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Mycroft AI
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Thread replies: 102
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Core of Mycroft AI is now officially open source

It's open source intelligent personal assistant that has fuckton of potential to become ultimate tool for making everyone's life better.

>inb4 shilling for free
fuck you, this thing is so amazing that shilling for free is worth it
remake tay
Ironic shilling is still shilling
>dat commit message

ya wtf is this shit?
Does that mean we could remake tay?
will it sort my porn and reaction folders?
In the 1970s computer users had to understand the arcane syntax of th…

…e machines they used. They programed their computers using the machine's native language and hardly gave it a thought.

The 1980s birthed a new form of interaction between computers and users. For the first time computers became capable of understanding the most basic form of human communication - pointing and grunting. The mouse and the GUI revolutionized computing and made computers accessible to the masses.

We have now entered a third era. We are rapidly approaching a time when computer systems will understand human language and respond using the most natural form of human communication – speech.

This is an important development. Some might even call it revolutionary.

Despite its importance, however, the technologies that will underpin this new method of interaction are the property of major tech firms who don't necessarily have the public's best interests at heart.

Not anymore.

Meet Mycroft – the worlds first open source natural language platform. Mycroft understands human language and responds with speech. It is being designed to run on anything from a phone to an automobile and will change the way we interact with open source technologies in profound ways.

Our goal here at Mycroft is to improve this technology to the point that when you interact with the software it is impossible to tell if you are talking to a human or a machine.

This initial release of the Mycroft software represents a significant effort by the Mycroft community to give the open source world access to this important technology. We are all hoping that the software will be useful to the public and will help to usher in a new era of human machine interaction.

Our community welcomes everyone to use Mycroft, improve the software and contribute back to the project. With your help and support we can truly make Mycroft an AI for everyone.
New pasta is born
This is what happens when you don't put a reasonable restriction on commit message length.
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Shouldn't this shit be in the readme?
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Commit comments are an important development. Some might even call them revolutionary.

Despite its importance, however, the technologies that will underpin this new method of interaction (like pitiful readmes) are the property of major tech firms who don't necessarily have the public's best interests at heart.

Not anymore.
Are you Mycroft?
If he is, 10/10 for posting a cute image and lurking /g/.
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Someone merge shitpost learner with Mycroft

Then make it time bomb, so that when enough people start using Mycroft, it suddenly starts shitposting everywhere over the internet
>shitpost learner

>inb4 shitposting is an impossible to telligent personal assistanding to the point technology has become

it's open source natural language and lurking that shitpost learner with you mycroft, important development. some ultimate tool form of human or a machine interests a significant development. we are this that when enough people start using /g/.
I wish the developers would see this thread. They should integrate something like "Betty", but written in C, not ruby

Just imagine!
I have Betty starred on Github long time now and know what it does, but I don't see how integration with Mycroft would work. How did you imagine that?
Like betty, at first should aim to be a command line helper. Things like "bro", "fu", "howdoi" are some command line helpers that provide with examples of scripts and whatnot.

In could suggest anything more than that, we being realistic, starting as a command line helper is the best idea and growing functionality from that is a natural process which will happen.
Sorry for the bad grammar, I typed fast.
Yes, I'm thinking of natural language programming, but that is a long shot. Command line examples are doable and can grow a lot if you create the base for people to build from that.

Just use C.
Can't you just take an existing language and make lots of key words synonyms?

It might not get you to a CSG but it's a bit closer if you want something even more braindead than python if you can't remember keywords

Define everything.
>can grow a lot if you create the base for people to build from that
Isn't this exactly the point of Mycroft?
Modular as fuck and works with natural langauge.
I am sure that it could be easily modified to output text into command line instead of speakers.
It already outputs text of what it says into terminal window, just with lot of other stuff.
As of input, you can already use command line instead of microphone. instead of "./start.sh voice" you run "./start.sh cli"
+1 Mycroft is the base of something great.
Just add translation from voice to CLI commands and vice versa. Will help debugging and further development.

Picture Jarvis, in some scenes it seemed it had access to CAD. Now, don't fucking think in adding that now, but if you have an interface from voice commands to scripting commands maybe someday.

FreeCAD already has scripting integrated btw.
>mycroft, update my computer
>sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade

sounds pretty dank to me
I already do similar things with the Cortana API.

>Hey Cortana, load up 10 tabs of futa doujins
>Hey Cortana, generate a shitpost from the newest /dpt/ thread and post it
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> sudo apt-get autoclean; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get autoremove; sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
teach me senpai
Do you know C#?
i mean sure you could make a bash alias, but that would be much cooler, especially if you are using your hands for another task

no i dont. but if you have code i can make sense of it
>Mycroft, download every pic from NASA
page=$(curl -s "$url")
img=$(grep -m1 "href=\"image" <<< "$page" | cut -d'"' -f2)
Aaaaand 4chan broke it.

Well done.
>Cortana API
Do they still make you sign in with a Microsoft account? None of my online passwords are human memorable.
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checkem() { 
curl -s "$1" | grep --color=auto -Po "'\d+(\d)\1+'" | sort -u | sed "s/'\(.*\)'/>>\1/g"
Why in hell anybody would do Microsoft's work for free?
>implying any company or developer would put that functionality in anything
been waiting for this.
Is it just me or is the documentation really fucking bad?
Like how the fuck am I supposed to use this shit?
New waifu?
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In the 1970s computer users had to understand the arcane syntax of th…

…e machines they used. They programed their computers using the machine's native language and hardly gave it a thought.

The 1980s birthed a new form of interaction between computers and users. For the first time computers became capable of understanding the most basic form of human communication - pointing and grunting. The mouse and the GUI revolutionized computing and made computers accessible to the masses.

We have now entered a third era. We are rapidly approaching a time when computer systems will understand human language and respond using the most natural form of human communication – speech.

This is an important development. Some might even call it revolutionary.

Despite its importance, however, the technologies that will underpin this new method of interaction are the property of major tech firms who don't necessarily have the public's best interests at heart.

Not anymore.

Meet Mycroft – the worlds first open source natural language platform. Mycroft understands human language and responds with speech. It is being designed to run on anything from a phone to an automobile and will change the way we interact with open source technologies in profound ways.

Our goal here at Mycroft is to improve this technology to the point that when you interact with the software it is impossible to tell if you are talking to a human or a machine.

This initial release of the Mycroft software represents a significant effort by the Mycroft community to give the open source world access to this important technology. We are all hoping that the software will be useful to the public and will help to usher in a new era of human machine interaction.

Our community welcomes everyone to use Mycroft, improve the software and contribute back to the project. With your help and support we can truly make Mycroft an AI for everyone.
Sadly you are right, documentation is far from finished.
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Seriously tho, look at this shit.
>install virtualenv and dependencies
'K I got this
>setup a Cerberus device
For what fucking purpose? Am I supposed to dev on a single device? Do I need to config every single device I deploy my app to?
>running the initial stack
What stack? To do what? What am I running? Am I supposed to magically know everything from the filenames or should I dig into pajeet-tier source files?
>speech detection loop
>web sockets
What? Well I'm sure they'll explain shit later... Rite? Fucking no, nigga, that's all you get.

Bad docs make me sperg so fucking much, I swear.
Yeah we get it.

Now move that butt and help with the project.
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>Bad docs make me sperg so fucking much, I swear.
I'm sorry anon.
Maybe in future we can teach Mycroft to make documentation by looking at code, so that you won't have to sperg out so much when looking at other undocumented projects
>huge commercial project released for free
>/g/ complains about a lack of docs
Am I really surrounded by a bunch of self-entitled faggots? I bet my ass you're liberals too.
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Why are there so many assistant-in-a-box products,but no robots yet?
I just want robots to happen

Robot waifus even better
Is that the license where you have to release the full source code with your program?
First we get the ai, next we get the mechas, and after that is astroboy.
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I'm working on it anon, pls be patient

How creative.
>not knowing the license that boosted the open source community
Usually I work with restricted licenses so I don't know all the details of the GNU. If you do have to release the full code they should've gone with a MIT license.
>Is that the license where you have to release the full source code with your program?

it's essentially Microsoft saying "fuck you, have this thing for free but you're never allowed to make a dollar from it, without contributing 100% of your work back to us"
It's Sherlock Holmes' brother you filthy plebeian.
It's "Microsoft" without the "so"
Yes but I don't think that was the intended meaning. Then again even on /g/ people are acting like this has anything to do with Microsoft so I may be wrong and the name may be b8
But /g/ is full of dunning kruger cretins so there's also that
godspeed anon, godspeed
See >>54656934
this has nothing to do with m$oft, stop being stupid anons
> In the 1970s computer users had to understand the arcane syntax of th…
> …e machines they used. They programed their computers using the machine's native language and hardly gave it a thought.
> The 1980s birthed a new form of interaction between computers and users. For the first time computers became capable of understanding the most basic form of human communication - pointing and grunting. The mouse and the GUI revolutionized computing and made computers accessible to the masses.
> We have now entered a third era. We are rapidly approaching a time when computer systems will understand human language and respond using the most natural form of human communication – speech.
> This is an important development. Some might even call it revolutionary.
> Despite its importance, however, the technologies that will underpin this new method of interaction are the property of major tech firms who don't necessarily have the public's best interests at heart.
> Not anymore.
> Meet Mycroft – the worlds first open source natural language platform. Mycroft understands human language and responds with speech. It is being designed to run on anything from a phone to an automobile and will change the way we interact with open source technologies in profound ways.
> Our goal here at Mycroft is to improve this technology to the point that when you interact with the software it is impossible to tell if you are talking to a human or a machine.
> This initial release of the Mycroft software represents a significant effort by the Mycroft community to give the open source world access to this important technology. We are all hoping that the software will be useful to the public and will help to usher in a new era of human machine interaction.
> Our community welcomes everyone to use Mycroft, improve the software and contribute back to the project. With your help and support we can truly make Mycroft an AI for everyone.
janky ass OEM coolers
>for free
>so that they can monetize my work
Yeah no, I'll start my own kickstarter scam when I drop out of cute anime grills and dank memes
Quit trolling, GPLv3 prevents that. See:

I am going to redpill you about the GPL before the paid trolls.

Some cucks (among many we have) are trying to promote BSD, MIT, Apache and other licenses because they are hired by corporations that can make privative software thanks to those licenses by putting some closed source on top and fuck everyone else.

For example, Darwin is an operative system in which Apple collaborates with the "open source" community. Because it is a BSD derivative, Apple uses that operative system and put it some closed source bits and call it OS X.

Sure, you can use Darwin, but is crippleware, is of much lesser quality. And Apple is not even full fascist here, they at least have some degree of cooperation. Microsoft on the other hand in the 90's spread memos about how to fuck up Linux and the free as in freedom community. Is called "embrace, extend, extinguish". See for yourself:

If you were in charge of Microsoft, and you had no ethics, what would you do knowing that you could harm the free software community just by reusing "open source" software in your favor, put some bells and whistles, and extinguishing the original product?

I beg you consider the GPL and LGPL over everything else. One can't possibly know what is being used under the hood of many privative software, and you never know when something "open sourced" sometime ago is now part of closed source software.

Even the LGPL, because you can have a fully functional application in LGPL which someone can cut off the interface, put a privative interface to it and deprecate any other interface by changing the API (systemd?).

>inb4 "Put a shitty license to your code so we can make more profits than you using your software. Maybe someday, if we are on the mood, you will work for us".
>Signed: big corps
Yeah, fuck you.
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>operative system
Not b8ing, you seem to know your stuff.

Say I have this (let's call the parts of the code by letters)
>A is under a GPL license.
>B is under a closed source restrictive license.
>C is MIT.
>D is something of my own.

I make x change to A and y change to C, such that Ax -> A' and Cx -> C'
I leave B as it is, and I program D.

So I am left with
>A', B, C', D = Product

Under the GPL license, do I have to:
>a. Release A'
>b. Release the whole program
>c. Something else
>implying some words written by a fat toe-cheese-eating pedophile have the slightest legal value when a project you contributed to fucks you over and starts selling your work

Once you commit to the repo, it's theirs. Nobody cares about >muh freedom in business, retard
If you mean the source code, not the binaries.
>Once you commit to the repo, it's theirs.

Microsoft could easily just wait for NEET turboautists to finish their project for them, then change the license to "microsoft owns everything" and remove the repo altogether

see: xamarin
>If you mean the source code, not the binaries.
Of course thank you. That's pretty fair, maybe instead of hating on the GPL I should've done some research.
this is not a microshaft project ffs.
Is Mycroft, but I get where all this trolling goes.

Forking is legal you know.
Oh lawdy you sure held an airtight argument there, fagtron.
I'm gonna stick to the "open source, anti developer" philosophy here, let me know how your NEET life'll be treating you when you hit 40
Research on how Red Had made the big bucks. And after that look into service-oriented business, is the future.
If someone makes a project under GPL and it gets forked, then the original owner suddenly makes it proprietary, what happens to the fork?
>starts selling your work
Doesn't that kind of shit cause insta-fork?
For example OpenOffice was forked into LibreOffice at slightest chance of Oracle fucking whole thing over.

You know about that parking-ticlet-lawyer-AI-thing? We need RMS version of that, so that he can give us legal advice about free software.
Stays GPL. All changes released under the GPL stay that way.
the original code used in that fork, follows the original's new license

the new code written for the fork remains GPL (or whatever compatible license the fork used)

followed by fork's authors rapidly scrambling to replace the now-proprietary parts of their project with GPL alternatives, without getting sued

see: openJRE & android JRE
Nice paranoia, why don't you use that imagination thinking the million was BSD license shits on the developer itself.

Better yet, why don't you use that energy of yours reading GPLv3 instead of trolling.
You know what would be really cool? If you could connect it to a 3D printer to make some shit through CAD like >>54655186
Bumping so this isn't dead by the time I wake up.
I'm a retard with ADHD with an overreliance on personal information memanagement and paranoid to a fault, so a free and libre personal assistant seems too good to be true
What's up, why you guys don't post these ai threads more often?

Want to see the Jarvis thing evolving.
How do you install this? I have all the dependencies but the dev setup script keeps terminating compilation when it fails to build the openssl extension because openssl/opensslv.h doesn't exist!
Because no one is working on it.
> AI

no one cares. it takes 3 months on a 100,000 core super computer to simulate a few molecules in a neuron, and you think you can re-create human intelligence.

lol ok.
>implying the emergent behavior of intelligence is as complex as the molecules it's based on
lol k

That's some fucking hubris right there, son.
>implying it isn't
>no amount of resources will ever be enough since I don't know how to use them
When we eventually develop true AI, isn't it inhumane to shove it a PC? What happens when we turn it off and unplug it?
DESU Mycroft isn't first open source one.
There is Jasper that is supposed to be used on Raspberry Pi, but I found it hard to get it running and hard to add additional functionality.
Then there is Sirius (now called Lucida) which seems to be better but takes shitload of space.
Mycroft seems to be in between those two.
And then there are shitload of homemade attempts on Github, every second one is of course called Jarvis.

I hope that Mycroft dev team and Lucida dev team get some love between them going on and merge both projects into one overkill of an FOSS AI.
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Wait what m8?
Report that shit on Github.
why would it be inhumane if the intelligence in question is not human (read: not the same thing we have in our brain).
Provided it can save it's state before poweroff and resume after powered back on, then there should be nothing wrong. It would be the equivalent of coma.
>he thinks intelligence is a speshul snoflack soul like thing


It's inhumane if you program them to have human feelings. Otherwise, no.

>He thinks he doesn't turn off every night when he goes to bed.
desu he doesn't completely.
Well yes, his consciousness does turn off, but other processes running in background (read: subconsciousness, shit required for basic body functions) are still active.
With some effort Mycroft could probably be able to portray a personality of some character.
Soon everyone will be able to download virtual Richard Stallman.

But with robot waifus, I would probably go for Lara Croft.
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>Soon everyone will be able to download virtual Richard Stallman.
>with robot waifus, I would probably go for Lara Croft.
Thread replies: 102
Thread images: 17

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