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uTorrent and BitTorrent Serve Over 200 Million Ads Per Day -
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>BitTorrent’s advertising platform lists several statistics that reveal some interesting details on users of the uTorrent and Mainline clients.

>For example, the clients have roughly 170 million active users per month. The vast majority (92%) are male, with the prime demographic being educated and tech savvy 18-34 year-olds.

>The advertising network also shows some interesting stats on the number of ad impressions the two clients have available. BitTorrent Inc. currently supports two ad formats which each have an estimated 3,397,615,000 views per month, based on statistics from the last 30 days.

>That’s good for well over 100 million impressions per banner format per day, and over 200 million in total.

>While these numbers are certainly impressive, the revenue is relatively modest. BitTorrent sells its worldwide traffic for 7 cents per 1,000 views, which is one of the lowest tiers in the ad industry.

>That said, if all banner spots were to be sold, BitTorrent Inc. would make over $14,000 per day, which is still pretty decent. It’s also possible that there are better rates for certain kinds of ads that are sold outside the advertising network.

>In addition to banner advertising the uTorrent client also generates revenue through bundled software. BitTorrent Inc. doesn’t publish any figures but it’s known that these type of offers can reach $1 per install.

>For some users these revenue sources are cause for complaints. BitTorrent Inc. is aware of this critique and has recently announced that it is exploring other options, including direct financial support from users.


Most of /g/ still uses this piece of shit and they also claim to know about technology.

Why do you continue to support this shitty company, /g/?
Not in 2.2.1 desu baka senpai
Deluge reporting in
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What ads?
I want to use this but it seems to have problems adding torrent with unicode filenames.
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>prime demographic being educated and tech savvy
>tech savvy
this. It's not even hard to get. Any newer versions are filth.
I've added torrents with japanese names and they've worked fine.
>go into advanced settings
>remove ads
>it just werks
Im using Deluge 1.3.12 and it wont add any torrent with unicode file names.
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>over 100 million impressions per banner format per day
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>utorrent plus

Why would a torrent client be paid?
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I see no ads here, only a beautiful torrent client.
According to the game, portals can't be in motion relatively to one another, so this scenario is impossible. But again, they fucked this concept with the moon ending of Portal 2.
I see tons of security holes lmao
y u no upgrade fuck face? Oh yeah, you know why.
If there are security "holes" then why hasn't anything happen to my PC since 2011?

>y u no
Hello Reddit.
It seems that drag-and-drop and "open with" via firefox doesn't work with unicode torrent file names.
>I only hungout on Imgur which launched itself off of reddit's chest.
I'm tired, and you still have not upgraded.
Works with cyrillic
Again, Simeone give you a good working application free becayse you will see some ads. Wtf is tour problemi? You dont want to see ads? Start to pay for the work of other people!
>You dont want to see ads? Start to pay for the work of other people!

Yeah sure if someone doesn't live their life according to every /g/ meme they aren't educated or tech savvy.
Fucking kids.
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>says this while using a torrent client

Yeah, I'm sure you exclusively use torrent to download free software like Trisquel. But wait, if you're doing that, then why are you doing it on a closed-source OS with closed-source software?

Oh wait, it's because you're a hypocrite and a faggot.

This is pointless.
I use a closed sources OS because i need it and i pay for ut. I use lots of closed-source software for the same reason.
Then, I use p2p also for non free contento, but just because i can'afford all the music i want. I have more than 400 cd's and i still buy and support bands, expeccially underground ones.

This is my way, try to reward who give me something. Maybe i'm not perfect in this, but i'm feeling good
>paying for software when there are free alternatives that you can pay for with occasional donations
>not paying for the music you care about instead
It has motion the moment it enter the portal since it's moving in the "second universe"
And what is in motion stays in motion.

You are an arrogant and ignorant Anno, try to work in a company using open softwares. I'm not talking about office or a simple piece of code, I'm talking about a BIM for instance, or editing audio/video.

Also, try to have your own house, whit your wife, projecting to have a son etc... Maybe you will change your mind about life in general.
We're talking about torrent clients for personal use, not fucking video or photo editing. Stop moving the goalposts.

Everything else you brought up is irrelevant. Quit dodging the point.

You spent money on a torrent client instead of using a FOSS one and donating directly to the developer if you care about paying for somebody's work so much.

>Not using an old build that has no ads in it

Theres literally no reason to use a new build.

I don't muve the point, I'm answering your silly argumentation.

As I just said, looks quite logical to me to get a very good torrent client for free, letting someone else paying for the service due to the ads.
Ads mean free high quality services, and pay for people that work on it.

It's not so hard to understand. I'd thanks to the ads that you can have cloud services, mail, social network, blog and forum, and even 4chan, all free.
Why is such a honest person like you even browsing this shithole?
>wanting software with security holes on your system


The block isn't in motion
People use it still?
rtorrent master race
No ads, no bullshit. Just tell it what port to use and where to download your shit.
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µTorrent 2.2.1 Beta.png
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>unpatched exploits
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Who /deluge/ here?
deluge bro reporting in
uTorrent 2.2.1 master race
>unpatched exploits
Daily reminder that qBittorrent is the best client. Prove me wrong.
>Looks like crap with no way to customize
transmission-qt windows master race here :3
Techsavy != /g/entleman

Techsavy implies knowing a little more than the average person about computers.

Being a /g/entleman is full on obsession with technology to the point where you try in imitate Richard Stallman in every possible aspect
only usable on Linux, it's a fucking memory/resource hog on Windows/Mac.

btw its not like you have anything exploitable in uTorrent.
WebUI? Why would you use that?
Besides, most seed servers run 1.6.1 and none of them got ever jacked.

What else? There is nothing else.
By the way, I do agree that versions bring good stuff - sometimes.
That's why I use the 3.2.3 version - because it handles uTP and it works well.
Yearly reminder that a moralfag took the moralfag route when he held the very thing that could determine if uTorrent was a botnet or not

Look above.
Force start is not force start. One example.

well it works, and check the Youtube videos that explain how to disable ads.
they have quite a few million of views.
so the OP's statistics are just projections, not hard data.
they probably get their money from the Pro version and crapware bunduru.

the ads?
only normies leave it on, and they don't click on them either.
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>utorrent plus

>integrated virus scanner
>integrated video player and streamer
>no ads
>secure remote access
>stream support
>made by the people who designed the bittorrent protocol

I do not regret my purchase.
The problem isn't whether or not you experienced the malware/ads or not, the problem is once a company becomes untrustworthy, then it can no longer be trusted.
For example, a company has been caught trying to bundle malware in its installation. Saying "just unclick the option to not install it" is not valid because a company that does that shit can not be trusted at all. What other things has it done that you don't know of?
>security holes
Nice meme

g8 b8, m8.
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The only known "security hole" is if you run a specially crafted torrent file in it so it would be pretty fucking obvious since the torrent would need to be a couple dozen MBs in size to cause the overflow. It also only runs at user level (unless your running your system as Administrator like a retard) so you would need an unpatched system for something to happen and also no antivirus since those kinds of exploits are trivial to detect.

tl;dr FUCK YOU
The toppest kek is that you're even buttmadly defending this objectively retarded position.
170milion street shitters
uTorrent is the OpenBSD of torrent clients. It has one of the tiniest and most efficient code bases of any torrent client and possibly any software in the world. As such the risk of vulnerabilities is much smaller than applications like Deluge and qBT which are massive and messy and patching isn't as necessary if you aren't using things like the WebUI with an open port in your router.
Precisely what I did, surprised more people don't know about that...
All day errday
Muh nigguh
I still use utorrent 2.2.1

I've tried other clients, but 2.2.1 works fine for me, is simpe, reliable, and has never given me a reason to complain. May change soon purely because I don't think 2.2.1 has support to do remote torrenting from my phone to my desktop at home.
>not having it minimized
>May change soon purely because I don't think 2.2.1 has support to do remote torrenting from my phone to my desktop at home.

Actually it does, there's quite a few apps that work with the WebUI feature.
>he thinks its a meme
>obsolete insecure software
How many viruses do you get every day? Bet you use Firefox3 and WinXP also.
OP is obviously full of shit.


KAT is being attacked with malware and PB is being sketchy.

What do you /g/entlemen use nowadays?
2.2.1 is amazing
Im using 2.2.1 The only downside is when adding magnet links, you cant see the contents of the folder. :/
ok so what's the best to use? I just got a new vpn subscription and I want to start up again, any negatives to deluge?
the position of the block with respect to the distance from the first portal is changing and that is carried over to the second portal, except that is constant.
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I don't.
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