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Sony has shit customer service edition

Previous >>51673793


A general thread to collect all of the smartphone threads into one


Suggestions to this general OP post are appreciated!

>YouTube Reviewers

>/g/ Approved Review Sites

>Anon's Mobile Device Guide:


>To see if your phone (model) would work somewhere else in the world

or just different carrier:

>/spg/ Wikia



>/g/ Approved brands:

* Nexus because of updates, unlocked to carriers, and good value
* Samsung because of pure performance even despite touchwiz, also best

* Motorola for being near stock, good quality. Customer support isn't

what it was.
* LG for still offering removable batteries and SD card slots, and great customer service.
* Oneplus if you want decent phones, but be aware they have a bad

reputation for support
* Firefox fx0 for $60, it's the ultimate poorfag phone. <--- people

are saying that's not true, what have you found?
* Sony for offering good performing phones, great quality, dev support. Not so available in the US. Ultimate shit customer service though.
Upgrading from s4, want SD card and removable battery, and a good camera. Is LG my only option?
Depends on where you are.

Oneplus is an option.

Motorola has SD card slots at least

If you are in Europe you have access to plenty of chinkphones that aren't too shabby
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Who /excited/ here
Which one is that?
excited for marshmallow and sense 7 coming to my M8 in a few days.
Moto X Pure
Any experience with the wiko brand? I'm trying to find a good one among them. Are they okay software-wise?

I'm in France
fx0 in Europe how or when?
looking to spend £300 tops on a phone, could probably get an S6 for that price on ebay but the only thing putting me off is it's apparently shit battery life, is it that bad? will it get better? was also looking at a OnePlus X but i don't know how long that'll stay a capable phone for. thoughts? any other suggestions? nexus phones are overpriced in the UK.
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Don't be a faggot, recommend someone else then. Of course I'm going to be biased in what I put up there, I'm an Americlap.
>is it that bad
its pretty shit, if you are a desk lackey however it wont matter to you because you'll be near an outlet most of the day.

If you dont mind putting a case on the phone the Incipio offGRID case adds an mSD slot and a 3700mAh battery, which makes the battery last ~2-3 days.
So why does it suck?
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Oh, I forgot to post this:


tl;dr Sony is incompetent and will fuck you over
This is an American imageboard.
U.S., Verizon. Which one plus has a removable battery?
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Fuck, the redmi note 2 doesn't have Gorilla glass..
That's annoying.
Oh dude, you're fucked. You could buy a LG, but I will never recommend someone buy a verizon locked device.

Oneplus doesn't work on Verizon at all.

Your choice for Verizon branded devices:

LG G4, LG V10

Your choice for unlocked: none

Unlocked devices that do work on Verizon:

Moto X Pure, Nexus 6, 6P, 5X
No clue, but I'm usually skeptical of what seem like a rebrand of some Chinese phone.

Usually the actual Chinese phones are cheaper and/or better.

No clue. You seriously want it after pretty much no reviewer thought it was good or ready?
well xiaomi is a pretty good brand I think

What's a good screen protector that'll avoid a frustrating accident?
>looks great (transparent)
>removable battery
>no botnet OS
>perfect size (4.7)
>micro SD
>same CPU as Moto G -> high potential of custom ROMs
All that for $59

Of course, I'm even tempted to pay a mail forwarding service, even if I need to add $40 bucks of shipping.
Come back when your country's relevant, kiddo.
> What's a good screen protector that'll avoid a frustrating accident?
You can put any thing you want on it, but IMO it is not required.

The glass is hardened specialty glass and very scratch or shatter-resistant - like on pretty much any halfway decent phone.
I know gorilla glass is great, I've got a cheap samsung in front, it's damn tough.

The ulefone paris has gorilla, and his 30$ cheaper than the redmi.. mah.
Wait, isn't the battery non-removable? Also, I don't remember it having a $59 price tag?

Though of course there are some ~$50 with shipping botnet phones, so I guess it's not impossible...
Do you even read the OP?

It's cheap as fuck and has the best bang for buck ever seen in any phone. Unfortunately, importing it to Europe almost doubles the price because of shipping.

Ok so I didn't mean to keep that piece of shit in the OP

It doesn't work anywhere but Japan

Just forget the damn thing, it's a piece of shit because it lacks band support
Should work fine here according to specs.
Where is here? Doesn't it also lack LTE support most everywhere?
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>z3 sucks

Americans should be beheaded

>best battery life
>sd card
>basically stock android
>premium design
>front speakers
>fast and smooth af

What else do you retards want
Yea. Not surprising that it also has decent glass though. It is just a very common feature.

Basically, I don't think any decent device will require an extra screen protector.

That wouldn't even ship to Europe & the bands seem problematic despite it *only* having 3g (doesn't have 900mhz, commonly the second thing you need here apart from 2100).

I can't see how this is good, DESU. Would grab a Redmi 2 2GB or Doogee Y100 or whatever over it any day.

Probably won't even cost more if you otherwise have to use a proxy and shipping fro mthe USA.
France. I was very interested in this phone but it seems only Amazon US sells it at this price.
decent customer service, Sony shits on its customers harder than anyone else
How annoying are screen protectors ?
I actually only find conflicting information about the supported bands, but it really doesn't look good to me regardless where I look...

Pretty much always seems like only half of 3G and none or only one LTE band is supported?

Where did you see your spec sheet?
yoyo can any one help me?
I want a nice phone for whatever price.
Needs removable battery, sd card, nice cameras and preferably not onscreen buttons
Personally, I find them a little annoying

The good ones will not really affect your touch precision a lot, but even they rarely slide exactly as well as glass does. Or if they're glass, they tend to feel shit at their border.

The shitty ones will feel poor and even affect your precision operating the phone (feels like the crappy one I tried once made the touched area larger and less sensitive or something like that - it was useless and discarded immediately, though).

But perhaps you can find someone who actually uses them, they might have a different opinion.
how do you know that? two days ago you didn't find Sony phones even worth mentioning.
I've been doing research and that one story was one of the worst I've seen. Sony doesn't have a good reputation with this, they've been shitting on their customers for years. It's no surprise, at least to me, that they're still doing it with their smartphones.
I'll mention these again:
- Redmi Note 2
- LG G4

Figures we could also add the Galaxy Note 4... just in case it's regionally very cheap or something. (We discussed it last thread)

> preferably not onscreen buttons
Do you mean that like a full physical keyboard , or just having the three main control buttons (menu, home, back) separate from the display area?
/g/entlemen, I have xperia Z1, should I upgrade? The battery is dying, but the rest is just fine, but I don't like this phone overall.

Thinking about flex 2 because it's bretty cheap, and I don't mind the curved screen, even kinda like it, but dunno.
I've heard that you're fucked when your phone dies due to contact with water, even if it's not your fault.
>hey, they're waterproof, and we advertise it very loudly, but fuck you!

Same with broken screen/back glass.
What, they still bother to have a water sensor on those things?
What they really need is a C.uck sensor, t.B.H f.a.m
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Just bought a note 5. What do now?
OPX looks very cool but it isn't as good as OPO in terms of specs and custom roms. Also glass.
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Sign up for samsung pay and get a free GearVR then jerk off to chinese cartoons.

I fucking hate that stupid fucking subreddit.

I commented on one of the posts saying "Mah nigger". Everyone FLIPPED OUT and I got banned like 20 minutes later. Wanna know the kicker? Everyone comments saying shit like " nigga this" "nigga that." Yet when I say " nigger" that suddenly that crosses the line? I messaged the mods asking what the problem is and they responded with something along the lines of "Blah Blah Blah no racism." So I replied saying how stupid and hypocritical that is considering everyone says "nigga" and how that whole subreddit revolves around making fun of how shitty black people's twitter is. The mods then muted me so I couldn't point out how wrong and retarded they are.

Fuck that place.
Will get that one then thanks
I just hate any fucking person who talks like they do, no matter their race. I hate ebonics or any of its derivatives.
or just
>anything Eastern Europe
Nexus 6p



One Plus 2?

If money is no object

Nexus 6P > One Plus 2 > LG G4
Well now I've got no idea whether to go for the redmi (which has that damn X10 proc) at 165$ or a wiko for 210$, which is probably of higher quality (gorilla class obviously) but with modest specs.

Reposting it here because I'm impatient

I deleted my Play Store stupidly enough because I was trying to uninstall some bloatware. I've downloaded another one but now it can't install apps. It's just stuck at installation or plain crashes.

Is there a way to fix this aside a factory reset?
Lol are you rooted? Got a custom recovery installed?
Guys I'm thinking about getting a Galaxy S6, I'm a bit worried about the battery though. I expect it to last at least 1 day with having normal usage. But the battery is not replaceable, after a year or so, will there be a big decrease in battery life?
BTW does anyone here know of a quick reply add on for Hangouts?
If you're worried just get the note5 unless you're a poor bastard living in europe.

Also, the battery is replaceable, you just can't fast swap it by removing the back.

You can get the battery changed for like $50-60.
Yeah I've rooted and got ROM Manager installed. I'm Android OS stupid, what do?
The OnePlus One seems out of stock. Does anybody know how long it takes for them to be sold again?
Just use the Messenger app from Google
Never used it, it doesn't have hangout integration does it?
Note 4
Well, do you use hangouts for video chat or whatever? If not, then just use Messenger. But to answer your question, I don't think it does.
Would a fx0 work with hueland band?
General question. What do you guys think Google is going to do about naming the new nexus device? Considering the fact that the name "nexus 7" is already taken by their tablet
Forgot to say that I've got a Galaxy Note 2 N7100, if that helps.
"Nexus 7 2016"
>poor bastard living in Europe
Unfortunately that's the case.
I currently use a phone witih built-in battery as well, didn't really have any problems ... but non replaceable batter/battery lifetime was one of the biggest cons regarding the S6.
I use hangouts as an internet messaging service as well, people don't use whatsapp as much in the US.

They really need to make a consistent fucking naming scheme, that's for sure.
like a pressable home button or something under the screen, just not the onscreen buttons
I'm sorry but I'm not mentally ill
My Nexus 5X should be here in an hour or two. Yay. Anything else I should remember to do coming from an iPhone besides turning off iMessage?
then jerk off to "normal" VR porn, what are you a faggot?
Why are you sorry about that
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> which is probably of higher quality
Dunno if the glass is actually better, but the overall manufacturing quality is something no one usually can really beat Xiaomi at (manufactured by proxy of Foxconn, but whatever).
Nice, congrats on the purchase. Some users report lag issues with the 5x, if you experience those, come back here. It's a simple fix.
Which Wiko?
It's under the screen's display area for the Redmi Note 2. But they're flat touch panel buttons anyways, like on most smartphones.

If you want actual buttons this alone will be hard enough to get without also wanting a removable battery + microSD.
OP2 and OPX can be bought without an invite on 5-7 December. Since the OPO is out of stock should i just go with the OPX? I really want the OPO because of its storage, wi-fi, nfc and mostly battery but i don't know when it will be back on stock
Turn the encryption off right? Yeah I've been browsing looking at tips to keep the phone fast. Not that worried though as I don't use my phone all the time or all that intensively either. Kinda just take calls, send messages, and listen to music.
Right but I would still suggest you replace the boot image so you just never have to deal with it. I think you can still update like normal afterwards.
>plastic screens
I also read something about how my Verizon sim won't let me download the most frequent security updates and to get a T-Mob sim to swap in real quick to get some kind of update. Idk what they were on about.
yeah Verizon slows down updates. Cool thing is Google provides updates and I think you can flash them with no issues yourself. Might want to look into how flashing updates on Nexus devices work.
The wiko fever, at 215$ (so 65$ more than the redmi note 2..)

the wiko fever has a gorilla glass 3

Yeah but the fact that there's no gorilla glass is a bit annoying..
Wow a device with gorilla glass, it took them years. What about updates? Is 4.4 still the best version there? :^)
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The iPhone is great. I use both iOS and Android, but have a preference with iOS considering its what I started off using and really enjoy. Nothing against Android.

Anyone hoping for a 4 inch screened iPhone 7? I'm still carrying my 5S, and I love this device. I really hope the 7 launches in three models, with the 7 4 inch device having the exact specs of the normal 7 and same camera.
Jesus Verizon are pieces of shit. I see no reason why they do that other then to make Nexus devices shittier.
Porn is for degenerates. All it does is give you acme, low confidence and poor performance in bed.
>4 inch
Maybe something very close to 5 but 4 is just too small for today's standards
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>Yeah but the fact that there's no gorilla glass is a bit annoying..
It clearly has some form of hardened glass.


Maybe it's just Corning Concore again, at least if you Google: "Redmi Note 2" "Corning Concore" you'll find multiple websites claiming it is the case.
They do it because sometimes there are things in updates that can cause problems, but yeah, Verizon is always the slowest at letting you get your Nexus OTA updates.
This aint looney toons you daft bint.

Also, i'm sorry for whoever broke you, porn is a natural part of most mens sex lives, even when they are in a long term committed relationship with daily sex.
>even when they are in a long term committed relationship with daily sex.

I still enjoy porn and I'm married, doesn't take away from anything. Just makes me want the real thing more.
Clear cache and flash this from your custom recovery. Make sure you get the right one. Judging from your previous mistake, you will probably pick the wrong one and bootloop your device. Hold on and I will pick the right one in a sec. http://opengapps.org/

Knowing Sony, it probably involves the CS being a bunch of assholes whether your phone is in or out of warrantly
Hmm? The wiko fever is the new one, there's 5.1 and stuff.
It really looks like a solid phone for 210$, I don't know what's your point.

I unfortunately can't watch videos (0.1/0.1 net)
I didn't know about corning concore, I'll search a bit.
I just don't want to worry about the screen, always in pocket, sometimes with keys or whatever.
Sounds like you are a kek
>Sounds like you are a kek
yeah, I have sex AND jerk off, a real c.uck /s

Looks like you're the real c.uck here.
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Do I need another SIM or can I just take my Verizon SIM out to update whenever one rolls out?
>I unfortunately can't watch videos (0.1/0.1 net)
Ouch. Well, they do a bunch of unscientific drop tests.

One shows the phone surviving a water tank and drops from above a Chinese man's head (claimed 1.8 meters drop) on some kind of stone / concrete surface just fine, the other shows it surviving 2 drops to the concrete from a dude's hip and then eye level - on the eye level drop, the other phone also dropped - the Meizu M2 Note - shatters. The Redmi Note 2 opens its case but appears fully intact.

Could be staged or whatever, but from my prior experience with Xiaomi devices, they're actually tough.
That I do not know, ask in the Nexus subreddit or XDA
You want ARM 4.4 pico. This will reflash the most bare-bones framework. If you aren't running 4.4, pick whatever version of Android you have. But I think 4.4 is the last official firmware release for that hardware.
Well that's good news since it looks like an amazing device for the price..

I'll see tomorrow but I think I'll take the redmi.
I guess the worse is having to wait 1 month to get it delivered now haha..
Some sellers have an EU stockpile (might be interesting for import reasons anyways) and/or offer expedited or courier shipping for $10-30.

You could check. Unfortunately the store I'd use seems to be out of EU stock. Before Christmas & New Year probably isn't the very best time to buy a smartphone in terms of availability.
Yeah, I'm used to waiting for chinese stuff now.
>Don't be a faggot, recommend someone else then. Of course I'm going to be biased in what I put up there, I'm an Americlap.

>best american phone reviewer


in the trash
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So closeican almost taste it. Release your inhibitions. Feel the rain on my skin. No one else can feel it for me
You probably also think its okay for your wife to watch porn and fantasize about bbc, C u c K .
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HTC One m9
Anime is Japanese though
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$10 Moto G

Is that the first gen?
1st Gen
yeah that's better than the Moto E deal on black friday, and I'll be flying into Phoenix which has a Fry's over christmas. I can have my brother pick it up for me.

Fuck me, of course it's not available at those locations. Shit.
how the heck is this so cheap
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>used android for many years
>switch to iphone
>mfw the only downfall is that there is no 4chan client app
>otherwise pretty perfect
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I have a white nexus6 64gb which I got for 360€. I'm not sure if I should return it and get a Z3+ or something entirely else for about the same price. Actually, I kinda like that clunky phablet, but I'm scared dropping it while using it in one hand.
You guys ever stop and wonder why we get so hyped/vitriolic/nitpicky about this stuff?
I'd like to replace my old S3, and with VZW's recent $20 price hike I'm going to be letting go of my unlimited data and getting a new plan. I can't decide whether or not to switch to a cheaper tiered plan with VZ and get a Nexus or jump carriers entirely for a better selection. Thing is, the S3 still works (though not so well, I get like an hour of SOT these days) and part of my brain is telling me it's crazy to drop $500 or more on a non-vital item just because I want to.
Does that make sense, or am I just a retard?
They're getting rid of old stock.
It's fine as long as you don't mind the complete lack of customization.
I've been customising the hell out of my android phones and after a while I got tired of it desu
I don't really care any more
Avoid Z3+
How to automate stuff on your phone?
I guess there's an app for that, but anyone actually coded an app to automate something on their phone?
I guess it gets old eventually and you just want something stable that doesn't require a shitload of tweaking just to not run like shit.
Is Note 5 not available in Europe?? Why not? !
Is this supposed to be their latest one coming out?
hey guys I just got a Lumia 710 and I was wondering what can I do with it, since (as far as I know) it can't use the android standard apps.
January apparently
Any reason to get a 6P over a G4 if I can get the G4 for $400?
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Enjoy needing iTunes to put music on and off the device

Enjoy not being able to delete music that's on the device unless you use iTunes on a computer

Enjoy not being able to just grab music or videos from any computer, only can do that on your main iTunes library

Enjoy the lack of freedom in app installation

Enjoy the 2nd year update turning your phone into a lag machine and destroying your battery
Hey Locutus. I appreciate your effort in these threads and I hope you will be able to help me.
Buying or not, is there any phone that fits all of these criterias:
>OLED screen
>Aesthetic design
>Quality camera
>Fingerprint scanner
>Is not a bloated Samsung with touchwiz

All of those? Nexus 6P

Fuck I'm sounding like a nexus shill in this thread today, but that's the truth.

Other than that... I'm not so sure.
Got an iPoodle Touch 5th Gen and it runs 9.1 just fine, thanks.

I'm still selling it, though. Fuck Apple.
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At least things like whited00r and greyd00r exist for my super old apple devices.
>watching video reviews about OnePlus products
>every single one of them is from indian dudes
Jesus Christ, i can't stand their fucking poo in loo accent
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try pocketnow, Michael Fisher's voice gives me orgasms
Nexus 5X for 380€ would be a good thing or should i just get the oneplus one?
Literally just clicked the purchase button on the quartz nexus 5x. I was in love with the original 5 and I'm hoping to get that spark back. For days I was tossing up between the 6p and 5x because the 6p didn't have any lag issues but it's simply far too big for me. Did I make the right decision?
Just grab the 5x but if you do swing towards one plus why not get the one plus 2? They are only selling the 16 gb one plus one.
Who izzit!?
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I dunno google image search
Is Touchwiz still terrible on the S6 or has it gotten more stock-like?
why I can't find stickers for nexus 5 on aliexpress or another chinese site?

US sites want $10 fu*** dollaroos for stickers and I don't know if they ship worldwide for free.
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It's certainly closer to stock, thing is with the lollipop update it got better on every Samsung device.
Looking to upgrade my S2 LTE

>At Least 32Gb OR card slot
>Good battery life (3h commute erryday)
>close to stock gets points

I don't really use the camera, so I don't need a bazilion mp
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Look at wherever you'd buy it and list what you can get locally
no the z5 is the newest
>Moto G3
>Zenfone 2 Laser

G3 is about 310€, which is stretching the budget a bit.
One+1 is listed as 250€, but sold out on the website
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Moto customer support is worse than Oneplus from everything I've been reading lately

LG G3 is best thing on that list that's for sure, but I dont know much about that zenfone.

Which model is that zenfone?
Both Laser and Selfie are sold here.

I'm really fond of the One+1, but checking their site further seems that they don't sell the 64Gb anymore
I get the size being an issue for some people. I think there is something you can do to remedy the lag?
When I try to go on 4chan homepage on Safari on my iPhone, it redirects me to a site called Free App Wall.

I've tried to fix this but nothing has helped.
Indeed they don't, I think they're focusing all budget attention on the Oneplus X, which is IMHO garbage.

Looking at the Zenfone, they seem to be pretty budget minded. I think a Oneplus X might be better. They have poor batteries, no gyro, and I don't think they have 5ghz wifi.

The Oneplus X at least has decent battery life.

The G3 really is the best by a long shot, as it was once a flagship. None of the others deserve that name.
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Poor guy is eating shit from his own hands

What version of iOS are you on?
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daily reminder that if you own an LG G4 and are struggling with battery life to turn off sync completely until you are near a charging point. you will go from 3 hours sot to minimum of 5-6
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Found this relic in my /g/ folder
My gf is looking for a new phone. We live in Australia, and she's been using a Galaxy S4 for the last couple of years. It's help up pretty well, but over time problems have just stacked up - charge port stopped working, so I replaced it, then the microphone stopped working so she had to use loudspeaker. It got ridiculously hot sometimes, battery life would be all over the place, and it was her brother's before it was hers, so I think it's just slowly but surely giving up the ghost.

She's looking to stay with Android if possible, and she'd like a good camera on it. We've had a look around at several sites and shops but nothing's really jumped out. Any suggestions? Under like $700 AUD or so if at all possible.

literally any flagship from 2015 this is the smartphone golden age my friend and you cannot go wrong
This post is both right and wrong

Yes go with just about any flagship

No, this isn't the golden age of smartphones. We've yet to hit that.
We've looked at like the Galaxy S6, a couple of Xperia phones, things like that. There were a couple of Huawei phones that she liked the look of - only issue is camera was a bit dodgy.

Any that you could recommend above the others?
S7 will come out in March? Not sure when Australia will get it.

Of all phones worldwide, this is my personal list:

Nexus 6P > Samsung Note 5 > Samsung S6 > LG V10 > Oneplus 2 > Moto X Pure > LG G4 Nexus 5x
She's not the type that needs the latest and greatest. What makes the 6P so excellent?
Fastest updates

Top tier camera

Pretty damn good battery especially on standby

Lot cheaper than those other phones a listed, well some of them even though it has top tier performance

Google has the best customer service by a long shot

Can you get it in Australia yet? It might be terribly expensive there, Google likes to fuck everyone but the US over on the Nexus phone prices I feel.
Why is the Note 5 so high?
Daily reminder that the "Sony has shit customer service" meme is only true to burgers and thank god I'm not a burger or else I couldn't have gotten my z2 fixed :^)
The nexus 5x is somewhat cheap and has a good camera
What missing apps are stopping you from trying Windows Phone?
Powerful fucking phone, better battery than the S6, good features, awesome display, good camera

Their service centers are still shit, you can still get screwed over with your time in the EU
And touch jizz.
It's not just missing apps. Windows Phone is shit.
How? Last time I used 8.1 it was smooth as fuck, it had a good uniform ui design, it had most modern smartphone features, it had a file browser (something ios still doesn't have) and I could still shitpost on g. Wangblows phone is fine if you don't care about apps
>if you don't care about apps
Why the fuck wouldn't you care about apps?
Because everything else can be accessed via browser and you don't care about normie crap like snapchat or mobile gaymes like candy crush and you use your phone for actually calling people. I'm not saying wangblows phone is good, its okay as long you don't care about apps.
>via browser
Too bad Edge is shit.
>I'm not saying wangblows phone is good,
then we agree m8
>top kek
Protip: it's not. Maybe you just dislike the overall look and design of this OS, but it's not shit. Don't know about W10, because I've heard that it has some bugs, but 8.1 was stable and smooth as fuck.

It's very good OS, and really, the lack of apps is the only thing that's stopping it from being the third giant among iOS and Android.
Performance is nice but it's still shit because no apps and it's locked down. I can't change my dpi settings.
There isn't any point to going to reddit anyways other than selling keycaps or getting in private torrents.
French here. My iPhone4 died and I need a new phone. I'm looking for one which is not too big, has good audio and battery. Money is not an issue
not the same thing
>Samsung announces new A series
>awesome 4.7" phone
>snapdragon processor equals ROM support
>microsd card slot
>no removable battery

Whelp, total dealbreaker.
Threema. And a bunch of other android apps

I do know that threema exists but the app is horrible according to the store ratings.
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Got my 6P, feels pretty good

It was well worth the wait.

Camera is really good, pic related, my cat
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Seeking some suggestions on what phone I should get.
I'm Australian and I'm looking for something in the price range of $100-$175AUD.
Needs to work with 3G and 4G Networks.
Would be nice if it had an OK camera.
As long as it can make calls and texts that's all that really matters.
Xperia z3/5 compact is good if you're looking for something not too big. Good battery and good audio performance with front facing speakers and proprietary enhancements like dsee and ldac

Don't listen to the burgers shitting on Sony's customer support. Warranty is good in Europe and I've never had a problem with them.

T. Finn
it really is shit. im pretty sure is as bad or worse than the battery on my old nexus 5
still overpriced, so noone gives a shit.
well shit the offscreen buttons makes it a little harder, but galaxy s5 suits everything you said. its still a nice phone tbqf senpai
Ausfailia is a really shit country sometimes. At around $200 the best you can do is get some chinkshit.

I suggest you go on eBay and look for used flagships from 2013.

Other than that, a 4g enabled Wangblows phone or the moto e could cut.
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Oh baby.
Nice zerolemon
Is there a (good) list somewhere that shows the best phones in term of battery life? I found a few but they all say different things so I don't know who to trust
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Nice, which phone? Are you priv guy?
If there is any, don't trust them. Battery life varies from the usage, and if, for example, a review says that it gets 3.5 SoT there will be someone who is getting 5-7 with zero optimisations.
Is that a nex 4?
Didn't bother looking up the price when i saw the non removable battery
So, I recently switched back to Android after the dirt-cheap iPhone I had finally died. I was excited to get back to being able to access my phone's storage mounted on my desktop. It turns out that Android only supports MTP now (meaning no direct mounting), even on the SD card. UMS can be enabled if you root, apparently, but I have a Verizon One M8 and the rooting process seems pretty complex and risky compared to most models.

And for some reason, my SD card reader isn't picking up the SD card. Disappointing.

On another note, does anyone know of anything I can install that lets me access the volume slider without going into Settings? The volume buttons fell off this phone within a couple months of use, so I have to use software volume control.
Direct mountain is supported in some custom roms AFAIK. Except you have a Verizon device so....

As for your volume control, action widgets adds a button thing in the notification and gravity box via xposed adds a lot of other stuff that can access the controls
Why are phones so damn expensive?
Would a Wileyfox Storm + 128 GB card be a good purchase ?
Coming from a Moto /g/ 1st gen
What's key when looking for a new phone?
It's mostly personal preference above anything else
>how much do you want to spend
>how big of a screen
>amount of ram
>internal storage
>sd slot
>second sim slot
>is having a brand launcher like touchwizz a downside for you
Also software version would be a thing to look at
No point in buying an android 4.4 phone when 6 is just around the corner.
Is it that much of a big deal? Most people change their phones every 2-3 years anyway, partly because warranty is 24 months long, and partly because there are really cheap phones that are better than their 2-year flagship.

I understand SD card slot, I know it's slow but perfect for storing music, photos and videos, just like HDD on PCs.

What's more, you can always give the phone to service 1 month before your warranty ends and tell them to replace the battery.
I don't want to send in my phone just because I want the battery replaced. I'd rather buy a new battery and and pop it in.
Can someone post the ricing guide. Finally time to pimp my Moto G
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I dunno
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Home screen: Nova launcher or Apex launcher

Icons: Min, Materilis, Whicons, Procyon, Marshmallow material

Zooper or kwpl for custom stuff deeper than that
are you going to keep posting Samus or not?
I'm afraid I don't have a ton, it's just a casual power armor folder I've been building
desu senpai

Cheers mate, is there a common suggestion for Moto G gen1 LTE or should I just go Cyanogen mod, seems to be the standard.
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Personally I don't see what CM is going to give you over stock android, especially since your camera quality will probably go to crap.

Unless you want to go google apps celibate and use Cm services instead, that is.
Alright, might as well give it a go.

Looking for a decent phone to replace my Dad's old S3 mini. Simillar OS and size can be up to 4.5 inch or just as compact as possible.

Country is slightly irreverent since i can get a good discount on anything but the newest ones or get them online. Not in north America though.
I thought CM still has cool/useful things even if you have a stock android phone???
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That is true, but you need to look up those features and see if that's what you really want I guess.
I've got a LG G3. I was wondering if it was possible to use the xiaomi mi4 windows 10 mobile rom on my phone. The two phones (g3 and mi4) have pretty much the same hardware apart from the display.
I just downloaded the MI4 rom and there's not even a readme inside, just 2xml files, 1 mbn and 1 FFU.
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>colleague at work got Marshmallow update on his G4
>Mine is still showing no update via OTA or LG Bridge

Fucks sake lads
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>xiaomi mi4 windows 10 mobile rom on my phone

Sounds like a bad idea
I don't know what he's talking about because flashing cm on your phone won't reduce camera quality. It's already shit and doesn't have any fancy proprietary camera special algorithms so it should b fine.
It's not., binaries are way different even if the soc is the same. Wait for pajeet to port it over or something
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>I don't know what he's talking about because flashing cm on your phone won't reduce camera quality.

Even on shitty cameras it will make it worse, but if the Moto G had open source drivers or whatever then it won't matter.
>Sony has shit customer service edition

go back to reddit you fucking redditor
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Sony Z3C, but be aware unless you are in a place with good warranty laws that's a bad idea
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You might want to check the home screen thread if you think that most people on /g/ don't visit reddit
which 4chin app you using la?
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>Wait for Pajeet to port it over

>tfw you pin your hopes to try windows 10 on a currynigger
I doubt it can survive the physical torture that S3 mini went through. He asked me to clean small metal wires and other metallic pieces from it.

And i'd like to avoid sony in general.
Clean it off the speaker grill*
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Yeah Sony is shit.

Not sure what to say, phones got huge since the S3. You're not going to find something that small.
I fucking love my z3 I wouldn't change it for any phone (of it's generation at least). The only thing that annoys people is late release of updates but nothing stops you from installing custom roms (you lose drm last time i checked but everyone whines about shitty camera post processing so might aswell take the plunge and drop it).
You're right though.

I was thinking of getting him either an S5 mini or J5.
Hey, Portugal guy here. I was searching and found some z3c's used for about 250-270, still under warranty, and some one+1 for about the same price. I like the z3c a lot, particularly for its size, but not sure if it's worth buying used
Lumia master race itt?
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No. Android is master race, but Windows phone/Lumias are bro tier.

I'm never one for buying used phones. That Vodafone thing you were offered was at a decent price, that might be better than buying an out of warranty phone.
Who is semen Orgalorg?

You can backup the drm partition ffs, its literally two taps in twrp holy shit do people not know how to do this? The camera processing is shit anyways, if you lose the keys so what? You go from shit camera to a shit camera, who cares

At least the z5 has the drm partition locked so you can't fuck it up.
Kimiko Glenn, there are topless pics online and video of her getting eaten out
Just got a note 4 (on verizon), what is the best rom for it?
None because you won't get any
Convince me why I shouldn't buy a galaxy S6 today, leaving in about in hour to buy a phone and I don't wanna regret it.
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