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Desktop Thread
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You are currently reading a thread in /g/ - Technology

Thread replies: 244
Thread images: 113
File: desktop.png (1 MB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 1366x768
Desktop Thread: Windows edition
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Screenshot 21 Dec 15.png
932 KB, 1440x900
It's Windows, honest.
in this screenshot my windows are in floating mode
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2 MB, 1920x1080
Linux is more fun though.
gross image
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97 KB, 2560x1200
>eva and windows classic so retro xd va p or w a ve top lel

parading her around in public like a cow for auction.
File: wifef.png (766 KB, 3520x1080) Image search: [Google]
766 KB, 3520x1080
would you kindly post the wallpaper? thanks!
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385 KB, 720x1280
Windows, ok
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893 KB, 1280x720
Love that Windows
Not a fan of my saturation, I suppose? Luckily for you, it's not your desktop.
File: space.png (409 KB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
409 KB, 1366x768
Thanks, just gotta get john to give me his seamonkey theme and it'll be perfect
I started using it again to get space engine working, but that crashes whenever I load it, so here I am
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164 KB, 1920x1080
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C O O L   D U D E .jpg
29 KB, 362x362
What's a good browser with few dependencies that looks nice and has javascripts?
File: 10_out_of_10_Shana_Desktop.jpg (870 KB, 3840x1080) Image search: [Google]
870 KB, 3840x1080
I did not mean to quote you.
google chrome
To think I started a long response answering your question
I can't compile that :/
its actually chromium
Well if you have a good reason to use seamonkey i'd love an explanation, i'm using lynx at the moment.. it's not fun.
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407 KB, 1280x800
wm: dwm
term: urxvt
browser: surf
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874 KB, 1366x768
They don't even have instructions on how to build from source on their website..
use gentoo
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Seamonkey performs great and looks great, but it's hard to get in a minimal ahoka style because of it's incompatibilities with many extensions and css'.
Then again, I rarely ever use it. Firefox is my main browser on linux.
how do you deal with the lack of hardware acceleration classic has?
I dunno, you mean like compositing? I just do.
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382 KB, 1920x1080
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318 KB, 1360x768
Installed Debian again for some reason.
shut up kisumi
Is xorg the best display server that doesn't require systemd?
why aren't you using st
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953 KB, 1366x768
All signs point to yes
Is tan/orange suddenly eye-bleedingly ugly now? When did this happen?

Basically, full UTF support. A lot of programs don't display correctly on st, and urxvt consumes basically the exact same amount of resources. It's not as clean code-wise, but the usability of it is just a bit better, without being slower. All of suckless's other stuff is GOAT, though.
light color on light color is like liting a match and sticking it into my eye
all roads lead to rice
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File: i3desktop.png (762 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
762 KB, 1920x1080
Anime: not even once
You posting your own setup: not even once.
File: edge.png (387 KB, 1280x800) Image search: [Google]
387 KB, 1280x800
not as eye-burning...
so are you
What classic shell theme is that
File: w0tm8.jpg (532 KB, 3200x1080) Image search: [Google]
532 KB, 3200x1080
fucking jesus kill yourself
>bottom pic
jesus, that looks so much better. Why the fuck is that not standard?
File: K-ons 211.jpg (2 MB, 5964x4085) Image search: [Google]
K-ons 211.jpg
2 MB, 5964x4085
you can't just mutilate anime like that
Linux feels so good /g/. So so good.
That's a great wallpaper, can you post the original?
If only it looked good too
Turn on a light, faggot. I'm assuming you're using some custom CSS to make 4chins look dark enough for mummy's basement, too?
File: 2015-12-22_1600x900_scrot.png (665 KB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
665 KB, 1600x900
That's better.
jokes on you, i live in an above-ground basement :^)\
It's not that it looks better it's that the way they drew Ritsu's mouth in that particular image is terrible, it's far too open for her lips to be closed on the profile of her face. Compare the Mugi ones and you'll see that the top looks better when it's done right.
Not him, but I actually do have CSS to make most things I use daily dark. Even then I turn on my light the moment I wake up and have it on until I go to bed, and I don't live in a basement. It's just less straining on the eyes.
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It just doesn't feel the same

Uh, I'm not sure. The Windows 7 default?
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284 KB, 5120x2048
The one and only true waifu.
How do you take a picture of tty1?
File: isac's fourth pc.png (2 MB, 1152x864) Image search: [Google]
isac's fourth pc.png
2 MB, 1152x864
With windows up.
hi isac
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7 KB, 1366x768
fbgrab/fbcat works nice
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3 MB, 2944x1080
everyone is missing their side monitors
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1 MB, 1152x864
who is this semen demon
are you a meme?
File: 2015-11-27-03:05_screenshot.png (788 KB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
788 KB, 1366x768
looks like kotonoha
Nice thanks.
can i join the circlejerk now
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3 MB, 3840x1080
Nice music taste, anon
Not Me!
That's Ubuntu!
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662 KB, 1919x1079

It's windows i swear!
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2 MB, 3200x1080
mine's actually windows
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2 MB, 1920x1080
Rate my aesthetic
All these fucking weaboos
Do NOT use offensive words in the desktop thread.
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Unsorted 326.jpg
168 KB, 1050x1185
go back to
post technology or gtfo tho
Ritsu is sexiest, followed by Mugi.
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3 - 5VZMp9U.png
2 MB, 1920x1080
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which thinkpad model is that?
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Or else?
Tumblr get out
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Tumblr is a good website, you privileged cis oppressor!
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is this another Asuka thread?
You're a furfag too, apparently.
File: 2015-12-18_1600x900_scrot.png (727 KB, 1600x900) Image search: [Google]
727 KB, 1600x900
you don't deserve her.
There is no best girl in Evangelion.
Brb off to watch fight comps.
All these deleted posts.
Asuka likes high resolution displays and doesn't care about free software.
It really isn't, since every GNU/Linux desktop posted on /g/ looks the same.
that's the point m8
the frontend looks similar, but the background is unique
every Windows desktop ever looks the same
Another low-quality poster must have been banned
get rid of the lipstick edit and I might consider not calling you a total faggot
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Boards are sorted by posts per hour on the front page.... Of course I've been on the website itself, but I didn't use it for much and never came back.
Windows desktops on 4chan rarely have the following:

>anime girl placed on a single-color as a wallpaper
>windowed picture of an anime girl in an image viewer
>windowed music player with bar visualization
>ASCII OS logo in a terminal with listed specs

Desktop threads are about seeing who ticks the most check boxes to fit in with /g/. You see one desktop thread, you've seen them all. Yet bizarrely, they're a constant fixture on this board despite providing nothing substantive.
How original.
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105 KB, 1366x768
don't use jpeg next time
shame you cant make windows 8 look like classic windows, also source on background?
File: kek.jpg (689 KB, 1710x1360) Image search: [Google]
689 KB, 1710x1360
fuck off.
File: image.png (58 KB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 1366x768
needs more gentoo
You removed part of the mouth.
Gotta ask, how do you get these empty spaces between windows in i3? Like, you have two on the left and two on the right. How is the middle empty?
really doesn't
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You have to be a professional programmer with years of experience and know how to read the manual to enter floating mode.
That's a desktop image they stole, so they can't answer you but most likely the original user either floated the windows or used i3-msg open.
To answer your first question, use i3-gaps by Airblader. To answer your second, he isn't actually tiling; those are floating windows he set up.
yes it does tho
Could you be so kindly as to provide a link to your wp, good sir?
File: blendy.png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
Here you go.
File: asuka.jpg (920 KB, 2480x1838) Image search: [Google]
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ok I tried, is it better?
now put the lipstick back on
but this time, BLUE
what a madman!
thank you
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took this for another thread
i'm not one of you
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welcome to the circlejerk, can i take your order?
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2 MB, 1600x900
I'm sorry what did i do wrong
plz dont hurt me im a good lad i swear
chill pls don't kill yourself
You called that cute little girl an object.
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88 KB, 1920x1080
woke up


gonna make some hotdogs

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1 MB, 1919x1079
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slow thread guys.
the shitposters are off to sleep
life is hell
I want to participate but i'm still installing linux and my current desktop is bad.
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227 KB, 750x1334

>not drawing a dick with the mustard
fucking normie
Not bad,

I'm gonna make some breakfast too.




i didn't wanna wake up at 1:20

Porco Rosso background?
still doing some seamonkey ui hacking
Hey guys, currently using a very fresh Ubuntu install.

How do I change the color scheme of gnome-terminal to something which suits my wallpaper? You guys all seem to have it like that.

From the appearance of things, several people were banned.
sudo apt-get install rxvt-unicode
-edit .XResources-
xrdb ~/.XResources
File: Picture 1.png (773 KB, 1440x960) Image search: [Google]
Picture 1.png
773 KB, 1440x960
macrosoft Winding XO 10.4.11 here
rtfm, then google it..
Don't be rood.
Are these mac or linux?
those are GNU/Linux
File: manual.webm (344 KB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
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1 MB, 1920x1080
This is a very cryptic response.
what browser is that? css?
I know what rxvt is... sort of, but what do the other two commands do. Is XResources where the colour themes are stored?
File: 2015-12-26-22:22_screenshot.png (391 KB, 1366x768) Image search: [Google]
391 KB, 1366x768
Is that a tiled wallpaper? Can you post tile please?
Judging by the big V icon it's Vivaldi maybe.
File: Flowerbed.jpg (1 MB, 2560x1600) Image search: [Google]
1 MB, 2560x1600
It's one of the default GNOME 3 wallpapers.
The second one isn't a command. You have to edit a config file that you have to make, and it controls what happens to urxvt. The last line is the command to change settings in urxvt.
>sudo apt-get install rxvt-unicode
Install URxvt, a good terminal.

>-edit .XResources-
He mean you should edit your "~/.Xresources" file with whatever color scheme you want. If you don't have the file, just create it. You can try color schemes exported from terminal.sexy (website).

>xrdb ~/.XResources
Updates the settings, launch a new terminal and it should have your new colors.
File: 2014scr.png (812 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
812 KB, 1280x720
Spatry XFCE Manjaro?
Thank you. this terminal is pretty neat actually.

So all I need to do now is get a script which makes an Xresources file from my wallpaper?

Some of the schemes here:

are pretty neat but the ones in this thread look way nicer
File: Wallpaper - tile -1450295498079.png (2 MB, 1280x1163) Image search: [Google]
Wallpaper - tile -1450295498079.png
2 MB, 1280x1163
Damn, I was hoping for another tile similar to pic related. Thanks for posting this though.
You can make your own.
http://terminal.sexy can be useful for that.
Nice leather texture on that wallpaper.
>So all I need to do now is get a script which makes an Xresources file from my wallpaper?
You could do that. Or you can create your own, or you can export someone elses. In the previous post I mentioned terminal.sexy, it's a pretty good tool if you want to create one yourself, and it also has a bunch of presets if you look in the Sheme Browser tab. As for generating from wallpaper, I don't know the names of any tools that can do that.
File: desktop.webm (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080
how are you tonight desktop thread
Bored. The board's pretty stagnant. How are you?
File: 2.webm (3 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
3 MB, 1920x1080
I'm good, how are you?
That site is pretty great actually.

Thanks for all the help everyone!
How is edge for mobile?

Also why not use the app?
File: sawa puts bunny ears on azusa.webm (553 KB, 960x540) Image search: [Google]
sawa puts bunny ears on azusa.webm
553 KB, 960x540
Alright. Going to work soon..
Good luck at work, Sadboy!
You switched back to Openbox? Any particular reason?
gib css
File: Woof.gif (2 KB, 48x48) Image search: [Google]
2 KB, 48x48
Which distro should i use, skill level is not a limiting factor, only your imagination.
File: azusa.jpg (113 KB, 550x308) Image search: [Google]
113 KB, 550x308
Thanks. Training ends today so I'll be doing everything by myself now, hopefully I won't forget anything.
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1 MB, 1920x1080
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clone number 501.png
229 KB, 1920x1080
Yeah, same here. Setting up an old PC to be a server atm. a6 3650 lel

good luck :3

how has it been so far?
thanks you too
import to oneechan
I already have a laptop with lfs on it but i'd rather have something i can update easier for my main pc.. i was thinking gentoo but it's hard to chose
And even if i did use lfs i'd probably just use slackpkg and it would cease to be lfs.
just switched over to osx, was a winfag i swear...
help meh with this bash ricing shit dag
Void or Puppy
File: airguitar?.gif (409 KB, 500x500) Image search: [Google]
409 KB, 500x500
Not that bad. I'm a bit slow though, you're supposed to spend like ~30 minutes on a room, I average like ~40, mostly because I feel like double checking everything all of the time.
I'm impressed, maybe try a bsd?
gentoo is pretty easy to maintain, even with a lot of your own packages. overlays are nice
File: clone number 300.png (130 KB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
clone number 300.png
130 KB, 1920x1080
I'm sure you'll get faster the more times you do it correctly
what's your job?
File: Doggie.gif (2 KB, 48x48) Image search: [Google]
2 KB, 48x48
That's actually not a bad idea, thanks.

Void lacks packages in my experience. once they get that fixed i'll probably switch as it's my favorite so far. As for puppy, i could do a bit of reading and see if it's good for a main os.

I tried freebsd for a day and nothing worked, my laptop(t440p) isn't suppoted very well :c

I've used a bit of gentoo but is there any reason to use it over any other source based distro? Portage is nice but i don't mind manual dependcy resolution.
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I clean hotel rooms.
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new grass.png
831 KB, 1366x768
That's too bad, have it on one of my pi's sd cards, it's not supported at all in the repos so I have a lot of compiling and 3rd party repos to mess with. Seems nice otherwise.
post gtk and wm theme?
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1 MB, 1920x1080


There were some features I couldn't replicate with wmutils and I really wanted titlebars desu.
- widgets http://tracesof.net/uebersicht/
- terminal window https://github.com/KittyKatt/screenFetch (install homebrew first)
- auto-hide menubar (sys-pref -> general -> tick auto-hide

that's all you see in my screenie
File: xJdE22h.jpg (136 KB, 1200x960) Image search: [Google]
136 KB, 1200x960
nice crt.
how many cumstains have you seen so far?
it gives a lot of customization for cheap through use flags and has a lot of packages. plus there's a lot of nice automation. if you don't care about that then no not really.
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893 KB, 245x278
can you post your desktop wallpaper? it seems comfy
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266 KB, 600x800
none yet.
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2 MB, 2048x1366
No problem
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1 MB, 3120x4160
Statistically that means an entire week's worth is gonna hit you at once very soon
/g/ - Anime & Manga
Is there any way to make this board entertaining?
may I have the homescreen?
We could post our desktops again.
Here you go!


If you need any help with it, let me know.
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132 KB, 500x1200
bad boys
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3 MB, 1920x1080
It's so quiet
File: Pear.gif (2 KB, 48x48) Image search: [Google]
2 KB, 48x48
good job
People were banned and it seems that new people appear in waves, so there's a lot of dead time.
I see
Do you think you'll go back to a setup with a bar? Or will you stick with just a tiny notification for the time?
File: fetch.png (2 MB, 1920x1080) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 1920x1080

Who knows.

All I really need is the date/time visible at all times and with my popup script the current song, volume etc is visible as I need it on demand.
Thread replies: 244
Thread images: 113

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