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jesus fuckin christ what a atrocity >remove the black theme
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jesus fuckin christ what a atrocity
>remove the black theme
>add fuckin emojis
Deal with it fgt. Just use the AOSP version if you don't like the new look.
File: Screenshot_2016-05-19-13-54-34.png (200 KB, 1080x1920) Image search: [Google]
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Hwat are you smokin
>dull blue
>anywhere close to black
keyboard 5.1 apk lets you have a black theme or any picture you want
Or just sideload the old version and shut the fuck up
Just use a Windows Phone and you won't have this problem.
The dark Holo theme was the best for me. I really don't like the new dark theme.
Well damn. I was just sitting here really happy with the new version. I must be a pleb.
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