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Why doesn't google bite the bullet and come out with a full
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Why doesn't google bite the bullet and come out with a full fucking OS already?
Both chrome OS and android are linux based so its not impossible and given the fact that most smartphones are android and pretty every one use's google chrome it seem like a smart move.
Admit you want it.
> what is chrome os
You tell me.
What would they benefit from creating an OS from scratch instead of using Linux?
I'm not saying they should ditch Linux but instead add more to chrome OS the just the browser, like full apps.

People accept Chrome OS. They also accept the browser.

I think Google is smart enough to know that adding anything else will likely annoy more people than it would satisfy.

Honestly I wouldn't mind if Windows came without Windows Media Player or even Paint and the useless Wordpad. A little less bloat.

>inb4 N versions

What apps are you talking about? Basic apps are what most people need and want. Anything extra you're free to put on.
but the thing is that the programs they would need to add are mostly microsoft. and gdocs/all the online google equivalents are available on chrome os. Google believes in online cloud computing so chrome os is the os they want and believe in.
Chrome web store apps can run as standalone programs. It's the standard way of doing things in ChromeOS and you can do it on any other platform where Chrome is offered as well. I have the SoundCloud website as an app and it opens up as it's own program without browser borders. Text is also a really nice text editor that I wish had a standalone version but it also operates without browser borders.

The ability to run chrome apps on a standalone window was a stroke of fucking genius for Google and they can very well keep this ecosystem running.
What about for tablet's? Like the surface or the iPad pro.
Android tablets have been going down hill.
But they are not full apps and most can't do anything offline. They are extensions.
Yeah, ChromeOS embraces a reality for hipster cities in the US where Wifi is everywhere. They do come with Builtin 3G cards though.

Office programs, media players etc work offline so I guess I can't see the problem for most people. If you really need to get more out of the linux system you can, plenty of people do.

well, If android tablets have been going down hill I still can't see how that would have to do with Google OS missing applications. Even if Google were to develop applications it can't be the best at everything. That's just how it is. Sometimes third party programs are better. Google does Browser and online shit. They do even offer some applications that still don't get as much attention as third party.
The one thing chrome OS has over android is multitasking which android still lacks.
The surface seems to be doing well and can be used as a tablet and a laptop.
I really fucking wish they would either add full android app support or linux program support
It's like they're both dangling just out of reach
They don't want you to have a full os. They want you to use thin clients and web apps and store everything in the cloud.
I thought that's what they'd do with the pixel c but apparently I was wrong.
Chrome OS was fucking great on its lightweight and security. If it just had developed further...
That's not going to be practical for most people. Cloud computing has still got along way to go.
>just out of reach
But it takes like 5 minutes to switch to dev mode, and another 10 to install crouton.
But that's cheating
Why? It's an intentionally built in feature and is a supported mode on every single Chromebook
I often wonder the same thing.
That's what I do but that still doesn't explain why chrome os doesn't just let you run full programmes or apps out of the box. Normies don't want to mess with that shit.
Because normies don't need that shit, nor do they want to mess with it.

It also lets Google claim their OS is secure since the whole thing is write protected execute protected sandbox
I just think it'd be cool if it were an official feature
Like if it actually happened, all of the millions of people with chromebooks who don't know shit about linux would actually be using it without realizing, more developers would make linux programs because of the popularity of chromeOS, and there would probably be more ARM compatible programs because of the arm chromebooks
It would count just as much as every PlayStation owner running BSD: not at all.
Playstations don't run BSD programs
>Because normies don't need that shit
normies don't want apps?
>nor do they want to mess with it.
mess with what? im saying they should make it easier.
Why don't you shut the fuck up?
thanks adding.
File: Screenshot_20151213-172433.png (231 KB, 1440x2560) Image search: [Google]
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Normies already have apps, they don't need desktop apps, and haven't for decades.

Normies don't want to mess with the security impact of executing programs at user level, as we've witnessed for the last 2 decades on Windows.

I do want it:
However, I think the idea they've got with Chrome OS being light is great - and it seems to being working from a purely business point of view (over 50% of laptops in classrooms are Chromebooks)
I think they should keep Chrome OS as light as possible, whilst adding: a proper package manager; support for Android apps to run (probably working on this); better offline support; clean up the filesystem abit

I want Chrome OS to get these things, if/when it does I'll probably switch to it on my desktop

>inb4 botnet
fuck off tinfoil tards, noone cares about you looking at animu
>security impact of executing programs
i run linux with full programs and my security hasn't been "impacted".
>they don't need desktop apps
kek. you should tell that to the ones using windows.
So you claim to be a normie?
Or are you woefully underestimating how ignorant and lazy the vast majority of users are?

The ones using Windows do so because they buy a computer and windows comes on it. These are the same kind of people that fuss about Macs vs PCs
It would bring Linux to the average consumer, and would start the year of the Linux computer/desktop.

Too good to be true.

call me what ever, i use linux and chrome os.
>the ones using Windows do so because they buy a computer and windows comes on it.
why cant chrome do the same for those who want more.
Cloud computing is currently fine

The only problems are latency and bandwidth

Latency you can't do much about and bandwidth is easily fixed unless you're American being fucked by the shitty ISPs
That's why they have hundreds of engineers working to make the botnet as convenient as possible.
chrome os is just fine, more features would fuck it up. Shit runs on $150 hardware and these laptops have a battery life over 8 hours.
Yes. Let's give more data to Google.
Pixel LS user here. Chrome OS is actually preferable to Android for me. Chrome OS is clean, modern, fast and lightweight, secure, and is updated often. Android is full of holes, slow, buggy, written in Java, outdated and limited by comparison.

One of them has apps, the other one doesn't (to the same extent). If anything, I wish my Pixel C was more like my Chromebook and less like a phone.
>surprised that a $1500 laptop is less laggy than a $50 chink smartphone
I've got a Pixel C and a Nexus 6P. Granted, the 6P is a chinkphone, but it's far from $50.

I'm not talking about performance, though. I'm talking about each OS.

It's almost as if one was designed as an OS for laptops, and the other as a lightweight OS for mobile devices....

... This could go in an encyclopedia under "Comparing apples to oranges".

>>"I much prefer a boat when it comes sailing and closing large bodies of water, I find that trains are outdated and hardly float at all", he said smugly and like an idiot ... "
Considering the fact that the Pixel C was originally going to run Chrome OS, I don't see how that's the case at all.
Why the fuck would Google be interested in supporting an OS that could run services outside of their ecosystem? They're in the business of having you live your life inside of your Google account.
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