. Im buying these for watching films and listening to music (flac), do I really need to care if the sound is seeping out?
Have an odd request..

Texas, USA
mp3 player
>Open or closed
most likely closed

My job is working outside, mowing the lawns at the city parks. I live in the southern USA and it is very hot during the summer, so I really have 1 requirement:

They must be durable. The headphones will get knocked off my head every now and then. They will get tossed around a bit. They will get dirty. If they can't be durable, then they need to be affordable enough to be able to replace now and then.

Also, it gets hot out there. I sweat a lot, even during the winter months. They need to be able to withstand copious amounts of sweat.

Sound quality and comfort level are negotiable, I'll be on a lawnmower all day anyway and the sound will get drowned out by that no matter how loud I make it.

Any recommendations?

the k240 isn't bad though, but personally most of the time the 668b or sr850(basically a 668b) are less and a bit better imo.
Kill yourself.
of mods you did on the mk3?

I own a mad dog but never did the mods myself.
I stopped believing in product fetishisation.
Go to a professional audio equipment store and ask what they got.
Try a few out on the spot, buy what you subjectively prefer.

Just don't go to consumer stores.
Yeah, I've got a pair of modded T20RP Mk3s. Basically it involves masking tape, Shure SRH1840 pads, some Paxmate and some low density wool felt.
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are you in the same quiet room with someone else? you might want to keep your orgasm noises private.

you should really get IEMs for that. the most isolating headphones are clamp monsters that will not serve you well in the heat. se215 for max isolation

are there any measurements out there? I'm set on closed headphones though, unless it's an actual upgrade like a pm3 or something.
I want a pair but I just can't deal with that bright orange cable.
Don't have a measurement rig sadly, so I just kinda tuned it to my own ears. It probably wouldn't be an upgrade for you anyway.
xpt100 has got more isolation than hd 280.
yeah the cable system on those models has always been weird and useless. but you can use any male to male 3.5 cable. my mad dogs came with a v-moda (who make great cables btw) and that\s what I use.
Best cheap headphones focused on clarity?? Open or bluetooth is a big plus

Pls help
hi2050, 668b, 681. piston 3 is damn cheap and sounds very clear and detailed but it is an IEM.
Hi2050 too expensove for me at 150, can you tell me about the other two?

Also good bluetooth headphones?
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Are there any modern boomboxes/things-in-a boombox-form-factor that are actually good?
£50 although that can be flexible
>Open or closed
Closed ideally
>Comfort level
Gonna be using a lot so they should be quite good
>Preferred tonal balance
Not bothered
>Past headphones
Shitty gaming headset that needs replacing with something actually worthwhile.
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150 what? yen?
they (used to anyways) be like $35

superlux 668b and 681, akg-like clones that sound very good for the money, usually around $50. hi2050 is a beyer-like clone btw. there aren't that many cheap open headphones, probably because they're hard for chinks to design and just harder in general to make.

bluetooth and clarity don't really go together well, many headphones only support bad versions of bluetooth.the best, APTX is still subjectively so, it's a closed-source thing I think. also most bluetooth headphones have signatures that are very "populist" (is that the right word?). basically bass heavy and/or v-shaped, no well defined mids and extended highs which is where you get a lot of "clarity". plus basically all of the really good bluetooth are very expensive.

but if you have to, air-fi matrix 2, $60.
probably. were those apple boombox good? I think they're cheap on ebay now.
>10-band eq that visualizes the changes in a little window with a graph.

bretty cool
read the sticky, /g/ is not your buy advice board
Just bought some DT 990's

Did I fall for the meme?

I love treble and bass so.
HD600 of closed phones? MSR7? 7506/V6? T50RP mods?
fiy i love my k7xx's
Do you have them in your possession now? Or did you just order them right now? I want to ask a question if you do have them.
Just ordered them right now. So I can't tell you much other than what I've read. sorry anon.

But it was a mixup of the 770's and the 990's but I decided to choose the 990s for the bigger sound stage.
Fyi. I love my fortex th900
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Oh well. My question was if you had them can you test this out.

If the bass and highs not so pronounced if you lower the volume? Then they would be the best headphones for low volume listening.

>$80 (will go a little higher if need be)
>Computer, phone, PS4
>Full sized
>High, obviously

>Sony gold headset thing
>Some old shitty turtle beach headset
>Some $20 sony crappy headphones from fucking walmart
>Earbuds that aren't comfy

I've not really had a set of dedicated headphones. Mostly, I just get a headset for whatever console I'm playing, and that doubles for listening. Well they've all snapped in half, and I'm mad about it.

/g/ wiki says get headphones and a desk mic. Will this work if I play on PS4? If not, how about something that will at least sound good, and last a while. A bare minimum of people able to listen to my PS3/4 output, while obviously plugging into my PC and smartphone, is required.

Last thing I had was the Sony Gold headset. It was fairly comfy, and the sound was decent; but I'm pretty ignorant on the subject. Price limit is basically something that'll replace those, without actually buying them again, because they snapped in half after two years.

V6 or 7506
does the hyperx cloud work on console? if so get that.
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Unfortunately for you reporting it will have no effect, but feel free to stay mad.
MDR 7506 + Auray Sheep Skin Pads.

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Bluepill me on Koss Portapros
they are the most professional sounding / portable headphones available at the $30 price point.

They also have a god tier retro look if you are more into fashion than sound quality.
Porta Pro >>>>>>>>> Grado
they sound really good, especially for the price. they're also one of the only headphones that don't touch glasses frames at all if that bothers you. don't pay $50 though, pay around 30. if you can't find them get the ksc-75.
There's a reason they're still around despite being from the 80s
Whats the cons?
They catch in your hair if you adjust the headband.

Cable could be delicate. But if it broke who cares man lifetime warranty!
The metal bands up top WILL pinch and pull your hair

The firm/light slider always goes back to firm at the slightest pressure

The hooks for folding will touch your ears if you have huge ears
Describe the sound of your headphones with a song
Bought a very slightly used AKG K141 Studio first "made in Austria" revision") for $45.

Did I do good?
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Fuck you, make your own thread next time. She's basically 2.5D anyway.

It says nothing of the sort in the /g/ sticky smart guy. True, /g/ isn't a buying advice board but it's literally impossible to avoid those questions about technology. We've been over this many times. Your autism is spilling a bit too much lately. This thread helps with the catalog clutter and focuses the inevitable questions of what to buy into one thread with a streamlined template to keep it minimal. And this isn't "What headphones to buy?" -general. It's a general for discussing headphones and personal audio. All of which completely fit into the board rules. You wouldn't want to see /g/ catalog without a general dedicated to audio.

If you despise these threads so much, feel free to hide them. Otherwise move on, reporting won't do shit.

If you can rationalize paying that much for looks and more convenient length, maybe. They are ridiculously overpriced.

Cute Genelec but you need to dust off.
doesn't catch your hair if you have long hair in my experience.
oh and btw im a girl
Just because you think and dress like a girl, doesnt make you one.
nah just a neckbeard/manchild
100 euros but can put 15 euros more if necessary
internal sound card but might buy an amp in the future
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
either is fine
>Comfort level
2nd priority 1st is sound
>Preferred tonal balance
neutral or v shaped not sure since i listen to alot of metal
>Past headphones
no good headphones

I've been thinking about the hd 518 or m40x but i wanted to ask people who know their shit

thanks in advance
Sub /hpg/
Mind lending a hand in making a selection? It's been a long time since I've purchased a pair. Many thanks in advance.

$100 usd


>Preferred type of headphone
Full sized

>Open or closed

>Comfort level
Willing to compromise but I'll be wearing them for long periods

>Preferred tonal balance

>Past headphones
Sennheiser HD 555
What did you order? Pro or Premium? How many ohms?

If it's too clampy. Please stretch the headband to not squish the pads. The headband is made of metal. Or you'll end up with flat pads eg. http://www.ebay.com/itm/331898415596
xpt-100, very comfortable. V6 is a bit less comfortable and you will probably need new pads but it is also less, that would be my personal pick but the sig is harsh on poor recordings. m40x is great but if you're only using them at home the xpt-100 has better comfort. if you really want v-shaped you could maybe afford an m50, dt700 would be even better, but I don't know your local prices.
I think DT770s are like 140 euros in Germany. Good price, but a bit above his budget.
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get a 770 if you can stretch, or eq a v6, m40x, or xpt-100.

the CAL you would probably love and it's only $50, but comfort is not that great, not bad but the fit is not very good and the pads are on the small side, and I would not recommend replacing them because they have a particular size and even stuffing them fucks with the sound quite a bit.
50-150 USD
Galaxy Note 4/ SMSL M2
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
I dealt with Etymotic and that didn't bother me.
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
Etymotic MC5

I'm looking at the Shure SE215 particularly because of the Removable cable, but they look like they're really bassy.

Features I'd like:
Removable Cable
The sure se215 isn't neutral at all. Go for the etymotics hf5, or if you want to save some money try the soundmagic e80s.
>The sure se215 isn't neutral at all. Go for the etymotics hf5, or if you want to save some money try the soundmagic e80s.
Yeah, I realize that but there's not much around that price range with a removable cable.
AFAIK, the only IEM at the $100 price point is the SE215.
Crosstalk from wiring, but the effect is extremely small and not at all like crossfeed. It is of minimal importance.

Several models from Audio Technica and Dunu around that price point. I don't know if any have the mic controls by default, but you can just order one.
>Several models from Audio Technica and Dunu around that price point. I don't know if any have the mic controls by default, but you can just order one.
Ah yes, I forgot about the AudioTechnicha ATM-IM50.

Anyone had one of those?
So I found a nice meta-headphone shopping crawler for poorfags: http://www.hifishark.com/

It lets you search by model number across multiple audiophile Buy/Sell Forums, Ebay, Amazon, Yahoo Auction, etc. without needing to dick around in each one individually, for example:
Fucking cool anon
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Hey /hpg/, it's finally come time to replace pic related after 7 years. I need some opinions
>Using in a PC
>Full-Size, preferably a wee bit bigger than the HD201
>Closed (but I would take a good deal on open)
>HD201s and other shitty headphones
>HD201s and other shitty headphones
didn't mean to imply HD201's were shitty, whoops. I do like them.
someone on /hpg/ recommended me a budget microphone (zalman mc-1) i get a whole lot of white noise and i am unsure on how to fix it?

Is the microphone rigged/ Or is it just shit.

Hey /hpg/,
I'm looking for a decent pair of headphones before I leave for college. Thanks in advance!



PC (Looking into amp/dac)

>Preferred type of headphone
Full sized

>Open or closed
Preferably closed

>Comfort level
Willing to sacrifice a little sound quality for added comfort

>Preferred tonal balance
Probably neutral but not too important

>Past headphones
Sennheiser HD439
I have the IM50. Compared to the SE215 it has less bass amount, which makes it not sound like farts in every genre, but is still bassy compared to an Ety or SE535.
Tried turning down the gain?
how do i do that on fedora
Hi2050 are 100$ on aliexpress

The air fi matrix 2 looks very promising
don't worry, they are shitty.


m40x, xpt-100, v6 (on the bright side of neutral)

if you can up the budget to $100-$120 you can get a sennheiser hd558, really good open headphone. there are other open headphones for less but they're not as good overall.
Are the HD598 supposed to be neutral or what?
Thank you for the links and guides fellas
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What's a good upgrade from the senhauser 202? The sound quality, comfort, and price were all fine for me. The problem is that both pairs I owned eventually went dead in one ear in about a year. Replacing $30 headphones annually isn't terrible, but I'd really like something similar that'll last longer if possible. Maybe around the $50 range?

what the fuck? guess they went out of production or something because they're jacked up or gone everywhere. they used to be really cheap. at that price might as well step up to a real dt880.

mid-forward but relatively neutral compared to most stuff at that price.
By that you mean kinda bright or what?
not really, though the bass roll-off and the way the upper mids go into the highs can make it seem a bit cold sounding without eq. the most notable thing the 598 does well is the midrange, a bit more towards the lower mids than the upper. I personally have never heard a headphone with better mids until the hd600 which is double the price at least.
is the behringer uca202 better than a on-board sound?
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I got the shozy zeros, and headfi definitely meme'd the fuck out of these. They aren't at all v-shaped like some anon said, and they definitely aren't basshead either, but I wouldn't really recommend these to anyone. There's a bump in the midbass, that continues up into the mids. As a result, sub bass and upper mids feel lacking, and midbass blends into the mids. The real problem with them though, are that the mids sound super congested and thick. I'm not really sure how else to describe it, but vocals sound nasally. It's not veiled like the piston 3's, just very thick and unsmooth. Not at all enjoyable to listen to imo. Treble is rolled off. Soundstage is slightly above average.

Build quality wise, they look nice and the wood parts feel nice. The wire is awful. Thin, rubbery and sticky. Feels very cheap.
that sucks. maybe add something to the wiki so others can avoid your mistake?

I also got meme'd by head-fi with a purchase some months back, really regret it as well.
Tangentially related but the HD800 is now at $999 over there in Amazon. Is it a good deal at that price?
Not really headphone related, but are their any recommended mp3 players? My ipod classic died a few weeks ago and I don't know if it's worth fixing it or buying something different
Onkyo DP-X1
lol what the fuck?

anyway wasn't the classic /g/ suggestion the sansa clip? Discontinued it seems, but cheap on ebay. I have two at my desk here (with rockbox...).

I think most people just play through their smartphones (maybe with a portable amp, but not for me).
No price specified, plus Onkyo is fucking amazing
Fiio M3
um, okay, I'll admit I'd never gone over its specs properly. Having now done so, I admit this thing is super nice.
probably not. most dac/amps aren't noticeably better from decent on board that has no problems.
the wood should have given it away. there has never been a wooden IEM that wasn't a meme. you can almost say the same for headphones too.
Sony A15
Cowon Plenue D.
That's not X7 AM5.
iPhone 6
Over ear
>Comfort Level
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
Skullcandy, Beats
is it really necessary or even enjoyable to listen to super power-hungry headphones out in public? and to pay so much to do so? I will never completely understand this market but I'm sure it's fueled by placebo. 90% of those owners of these high-end daps don't own headphones that need them and won't notice an audible difference even if they do.
Audio beyond the normal home theatre stuff you find in an average home markets to emotions which is why you can make x product, slap the word audiophile onto it and charge an extra $100.
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I have no idea how head fi shill shit iems all the time. Pic related is the measurement from a "giant killer" chinese 4ba+1dd iem
have any of them even A/B tested with/without their amps and $4k cables? that place is a bunch of retards. perhaps it's improved since the days that they would go nuclear at the mention of nwavguy, but still.
not sure SBAF is much better though.
SBAF is probably better but of course meme thread like this exists
man, these people with stacks and stacks of headphones are scary. I hope I'm never like that.

Anyway the thread that weirded me out was where people claimed they detected the new chip in the schiit modi 2 uber, and not long later the schiit guy showed up; it looked to me like a blatant plant+shilling, but no one there seemed to think so (some shilled the thread here, but it got ignored).

Overall the only thing I've seemed to be able to trust and relate to are posts / articles by people that work in audio, for instance mastering and production. No-nonsense descriptions that care about precision and utility. Everything else is just weird impractical subjective nonsense to me.. I seriously can't make sense of anything I read on head-fi...
>is it really necessary or even enjoyable to listen to super power-hungry headphones out in public?
If you have a favorite headphone and you don't like other headphones very much, why not take it with you?
Most headphones don't need an exceptional amount of voltage, and we don't see people carting around HE-6, vintage AKG, or STAX headphones on the move often.

>and to pay so much to do so? I will never completely understand this market but I'm sure it's fueled by placebo.
I don't think cost is something to get too hung up over. However, the price itself increases its desirability to Head-fi, in a failure of the rational market. This is related to influx of people who have more money than they know what to do with, and want in on headphone audio.

I could tell a few stories about pricing and Head-fi mindset, here's one.
When the headphones were new, the LCD-2, HE-500, and HE-6 were all priced very near each other. HE-500 was 900, LCD-2 around 950, HE-6 at 1200. They were generally considered high-end headphones, different by taste and preference.
Within the year the HE-500 was released, Hifiman bumped up the price on HE-6 and dropped the price on the HE-500. Now you people get coming out and saying how much better the HE-6 is than the HE-500 in resolution, detail, attack, and other nonsense. Opinion starts to swing in favor of the LCD-2.

Finally, HE-500 price drops to 500. Now, it is finally a "mid-fi" headphone priced near other mid-fi headphones. This is a headphone that has generally received favorable reviews and reception, unlike the Beyer T1 and Senn HD700.
HE-6 is apparently clearly more hi-fi than LCD-2 now, with the LCD-2 since related to midrange now.
>90% of those owners of these high-end daps don't own headphones that need them and won't notice an audible difference even if they do.
Statistics be mostly bullshit. The portion might actually be higher.
The utility of the high end portables is for increased voltage or in the lower noise floor. That's the useful part, but plenty of people buy into iriver products just because they cost more.

That measurement is almost certainly very off from whatever sound you would get from it.
There was an anon who built his own measurement jig, with canals to measure IEMs. Although I nagged him about precision and accuracy, he could get way better results than this mess.

Saying a site has fewer paid and unpaid shills than head-fi doesn't say much. Manages to be worse than /g/ at that.
SBAF is usually more critical, but they have their ways that are less than logical.

I'm not sure how you read that as a shill and plant scenario. If there's a new chip, there's a new thing to talk about.
the chip was unannounced, it was silently introduced in the modi 2 uber. someone started a thread saying "it sounds much better than my other modi 2 which I'm giving away", someone else said "open it!", he opened it and found the new chip, the schiit guy showed up, and then links to that forum thread showed up in multiple places.

It just seemed too organized, and I doubt the difference was that audible to prompt the shit/schiit to be opened (seriously when else does that happen).
>There was an anon who built his own measurement jig, with canals to measure IEMs. Although I nagged him about precision and accuracy, he could get way better results than this mess.
I'm that anon and I haven't used the rig in a while. Do you think creating a simple compensation curve for the shortcomings of the tube canal I used would make the measurements reasonably accurate? I could bake that compensation into the REW calibration file easily.

The problem here would be how to reference it compared to something that is accurate. I have some well documented pairs of in-ears which I could compare to sites which have measured them, reference those to the results I get from the tube and start making adjustments to the curve. If the measurements match across multiple different models to accurate couplers used in more professional systems, I should be getting closer to an accurate coupler, right? Do you have a better idea how to tackle this? I appreciate the criticism a lot.

As for headphones, a simple flat-plate coupler would be the best I think. I was getting rather odd noisy results around 1-4 kHz region while the rest of the plots were smooth. The ears won't work with any reasonable accuracy and they are a pain in the ass to deal with on some headphones because how little they flex and how much they protrude.
As you might be able to guess, I dabble more in theory than in experiment and not in audio.
I was wondering about what sort of correction would be good to make. It seemed somewhat similar to the other 2cc coupler results I saw around. Maybe a touch less depressed in the highs, but I would have to look closely. Those results are closer to 711 and real ears, and they don't seem to have the leakage problems that the Veritas system has.
Can you pull up those measurements?

>Do you have a better idea how to tackle this?
There isn't much else you can do. Get some units that have been measured consistent a few times by someone who has a 711 (IF, GE, Rin, Seeko, Speakerphone, maybe Soundstage! if they can get their results in order).
Since this is really an impedance dependent measurement, you can only ball park the result and apply correction based on typical characteristics of driver types.

>for headphones, a simple flat-plate coupler would be the best I think
It's certainly the easiest the build and most consistent. Overly optimistic sealing is an obvious problem. A layer of open cell foam a few millimeters thick over the plate could be used to break it. Better to test that using closed headphones, you'll never reveal an issue using the HD800. You should have the proportions set for head spacing, right?

Not sure how to test reflections/spatial variation. The main reason IEC recommends that the headphone should be reseated over multiple positions and averaged is to get around directional nulls, partly from the ear itself. That also happens to serve as a quality indicator, showing the response stability and effectiveness of EQ.
Would moving it around on a plate show something useful, I don't know.

I think I said you didn't need to build one using an artificial ear, and if I didn't before, there you go. I remember a lot of weird hash and noise around 1-4 kHz region, but FR seemed fine enough for HD800/HD650/HE500 after you fixed the length.
Considering moving up from my pistons v3 to the shure se215. How does the detail/clarity compare between the two?
>how little they flex and how much they protrude
This part about typical dummy ears doesn't seem to be well known, but you've found that out.

A not related story about measurements:

I had a short chat with Tomscy and Speakerphone about an upcoming review, as the topic veered off about the AKG K3003 measurement consistency.
K3003 got about 6 or so different measurements by people with reference couplers. GE, IF, and Rin managed to get repeatable results, while the other ones didn't seem to be measuring the same set 3 times. I presume the others had trouble with the filters.
Rin got way more bass than everyone else, including the 2cc coupler plots, and Speakerphone thought Rin made some measurement error.
Considered coupler impedance and leak, I didn't think those as likely. The depressurizer/bass valve could be a problem, but I wasn't confident that was the main issue. Were the pairs just that different to start with?

If there was a point to that story, I don't know it. I just wanted to tell it once.

Modi 2 vs. Uber. Not exactly a blind comparison.
USB power can be buggy, as something that could be heard.
Marvey (who said to open it) is also a personal friend of Schiit and already was clued in.
That last one is a questionable relationship, but AKM would give the old chip the axe sooner than later.
What are the best IEMs for <50€?
I don't need anything great. I'll be using them only occasionally.

I'd like a balanced sound and a good fit.
>get Etymotic MK5
>everything sounds tinny

wat do?

Do I have to get a bass booster or some shit?
do you have 48v phantom power?
if so get a bm800
theyre damn good for the price
~12 dollars for a full condenser

constantly raved about on /csg/

even without the 48v, USB sound cards can power it well enough
I'll post some of the plots later when I get to my PC. I remember my IEM measurements being significantly recessed in the upper mids and highs compared to most raw plots around from 711(?). It was especially clear from the ER-4S/P and SE535 with the 330 Ohm acoustic dampers I have installed. The rise up to ~2.7 kHz was very small in magnitude but the shape was correct. I was missing around 5-10 dB.

>Overly optimistic sealing
Yeah. I do think that it's still a better option than the silicone ear molds which I had to fight to get a seal with on some smaller size headphones, even HD 650 which have rather small oval shaped pads.

>A layer of open cell foam
Easy to do and I have the materials. Easy to experiment too.

>Better to test that using closed headphones
True. I have a pair, might need another one for test purposes.

>You should have the proportions set for head spacing, right?
You mean the width of the whole coupler matching that of the average head for clamp level?

>Not sure how to test reflections/spatial variation
>the headphone should be reseated over multiple positions
>Would moving it around on a plate show something usefu
I did my earliest measurements with a flat-plane coupler with a layer of cell foam on top of it and adjusting the headphones did cause some differences in response, mostly the position and magnitude of high frequency peaks and sometimes bass roll off because of leak.

>I think I said you didn't need to build one using an artificial ear
Yep, you did. I wasn't planning on it from the start when I decided to build a rig but the offer for used ear models meant for binaural recordings seemed tempting. Looking back it was useless, performed poorly and was a hassle. It was hard to repeat the results with them because of seal and because of the rigged solution to lenghten the canals with silicone tubing. Variation in length and position of anything in my coupler would throw off results a lot.
lower the upper mids.
the slope from 1 kHz to 2 kHz is 9 dB. it should be 6.
>This part about typical dummy ears doesn't seem to be well known, but you've found that out.
It was so blatantly obious when I measured on-ear headphones. Leakage is easy to detect if you reposition the headphones on the coupler a couple of times. Smaller pads would cause leakage immediately and I barely had room to adjust the headphone position on them because of the ears' rigidity/size.

Also cool story, seriously.
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What is /hpg/s opinion on these bad boys?
I have to EQ this shit to hear things correctly?

>brb returning
yeah, just like with all other headphones
>using EQ for optimal performance is the same thing as having to EQ to correct massive distortion in sound
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Are these better than HD598's in terms of being bassier, having a soundstage that is either just as good or better, and just sounding higher quality, overall? (Sorry for soundstage buzzword meme)
If I have the HD598's, would these be worth my money?
it's not massive. MK5 are very accurate.
Would the AKG K712 Pros for 210€ be a good buy?

I already have the Fidelio X2.
Mine might be defective then.
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got dez for 33 burger dollars over a year ago.

preddy gud imho

>Preferred type of headphone
full sized
>Open or closed

>Comfort level

>Preferred tonal balance

>Past headphones
ultra shitty cheap ones
could be. too emphasized upper mids and treble can sound very offensive though.

They're that much better than my AKG K7xx
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Help please.

Best portable audio < 40e?
IEMs or over ear headphones, just need it /hpg/ approved.
That's not the HD 600.
Soundmagic E10
Maybe not, Etys got good quality control, maybe you just don't like a neutral signature.
>Soundmagic E10
What are they like compared to PortaPros?
Communist state of Europe
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
Doesn't matter
>Comfort level
Doesn't matter, just not bad
(Optional) Surround if possible.
>Surround if possible.
This is how I know you're retarded
Im new to this headphone stuff so I'm not an expert sorry.
creative aurvana live
no one?
£200 max
Phone/MP3 Player.
>Preferred type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Not important
>Preferred tonal balance
not important
>Past headphones
Sony MDR-ZX330BT (Terrible bluetooth headphones.)
I would like them to be bluetooth if possible but not vital
711 is the referring to the coupler detailed in IEC 711 and IEC 60318-4. It serves as the standard ear simulator.

On average, I would expect the balanced armatures to deviate further from results on the ear simulators than a dynamic driver. The Ety and Shure results were expected, but I don't recall the KZ measurements.

>width of the whole coupler matching that of the average head for clamp level?
what are the recommended cheap noise canceling ear buds?
thmx2 pham
it's quite simple. just don't use words you don't know the meaning of.
Is this a deal that is worth my time?
Image related
How are Xiaomi piston colorful different from normal piston 3?
Come on man, that's something you can buy in any sort of foam store for $1
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The high-end portable market is where the majority of revenue for personal audio comes from. Full-sized headphones and their supporting paraphernalia are nothing in comparison.
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PC alc1150
Over ear
>Comfort Level
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
Sony MDR XB700
holy shit you own that DAP?

fucking A+

I don't recognize the headphones, but I'm guessing they're ridiculous. I find walking around with hf5 unsafe enough already; how are you not dead?
Just some FitEar custom. :3
You have a greater chance getting robbed wearing well known garbage like beats. Nobody is gonna rob some faggot using an expensive player and IEMs.
So you're finished with the HD 800 shilling? ;)
fucking maximum kek

I need to learn to stay away from these threads after making a purchase, it's too easy to pour endless money
the hf5 probably looks super cheap to someone who doesn't know what they are. I can't imagine anyone trying to rob them
I noticed the opinions of them have slightly shifted for the better these days so it doesn't cause as much controversy anymore. I wonder what happened?

Anyhow, I'm 100% a portable guy right now. Sure the FitEar doesn't sound as nice as my old HD800 system but it's a lot more practical.
>I wonder what happened?
too many redditors
true story

I obsessively "check out" people's headphones. I do double takes when I don't recognize at first.

I never see etymotics in the wild, it weirds me out. bullshit earbuds everywhere.

I'm also waiting for the day I see someone wearing some top level headphones in public.
do you work at a desk?

That's where I am hours a day, so a big headset is nice then

I use my etymotics when walking around, working in coffee shops, etc.
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On drop again, in case anyone is interested.
Looking for something similar to the soundmagiv e10s or xiaomi. e10s lasted me a good while but xiaomi (non ripoff edition) broke pretty quickly, although I loved the sound for the price. budgets 40 USD and Im restricting myself to amazon.
why not just buy another pair of e10s
we hate the k7xx here, please go elsewhere
I'm looking for an in-ear phone to wear while running, something that won't fall out with all the shaking and sweat.
As always wired is better

Amazon.com, basically
my phone
>Preferred type of headphone
>Comfort level
Nice and snug in my ear, won't fall out with sweat
>Past headphones
>in-ear phone to wear while running
Disposible foamies like comply tips.

They werent my favorite. They're good dont get me wrong, but If theres some better options in that range ide love to get them instead
you won't get better than the e10s and piston 3s for a v-shaped sound in that price range
Why do you hate the K7XX ?

So the piston 3 are pretty good compared to e10s? Theyre cheaper, the xiaomi I had were 2 however. The E10 are the same just without the switch correct?
Lack of knowledge and experience usually generates that kind of extreme reaction.
Just get the piston 3s if you want something cheap, they're less than $15 on tinydeal. The 10s are slightly more balanced if that's what you want. Either way, they're both less v-shaped and bassy than the piston 2s.
>I wonder what happened?
The price got lowered so the poorfags who called sour grapes all bought them.

Anyway, I still think they suck and are overpriced.


Thats a good price but how quickly do they ship? Ide rather pay an extra 7 dollars and get it off amazon with my 2 day prime if its gonna take a week to arrive.
Okay, I was trolling but:

At least two of us here (me being one) have tried them alongside other good headphones, including other good akg, and found them to be very unpleasant: boomy bass, muddy mids, a complete loss of the "akg sound".

I say "at least two of us" because I can only confirm that it was me and not me; can never tell how many people are actually here...
Is there one that I can plug into my mobo. Don't have many USB ports
I always recommend tinydeal because I know they sell legit ones. Took me a week or so to get them. There's lots of piston 3 fakes out there so make sure you buy from a reputable seller if you do buy from amazon.
It sounds veiled and mid-bassy.

Funny how these faggots buy this cancer and call other headphones veiled.
What says these are fake?
sweet, "at least two of us"

anyway, I was really upset after I got my k7xx (which I put on ebay shortly thereafter), I couldn't understand why they get such universal positive press elsewhere. I decided it was a combination of massive shilling plus the usual avoidance of objectivity and actual a/b testing which people have with audio.

PS "limited edition" shouldn't mean "on massdrop every 2 weeks"
Thoughts on the new Etymotic ER4SX and the new Etymotic ER4SR? Looks really compelling and I already own the E4RS, which I absolutely love. Also, they have a great upgrade policy where if you already own the ER4P-T, the ER4S, or the ER4B within the last six months, you can send them in and get the new ones for $75.
Link to it: http://www.etymotic.com/consumer/earphones/er4-new.html
£200 max.
I'm looking into amps and DACs that cost around £100. They don't need to be portable.
>Preferred type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
As comfortable as possible. I want the sweat, blood and TMD to go away. I'll buy earpads as well if they're necessary.
>Preferred tonal balance
>Past headphones
yes goyim buy buy buy
They look much nicer than it's ancient predecessor. I might pick up a pair if it measures just as good/better.
The price looks insane but if you already have a pair of ER4's it looks really good. The only things that really stood out to me were that the new ER4's have a much lower impedance (45 Ohms), yet have a better "dynamic range", detachable cables and a better shirt clip or something.
What headphones would you recommend?
Depends on what you want (e.g., see the form above).

If you're willing to go slightly higher in price than the k7xx, and still want open headphones, I recommend one of the hd600, dt880, and k702.

For me, I sold my k7xx and got a k702, which was a drastic improvement and exactly what I wanted. However, it was down to my personal taste and prior purchases why I wanted exactly the k702.

If you are looking for a good headphone with some bass, then someone else will have advice (fill out the form), but there's no way it's the k7xx, whose sound quality was just ass.

IMO the k7xx is akg's attempt to cash in on headphones more in the bass-heavy range. just a cash grab.
The ER4SR is really similar to the ER4S. The ER4XR is like the latter with a bass boost. I will get myself an ER4SR in the future. I have an ER-4PT but I'm not trading it to Etymotic.
Are HD598 actually good or am I being memed?

What should I be aware of if I were to buy them?
HD558, same thing but cheaper.
Bought Soundmagic E10s. Did I do good?
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DT880 600 Ohm edition just arrived today. Going from a gaymer headset to these is incredible.

That being said, they aren't loud whatsoever plugged into my mobo (which is apparently rated to 600 Ohms). Will the Magni 2 drive them well to considerably higher volumes? The Magni 2 generates 130 mW at 600 Ohms I believe
Who's the qt?
Yes. It will drive them more than loud enough.
>Soundmagic E10
Check your audio settings on your PC, there's a lot of things that software fuck up because you had shit plugged in to front or whatever
Yes. Still you should audition it in person before you buy. The sound signature isn't for everyone.
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>been using cheap earbuds and IEMs all my life
>last one died on the left
>buy another one
>starts malfunctioning when i walk, literally 12 hours later

Welp, i'm tired of this shit, and so i've been thinking on buying a bluetooth one, but i don't have a big budget(22 bucks at most, i'm a REALLY tight budget), and so i've been checking these, opinions?

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Forgot name. Russian figure skater with an Asian boyfriend as I recall

Thanks lad

Which settings should I look at?
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I've been also considering these, which are 1$ less and flexible, but lasts half the time and isn't as good sound quality.

I'm not an audiophile, so i just want them for running and listening to audiobooks when going from one place to another.

Is it chink shit? Or will they be viable for just listening to any music? Looking to replace my broken Xiaomi Pistons.
I have beats and they kind of cut out as I walk too, unless I have my phone on my left hip. I think it is probably just the Bluetooth single getting interrupted. I doubt it's any different with yours.
I would recommend against anything that advertises itself as SUPER BASS. Just get another Piston.
Alright, what's something around the price range (a little less preferably) of a Piston 3 that's got more of an emphasis on bass? I've only had stock earphones before this so I've never heard anything all that different before.
piston 2 or piston hybrid
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Just to make sure, the problem is the (lack of) amp right? Like I said, my DT880 600 Ohm variant is not loud whatsoever using the onboard amp for my mobo.
>bassier means better
>soundstage is a meme

I'm proud of hpg for not responding to bait.
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I guess I'll go the hybrid. They're $40AU on eBay, but $24 here. Any chance of them being fake?
>$35 shipping
Forget it. Ebay it is.
Recommendations for cheap headphone stands. Go. Happy to diy or repurpose.
Gearbest sells authentic ones
You know, for all the talk of how shitty headsets are, you would help your case by suggesting a headphone/microphone to velcro to the side combo for under 100 dollars.
V-Moda Boompro
ive finally decided to buy a pair of headphones but cant decide. Its between akg 240 and samson sr850
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Now that FiiO no longer sells this combo, is there anything out there like it in the price range? I remember this combo was ~$150 and was an OK entry into a desktop amp/DAC combo and portable amp.

Is there anything like it nowadays?
It got replaced by the K5. An X1 + K5 would be around $200.
The K5 looks about right, ordering that now.

But the X1 looks like flimsy crap. Is that the "new" E11? What would be the "new" E7?
The X1 is a block of metal and a DAP, not an amp, so it's completely different.
I'm looking for something I can dock into the K5 as well as take on the go with me, similar to how the old E7 was.
Wouldn't that require headphones with an input port though?
And the X1, X3ii, X5ii, X7 does exactly that.
I don't want a music player though, which all of those seem to be. The E7 wasn't a player. I have an input source, I want a mobile AMP/DAC that docks into the K5. Is there such a thing?
Hmm, it looks like the E17K would fit me needs for this.
E17K works.

It's a 3.5mm, you can always solder one in yourself or get something like the SHP9500.
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I'm having second thoughts now. My DT880s arrived today, and they weren't loud whatsoever. I can even accurately gauge quality as a result but if I were to I would say they aren't worth $200. My Magni 2 is coming tomorrow.... Should I wait until the Magni arrives to reassess the DT880 (600 Ohm) or should I cancel the Magni order and return the 880s?

I think I'm overthinking this desu
Wait for the Magni.
I'm looking for IEMs, budget below 100€.

I've done a bit of research and narrowed it down to a couple of choices, but I don't know which of my picks are any good and if I'll like the sound of them.

My current headphones are AKG K612 Pro and Philips Fidelio X2. I prefer the X2s.

I'll be using the IEMs during workouts and when I have to help out in manufacturing at work (happens only occasionally when we get fuckhuge orders on short notice).

I've narrowed it down to these:

SoundMAGIC E80
Philips Fidelio S2

What are your thoughts? Or should I look at a completely different pair?
>my high impedence headphones suck without an amp made for high impedence
What do you think?
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