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Getting a Sapphire R9 290 Tri-X next week, feels good
Why not get the 390? Pretty much the same thing, but with twice the ram? Although I do like the aesthetics of the Tri-x over the Nitro.
Getting it from a friend of mine for $180, still in pristine condition, never overclocked.
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just got home from a full shift to find my 390 waiting at home .

just replaced my 2 gig 770 .

this thing is fast as fuck .
cool op
My nigga
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Damn that card is a sexy beast
Getting a 380 for Xmas from my GF, feels good man. Especially since I've been running on HD4600 for the last 6 months
Why not the 380x?

290x is slightly better. The 8 gigs of RAM don't really come into the equation because if you need more than 4, you're likely not gonna run it comfortably with a 390 or a 290x.

I own a 290x Tri-X myself, it's a monstercard. Weirdly enough, it doesn't run any hotter than my 560ti did. The only real problem is that video games are garbage so it's not really seeing any use except for when my gf plays shitya games.
What GPU should I get to play vidya at 1080p at around medium through max settings? I want a 290X but the 970 outperforms it at 1080p, and I fucking hate Nvidia and their Jewish ways.
1080p at medium-max? Why the hell are you looking at 290x/970? 380/380x would be fine and cheaper.
280(x), 380(x), 270 or a refurbished 290

Because I planned on wanting to max out pretty much every game at muh 60 fps maymay.
A 380x will do that senpai
was going to get the 970 a few months ago, but i get this bad boy instead

feels good desu senpai
How does it preform?

Even heavily modded Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Battlefront 3 (Which I don't plan on playing, but is absolutely amazing in terms of visuals)
Is there another card at around the same price range as a 380x I should consider getting instead?
Not unless you want a 4gb 960
I'm getting that exact card, can't wait
Not that anon but same card here. Had to flash the BIOS because of random blackscreen problems but after that no problems.

I don't play AAA games, most demanding thing I've put it through is Divinity Original Sin EE and the card is overkill.
i got their blue 290x
way pretty
I have a 290x tri-x and 850w psu
should I get another 290x?
Black screen problems?
I'd upgrade the PSU to be safe
Bought a 290 for the price of a 380x/280x/380 the only problem is that it's the reference model.
the only thing that dips to 40fps for unknown reason is The Witcher 3 whenever i got into any big town in the game, its been a solid performer in my case

settings are mostly high/very high since ultra is a meme
Snag an Arctic Cooling aftermarket GPU cooler if you can afford it

ive had that card for about a year and half. great card and runs most stuff on ultra at 1080p


its really good

i can play bf4 on ultra and avg 60fps

with bf hardline it dips just a little but its always above 30fps on ultra
So I have a r9 280x vapor-x tri-x. Im wondering if anybody knows if the blue 280x vapor-x tri-x cooler can interchanged with the yellow 290x tri-x cooler because I want this card but not the cooler.
Why stuff GPU full of air coolers why not just make it water cool
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I'm trying to keep this look


is it worth going to FX 8320E from i3-4150, is it even an upgrade?

please resbond
Why not 390?
I am about to build PC, playing a lot of stuff like heavily graphical modded skyrim. I've been told that the 390 is by far the best for it with i5 4690k.
390 obviously.
Depends on what it cost. 8350 is sort of equivalent with an i5 ivy bridge. 8320e is going to be significantly slower, I consider it a wash at best with the benefit of the extra cores keeping it from just crapping out in some games like an i3 will.

Not really, you still want to get the most bang from your buck go with the 6300 and overclock it. to 4.5.
Thanks senpai, guess ill take the offer after all

its kind of a trade in deal, i just had to pay the guys an additional $10 for it
Well you have to get a board right?
the trade-in includes both of the board and the cooler (Cooler meme 212 i believe)
got a pre owned sapphire dual x 280x for 125 usd. feels amazing.
Got two 290 tri-x two months ago to put in xfire for $400. Cheaper at the time than a single 390x.
what? just buy an i5 4460
Geekbench and Passmark has the fx significantly faster.
Here you got some gaming comparison with the stronger 8320. Seems to do worse with the 960 and better with the 280x.
>bf4 1080p 60fps

my gtx 680 4gb gives me 80 fps ultra 1600x1200, almost same pixels as 1080p.
>normal people are at work
>AMD welfare queens start posting
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yes. it's a binned fx 8320 to run cooler at a lower voltage.
I'm waiting for Pascal to go all out
I sold my 290 trix
it was the best and quietest card I ever owned
I have power consumption meter and it was surprisingly low on power as well

But I am getting older and after skyrim and BF4 peek I played very little on it and warranty was running out early in 2016 so price of resale would drop rapidly

sold it for 235€ which is not that bad price
though considering the ease of sale I should have maybe go for 250€
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Oh cool, an AMD thread. Fury checking in. Can go above 1150MHz for benchmarks but I like to keep it at 1130MHz for gaming.

Anyone tried the crimson drivers yet? I was waiting for the dust to settle a bit before trying them.

390 has things disabled the 290x is better. The 8GB over 4GB hardly ever comes into usefulness. This is coming from one who shelled out +$40 ea for two OCd 290x 8GB over the latter. I have seen games like ARK and GTA5 peak at barely over 4GB maxed at 1440p.
I'm getting a verticle dark red line in the middle of some videos ever since I updated to the latest drivers. I have an r9 290 that may have run hot yesterday, is it fucked?

My old antec 850w psu couldnt power one 290x after going through 5+ years of punishment. I would get something better.
that motherfucker is sexy
doesn't shadows of mordor use 6gb at 1080p?

RIP literally. The only person I know to have bought a reference 290X killed it in like 3 months non overclocked. Luckily they sent him a Tri-X replacement for the RMA.
Only if you get the custom ultra textures.

A lot of people have said they are maxing it with 2GB at 1080p, 4GB should be enough even with the high res texture pack I wouldnt really know from personal experience though I dont play singleplayer games.
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Are you brave enough?
Because you would fuck yourself over by buying a 970 or 390 now.

Just get a 380 4gb and resell it further on in next year when the new generation hits.

I would be sacred. I have a HX1050. It would be just about enough.
Nice card. I was going to get the same one but got the 780ti instead since bitcoin rose the prices to 650. Really wish I got it since I ended up replacing the 780ti with two 980's for that vram but honestly I could have saved some good money with that. I'm jelly op.
But mom I need a full tower.
Have been running a r9 toxic 280x for over a year.
Very content with it.
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It didn't go so well

It only gave me 1000 more graphic score in firestrike compared to 2x crossfire
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Got an R9 380 yesterday. Deleted nvidia drivers, took out my sli 460's, put in new card... Get pic related as boot screen. Once it starts booting win7, everything looks normal. So does everything in Win7(haven't played any games yet tho).

Installed dtivers(well knowing it would make fuck all difference with pic related, but I needed them anyway obviously), and hoped it was just one weird boot. Nope. Every time, boot screen looks like that.

The fuck is going on, should I be worried and how do I diagnose/fix it?
Is it fine to download the beta driver now? - Have they fixed the 20%?
Looks similar to memory issues graphics card sometimes make during games.
The drivers suck so much on both teams right now that all you can do is pray.
They released the fix monday.
It's not a driver issue though. This is the boot screen, or whatever you call it. When you can enter BIOS setup etc.

Send it back and get a new one. No such issues on my XFX 390.
Nvidia drivers are fine faggot.
It's still worse than shit without 20%.
Just use Catalyst.
Anybody else have sag on their card? My 390 sags and it keeps me up at night
can I use 6950 and 390x at the same time?

Will there be any difficulties? I want to use two monitors on my 6950 and one monitor on my 390x which I'll be doing stuff with.
>the fuck is going on
You bought AMD
What 390 do you have? I have the ASUS with the backplate and it sags, although not too badly.

my friends 290x died and it looked just like that but instead of little blocks they were space invaders. looked really funny. They sent him a TriX version as replacement. RMA it.

Sucks. Scaling beyond two cards is low. But I do think it looks cooler. =P
That's actually really cool looking.. Post more pics?
I guess, I just want to figure out if it's the card or some issue between card and mobo. As I said, it's only those 5 seconds of bootscreen/BIOS. Once Windows starts booting,e verything is normal.

I've opened a ticket with Sapphire. If they tell me it's borked, I'll rma.
Not sure if you're serious, but it's the only picture I took, and I'm at work right now. There's not much else to see, though, it looks exactly the same every time.

It's weird, you can see SOME kind of signal is sort of coming through. I've got a Gigabyte mobo, and it sort of looks like the logo, very distorted.

Between Keller, Su and Raja AMD is getting shit done.

I'm certainly enjoying my all AMD system - my 8320e clocked to 4.7ghz gives me performance way above what I spent and a 1200mhz core 290x annihilates every gpu its priced against - even factoring in the aftermarket cooling i'm using.
I think it's the throttling due to choking, not scaling. Scaling in firestrike should be near perfect.
What cooler are you using both for cpu and gpu?
Why would I get new generation if it will cost the same amount as a whole PC?

Silver arrow SB-E (not the extreme) for cpu and raijintek morpheus for gpu.
>Getting a 3 year old GPU next week

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Well you wouldn't want a 3 year old Nvidia one, thats for sure.
>13% difference between 290x and 390x
what wonder can little OC and faster VRAM bring us

I use Catalyst for these purposes, but what about the vidya fixes - shouldn't I get the beta drivers for this?
pls reply
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if I were getting a video card right now, a would've got that reference R9 290 for $200 over black friday weekend. It would be probably the best bang-for-your-buck, moreso than the GTX-960 for $180 or the R9 380 for $160. The 290 costs $213 right now.

Also the 290x == 390 performance-wise
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At 4k AMD has an impressive lead at nearly every tier.
290x is better mate.
at stock settings LOL
Nuh-uh, it's actually 1% worse, and it has only 4GB of VRAM vs the 390's 8GB. Also the 390 has better DX12 support.
380x will be able to Max it out even at 2560x1440, and it will still run at a decent framerate.
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Ordered an R9 Nano on Black Friday for really cheap, but it still hasn't shipped, so I'm just trying to be patient
>ordering the most keked card ever made
Why do you AMDrones do this?
You can't overclock it beyond 1050 MHz because it's voltage and frequency locked, yet it uses as much electricity as a regular Fury X for slightly worse performance and at the same price of a Fury X.

There is literally zero appeal to this card.
At least the Fury X could hold its own against an overclocked 980. This thing can't even do that.
It was cheaper than a 390X
No it wasn't. I could have picked up a 390X for $350 on Black Friday, or a better GTX 980 for $375. Unless the Nano is that much of a sales disaster, I doubt you could have gotten it for less than $450.
Should I get a R9 290 for my wife's son?
only if you know how to properly ventilate your case
Tell that lazy nigger Tyrone to pay for his son's shit
Should I buy a 390 or 390x
I play exclusively on 1080p games like bf4
No, a GTX 970 4.0GB* would be much more suitable. You should buy one for yourself too. And another for your wife's bull.

I can't find it for that low because that would be ridicolous for Norwegian prices.
I didn''t find any 390Xs on sale here at all, and I'm pretty sure I looked everywhere. Maybe another norwegian here will correct me if there were some.
mmm very nice
I have a 750ti right now
Is it worth upgrading now to a 390 or should I wait?
Why is the 3xx seris so ugly?
Is it worth it?
I got a 7970 with a custom cooler and VRAM heatsinks off eBay the other day for $100. I'm pretty damn sure the previous owner used it for mining Bitcoin, but so far it's worked just fine at stock so I'm happy enough with it. Only thing is it's visibly flexed from lack of support, but my case has the motherboard mounted upside down so maybe it'll work itself out.

Wait for the GTX 1060 or whatever
It should be as strong as the 390, use less power, and cost less.
Just got an a8 ideapad for under $300 brand new. (Quad core A8 apu, R5 graphics sharing 1024mb system DDR3L, 1TB hdd, 8GB RAM, Dolby speakers, LED backlit display)

So far, I'm really goddamn impressed with this machine. I bought it for uni for taking notes and watching e-lectures for some of my courses that offer them as an alternative to actually putting on pants and going to the lecture and I wanted something with decent graphics card so I can watch the lectures without stuttering shitty lag, and this thing blows me away.

I'm dicking around throwing games at it just to see its limits and so far everything from diablo2 to far cry 4 has been playable. Fc4 even at medium
nah senpai vapor x 290 and i got those textures still maxing out with over 60fps memory isnt even overclocked past the default
i can get a Gigabyte r9 290x WFx3 OC for really cheap (1000ish €), but it's not working. The guy who is selling said that the card worked until he tried to upgrade the bios, is there any way to recover the card?
Does it have a dual bios?
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Nice OP. I have the Vapor-X version.

It's a beast.

Jesus Christ where do you live?
>putting a logo on the part of the shroud that will never see the light of day
AMD vendors are as dumb as their customers, I see
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Gonna upgrade my cpu next (held off because I need a new mobo) The bottleneck is killing me. Gonna get an fx8350, is this wise?
It's pretty great for the price. If you otherwise really want more performance you should get an i7.
>my wife's son
>not 'my son'
>marrying a single mother

you dun goofed
i meant 100ish
i don't know, i asked the guy but he isn't very expert and didn't know
>caring about a fucking logo
Nvidiots are as dumb as everyone says they are.
just a general video card question

my msi gtx 760 warranty is about to be over, i was thinking of RMAing it in hopes of them sending me a newer GPU

however nothing is really wrong with it, do they actually test it out to see if its defective?
>what is a symmetrical shroud design
>what is manufacturing efficiency
Got the same card, can confirm it is indeed a fucking beast.
Did you have black screens just randomly on Windows 10? My Msi 390 has been causing that
290x is $400-$500 in canada

That's like top of the line gpu prices 3 years ago. Why the fuck is this card still so expensive?
There's no Sapphire 290x outside the Nitro which has a worse cooler and doesn't look nearly as nice as the 290x Tri-X and Vapor-X. Although to be fair there is a 390x named tri-x cooler, but it doesn't look anything like the 290x except for some orange colors.

I just wish the 290x Vapor-X 8GB version wasn't hard as fuck to find. Newegg is sold out and Amazon has it for $740.
Is the 7970 amd best card ever made? It's almost four years old and it still preforms well at 1080 and even does average at 1440.
All you can do I try. I've been denied warranty in the past, not with msi, and I actually had a legitimate problem. All they can do is deny or accept your claim, just do it.
stupid comparison, compare with new drivers
what's the amd equivalent of a 970?
R9 390
A 380. It's only fair, since the 280 was the 770's competitor.
>290x Vapor-X 8GB version wasn't hard as fuck to find
Same. I'll probably settle for a 7970/280/290
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same here. 38% discount mofo.

i did this to it.
Upgrade ur bios senpai. That could fix it
>not returning your gimped, overpriced Fiji
top kek
shoulda bought a 980Ti

So it can be gimped in drivers in the next 12 months? No dice Huang.
Why kek yourself pre-emptively? You could have bought a cheaper Fury or a full Fury X for the same money.

Or a much better 980Ti.

the nano and the 98ti costs the same, except this card was almoast 40% discounted.

i had to get that deal, besides, im getting 16950 in firestrike so its not too shabby
>uses as much electricity as fury x

[citation needed]
Check every reviewer who tried to overclock a Nano to Fury X performance. Its power consumption jumps to about 95% of a Fury X's.
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I did.

this is oc to 1050
I'm running a triple monitor set up so I pretty much have to get the 390 or jump up to the 980.
Something's fishy with that. Three of the reviews I've seen had an OC'd Nano reach almost 375W.
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can you please provide links? found these after a quick google search. don't think this one is overclocked though.

As a reporesentative of /g/ and thus a consumer whore I can turn a blind eye to inevitable kekking and then simply taking it anally when kekking does come. Naturally I won't mind, i'll just upgrade every year.

If I want to multi-task i'll use 2 ipads!

(newfags who don't get that pls go)


>peak loads

Lrn 2 why that is irrelevant
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just found this. I'm sorry.
looks like you're right.

I still like the nano though, definitely a cute card.
Is Crossfire worth the money? I'm thinking of either getting another 290x for about $340 (Europe), or just switch to a 980.

It isnt possible for the Nano to pull 375W because it has a single 8 pin connector.
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Your chart shows OC behavior without adjusting the power limit, from the looks of it.
Or it could be that Crisis 3 isn't as demanding on the card.
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A 290x fights a 980 right now - two of them is faster than most 980ti's.
It's total system draw, idiot.
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Don't ever cite hardocp for power numbers - even factoring in their supposed claim of 95w for rest of system they still think the 290x matrix pulls over twice its TDP. Even the 780ti here is going to be 50% over TDP.
> two of them is faster than most 980ti's.
imšorry but what kind of comparison is this

for fairness put it against two 980tis at least

No, since less and less games support it (Batman Arkham Knight, Just Cause 3, etc)
It's shit
And why would you even consider TWO AMD cards when even ONE card is tough to justify
>Although I do like the aesthetics of the Tri-x over the Nitro.
You have to be kidding. The Nitro looks way cleaner and more fitting with most systems than the Tri-X. The Tri-X is a damn school bus.
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Relative performance to an MSI lightning. Remember: 295x2 is two 290x's slapped onto a pcb. Given the anon I was replying to already has one 290x another for cheap makes the comparison to 980ti sli pointless.

Switching to a 980 instead of 290x crossfire is also retarded.
That's sounds great, but when talking about "Relative Performance", is that performance relative to price? Or to power consumption? In most benchmarks I've seen, the 980 outperforms the 290x with a substantial margin...
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>That's sounds great, but when talking about "Relative Performance",

Can you not fucking read? The baseline is the msi lightning in that specific chart, hence why its sitting at 100%

As for your benchmarks, you are flat wrong. This pic is even newer than msi lightning chart.
>The Nitro looks way cleaner and more fitting with most systems than the Tri-X.
Completely true, however it looks bland to me. I have a blue build so I like the Vapor-X, but style wise the Nitro just seems boring to me. And no I'm not saying GPUs need all types of fancy colors or lights. Nitro is just meh.
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hardocp reviewed the nano?
shit, now this I have to see.
they've pretty much all but admitted they're nvidia shills during their nano chimpout.
I do agree it looks bland, but it's better than a school bus at least.

They have recently put up two articles on the nano.

Don't forget: during the chimpout kyle deleted a nano build log on hos forums because "hardocp is not a nano focused site".
never saw that, but I remember him saying that the fury x wasn't a 980 ti competitor since it performed closer to a 980.

>HardOCP confirmed shills
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they could either shill the nano in an attempt to regain favour with AMD, do a fair review to try and not lose their fans and forum members, or shill nvidia even more.
I haven't watched their graphs/images, but the one review I did read (980 Ti) seemed to be fair, non-biased review.

>they've presented a Nano and named the price and I literally dropped the call this minute.
>I didn't get a Nano? Cards with very limited availability due to the new memory. WTF?
>I don't get to keep the card after review? WHAT?

He's not a rockstar, he's a reviewer.

Have the (now long dead) link.

>fury x is a 980 competitor

did he really say that?
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