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/spg/ - weeb edition

Use >>>/g/spg/ to direct users with questions about smartphones to this thread, to help reduce clutter on the board.

Smartphone General - Advice and Discussion

If requesting purchasing advice, please provide your budget, what country you live in, and what features are important to you.

Good resources:
>reviews and specs
>frequency checker

BlackBerry Priv is now available from T-Mobile - http://www.phonearena.com/news/The-Android-powered-BlackBerry-Priv-is-now-available-from-T-Mobile_id77735

Lumia 650 available for preorder before being announced officially - http://www.phonearena.com/news/Microsoft-Lumia-650-available-to-pre-order-before-its-official-announcement_id77736

China’s Oppo Sold 50M Smartphones In 2015 - http://techcrunch.com/2016/01/26/chinas-oppo-sold-50m-smartphones-in-2015/

LG books US$116m loss, smartphones unit also in the red - http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news.php?id=70689
I have a OnePlus X. Consumerism and lack of Android Marshmallow is making me look at the 5X. Should I sell my OPX and give in?
Not interested in a new phone but has actions tried the priv yet? Is it total shit or what?
5X is a great phone, OPX is my second choice or what I would get if I was more budget constrained and needed a replacement for my 5X. OPX should get Marshmallow pretty soon, hopefully it becomes an officially supported CM device.

From what I've read it is a decent device, but it features a locked down and (lightly) modified version of Android filled with Blackberry Bloat.

I am personally staying away since a keyboard isn't more important to me than Vanilla Marshmallow.
Will they ever release a phone with a physical keyboard? I like the design of this but the specs aren't that amazing

Why is the Blackberry Priv such a failure?

>Android 5.1.1.
>Build quality of a 200€ chink phone
>Literally no fucking release date for Marshmallow which makes the whole "Priv" think a fucking joke

Holy shit, it's like Blackberry wants to die
My phone screen is too sensitive. Every little smudge, crumb or whatever is detected as a touch. What can I do about this? Should I put one of those plastic covers over it? I could have sworn there was an option to increase or decrease touchscreen sensitivity, but I can't find it.

Motorola XT919 by the way.
>What can I do about this?

>Should I put one of those plastic covers over it?
It wont help

I have the Z1 and suffer from the same issues
>5 inch display or more
>no removable battery(okay as long as it's servicable without having to heat your phone up with a fucking hairdryer I'm okay with it)
>no micro sd card slot
>wake me up when those memes end and manufacturers actually start making half decent phones.
>Blackberry Priv
Why is this thing so expensive?
Just root and flash marshmallow yourself. The 5x is a meh phone, especially when compared to the moto x pure.
Because the brand name is a meme.
And because they want to be like Apple and support the phone for longer than 12 month

>implying the company will survive that long
>implying people will not just buy a fucking iPhone for 800€
I'd buy an iphone. the priv is just too big for my taste.
Is Moto X Pure much better than LG G4?
It has the same SoC and screen. It has a better camera and according to gsmarena runs a bit longer, but is a bit larger and doesn't have a removable battery.
Is it much better than G4 in terms of software?

Also, how is it that Moto X Pure lasts longer on the battery, when it has the same SoC and battery capacity?

Oh, and is Moto X Style the same thing?
What phones, aside from the OPO, allow you to root without voiding the warranty?
I have the moto x pure, and one of my friends has the g4 so I've used that one a bit as well.

>a bit larger
Yes it is, but there really isn't a whole difference. I came from a 4.3 inch phone and adjusting to the 5.7 inch screen only took a couple of days. The only thing you should make sure of is that in all your pockets (for guys this really isn't a problem unless you wear skinny jeans or something like that).

>no removable battery
I agree this is a downside, but I've never actually had to replace a battery on any of my phones. It doesn't really affect me, or most people, at all.

In terms of software I'd actually say the moto x is even better than the nexus line. It's basically stock android but it has the moto features built in, which are god tier.

There's moto display, which will turn on if it detects motion (up to 6 or 7 inches above the screen), or if it detects being picked up. It'll show you the time and any notifications you received.
There's also attentive display, which keeps the screen on as long as you're looking at it. I don't know if lg has this or not, but it works much better than the Samsung equivalent.
There's also two moto actions: double twist for camera and double chop for flashlight. The camera one works perfectly and will activate every time, but the flashlight one is a bit strange and the exact motion takes some getting used to.

The moto x style is the same thing. It's called the pure in American and style everywhere else. If you've got any other questions about it I'll try to answer them as well.
Cool, thanks.
It's just that both phones are pretty similar, but the LG one in my country is a bit cheaper.

In terms of software, I was thinking about custom ROMS, overall community interest. I know CyanogenMod is supported by the LG. Overall, I don't know much about Android, nothing first-hand, I'm looking for my fist one with this OS (moving from Nokia N900). I understand that Moto can be at least rooted and have it's bootloader unlocked?

Anyway, one thing that really interests me is how's the Snapdragon 808 in terms of CPU and GPU performance. I'm wondering if I'm not loosing much by not getting a phone with 810.
There is a performance difference, but I'd say only for games. Also, while the 810 is more powerful if you do some research you'll find many people actually don't like it because it overheats VERY easily.

In terms of custom roms both phones will have massive developer support since they're very popular flagships. As far as custom roms for the moto x go though, most of them are stock based. This is because the goal of most custom roms is to deliver an experience close to stock android, but the moto x already comes with stock. Instead, the stock based custom roms try to debloat and optimize the OS for better performance, faster multitasking, and more fluid animations. Anything you can do with a custom rom can also be done with xposed or RRO layers on stock anyway.

I'd recommend checking out the xda page for both phones as well to get a sense of how to dev support for each device is.
I'd say the moto x is the better choice, but if you've got budget constraints the g4 is DEFINITELY a good choice.

Well shit
808 is great, I have no issues. Unless you game heavily it shouldn't be a problem at all.

One issue with Motorola is that they were purchased by Lenovo, and have started to become shit with respect to updates. They dropped support for the Moto E after a couple months after promising updates.

Dunno about the bootloader, but do your research and make sure you can unlock whatever model you get. It's less important on Moto compared to LG, because Moto is mostly stock compared to LG's bloated UI.
I have a g4, love it, the screen is beautiful, has tons of not so hidden features. Removable battery and mcSD support upto a 1tb. Its has snapdragon 808 which is better then good, adn the screen is amazing, big IPS. I dont really know much about moto x tho
I don't really know what kind of games are there on this platform, but I would probably be satisfied with emulating PSX and maybe PSP.
I've heard that 810 is prone to thermal throttling, but I've seen reviews, where after the phone heated up, the performance didn't drop drastically (I think one was with HTC M9). It's maybe a matter of decent cooling in a phone. Also, my friend has a 6P with 810 and he didn't notice issues (but he doesn't run anything intensive, he really bought the phone because he loves Google).

So if I understood you correctly, your opinion about Moto X being better is based on it being stock-based and having nice additions from Motorola/Lenovo, correct?
By the way. Can I play games with a lower res than native? I'm worried about 808 coupled with 2K res.
Wow, great to know.
How's the battery life on G4? Do you use a custom ROM?
As soon as I bought G4 I downloaded like 1 gb in updates, mostly firmware, as soon as I installed one 200mb update the next 300mb came up and again, 4 times in total I think
Hey /spg/ I'm stuck between OPO and OPX in the UK, will not having LTE/4g really affect me? which is better otherwise?
>It has a better camera
nigga wat
I meant that it has a higher resolution camera, 21MP vs 16MP. Is the camera actually worse regardless?
Most games are pretty casual like simple platformers or retro style games, so there will be a negligible difference in performance between an 808 and an 810. Probably the same thing for the emulators as well.
Yeah, I'd say the moto x is better overall because of software.

I'm not sure about the g4, but on the moto x you can lower the screen resolution down to 1080 x 1920 and everything will work fine (except moto display).

Yes, you really do want LTE. Trust me.
Battery is very good, much better then S6 plus it supports fast charging and you can always swap batteries because of the removable cover. A Big advantage of g4 is its camera, which is said by many reviews on youtube to be even better then S6. You should check out some videos online.
The camera itself is one of the best if not the best one out on flagship phones atm. It even has this stabilisation function which makes it move inside the phone to create a more stable video. A++ Camera
Take a look at some actual pictures from both phones and compare them. Higher megapixel count does not always mean a superior camera.
What's the best browser for android?

Firefox a shit
Chrome beta
CAF snapdragon optimized chromium

Pick one.
Can I flash android 6.0 on my OPX?
Check at xda.
I would really just want intensive full-screen applications to run at lower res, to gain performance.

Besides games, is there some other compute-intensive applications that benefit from higher performance? Like maybe image editors?

Oh, also, while 810 is problematic, Exynos 7420 seems on pair in performance (even better) and doesn't throttle as much. Would it be a good idea to get a phone with that (but not from Samsung). Like e.g. Meizu PRO 5.
Euh CM13 yes, but otherwise not.
Who is that on the left and why is she there?
Those phones will probably be cheaper, and in all honesty reliable enough to last you a while. The only problem is that they will probably have very small dev communities, if they even do have one at all.

To my knowledge, there is no way to make certain apps run in specific resolutions. You can either choose to run everything in 1440p, or everything in 1080p.

For most users the only activity they do that requires a lot of processing power is games, and like I said you're only going to notice a difference on a very small group of graphically demanding games. I don't really think there's any other kind of program that requires much processing power.
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I listen to podcasts in mp3 format and they're like 4 hours long or so. My Samsung music player always forgets here I was and when I reopen it it goes back to the start of the file. Are there any players which will remember how far I got through the podcast and start where I stopped?

Pic unrelated but the sexiest phone ever made.
>That wasted space
>That shitty gloss
Yea but 21:9
I guess you like black bars around videos.
Is the Oneplus X screen nicer than the Nexus 5X? And the OPX has SD card....
I wish there was a Nexus 5P....
Lg dropped the ball on marketing. The V10 is a really good device.
Why is everybody suddenyl okay with a 5.5" device in their pocket?? It's far too big and I commend Samsung for keeping a reasonable size with their Galaxy S range.
Smaller devices usually have a pleb-tier 1280x720 res.
Does every android phone nowdays support OTG?
>Why is everybody suddenyl okay with a 5.5" device in their pocket?
because it's 2016 you fucking poor apple faggot

please drink bleach
I like the xiaomi redmi note 3 but there's a sale here and I could pay a bit more for a galaxy s5, what would you do?
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But I have a Nexus 5 :(
Not true. NExus 5 and S6 have 1080p and 1440p respectively whilst keeping a good size. Only Samsung and Sony are keeping their flagships small.
Even the Nexus 5X is big!
I said usually.
Nexi are not an option for a lot of people because of lack of SD slot.
The nexus 5x is big for other reasons though (read: lazy design/engineering). The screen is small but the bezels are stupidly large on it.
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5x owner here.
Absolutely loving this thing.

h8 if you'd like.
How can you accept the lack of SD slot?
Have you had any of the lagging/hanging issues I've read about?
Is your screen yellowing?
>Absolutely loving this thing

Is this what they call damage control?
Want to get a 6P but I'm waiting on the Galaxy S6 and LG G5 announcements to see what's what.

Are good things expected or the usual bloatware filled trash?
Samsung will be shit filled bloatware. G5 might be nice, but right now the 6p is probably the best choice.
I'm just wondering if the 820, or whatever Samsung's own is, will be enough to push the performance past stock on the 810.
well then enjoy it you nigger
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Anyone ever tried project botnet?
Some people love the coverage others say its shit.
The 5X and 6P look pretty damn good right now.
nexus 6p > note 5 > samsung s6 > lg v10 > the rest
If you hate yourself go ahead and get it
Bruh, it's already out. Not everywhere though. A second BB device with a physical keyboard is on its way.
I have it and its okay, the data plan is a bit expensive in my opinion but then I am not used to using too much data and wifi hotspots are around me so it works out fine. it does have some problems such as dropping to 3g a lot from LTE service but most of the time its on LTE
Samsung's problem is not specs, it's the shit ram management.

Let me fix that for you

Nexus 6p > Moto X Pure > V10 = G4 > Priv > 5X > all
The LG G4 has what is considered one of the best cameras of 2015. On par with the Samsung flagship line.
moto x pure?

no way

it is literally a meme
So the G4 seems to be a popular phone around here and I was interested in it too. My only concern is the size: I'm used to my old S4, it's very comfortable to use with one hand and fits my pockets just fine. Did some of you make a similar upgrade (size wise)?
Also, I don't really like the UI so I was wandering if there is a theme that looks similar to stock Android or I should just root it and install a custom rom. Thanks.
why's that?
>recommends samshill memephones
>doesn't like god tier motorola phones

How low has /g/ fallen?
What's wrong with it?
I also fear LG's UI, whenever I've handled one it just looks ugly as fuck.
Cheapest android with sd card that works for Tmobile AWS under 100$?
I had a Galaxy S4, and went to a Oneplus One, which has the exact same screen size if I'm not mistaken.

I personally love bigger screens, and 5,5" seems to be a great size for me. The weight (increased due to size) put me off a little. It gets tiresome to hold when you're texting in your bed, but the weight also brings a feeling of value. I can still use the phone with one hand, and on the G4 it should be easier since the screen has a slight curve.

I don't think LG does themes but I assume dev support is great for the G4.
I went from a razr m (4.3 in) to a moto x pure (5.7 in) and it only took me about two days to fully adjust to it.

If you're not a manlet these new phones really shouldn't be a problem.
I listen to podcasts in mp3 format and they're like 4 hours long or so. My Samsung music player always forgets here I was and when I reopen it it goes back to the start of the file. Are there any players which will remember how far I got through the podcast and start where I stopped?
You already posted this you stupid fuck. The solution is to just use your phone like a normal person.
i see no issues with firefox.

except that on some sites, the font is too light or dark and i see no way to change that.

still, it has some nice addons.

mx player does. it's primarily a video player, but does audio too.

not necessarily. check gsmarena for the phone you want (may be listed as mhl).

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Thanks. I'll try MX.

Shut the fuck up you mouth-breathing cunt.
Sounds like I hit a nerve there, faggot. Didn't know you were so emotionally attached to media players. Or is it just some advanced form or autism unknown to the human world?
i recently shattered my old galaxy S3 screen while being careless. Is there any way I can get a superior phone for cheaper than replacing the screen?
What's the replacement cost?
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Which app should i get as a new alarm clock? the one that comes with galaxy s6 is garbage

Top lel.
depending on the location to have it done professionally, between $125-$200 dollaridoos.
alternatively i could try it myself for an afternoon of my time and $40
For $200 you could definitely get a better phone.
My tecno h7 only has 1 imei number on the back (I assume this was a fake one since the original rom had too many bloatwares) and I'm using it for both sim slots. Is that bad?
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Anyone know where I can find this thing?
I imagine you could find it in a moto g.
I actually have one. I need one that isn't torn though.

Looked up the P/N online. Got Motorola tablet screens, and I'm not grabbing the screen on the off chance I can find that little bridge.
What do you guys think of the Huawei Honor 5X?
I am considering buying this phone but I am still not sure.
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I got a Google Fi invite and I want to act on it ASAP. However, I have one year left in my Sprint contract with the LG G3, well taken care of.

What course of action would you guys suggest if I want to break my contract and go to Fi? What's the least costly route? Can I break my contract?
Why not use that that one version of Xperia ZR as the op image, there's a version of it that's official vocaloid product
Moto doesn't cancel your warranty on the pure if you unlock the boot loader, right?
I've had phones with it, and phones without it, and I prefer not having to deal with it.
No lagging or hanging here. I have experienced a couple of hiccups when I'm installing other apps and flying around the phone. Nothing major.
Screen is no yellower than my LCD monitor. Much more yellow than the IPS monitor I have at home.
I would love more ram, but I don't think it matters at this point.
I do agree that it is paltry. I think Google could do better to make this a much better value. I will never defend them not making this feel more premium the way that the OP2/OPX/Honor 5x/ Blue LX etc. Feel.

Still, I don't think there is a need YET for more ram. I might regret it later, though I change phones once or twice a year.
It does unless you have a dev edition.

>I will never defend them
You... actually don't sound like a faggot.
a copypasta i made when i was mad at the phone before i sold it:

>memefone 2
>capacitive buttons that you hit while typing
>bloatware as far as the eye can see
>screen too dark in sunlight, too bright in dark rooms. to add insult to injury they added a screen filter at the lowest manual brightness
>shitty double tap to wake implementation means the phone will wake up in your pocket as you're walking, and start trying to use the emergency dialer. Since the power button is at the top and hard to reach, you basically need to have DT2W enabled
>demon battery drain bug which depletes the battery rapidly, otherwise you get merely mediocre battery life (3-6 hours SoT at absolute max)
>the bloatware deserves two mentions, Cheetah Mobile apps are BUILT INTO THE ROM
>still on 5.0, updates come every couple weeks but it still is on 5.0 with the memory leak
>unlocking the bootloader voids your warranty, CM still buggy and has no FM radio
>LED notification light has few options: green (charged), flashing green (notification), amber (charging) red / flashing red (low battery). these cannot be customized, notifications don't show while charging, and LED does not work properly in CM12.1
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'bout to buy an OP2. Should I consider an OPX instead? Now that phones are >5" standard 720p just doesn't cut it for me.

Nexus 5x. It's the only sensible choice on the market. Unless OPX gets dank roms
Are you retarded? The 5x would have been a decent phone if the moto x pure didn't exist in the same price bracket.
Had it since October and love it.

I normally use less than 1Gb, so my bill averages $28/mo. Coverage is decent, but the LTE can be slow at times.
What if someone enjoys timely updates, doesn't want a massive fucking brick and would prefer a better camera experience?
Then you should get a Lumia 950. :^)
I think you're a little confused on what a moto x is. It gets the quickest updates compared to any non nexus device, and the software it comes with is actually better than pure stock since the moto features are all amazing.

>massive fucking brick
Glad to know you're a manlet. I'm sorry, but I can't really related.

>Better camera experience
This is entirely situational. It's been shown many times that the only play the 5x beats the x pure is in low light, but in regular conditions the x pure camera is better.
>be a poorfag
>accidentally destroy my old iphone 4 (non-s)
>needed a replacement anyway, GSM
>hate large phones
>ordered a Huawei P8 lite for $180

How'd I do?
Just got a redmi note2, is there anything I should do (dl rom ect) before I start using it?
Not too sure about the dev community for a device like that, but in general I always bootloader unlock and root the phone.

From there you should check on xda for custom ROMS and decide if it's worth flashing or if you want to stay on stock.
Please respond.
Is the Lumia 650 worth it?
thinking of selling my Oneplus 2 and going back to the Nexus line. I am sort of leaning towards the Nexus 6 because it is cheaper, but I am wondering if the 6P is really good enough to justify the extra price? i think i will miss the fingerprint scanner.
6p is the best phone available. If you want to pay less and don't mind rooting then go for the moto x pure.
>but I am wondering if the 6P is really good enough to justify the extra price?
guess i will save up a little more to get the 6p. thanks.
i have had it for about a month now, and it runs great

only if you need microSD card, then get other phone
>32giB max storage
im just sick of the laggy Oxygen OS on my OP2. fps is inconsistent and slow as well. my nexus 5 on 6.0.1 and Elemental X kernel runs 100x smoother than my OP2.
If that's your only problem then buying a new phone might be a bit rash. Let me remind you that you do not have an iphone, and if you've got a problem with your rom you can just flash a different one.
Judging by the lack of "You fucked up"s I'm thinking I did alright considering the budget.
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Price is plumetting on this. Officially $300 and $350 on the Google Store.

How long until $250?
is umi emax mini any good?121 euro

my friend told me i shouldn't buy mtk and have more than 1.5g RAM
I just bought a Nexus 5X...
Did fuck up or is it good...
Oneplus One user here.

If I were in the market for a new phone right now, the Nexus 5X would be one of my top choices, other than just buying another OPO. Storage would be a slight problem for me since I'm at 32GBs on my OPO right now, but I have Shenmue and other shit I could do without on my phone.

I think you did gud.
You did alright. I hope you checked your bands to make sure that the phone is supported in your country and on your network.

Also, I too used to be against phablets until I started using one. The added screen space is so worth the pocket space. If you want to use your smartphone as a pocket computer, you will want a phablet. Once I realized the convenience of being able to use my phone as a second computer, I'll never go back.

If you just use your phone for texting, calling, social media, and music though, there's no real need for a phablet.
Any way to get quick controls back in the stock browser on a note 5? I'm coming from a note 2 and i miss those controls.
I would take the OPO over the OPX personally.

>4G band support in America
>more rugged design, less glass
>more on-board storage
>better battery life
>one of the best phones for ROMs out there
>bigger screen
>CPU is apparently clocked 0.2 MHz higher

That said, I'd take the OP2 over all of them.
Remember back half a year ago when people were shilling the Zenfone 2 hard?

Damn did /g/ feel buyers remorse.
I bought a Zenfone 2 over the summer. I loved the size and it's got me released interested on a 6 inch device, even though it's 5.5, but holy fuck it was a piece of shit. I returned it and got a Moto G instead.
Hey niggas should I buy Zenfone 2 with 4GB ram or Zenfone 2 Laser with 2GB ram but with 3000mah battery?
snapdragon 410 is too old, get the intel zenphone
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>Maki in the OP image

>tfw already a scratch on your week old smartphone with guerilla glass 3 screen
Lenovo K4 Note >>>>>>> everything
I have a rather specific questions/suggestion, but maybe its a quite interesting change, for a change?
My internet access at home is done via mobile 'broadband'. Problem is: If I use the USB modem I got with it, connection, and thus speed is shit.

If I simply plug the simcard in my phone (BlackberryQ10) and open a WIFI hotspot with it, I get pretty good rates, but I need to have my BB as my main device with my phone and data contract. Switching the SIMs a few times each day is also not an option.

So I am looking for a cheap phone, to use as a WIFI hotspot. Now I know that there exist devices specifically for that purpose, but they are not that much cheaper than a cheap android phone.

And I will freely admit, that I sometimes would like to take part in >muh apps (though not games, so I wont need a large CPU), and with a 'clean' phone (read: no contacts on it, no e-mails, no other data I wouldn't want to share with the botnet), I could safely do so.

So which devices would you suggest?
I have an old htc sensation that I use for playing around with custom roms and shit, but lately it feels slower than ever, even after a fresh install. The phone is going to be 5 years old soon.

Can old age affect performance? The battery lasts like 30min on screen and cant use the flash.
Get a 3G/LTE modem with wlan
anyone having large music libraries on their phones/microsd (10.000+ titles)? How does the phone handle it, does it become laggy as fuck?
That's what I DON'T want to do. Feels like a waste of money, when a few bucks more would give me a full phone, which - unless we are talking about pro grade modems with external antennaes and shit - should have an identical sender and receiver unit.
But it's battery life is shittier.
how/where do i buy chinese phones without getting cucked?

Was looking for the redmi3 and it goes for 130-160€, plus 20-30€ shipping from china and on top of it there is 20% import fee from customs. Some sellers promise to refund it (for a 10-15% markup) but then add exceptions to most of the EU and half of the world
Some offer custom-free shipping from an EU warehouse, but in this case the price is greater and the shipping is about 40€
My nexus 7 2013 has a very thin black line running vertically down near the right side of the screen, is there any way to fix this without replacing the screen? Sometimes the line changes in thickness or disappears, I don't know what exactly is causing this. The tablet is very much still useable but if there is a fix that would be helpful
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I'm trying to stay under $250 for an unlocked phone, but all the phones in that price range seem like shit. I have no one to call as I'm a NEET, but I just want a nice pocketable media device that isn't a tablet.

Is there anything decent? I'm a poorfag and I really can't afford anything higher.
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Aight, ordered the OP2.
I tried to root my LG G3 today but it didnt work and my phone got stuck at the "Life's Good" boot screen.
Next i tried to enter recovery mode and do a hard reset, but even after that is still gets stuck at the same boot screen.

How do i fix this?
I'm in the same situation and would also like a rec. I primarily read books and listen to music on my two hour commute to uni, would be nice to replace it with a phone, but it would need to have a decent battery life.
snapdragon 820
6'' IPS
not chinkshit

does it exist?

removable battery
not with those specs.

closest is zenfone 2 laser. but it has a snapdragon 616, and i haven't heard good things about the zenfone line.
>snapdragon 820

No. They have barely started to manufacture it.
MotobG 3rd Gen, Nexus 5, or Nexus 6 on sale.
Anything wrong with the G Flex 2? It has pretty nice specs and is at a really nice price compared to others.
What's a good price for a nexus 5? Ebay's selling them right now for ~$110 range on the low end $180+ on the high end.
>i haven't heard good things about the zenfone line.
Like what?
i want to know too

i wanted to buy one.
Need a new phone and will get it with a contract so price doesn't really matter. Any ideas? Looking at the LG G4 right now but no idea if I should go for it.

Country would be Netherlands
Enjoy your
>no customer support
>no nfc
>shitty speakers
>buggy camera
>gimped USB-C
>slow charging
>lack of optimization
>no resale value
>huge phablet

>don't need it
>don't need it
>don't need it
>i have fastboot
>implying phones have resale value at all
>so no marshmallow?
>like all phones these days?

Eh, could be worse. There's no perfect phone.
>Eh, could be worse. There's no perfect phone.

i've read that:

>the battery life is poor
>the design is such that it feels awkward to use
>they've done several android 5.x updates, and it's still buggy
>tfw there will never be a 4.4" phone running stock android supporting back to kitkat, up to marshmallow and beyond, with a 1080p IPS/OLED display (made to order), octacore processor, 4GB ram, 16-128GB internal storage, microSD slot, dual SIM, mini, micro, or C type USB made to order, NFC, bluetooth, dual radio CDMA/GSM, 802.11ac, removable battery, screen removable with screws, stereo speakers, back cover swappable with stippled, grippy, or smooth options, raised corners for protecting the screen.

It'd be fucking glorious.
I'm thinking about moving to republic wireless, but I can't decide between the 3rd gen moto g and the 2nd gen moto x. The price is only 30 dollars apart for 16gb, so I'd prefer the one that'd be better long term. Expandable storage and water resistance vs better specs across the board, what do?
why the fuck do you want a full hd display on a 4.4" phone. hd is far more than enough for that size.
other than that it sounds not too bad, will never happen though. Sucks, it really does suck.
Had the 3rd gen Moto G.

They display's really, really fuzzy compared to the 1st gen if you've seen that. It's 720p and ~5". It also feels much cheaper and the back is very, very slippery. Worse than my dad's HTC M9 which has an aluminum back. Also the speakers suck and the camera's not great either.

Can't speak for the X
True. The 1st gen Moto G's display was very, very crisp. Just thought it'd be nice.
>the battery life is poor
Even the Laser version with 3000mah?
>having these generals
>not just redirecting to apple.com
Do you guys think I will be able to sell my OP2 on eBay? It's in mint condition and comes with an otter box. What if I just put a dirt cheap price tag on it? I don't know where to check for a demand side of smartphone.
Bump that up to 5" and I'm sold. I think that's the sweet spot for phones.

Currently have an LG G4, tired of waiting for Marshmallow and carrier apps/skin bullshit. I'm considering getting a Nexus 6P, is this retarded yes/no

I've never replaced the battery in the G4 and I don't really need more than 32 GB of space, like, ever.
>In battery, the Zenfone 2 Laser comes with a 3,000 mAh unit that is replaceable, which allowed for about three and a half hours of screen-on time, with a total of eighteen hours of use. While heavier usage, the screen-on time could be pushed closer to four hours, but with around fourteen hours of use. The battery life is mediocre, but the good news here is that users now have the option to carry around spares if battery life is a concern
Thanks for the comparison, I'm upgrading from a first gen moto g actually, so that's really helpful.
Also, out of curiosity, why are you selling it? I was considering one.
>bought an HTC M9 thinking its battery will be fine because lol it was an expensive phone
>now it can't even charge while turned on and every charger (including the one it came with) says slow charge enabled, connect to a better charger
>tfw I bought a meme phone that can't be fixed
fuck smartphones and fuck memephones
Source pls.
Pre-paid poorfag here. My carrier is Virgin Mobile, so the smartphone selection is fairly limited. My options above $100 are basically:
>LG Stylo
>Samsung Galaxy J3 - 2016 release
>HTC desire 626s
>Moto G 3rd gen.

The Galaxy J3 looks cool but there's no real reviews out there yet. The moto G looks like a solid choice but I don't think Virgin Mobile carries the 2gb ram one, which i would love. What do you guys think?
I should mention I'd probably pick the one that has the least amount of Bloatware. Basic user, a better screen would probably be preferred but i can settle at 720p. I don't even do gaming, mostly just watching videos and browsing clover.

I had the disastrous HTC desire 510 which had 4gb internal storage but 3gb of un-removable files and all htc and google apps were stuck on mandatory auto update. I couldn't move anything to SD card either, so when I didn't even have enough internal memory to use Clover or update Chrome on the device i said fuck this.
Maki Nishikino from eye cuts.
Mot G. It's stock android and has SD card slot for more storage. It's already running 6.0 and it's very smooth. Assuming it's the 2GB RAM model.
see >>52654301
My carrier doesn't have the 2gb model for some reason. If it did, I probably wouldn't be posting here. Though even with 1gb ram the fact that it's stock android is a huge plus.
Why not just buy one from Motorolla directly, or off Swappa? They're all unlocked.
poorfags gonna poor
Any experiences with the one plus x?
Can anyone tell me why buying a OP2 is a retarded idea?

I know people don't like it but I'm not sure why. I don't care about no NFC.
It's a chink phone, same level as Huawei
OK so excuse my newfaggotry, I should be able to buy straight from motorolla and then have it activated under my current carrier? Virgin Mobile gives the impression that you have to use supported devices.
Huawei G8, LG G4 or should I wait on the G5?

Dual Sim would be nice, but the G4 has some nice specs too.

Or something completely different?
I'm undecided,
should I buy a Zenfone 2 or a Oneplus 1?
I'm looking to buy a moto G. I found a deal on the 1gb ram model for $99 usd. This deal does not apply to the 2gb ram model. Is it worth another $100 just for 1gb of ram? I'm a low end user.
Whatever you do, don't but a Zenfone.
not for $100, no. but 2gb is nice to have.
Broke my G3, should I get a V10?
I can get a brand new Note 4 for about 100€
Take it or leave it?
Yes, cm12.1 is now available
$110-120 for 16GB. $130-$180 for 32GB.
for that price? brand new? buy it.
1440 doesnt make any sense also even on 5.5 inches, 1080 is perfect for everything
>tfw manlet hands
Are there any good phones around 5 inches or should I wait for the next volley of tech? Was considering the Nexus 5X but the build quality is probably sketch like last gen.
It's the definition of lagdroid. The hardware is nice and on paper you'd think it's a steal with those specs, but the ASUS' software is bloat and unoptimized dogshit that lags and drains battery.
Can you install cyanogenmod on it?
It is nearly perfect.
>From what I've read it is a decent device, but it features a locked down and (lightly) modified version of Android filled with Blackberry Bloat.
If you don't need to root, you will not notice any lockdown.
Blackberry Bloat consists of Blackberry hub, blackberry messenger and dtek. None of these apps are "bloat"
>I am personally staying away since a keyboard isn't more important to me than Vanilla Marshmallow.
For my usecase, a keyboard is more important. But vanilla would be nice too on priv...
It was in development last I heard, but I stopped following development once I got rid of the phone.
I'm also curious. I've been looking around a bit and haven't seen much that's peaked my interest. I'm unfortunately stuck with Verizon as well and all 10 of the phones they offer are big. I guess an iphone 6s is a little smaller, but I don't really want another iphone. I bought a 4s because it was small (after having a first-gen nexus), then went to a 5s again because it was the only small one. Am I doomed to apple phones if I stick with verizon? I am in rural areas kinda frequently do t-mobile isn't a great option, and I don't think at&t will pay my cancellation fee if I switch.
What is considered the android phone with the best build quality? Can anything match the iPhone? Money no object.
moto x force.
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I'm wondering if i should get a Oneplus One/X as the SD801 is still more than enough for me
If i should wait a few more months to see if something else will come out.
Is there any chipset like the 801 coming out soon?
I don't mean durability but premium finish and a feel of quality.
That thing looks durable but kinda cheap.
i'm in Canada and swappa does not work so well

laggy Oxygen OS. fingerprint scanner inconsistent. weird audio problems from the jack. speaker is loud but is on the bottom, which is retarded.
Blackberry priv, samsung galaxy s6 or wait for nokia.
How the fuck is the HTC desire 510 still on the market? Is it bought exclusively by rooters? That memory problem is ridiculous.
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Looking for info on blacklisted imei's.

Friend has a note 5 on verizon, and will/has defaulted, though not in contract, in lease with the phone.

If it isnt blacklisted yet, can i unlock it and switch gsm's, to say tmobile? Has a sim card and is capable of gsm .

Tl;dr want to buy cheap blacklisted verizon gsm, will it work on tmobile gsm.
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Is OIS a good thing to consider on a smartphone and pay a little bit more for it? I know that it's superb for video, but I was wondering if it makes a lot of difference on photos since the sensor should be more "stable". I don't want to pay much but I really like the camera function on smartphones. So I was considering waiting for a new WP with OIS (because only android flagships have one) or just going for Lenovo Lemon 3 or Xiaomi Redmi 3. Between those androids I'm more inclined to pick lemon 3 because xiaomi is chinese and potentially a huge botnet in a non-meme way.
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Lenovo is Chinese and has been found to be including software that persists through OS reinstallations on their laptops. If anything, I trust Xiaomi more.

OIS is useful, the 5X/6P don't have it but have smaller sensors which usually result in good photos.

Also, if you mean Windows Phone when you say WP, I'd highly recommend against it. No apps, shitty default apps, beta software. The 950 would be a great phone if it was running Vanilla Android, but I can't recommend it as is.
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What's the reading experience like on the 5x? I'm over paperback books now, going all in with ebooks. I find the reading experience on my Moto G 3rd gen to be lacking though.

I'm not sure if 5.2 is a big enough to comfortably reading. I was reading on a kindle, but I've since old it.
USB 2.0 seems to be the only drawback
Is there something I could use that would turn wifi and data off/on automatically that isn't LeanDroid?

LeanDroid doesn't support the beta versions of SuperSU.

Nexus 5 btw.
Are the 1+2 and galaxy s6 the only <=5.5" screen phones with fingerprint readers and physical buttons?
Moto G. Excellent platform, unlocked, 2 Gb RAM version available, good dev support and will be for several years.
How's the battery? I had one once and my average was 3h 30 SOT over 24 hours. I ended up replacing it with a N6, but I think I'll sell this N6 soon and get the 5X (or maybe 6P for the first time) again.
You sure that isn't the 2014 version?
Fucking yes.
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cant decide between the Moto G (3rd) and the Nexus 5.

i can spend $300 and not know what to do.

i can buy a zenphone or one plux because my country of residence dont have the replacements and support which sucks.

any recomendations?
the 16gb nexus 5x is 299$ unless you want the 32 gb for 349$
i have the 5x upgraded from the original 5, it has a way better camera, and is just as snappy if not the same

good call
Chrissakes get a 5X, why would you even consider a phone like the Zen that will likely never see another Android update?
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I don't know if I would spend a lot of time reading on the 5X's screen. I mean I read a lot of forums and stuff, but books are kind of a stretch. I dunno if a phablet would even be comfortable, maybe look into getting another dedicated ereader?

>physical buttons
pick one. Samsung is even backwards with the back button on the wrong side.
>software buttons
pick one xD
Can't you swap the Samsung buttons with a ROM?
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You can't change what the hardware buttons look like, it will always be a back button unless you put a sticker on it or something.

You're right though, it should be configurable. Unless of course you're using a carrier variant of a Samsung phone that locks down the bootloader and prevents stuff like rooting.
I just got a Xperia M2 today is it a good phone? my previous phone was a chink shit Blu
I don't give a fuck what they looks like as long as they're always there and not taking screen real estate
I was going to buy a 1+2 but then I watched this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0dhJ_9xAj0 and it seems pretty underwhelming now, but the gs6 is 600 fuckin dollarydoos for the 64gb version
is there any phone better than the OPX at it's price point?
Checking out the Priv since it's on T-Mo now, coming from a Note 4. Would it be an overall improvement? I have CM 12.1 on mine, but the keyboard looks like a neat addition and the hardware seems pretty good. What's the verdict?
Is there any <= 5" phone that's not a Z compact that's any good these days?
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Gonna get a job soon and am in the market to buy a phone and get a plan and all that.
This is the current phone I have
Huawei U8665

It's alright, I got it for free since I found it one cold winter morning on my walk to Uni. It feels weak and sometimes messes up, its not activated and I've just been using it to browse when class is slow.
I want a nice, not too pricey smartphone. Nothing like a supercomputer, anyone have any recommendations?
t. someone who's never had a cellphone/smartphone
Used Moto G 2nd, also could spend more money to get a Blue Life One X 2016
Moto G 3rd Gen 16GB 2GB RAM ver.
Nexus 5.
Nexus 5x.
OnePlus One.

Those are all in the $150-$300 range.
Nexus 5X is on sale for $299 there is zero reason to get chink opo shit.
Except you can get almost same spec for half the price
lol trust me its not the same.
Its like comparing a Macbook with a rebranded Acer.
OPX only supports certain bands. I don't think you can get 4G on AT&T, or T-Mobile, only HSPA+, and more often than not 3G if I'm remembering correctly.
No. The 5X is meh at best. In fact, the entire Nexus line is rather lackluster as of late. My old Nexus 5 supposedly outperforms the 5X in several daily use cases.
Doesn't look like shit at all. But it is an Android phone, so there is a very real chance of getting stuck on Android 5.1 forever.
Because Blackberry used to be the Apple of the IT world when it came to mobile devices. Some government contractors still salivate over the brand name alone. And the Blackberry Classic still attracts some nostalgia.
>will not having LTE/4g really affect me?
Is this a trick question?
You can get LTE, it just doesn't support some of the more modern and exotic frequencies that carriers like AT&T and T-Mobile use. Band 12/17 penetrates buildings much better, so if you work in an office you'll notice the lack of 700MHz support.

Why they gimped the OPX like this I have no idea. Shouldn't matter for most users, but it's something to consider.
Kek once a again same specs for half the price
Band 4 is supported you should get 4g in some areas
Bumping this
Nexus 5 has shit battery and no microsd slot. Unless 32gb is enough for you.
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