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/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
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Warez edition

Old thread: >>52503919

Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

Check out the wiki and update it yourself if you want more instead of complaining like a fucking faggot. https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

How to get into private trackers (and survive): http://pastebin.com/BFQBwQxm
Paths to get into trackers (particularly old and outdated): http://pastebin.com/D74UA1UK

What.CD Interview Notes: http://pastebin.com/Wgz6T7ta

Various tracker IRCs and sites open for signup

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.
Remember the following:
>staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>people may report emails and other personal info posted here to staff to get you banned.
>most of the invite offers here are people trolling you with false hope - begging for invites is a waste of time and you should just interview
>around 60% of posters here chat shit - don't make any claims about sites based on "something you read here once"
First for duping accounts on WCD
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>invite someone
>downloads a bunch of box set flacs
>ratio falls to 0.3
>slowly climbs back up to 1.0
>>around 60% of posters here chat shit

Yeah but nobody get banged.

Who gives a fuck if they get disabled for bad ratio though.
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>godawful speeds
>download ~20 torrents on empornium
>I end up seeding back all of them, 10+ ratio on some
Best tracker or best tracker?
It is pretty based.
>seeding porn
For what purpose?
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>waiting for recruiters
How else will I download more?
That fucking banding.
Beautiful isn't it?
Will be fixed in AHD remux, don't worry.

Mainly just because I can at this point, I'm experimenting with ideas relating to how I can sell accounts and/or invites in the future though.
do you need the money? i always assumed this sort of thing was for indians.
>invite semi-normie dudebro from work to PTP
>give him tips and show him how/what to upload
>tfw he builds a bigger buffer than me in a few months, surpasses my upload count, and perma seeds everything
>other normie coworkers say how awesome shit like Showbox is
>we both laugh at their pleb shit

It's a good feel actually

No, but it wouldn't hurt either. It takes a few hours to wait for and sit the interview, a few hours more to upload new torrents and abuse freeleeches then everything after that is a case of waiting.

If you intend to attempt to shame me for doing something that only a poor person would do, don't bother, I don't give a fuck.
So the best way to store a library of movies is to just build a nas right?
Some anons use plex here.
Damn, anon. Do you guys work in IT?
Yeah i do too, i would just put it on the nas then i think. But i meant just for storing?
What the fuck is showbox?
Nah we're both stockboy slave wages at a retail store

The new Popcorn Time I think. Some streaming app for movies and TV.
>slave wages

Kek how did I fuck that up?
Wait, so your question is what is the best way to store movies? like archiving them or something?

I would remove all connections and keep them at their recommended temps and maybe connect them once a month to make sure everything is ok.

Showbox is an app for Android phones that doesn't require root access. It's 'popcorn time' for users of android basically. Also it might just be a web app.
Hmmm, I suspected IT because you mentioned that he permaseeds but I guess you two are just smart stockboys.
Can anybody screenshot the stats for BTN?
fuck no
next time just ask for the user count
PTP recruitment closes tomorrow
Maximum Users: 35,000
Enabled Users: 34,139
Online Since: November 2nd, 2009
Born: 6 years, 2 months ago
Online Users: 287
Users active today: 9,360
Users active this week: 21,549
Users active this month: 29,508
not the fag, but why?
thx m8
Some anons here on /ptg/ get an lol out of saying 'delete this' and 'sent'
delete these dubs
oh and I would like to add they get a kick out of saying 'reported' as well
Sent :^)
Hello, reddit.
hello reddit
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Relative newfag to /ptg/ shit, and I am alwqays busy lurking, but is the point of this literally just to get torrents not accessible publicly?
Higher quality, more seeded, it comes out faster, rarer content & more private.
I do it for the internals desu. And the general availability.
Not even about stuff that isn't available publicly, it is about speed, assured quality (or the torrent would get deleted by staff), and it's safer because you aren't connected to a public swarm.

There of course is also a wider selection available on private trackers as well and some older things with good seeders that you just wont find publicly.
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>761 slots

so why the fuck aren't they recruiting
No recruiter right now. And they don't have to recruit all the time just because they're not at cap.
no plebs allowed
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Maybe I am a fucking numbskull, but what would you possibly want that isn't on some public torrent site? Maybe fucking gore shit, but if I want to get the newest Photoshop, that shit is always up.

But if you have to comb for this shit, and have to be invited to some of these sites, how available really is it?

>aren't connected to a public swarm
It makes sense in a way, but isn't there safety in numbers?

>wider selection
Like what? Like I said above, if I want some expensive software, it is almost always available publicly.

That makes sense.
>It makes sense in a way, but isn't there safety in numbers?
No because the MPAA/RIAA/whoever wants to send you a notice, are just using a computer to make a note of every IP connected to the swarm they are monitoring. Then they generally just send out automated notices to all the IP addresses they grabbed. There is no safety in numbers because they are doing bulk collection of IPs.
>Like what? Like I said above, if I want some expensive software, it is almost always available publicly.
It really depends what kind of stuff you're interested in, if you want super old 1930s and 40s era movies in high quality encodes, there is a private tracker out there for you. Maybe you're looking for some obscure anime or porn or whatever it is.

You MIGHT be able to find it on a public tracker, but if you do it will likely not be seeded well at all, or it may not have any seeds depending on how old the torrent is.

Private trackers encourage permaseeding, and further many trackers allow you to request a reseed, meaning it will send a notice to users who it knows have at one point downloaded that particular torrent, and ask them to seed it if they still have it.
Hello IPT
Advantages of private trackers include:

Speed: If you're familiar with torrents you probably know that the bigger the swarm, the faster you download. Private trackers encourage their members to seed torrents for as long as possible, thus guaranteeing bigger swarms for every torrent. Not only that, but many members use remote seedboxes with huge upload speeds, thus dramatically increasing the speed for many torrents, often making them available almost instantly.
Retention: Similarly, private trackers usually enforce rules that encourage long-term seeding. Many torrents for obscure content that you wouldn't normally find any peers for on ThePirateBay or KAT will be still seeded by a few peers on private trackers.
Selection: Some content simply isn't available on any public site and will only be found on private trackers. Sometimes you can't even legally buy it at all, ironically. Some trackers even specialize in obscure or rare content, ensuring that it doesn't get lost from the Internet.
Quality control: A major asset of private trackers, albeit one that can vary a lot across trackers. Good private trackers have very strict rules on content format, quality and organization. Music trackers will ensure you don't get horrible 92kbps transcodes, movie trackers will ensure you only get good encodes, ebook trackers will ensure you get retail quality, etc. Members and staff review and approve each torrent. Trumping rules and the removal of duplicates ensure you only get one, community-approved source for the specific content and format. This, coupled with a decent site layout, makes private trackers much more orderly than public ones.
Security: There are two reasons private trackers are more secure, albeit they may not apply in the future. The first one is that most of them are obscure enough that no one really knows or cares about them (security by obscurity). The second one is that copyright trolls would rather focus on huge public sites that are easy to fish
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Ah, thanks guys. I am probably going to switch to private trackers (if I can even get an invite to one) now.
If you like anime start at Animebytes

If you like music start at what.cd
>But if you have to comb for this shit
>and have to be invited to some of these sites, how available really is it?
Well that parts really easy. I'm 2 months into the game and on AHD and PTP already so I can access almost all the internals I want.
So I've been a uTorrent fag forever but it's been acting like shit recently, so I've decided to make the switch. What client should I be using /ptg/?

>(if I can even get an invite to one)

Why were you banned? and who banned you?
>What client should I be using /ptg/?
utorrent 2.2.1
I'll still never understand why the FEDs don't just invade WCD. It'd be easy as fuck. I get the whole MUH PUBLIC SITES ARE EASIER bit, but still. Just imagine taking down WCD. We all know some other site would pop up immediately taking it's place...but if WCD got taken down it would fucking rattle and scare all other trackers.
Qbittorrent. Install not the latest one atm but the one just released before it.
Anons is there a way into Bitme these days? It looks dry out there. Is it even worth it?
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Based upon the wiki, you need an invite to access most of these private trackers, no?
Why do you want this to happen? and users of what.cd own every single thing they download. It's just for backup you dickhead.
>it would fucking rattle and scare all other trackers.
No it wouldn't

w.cd is known far and wide as THE place to start on private trackers because of the ease of entry and the good invite forums.

It has so many users and the interview process isn't particularly difficult I dont think too many people would be shocked if they already were infiltrated.
Sorry, I'm not buying it /ptg/.
This guy is pretending to be new.
He is implying you shouldn't worry about getting an invite or not unless you've been banned, if you haven't been banned before then you're fine and should have no problem getting into a decent starting tracker (what.cd or animebytes).

From that starting tracker you can build yourself up to where you can then get invited to other trackers you would be more interested in (AHD, PTP, Bib, etc)
They did this with oink.

Worked out great, now there are two major music trackers, a very impressive new frontend, and every major tracker has beefed up security.
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EVERY tracker is infiltrated.
>users of what.cd own every single they thing download

LEL no need to lie to me I'm not the FBI dickhead. And I wouldn't want that to happen, I'm just saying I don't see why they wouldn't do that. Besides if some poor sack of shit has to resort to using public trackers and Yify rips I highly fucking doubt he has the money to pay their shitty little DMCA notices. Whereas someone filling requests and uploading shit on WCD, has money. Hence why you see faggots panicking in the forums.

>no it wouldn't

You must be retarded if you don't think WCD being taken down wouldn't be talked about for years. Most trackers would shit their pants.

And that's probably the only reason I would never want to be staff on one of the trackers.
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>not buying it
Oh, thanks man. I thought I knew a lot about tech, come to /g/, wtf is this shit. Lurk for a while, see this tracker stuff, the wiki is a fucking mess with it repeating itself forty fucking times. I think it is somewhat understandable.

Oh, alright. That makes sense. Thanks.
I just wanna to tell about this to you guys...

Like 3% of what.cd accounts are mine. I can prove it. Really.
Assuming all of those accounts are enabled, then you own roughly 4466 accounts.

Prove it, faggot.
>Born: 6 years, 2 months ago

how the hell did they grow so quickly?
I don't need to prove, though. You know it. I'm TARS.
IPT will be the target of any private tracker take down. 2-3 x bigger userbase, big profits and plenty of previous mainstream media attention

>what would you possibly want that isn't on some public torrent site

Ignorance is bliss I guess. Today alone I snatched 5 albums in FLAC from jpop that weren't even on what.cd let alone public trackers.

Tonight I think I'll watch a sweet AHD remux. You just don't know how shit your life is right now.
no and no
>You must be retarded if you don't think WCD being taken down wouldn't be talked about for years. Most trackers would shit their pants.
Oh sure it would be talked about, but most smaller trackers that aren't as open as w.cd I dont think would be that rattled, everyone knows if a big one is going to get taken down, it's w.cd because of how easy it is to get in. Im not saying it wouldnt be a big deal, all I am saying is the private tracker owners out there wouldnt suddenly think they are next, almost no tracker is as easy to get into as w.cd that isn't curry.
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>implying I want to listen to jpop
>you just don't know how shit your life is right now
Yeah, I am just fucking dying without my JPOP man.
If what.cd went down every tracker on earth would shit the bed except the Chinese ones.

I'd doubt any would ever recruit again, or at least not for years. I can't even imagine what would happen it would be bigger than silk road's takedown.
transmission qt
>Like what?
Anime. Some torrents simply don't have seeds on public trackers, and there are series you can't find anywhere else.
I won't even mention how AB is just as easy, because they probably don't give a single fuck about anime. But let's be serious here for a moment.../ptg/ always harp on and on about how easy it is to get on PTP and BTN. I mean do you really think the government don't have means to amazing fucking internet and tons of fucking hard drives? The only thing they'd have trouble with is waiting 4-6 months to be able to ask for an invite to these other trackers. And they certainly have the means and manpower to have multiple (thousands) of accounts on a bunch of trackers. And I'm sure it wouldn't cost nearly as much money to do compared to how much money they waste on other bullshit. My only question is WHY...why don't they do it. I'm not worried or scared but I'm just intrigued by why they wouldn't take down a site like WCD or PTP...literally millions of dollars being lost because of these trackers, yet they seem more concerned about taking down some weed dealer or some retarded bullshit like that. I've just always wondered about shit like this for years.
>he says while he posts animu.TIFF

I don't know what kind of superiority you're trying to laud right now, but it's not working.
So why didn't any of that happen when OiNK was taken down?
What you're saying has all already happened before..and yet here we all are.
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Because there is even more money lost on public trackers and streaming sites since normies have access to them you dense fuck.
>WHY...why don't they do it
Because there are more people torrenting on public trackers and it's easier to go after them.
OiNK was nowhere near the size or had as much stature in the wider community that what.cd has. They're not even comparable at all at this point.

The world has changed.
>all of the content on public trackers are trickle down from private trackers

I know you're a retarded fuck but please, think before you post next time dickhead.

See above.
Now imagine the size of what's replacement.
>>all of the content on public trackers are trickle down from private trackers
no, most trickles from scene groups and their private FTPs or usenet.
pls stop talking about /pt/ getting taken down.

why are you summoning the demon.
Exactly, that's why what's going nowhere. Lord knows nobody is suddenly going to switch using Waffles. I'd rather start from the beginning on a new what.
>all of the content on public trackers are trickle down from private trackers
That simply isn't the case, at all. Most people who actually upload to private trackers keep their shit off public trackers.
That is the case. Just because not all the stuff of privates end up on public, doesn't mean that all the stuff on public isn't from private.
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Gotta have a taste of that meme magic all the other boards have already used for catastrophes.
>doesn't mean that all the stuff on public isn't from private.
It isn't. That's extremely silly.
There is some stuff, sure, but it's not like people take it from the private tracker and upload it to the public. Most the time people get it from the source and just upload it.

Like Nyaa and AB. Nyaa usually gets stuff first and AB gets it after, but Nyaa is the public one. This might change now that AB does seasonal though, but Nyaa is still the best place if you want tons of people to get your content.
it doesn't originate from private trackers though, private trackers are rarely the source, they just rehost what scene groups release, or take what a scene group has released and make an internal encode.

They arn't the source however.
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>>all of the content on public trackers are trickle down from private trackers
You have no idea of the route taken by scene releases right ?
Of course he doesn't, he has no idea what hes talking about.
Oh who gives a shit about anime.
It's just as true for TV and movie releases except replace Nyaa with scene group FTPs.
It's the same for other shit as well. The source isn't private trackers.
That doesn't even make sense.
tell me the route of scene releases anon, tell me.
...let's say your inane babbling was correct.
How would the feds go about taking down "the source?"
Let's say they want to kill off movie encodes. Who do they go after? PTP? They just do handjobs. They'd need to take down PTP, AHD, TehC and HDB to start making a dent.

And that still doesn't get rid of the scene.
The route is
>private tracker/pretracer
>public tracker

that's it, that's all there is too it. And regardless, most here don't watch scene shit.
Lurk more, newfriend.
I was going to make a huge post about this but I think it's a bad idea on a public board. If HDB went down everyone be absolutely and completely fucked for a while.
I don't care about the source. Of course private trackers aren't the source, except for some things. In any case besides anime, everything hits private trackers before public trackers.
>everything hits private trackers before public trackers
They hit about the same time desu senpai.

The people uploading to private trackers wont always put it up on a public tracker, but many do.

You're really just showing how little you know at the moment.
No, not at all. Even videogames go from the source to public trackers just as quick as private trackers.
And anyway, just because it goes on one first, that doesn't mean fucking anything. Both get it from the source one way or another.
Who cares about the fucking source? I don't. I'm saying it goes sources > private > public and a lot of shit from private doesn't even make it to public whether that be Internal encodes, cds only uploaded to private trackers, or HDBits retard huge BD archive.
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Jesus, I love newfags.
>HDBits retard huge BD archive.
so based
>that face when you will NEVER EVER enter hdb
>I'm saying it goes sources > private > public
And I'm saying you're wrong. It's either uploaded to both or it never makes it to public. It isn't sources>private>public. It can get to public first or private first.

It's sources>private/public or sources>private

There is no trickle down because most people on public trackers aren't looking for those really rare CDs or movies or whatever.
This is true. Public trackers ONLY ever have mainstream content because of the obvious problem, retention.
Tell me, what makes it to public trackers before private ones? Except for anime.
Another new games tracker - http://ultimategamer.club/
Literally any and everything, even new movie releases can hit public before they hit a private. It just depends man.
Yeah was on Reddit. It's new as
Any user that mentions r/opensignups in shoutbox will receive 20GB upload credit.
It's not about getting there first or second. You're trying to state that the stuff from public trackers comes from private trackers.

They don't. They're usually uploaded around the same time, or by different users, and they both probably got it from the source.
But why would anybody who has the source on something upload to public trackers first?

All I ever see on public trackers are awful reencodes and scene shit.
WTF is Web 2.5?

From thedeh - "brokenstones is great for Mac, plus it has the bonus of being the most gorgeous customization I've seen of a Gazelle tracker to date, something along the lines of a Web 2.5 design and certainly the most modern Gazelle tracker currently in operation."
>It just depends man.
No it actually doesn't. There are private trackers dedicated to racing pretimes/scene public trackers are crazy slow in comparison.

This is Private Tracker General, the burden of proof is on you.
Someone with the source can upload it to both if they want. It doesn't really matter if they upload it to one or the other first.
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Anyone know which drives are affected by Western Digital's intellipark 'feature'?
Is it only the greens?
It's meme shit.

>It doesn't really matter if they upload it to one or the other first

Then why upload it to public trackers at all?
How does it compare to p**t**g****t*m*?
Lol, sure there are seedboxes dedicated to racing that will have it up 10 or 20 minutes before any public tracker, who fucking cares?

If they are both up on the same day it is irrelevant to most people who aren't farming upload for epeen.
Greens and blues are the same drive.
>Then why upload it to public trackers at all?
some people like to share with the normies. What does it matter to you?
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>moving your own goalposts
>Then why upload it to public trackers at all?
To provide the material to more people?
When I upload things I upload them to private first, but it's become I'm invested in the community. I upload to public right after though.

I don't do this with really niche works, however. No one will download them or care about them on public trackers.
You're acting like EVERY single release ever is put on private trackers first, which just isn't true, sorry to burst your bubble.

Hell some of those seedboxes racing to grab from the scene groups upload straight to public trackers sometimes.
>When I upload things I upload them to private first, but it's become I'm invested in the community.

I upload to public right after though.

So you value private > public and even then you admit some things you only share privately meaning public does not have access to everything private.

That's what I've been saying this whole time.
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>moving your own goalposts
>Hell some of those seedboxes racing to grab from the scene groups upload straight to public trackers sometimes.

Seedboxes for public trackers? I'm not going to believe that. Every company that allows that is total shit with shit boxes.
No you haven't. You said it trickles down from private or it goes from private to public.

If it gets uploaded on both either way, around the same time, it doesn't ''trickle down'' or come from the private tracker.
Especially if it's the same user doing it.
No one is arguing that private trackers don't have niche things you wont find on public trackers that much is obvious.

We are talking about scene releases, scene releases get put on public and private trackers at basically the same time. Anyone trying to argue that private trackers have access to scene movies faster than public is just kinda retarded and doesnt understand how the scene distributes their content.

Private trackers will always be better for non-scene releases and niche content though, I dont think anyone here would ever argue that.
Yes, the FBI and MPAA/RIAA or whatever certainly could go after PTs pretty easily but they probably don't because it's the lowest on their priority list.

They instead go after public trackers/streaming sites because it's low hanging fruit. It's piss easy to record all IPs in a swarm and send out notices. By doing so, it sends a message to a lot of normies that yes, they are watching and have a chance of getting caught. If even 5% of people get scared and don't download anymore, that's quite a huge dent really

The other priority is scene groups. They are the ones leaking movies, music, TV, etc. days, weeks, sometimes months in advance. This is how the industries probably feel they are losing the most money. And when you consider that easily half of all shit that normies download off of public trackers is scene releases, you can see why they would love to shut them down. Plus, due to the much tighter knit communities and the fact that virtually all participants in a group are committing major crimes (in the eyes of FBI/industry), they would be very easy to convict and would probably give up all kinds of juicy info on their fellow members/scene groups for lesser penalties. You can see why they would much rather spend their effort infiltrating a scene group.

PTs on the other hand are mostly just sharing stuff between themselves in a special little club. The only ones that are probably on the radar are internal encode groups, and their stuff gets far less attention than scene releases since scene stuff comes out so much sooner.
I get them all the time when I grab stuff from kickass or TPB. It's pretty obvious when you set your client to resolve IPs, the fasts 1 or 2 are almost always seedbox companies.
I was never that anon who stated it trickles down. Most likely that's this guy >>52516727

I've argued that Private take precedent over public in almost all cases except anime and I'm yet to hear any argument against that.

You are talking about scene releases. I am talking about sources, those may or may not be scene. In any case if you can upload to both even at the same time, the private will get not only more but also get shit first.
>I've argued that Private take precedent over public in almost all cases except anime and I'm yet to hear any argument against that.
But what does that even mean? If the person with the source has access to a private and public tracker, then yeah usually people will upload to private first, just because those people actually care about the hobby more.

Most the time there are multiple uploaders who upload around the same time anyway.
>I am talking about sources
Well the source for almost everything is scene groups... Only the really niche stuff is actually sourced by the uploader, such as rare anime or old movies/TV/Music. Everything coming out new is probably coming from a scene group. That's just how it works.
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>Most likely that's this guy >>52516727 (You)
God no I never said anything like that. I'm just shitposting funny maymays because whatever this guy is trying to say it's incoherent as fuck.
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>Well the source for almost everything is scene groups...
My entire argument is private > public in every form possible including speed and depth to content except maybe for anime.

I cannot accept a public tracker being superior or even equal in any way.

> the source for almost everything is scene groups

This is just wrong and what.cd and HDBits are gleaming towers of how wrong that is.
>Well the source for almost everything is scene groups
Holy actual fuck, just how new are you?
>This is just wrong and what.cd and HDBits are gleaming towers of how wrong that is.
For music sure because it's much simpler, for movie releases? Show me a single thing HDB has gotten BEFORE it was released by a scene group.
Can someone give me some disadvatanges of using USENET + a good newsserver?

Dont tell me about p2l. Most of you use seedboxes or buy shit to upload
Then we should stop arguing, because I agree with you 100%. I thought you were the trickle down guy.
Pretty much everyone agrees this. The only point people are arguing against is "hur dur public trackers would be DEAD without private trackers"
>Most of you use seedboxes or buy shit to upload
I do neither so fuck off, this is /ptg/ :^)
Fair enough I'll stop. That original guy probably saw one of those shitty pyramid diagrams anyway.
No, the dude replying now jumped in cause he thought we were saying public trackers were just as good as private, which isn't at all the point of what we were arguing, we were just saying public and private get scene releases at the same exact time essentially.
Oh yeah then we got nothing to argue about.
does what.cd have a good selection of dubstep/edm/drum and bass music or is it all normie pop shit
>Show me a single thing HDB has gotten BEFORE it was released by a scene group.
Kek, let's try any bluray or bluray encode of almost and movie released before this decade, 95% of their WEB-DL content (it all comes from HDB and BTN users) Any Dtheater release, the thousands of user caps that scene never did, just off the top of my head
>exception makes the rule ;)

Im mainly asking about content.
>does what.cd have a good selection of dubstep/edm/drum and bass music or is it all normie pop shit
Yes, but there is a tracker called deepbasenine that specializes in this.
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Now that animebytes is doing seasonal releases there's no reason to use anything else unless you don't want to maintain a ratio. Even then, their freeleech policy is extremely liberal

It has everything
Usenet doesn't have anywhere near as much content, any organisation, any quality control and suffers from DMCA takedowns.
ive heard of it but ive also heard its almost impossible to get into
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Theatrical, directors, or final cut?
I wont argue any of that, I am just really talking about current releases. For things coming out now and releasing now, the scene groups are almost always going to have it out before any private tracker, hell most people on HDB probably can't be bothered to buy the bluray themselves and are just going to wait for the scene rip to come out so they can encode it themselves.

Obviously niche things or older releases HDB or whoever is more likely to get it because it wont ever be touched by a scene group.
I'm pretty hyped for seasonal releases on AB. I don't usually watch seasonal but I might start.
what.cd is the biggest music library on earth by a ridiculously huge margin.
>exception makes the rule ;)
Okay... i didn't say that, just told you to fuck off, either way
You'll get the same scene content as in Private Trackers, except for some exclusive shit [AKA shit], and with probably better speeds than PTs
The problem would be organization, QC, and P2P content [AKA content produced by the tracker members], and they can take out content at any time
Also, you won't have to worry about buffer and shit
FC. Never the one with the voiceover.
Final if you haven't seen it before. It's by far the best way to see the film the first time.
read the book instead
Well I'm in it so it's not impossible but regardless,
what.cd is adequate for 99% of things.
Ok thanks, yeah I haven't seen it before
I would if spaggy would stop attacking bib ;)
>needing bib to find a mainstream book like that
nigga please
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I know. Just wish bib would return.
>Black Mass is out

Now time to wait for that sweet AHD Remux bros.
Will the AHD remux meme die already?
Wll the "Will the x meme die already?" die already?
It's just one guy.
truth != meme
>will be fixed without encoding
thats thuper
DMCA takedowns? I guess it really is trash. Thanks for the breakdown
You just haven't experienced the AHD Remux. 50% Freeleech you know.
>not using european usenetservers that don't get fucked that fast
i know yes, i'm on AHD
>If what.cd went down every tracker on earth would shit the bed except the Chinese ones
Until the hundred thousand refugees flock to Waffles or some other site, reupload all their content there, and get enough incentives from devs due to their new-found popularity to the point they'll develop a framework better and newer than Gazelle, and again publish it for the use of a myriad of potential new tracker sysops
Cycle repeats
>don't get fucked
oh good
>that fast
...back in the trash it goes.
I'd rather start again on a brand new music site with the new gazelle than use fucking Waffles.
I wish I could go back in time to about 5 years where I could have just gotten into HDB, PTP and BTN when they had open registrations.
Did WCD ever have open regs in its infancy?
Haven't you heard thats a 1s and 0s tracker

rutracker is an ok substitute for what and it can already handle a much higher load and has survived numerous "takedown" and cencorship attempts
HDB didn't have open registrations 5 years ago. Try 10-11 (when it started).

I got my PTP invite by trading it in the old bitgamer forums
have you ever not been able to find something?
how did you get in?
Reminder that h*h users moved to p*ssthe*amestome ages ago and h*h became the meme fed to newfags
>have you ever not been able to find something

On what.cd? all the time.
OT has a better textbook section then h*H
I gave that as an example due to the sheer amount of content there, it'd be quicker to get back up to WCD's level of releases than any other (private) music tracker that I'm aware of.
>go to check how many uploads they have
>"File not found"
But as I said, they'd inevitably gain most of the better/more frequent uploads from What (TMs etc.), and I've already spoken with them about the idea of writing a new codebase for their site. And even if they didn't become the new What, someone would take meteor-gazelle (or another project) and achieve the same.
Can't pop the piracy balloon
>tfw all it takes is one or two shitposts to derail the thread into a 2 hour discussion about nonsense
>tfw you leave the thread and come back to multiple (You)'s

/ptg/ makes this waaay too easy.
What if I have seen it before? I think I watched the theatrical cut? The one without the weird getaway ending.
So what? It's fun to actually be able to discuss something, even if it's nonsense.
No no he feels good, let him be
if you think about it, Private Trackers are nonsense too.

All you need is IPT and possibly rutracker and you are set for life
>inb4 this turns into another 2 hr discussion about nonsense
>being this obvious

Maybe next time chief. I recommend you scroll up and see my previous posts and learn how it's done. Shitposting isn't a hobby, it's a way of life. You have to be dedicated enough to truly master it. With that being said I'm off to shitpost on /tv/, maybe you can try again in the next thread.
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Let me tell you something
>they certainly have the means and manpower to have multiple (thousands) of accounts on a bunch of trackers

As a person who works for the US Government, I can tell you that that is completely not true. Government lacks the resources, the will, and the coordination. In addition to that, there's too much bureaucracy and they would have real legal issues if they were 1000s of accounts on private trackers and sharing illegal mat'l.
That's a good question.
I've got a what.cd but I almost never use it.
Spent a while trying to get in, got in, realized there was no reason to get in. Got a good ratio now I just sit on the account for the day I might want more music again.

>This is literally why I can't have nice things.
they did have multiple accounts on silkroad

and they have shutdown trackers before
How come FileList isn't recorded on trace sites like layer13 and corrupt?
>have you ever not been able to find something?
On what.cd? God no, only when I'm intentionally looking for /mu/ meme throat sounds bullshit or really underground brapp brapp shit but even then their selection is impressive.
What.CD is bigger than iTunes+Spotify+Google Music+whatever else put together. If you need music, start there. It's one of those trackers that has to be seen to be believed.
>how did you get in?
To DB9? From a friend on IRC. I'm also TM on what.cd so that helps I guess.
>as a person who works for the US Government


>government lacks the resources, the will, and the coordination

KEK, so they have the necessary resources, will, and coordination to fight in multiple wars and try to track down multiple terrorist cells and leaders and child pron rings but they can't coordinate a plan to bring down some shitty private trackers?

TOP FUCKING ZOZ, I know it's b8 but cmon, that's just horrible familia, you weren't even trying.
I recommend watching the Final Cut, then the Directors Cut and deciding which you prefer. Theatrical is really, really not great.
Who the fuck keeps pushing PassTheGamesToMe? It's got nothing on it!
It has top admins
hellooooooo reddit
Are there WCD invites on AB PU forums?
If so, what are the requirements?
Yes, but it's easier to get in through TehC.
Elite+6 months.

Take. The. Fucking. Interview.
Unofficial, User dictated.
What are the requirements on TehC for WCD invites? Minimum account age?
Age: 8 week
Ratio 1.2
Average seeding size:100 GB
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I've got nothing worth uploading, I don't have standing on any private trackers, I don't know shit about transcodes or bitrates, my connection is average at beast, and I'm ignorant about music in general.

Can I pass a What.cd interview?
Final is Ridley's ideal version of the film. On top of that it's had a lot of touch ups over the previous 'Director's Cut'.

That particular internal looks fucking incredible too, watched it the other day.
Cheers, I'm just going to take the interview already...

and I'd take the interview but I'm afraid they'll look deeper into my IP range and find out I've been on there before.
Yes but you'd have to do research. There is a guide for it.
I passed the What.cd interview first go after spending my entire life downloading music from youtube.
what else is on the tehc invite forum? I might up my seeding size from 50 to 100 if's worth it.
is HiFi better or drealiT?
Not much. You can see it when you reach Fanatic.
Yeah definitely. There's an anon here that explains it best (I thinks it's alzy desu) but the gist of what he says is that the interview is just designed to find users that can read information (www.whatinterviewprep.com), understand it and apply it as well as patient enough to wait in line as it filters the curries and those users are more likely to read and follow the rules.
EVERYTHING you need is on the prep site. Just study it until you UNDERSTAND it ALL and you will pass first go
Well? How does it compare?
I'm literally the same. I just download from youtube because I don't give a fuck about FLAC or any of that dumb shit. I just want the right song.
>6.5 year old encode vs 9 month old encode
which is better lol?
>Well? How does it compare?
Why are you asking that? Are you a retrard or something?
>implying I was the one asking the question
helllloooooooo reddit.
It's good about 75%-80% of things. What's easy if you don't care about quality, you just get V2, V0 or 320 whichever one is better seeded. I mostly get the V0 because it's usually the best seeded.

Maybe I'll finally make the plunge. Fucking interview shit sounds annoying though.
>I don't give a fuck about FLAC or any of that dumb shit. I just want the right song.
Lurk more faggot.
Using 1998 meme formats is far, far stupider than transcoding your FLACs to vorbis-aotuv-lancer or Opus.
I don't give a fuck. Music isn't a big hobby of mine but I'd like to find new things and just download music I want easier than on shitty youtube.
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