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Do you find writing software fun? Or does it destroy your body
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Do you find writing software fun?

Or does it destroy your body and kill you inside?
Both. It depends on the project.
I like doing my own projects, It's like a hobby for me.

If i had to do it for a living and spend all day working on other peoples shit i would probably go postal.
>Do you find writing software fun?
Low-level / back-end stuff is mostly fun. If you have to create UIs then it comes a bit pain. And if you're programming web frontends it would be less painful to just kill yourself.
what else could one do anyway if their qualifications are all related to software, and be paid just as good?
working in other engineering disciplines also equally horrible?
It depends. If I find a cheeky way of implementing a feature on a Web frontend I definitely remained amused for the rest of the day.

Low level stuff occasionally makes me anxious as I feel like it has real consequence.
Working on my own games: fun as fuck
Doing back end web dev with python+django: just kill me lads
Just like anything else, doing it as a hobby, working on your own projects, doing it on your own pace is fun.

Having to wake up and do someone else's project with someone else's design decisions and be productive for 8 straight hours sucks balls.
Depends on the software, but usually yes
It's even worse when you have to revamp a project that was developed by a sole developer, who was given complete liberty to do whatever he wanted, and now no longer works for the company.
>If you have to create UIs then it comes a bit pain


Why writing GUIs, any GUI, is still so painful? Why can't GUI development be as enjoyable as algorithmic and console stuff and simple output stuff?

I'm thinking it would be possible to develop an AI system that would generate consistent graphical interfaces from text io and file io programs.

A kind of automatic, zero configuration, on the fly graphical frontend generator.
It makes you obese and insane

prefer literally any other job
i find white text on a black background to be worse than black text on a white background
Nah web front-end has it nice if you're not using ASP.NET
I like making GUIs it's harder than just writing the code that does stuff
What's wrong with ASP.NET? I don't know much about it and I'm curious.
>I'm thinking it would be possible to develop an AI system that would generate consistent graphical interfaces from text io and file io programs
You don't really need an AI to do something like that. You'd just need a "theme" or a general type of the design (single page, traditional, "stallman's homepage" etc.) and a list of things you'd want it to have. Come to think of it I'm fairly sure wordpress already does this
he needs a template
GUIs is the greatest fad in the history of computed. The worst kind of human-computer interface.

Man has evolved to communicate tthrough language, spoken or written. Therefore speaking, hearing, writing, reading are the primitives of human communication.

Clicking and taping buttons or touch screens is not natural and this is why they are so hard to develop and hard to use.
How hard is it to control PLCs (with Java) ? Do you get an API or something? I'm an IT/support/technician in a small company related to vending machines. I'd like transfer and do some programming, but besides some uni and small personal projects I don't have much XP.
This is simple but not generic enough.

The AI I have in mind would be able to automatically create a graphical video editor from text and file io utilities like imagemagick, ffpmeg etc.
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that's nice dear
Would the AI itself have an interface?
Clicking and tapping are almost the same as pointing your finger at something to express your interest in it. Pointing at something is more natural and primitive than talking
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Ddi you just make that up?
because it sounds like you made that up
it's fun as hell for me. if you don't enjoy it on some level you shouldn't be doing it. go get a normie job faggot
The most succesful programmers are normalfags though.

John Carmack? Married
Bill Gates? Married
Linus Torvalds? Married

>inb4 "all of those people suck at programming"
I said "succesful", not "the best"
if "succesful" == "fame"
Carmack (net worth $40 million) and Gates (79.2 billion dollars) are rich, so is Torvalds ($150 million)
success is a relative concept, one man's success is another man's failure, one man's failure is another man's success. i'm not talking about financial success i'm talking about enjoying the work. Those that truly enjoy it don't always make a ton of money but they are going to be more satisfied with their work than those who are only doing it for the money.
>I said "succesful", not "the best"
can you name some better ones?
Linus has already said he doesn't make anywhere near that. Let me give you a different example, at onepoint moot was worth $2mil, we all know that nigga is poor as fuck.
Carmack / Torvalds do NOT suck at programming.
Now Gates, well just take a look at Windows.
>worth multiple of billion dollars
stay mad failfag
You sound poor.

Success = Money
Bill Gates hasn't written Windows code since Windows 3.1 or 95.
>replies to bait
Anon please.
Wasn't moot still living with his mom when he left 4chan?
Obviously he didn't have to, when he had hundreds of thousands of employees who can do that for a few thousand bucks per month.
yet he's filthy rich.

same with notch. I guess being a shitty programmer gets you places.
No, he has had his own apartment for a while. IIRC he said in an interview that he makes enough to run 4chan and pay the bills.
because you're a fucking idiot that uses python
It's alright. It's merely a tool for me, though - I'm in it for the science. I can see myself moving into scientific programming later down the line. It's a bit frustrating having to write code quickly without having time to set up an idea properly and put something resembling a design in it..
yeah, I'm sure those two jlist banners pay his bandwidth bills and then some.
what's wrong with python?
Writing software for work is slowly killing me

Writing software to solve problems I have isn't exactly fun but it fixes my problem.
So you need to write some software to write the software for work.
yeah but nigga lived in a smallass apartment without even a washingmachine
When you write software for work the software's existence solves the problem of you being unemployed
until you solved all their problems and they fire you and hire someone cheaper to maintain your code
Most apartments don't have a washing machine you privileged retard.
if you don't have a washingmachine you're poor.
I enjoy writing software. It doesn't destroy my body because I understand the health benefits of taking regular breaks that move my body and disengage my mind.
Fun. Regardless if it's work or hobby.

And CLIs aren't?
Terrible code in that image. Very verbose and crappy. Also repetitive.

for ( var i = 0, length = transaction.length; i < length; i++ )

What a retard.
here's your (you) so now suck my cock.
Are you trolling or just retarded? You have to do stupid shit like that because javascript performs so poorly.
I'm sure I'd care a lot about washing machines too if I was a filthy american scum.
i'm not american you poor fuck
You're probably poor yourself.
no i'm not. what's the next thing you're going to try to project?
You're awfully defensive.
why don't they use desktops at work anymore? Is it a pain in the ass for employs to have both a work laptop and a work desktop?
It is a more complicated question than that.

I went into systems engineering because I get to tinker with GNU/Linux and BSD and spend some time on automation and tools but I couldn't honestly develop software as my entire job I need to break up tasks to keep myself interested.
Literally the second one. I'm seething with rage right now because I can't figure out what's wrong with my code.
When I do low level stuff I feel pretty happy because I know I have full control. When I do high level stuff I feel kinda lousy because I feel like I have to rely on a bunch of other shit lords to have my code work, and I get a little anxiety about whether or not their code will fuck up and cause my code to fuck up.
Laptops are powerful enough for most development tasks nowadays so you can just plug in a keyboard and a screen and use it as a desktop
> Is it a pain in the ass for employs to have both a work laptop and a work desktop?
>I'm seething with rage right now because I can't figure out what's wrong with my code.

Maybe writing software isn't for you.
it's fun because i do it as a hobby in my freetime, whenever i have the urge to. Contrary to people having this as job and are literally forced to.
>performs so poorly.
>V8 operations are as fast or faster than unoptimized c/c++
Regardless of the speed of javascript, there is literally no difference in speed between those two operations. Even if there was it's so microscopically small it wouldn't matter. This is a great example of premature optimization and the reason why you are a bad programmer.
There's little difference in readability as well. Might as well use the one that's faster.
why hasn't 4chan had ads since the take-over
was wondering -
don't see any ads at all
you know you're poor when you can't even afford a decent monitor for programming.
That's because of your ad blocker?
Hiroshimoot runs 2chan and used to be a NicoNico board member. He probably makes enough dosh to run 4chan on the side
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I've gone from loving the shit out of programming to pretty much hating it.
Good thing I didn't choose CS or I would've probably killed myself by now.

Choosing to program web front-ends for a living is the epitome of masochism

>side project
>3 hours later
>pick and implement perfect web UI color scheme
>finally get positioning of buttons down
>will probably change it again tomorrow

Who can ever do this for life...
what did you chose?
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just a tip for you non-normalfags: millions of dollars will assist you in getting a gf. just so you are aware. carry on.
thanks for this thread. i switched to hardware support over programming having sensed the soul crushing potential of being a professional coder. i make a lot less esp these days tho no regret
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it's fun if it's not your job
i do desktop support and web dev + seo on the side

i find it hard to make it fun once your done rice'ing atom its like okay this shit is tedious. also fuck my day job.
Will reiterate what others have said; depends on the project.
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