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Please convince me not to buy this 3.5 GB meme-card. >in
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Please convince me not to buy this 3.5 GB meme-card.

>inb4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IghcowGhRBc
>inb4 3.5K screen
>needs /g/ to make a decision for him
>only using his knowledge of a meme and not actual preformance
>not man enough to make decisions for himself
Oh god
>Get shat on for buying AMD.
>Get shat on for buying gimped Nvidia.
>Get shat on for not asking before buying.
>Get shat on for asking.
>Get shat on for not reading reviews.
>Get shat on for reading shill reviews.

I don't need your approval, I'd simply like to hear opinions from someone who's not being showered in free shit for him to unbox.
Are you playing at resolutions higher than 1080p?
if the answer is yes, buy something else. If not, it's a pretty kick-ass card.
stop caring about getting shat on by losers on an internet imageboard you pussy
Just buy something so I can shit on it already.
Had a GTX 970 for several months and it was pretty great. Played pretty much everything I had on max or near max at 1080p (Only some of the NVIDIA Gameworks stuff fucked it, and the occasional AA). I actually upgraded to a 980ti recently because I wanted to use more of my 1440p monitor.

Basically: If you are only going to use 1080p, you should be fine and it is not a bad choice.
So it's basically the most expensive card to get that cannot into higher than 1080p? Given that my R9 280x already does 1080p gaming nicely, the only upgrade would be the energy efficiency.

I guess the decision comes down to how much I can sell the R9 280x for.
How future-proof will I be with the possibility of getting a 2nd GTX 970 down the line?
To be quite honest, honorable teacher, it's an alright buy if you get a particularly cheap offer.

970 was dumb expensive for the longest time, I hear there's price cuts now. I opted for a 290x instead, glad I did. For much cheaper, I got a better card. I think 290x (and especially good 290x models) is impossible to get for cheap nowadays, so the only option is either the 390 or the 970.

>So it's basically the most expensive card to get that cannot into higher than 1080p? Given that my R9 280x already does 1080p gaming nicely, the only upgrade would be the energy efficiency.

The 970 is better than the 280x, but definitely not better enough. I could understand if you have money to burn and decided to splurge on something like a 980ti, but since you're aiming at cheaper cards and therefore have limited budget, it's incredibly stupid to upgrade to a 970. Wait for the next generation and get something significantly superior for the same amount of money.

970 is SLI is truly stupid -- the 3.5 meme becomes evident at that point. Under SLI, you're gonna want to do things that actually demand more VRAM, such as higher resolutions, whether on a bigger monitor or by supersampling -- and you're gonna get memed at that point brah.
R9 390 is more future proof (DX12, 8gb, radeon drivers improve performance over time unlike nvidia), though yes it uses a ton of electric.
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>not 390x
Are a couple more shading units worth the 100€ extra?

Not really. At that point you're better off with a 980.

In fact, at that point, you're better off just waiting for the next generation. The only sensible reason to buy now is if:

- you have something severely outdated but want to play new games right the fuck now and can't possibly wait
- You can get a good card for a cheap price that won't make a noticable hole in your pocket
there is a new line of cards coming out very very soon that blow the 900 line out of the water.
That presumably blow the 900 line out of the water. Better lower your expectations, you will be fast disappointed.
Reminder that Nvidia disallows VM usage unless you set a flag otherwise.

When asked about that, their response will be " we only support Telsa and Quadro in Virtual Machines"

>radeon drivers improve performance over time unlike nvidia

This is very true, everyone knows that Nvidia will gimp a previous generation's drivers to promote the next generation.
>very very soon™
I'm not a fan of the "just wait for the next generation" approach. I'd be a bummer if I'd buy now and we get pascal cards in 2016 Q1 but it'd be even more of a bummer if they release on 30th June.
>You can get a good card for a cheap price
Asus cashback till 01/31/2016, both 970 and R9 390 among others. Also on sale at my favourite store, making the 390 and the 970 both around 320€.
Thank god I'm not tied to AMD cards by exactly this anymore.
Asus or Sapphire 290?

>Asus is $200
>Sapphire is $220
 Get the 390 you shitlord 
>Please convince me not to buy this 3.5 GB meme-card.

You don't need a 970 to shitpost on /g/
You don't need an offboard GPU to spend all day trying to get arch to work properly.
Can't wait for the 970 era to end.
>tfw fell for the 970 meme
well, at least it does 1080p pretty well
How the hell do PCI power connectors work these days? Thinking about upgrading my GPU and need to know if I need a new PSU.

One I have is 2x6+2 pin and the 390 is 8 and 6 pin. So I just use those two connectors and use the extra 2 to make the one line an 8?

Also considering upgrading to a platinum PSU anyways like http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139084

So 3x's 6+2 gives me up to 3 8 pins but can also function as 6 pins?
I'll get this card in January 100%, but I can't seem to find one with a reference cooler. I've heard nvidia didn't make reference 960 and 970 units yet I see people unboxing them on jewtube. So where and how do I get one? I don't care about the performance difference, I just love how fucking beautiful it is.
Maxwell already blew 700 out of the water and it wasn't that great since everything was gimped or overpriced. 980 still more expensive and competing with 290x from a million years ago.
>amd drivers
My r9 390 didn't really like crimson. In Fo4 I had more more location based frame drops than ccc and and I can make the dps drop on command by looking at the ground. (down to the 30s) Compass was also fucked when I installed crimson. The update didn't fix anything.

That's not to say that everone else hasn't been reaping the benefits of crimson but my personal experience with it made me revert back to the latest ccc.
it is a good card. buy it you cuck.
3.5 gb ram wont be an issue unless you are running sli 4k or install a shit ton of mods
>Broken compass

You mean how the bottom of it tends to cut out so you can't see the direction letters and the bar sometimes has clipping too? Ive been having that as well on crimson with my 7850. I can run indoor areas at 60 fps and most outdoor areas are around 45, but urban areas and such drop to 15-20 and get pretty bad.

Considering getting the MSI 390 but can't decide if I want to shell out that much.
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I've seen some with the single blower like this but not with the gunmetal ref case.
If you're going for a 1080p build then get this card or the 390. I have the 390 and I couldn't be happier
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They do exist though
>Considering getting the MSI 390
I see no reason to, its the same card as 290. Just look for one of those. Amazon has them, Ebay has them.
Despite the benchmarks showing a 10% increase my test don't show it on the same games. I get the same OC firestrike score and I didnt even flash it yet.
The 290 doesn't really look any cheaper and the 390 has 8gbs of vram. The MSI 390 is 320 on amazon currently.
My 980 Ti just died today. It only lived for two months.
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I'm talking about the used ones like this.
Hmm, I had not even thought of buying used despite planning to sell whatever I get potentially after 6-12 months when new card are out if I feel it isn't good enough for 1440p.

Not sure how much I trust getting used graphics hardware that could have been burnt to hell testing and then sold off.
What caused that to happen?
Maybe, they're old but not that old.
Both the 970 and the amd equivalent are good.
There's no point wasting money now for more powerful cards unless you really need 4K.

The most powerful GPUs perform well for 4K, but they won't be enough for maxing performance on upcoming VR headets.

Anything above 400$ loses on price/performance/wattage.

I expect that with a 970 or similar you'll be able to get a good bang for your bucks for at least 3 years. By then there should be something with a decent price and good performance...
6+2 is 8 pins
If you are worried connect from different rails, and most 390 have 2x8 pin
May i ask what for?
It is lottery. Think what is more expensive $100 or your nerve cells?
How would the 390 compare to the 380 for 1440p? Is it worth the price difference?
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about 10-15 fps difference depending on game
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Dunno, random death. Just switched on my computer and it rebooted after Windows login.
Now I get pic related.
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Plus BSODs ...

(Yes I am a Germanfag)
get a gtx 950 assuming you are 1080/60
format fuck me look at all those icon's and learn to fucking compute god damn.
>gtx 950

>downgrade from a 280x
For what reason?


meh, i wouldn't downgrade for it but if you are a few gens behind thats probably the most cost effective option at 1080/60
>suggesting formating Windows, when artifacts are clearly visible pre Windows-bootup.
Within 1 year all games will require 6gb.

shit barely utilizes 2 gigs if you are at 1080
I dont have enough evidence on used reliability to call it a lottery. New cards come doa as well and cause headaches. At least a used one has been tested.
>tfw I still have gtx560 ti

h-hold me bros
iktf, 660 here
It would be beyond retarded to buy a half-broken card when 14nm cards will soon deliver double to triple performance for the same price.
I was just using a 560, upgraded when I tried Tomb Raider on ultra and got 10 fps.

>tfw one fan is malfunctioning and making a wierd noise because it's hitting the plastic

I'm too lazy to fix it or take it out

Just kill me now.
i want a new card but

like I dont have the money to justify it and i dont even play video games so I dont know

it's just the occasional thing I cant do because of my outdate GPU happens frequently enough to bother me
>14nm cards
> double to triple performance for the same price

They could already offer 980ti for $400 and make profit anon. Price for performance is going up again with Pascal. i expect gtx 1070 at $400 and gtx 1080 at near $700.
Just take it out then, assuming you have integrated graphics. Why have an addtional noise source when there's no need?
GPU acceleration is a massive advantage to having a computer in general. HD videos, multiple monitors without hogging memory, being able to pretty much shove the shit that my CPU would choke on a little into the graphics card is nice.

Besides, I do play the very rare video game so I cant really justify removing havng it sit around all day, collecting dust and then plugging it back in to use once a month
Even so, since the performance gain can be expected to be substantial this time, price/performance ratio will improve, even if they overcharge due to marketing reasons.
Well, that's precisely what the IGPU is for. Accelerating video playback, handle compositing and some low-end games.
I guess Maxwell was 50% faster than Kepler I dont think they're going to improve that much so soon.
Yeah, and slowing everything else right the fuck down while doing it. I'd rather not compile something big up from source with 3 monitors and a videos playing in the background with a stock cooler and two $10 LED case fans lel
They can put four times as much transistors on the same area, so yes, it's gonna improve much very soon. They're not gonna use the full potential initially so they can mooch off this manufacturing process for another few years, but still.
>i expect gtx 1070 at $400 and gtx 1080 at near $700.
i will literally switch to AMD if thats the case. AMD's track record has been pretty damn good for the last few game releases and stabler drivers coupled with the fact that freesync monitors cost less will likely make me jump ship, i'm sure others will too.
i'm buying my brother a r9 380 as a test to see how AMD cards perform for myself, i may just drop nvidia altogether.
I have two 970's in SLI and max out every game I play at 2k haven't been 'memed' at all.
The 380 is pretty decent for 1080p too. I think the 380x is releasing in Australia soon too but the 380 trashes the 960 and the 4gb version comes halfway at the 970. Really good value for money. I'm hoping the 390 and x drop in price in Australia soon because AMD prices are still inflated by buttcoin mining. In the meantime both the 380 and 390 are good depending on your budget.
more transistors, more heat.
I bought a r9 Fury. What am I in for?
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A card that has no Nvidia equivalent.
Why don't any of these have the normal 390 8gb listed? I want to get one for 1440p but im still on the fence.
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Probably didn't have one to test with. A rough guideline is to use the 290x's performance as an indication as to where the 390 sits, as thats where it usually does.
Fence between what?
Possibly a 380 instead, or maybe Nvidia or just waiting for next years cards. Have a 7850 atm and a 1440p monitor on the way so..
No. I can max out, or nearly max, every game I've played with a 970 at 1440p without stutter from the slow VRAM.

Stop believing memes. They're memes for a reason.
7850 to a 380 isn't that big of an upgrade. 290 crossfire would murder 1440p.
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Problem is even ignoring the memes a 970 is slower than a 390 at 1440p
Isn't black ops capped at 60 fps?
Even my old R9 280x performs better in some benchmarks and games than the 970.
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I do not know.
Is it even worth getting a 970 now that the 390 is out?
Thread says meh, my personal research says no, the only advantage the 970 still has is wattage.
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That is because when AMD sat down to design Tahiti god himself whispered in their ear - parting knowledge of the impossible, the bizarre, the unknown and the divine. With feverish madness the engineers set to work and the resulting creation was titled GOAT no matter what.

Over three years later the biggest of the tahiti brothers still stands strong and proud against newer, lesser creations of other mortals.
who makes benchmarks with gimpworks turned on?

Those that want to keep getting review samples from Nvidia.
Should I seek psychological help for stockholm syndrome if I'm considering buying the Asus R9 390 Strix Gaming Direct CU III, because I want to throw out the Asus R9 280x Direct CU II because it's either running too loud or too hot?

I'm mainly interested in idle noise being low since I'm wearing headphones while gaming anyway. So anything Strix or similar semi-passive cooling designs are very appealing.

>R9 380x or lower isn't an upgrade
>R9 390x isn't worth the extra money
>R9 Fury/Fury x, might aswell get the 980 ti at this point
>GTX 960 or lower is actually a downgrade
>GTX 970 isn't worth upgrading to at this point
>GTX 980/ti/Titan can't justify the pricegap

The choice seems crystal clear right now.

Never go asus for AMD gpus.
Get a 390 pleb
They're on sale right now, plus Asus' 30€ cashback, making Sapphire and MSI alternatives 20€ and 40€ more expensive, respectively.

I've never had a problem with my Asus 280x apart from the fact that I can't set the fans to lower than 20%, even at 8°C delta idle temps.
...and the inherent high TDP of course, but that's not Asus specific.

What reasons are there to avoid Asus?
r9 380 is better at that price range
Why? I just ordered one today ;_;

Go research the cooler your card uses - if its a recent model chances are half of the heatpipes don't even make contact with the gpu die at all as said cooler was designed for an Nvidia chip.

The 290x DCU II cooler is terrible in that regard.
not him, but why? >>51931468 is my post, and I'm not sure which to get. the asus is in better condition, but I've always heard that sapphire is the best brand for amd
I fell for the Sapphire meme and had they had terrible fans
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This is the asus 390x cooler for example.
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I bought this

Certainly seems they have unfucked it for the 380 (which is ironic as the hawaii based cards have a much higher TDP).
lol, get shat on OP.
>Asus is bad
>Sapphire fans suck
so do I buy neither? you guys suck
I bought the Sapphire card 3 years ago. Maybe they fixed it
well I'm buying used, so it's entirely possible the cards were originally manufactured 3 years ago

desu I'm gonna be playing at 1080p so I doubt the fans will run loud on either most of the time
Playing black desert online when it comes out because I'm a neet
>call of duty
>rainbow six ubisoft shit in the other benchmark
Like I said, any game I play doesn't have problems.

You gonna mention that shitty batman game next?
Anon here with a Sapphire Tri-X OC 290. Sapphire (usually) makes the best AMD cards, disregard all over shitters. Also, the fans are great and very quiet.

I can actually overclock my card to be as good as a GTX 980.
im going for the 390 in my next build

fuck the meme 3.5 card
The 970 is actually a really solid GPU for 1080p and 1440p gaymen, most of the shill benchmarks where redditors state AMD surpasses it are comparing reference 970s (which are not sold any longer) to the factory OCed 300 series rebrands.

I would recommend getting a refurb 970 or one from evga b-stock though, paying MSRP for muh 3.5 is pure stupidity.
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forgot pic, but the 970 competes with the 390x in pretty much every game once it's OCed. you won't get anywhere near this increase in perf with an oc on a 290/390 without custom water cooling and an unsafe amount of voltage
nice chart but its fucking 2016 soon, the 3.5gb wont cut it from upcoming games, even shitty ass fallout4 recommends 4gb.
>the 3.5gb wont cut it from upcoming games, even shitty ass fallout4 recommends 4gb.

fallout 4 doesn't use more than 2gb of vram, you can cut it down to ~500mb with a pretty simple ini tweak as well.
Direct cu ii is shit
Get sapphire or 390 asus variant with direct cu iii
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>It's categorically proven that Nvidia FUCKING STRAIGHT UP LIED ABOUT THE 970
>Even considering getting it


It actually looks like quite a large hop and the extra VRAM is pretty much necessary to manage 1440p. 2gb isn't gonna do it.
>Direct cu ii is shit

why is it so bad exactly
I fucking hate trying to figure out what gpu to get.
I have a R7 250 and want to upgrade badly but can't spend over 400 CAD. Should I buy something else and wait for new cards or buy a card now?
Wait, so you have both the option to buy something new, or pick up something old for cheap.

not sure about canadia but you can always get better value by delving into the used market, if you can stomach the extra power consumption a flagship from 2-3 years ago can still perform on par with the GPUs of today and will probably cost less than a new GPU to boot
Nvidia cooler slapped on a amd card, does not properly contact the die.

so asus is fine for nvidia cards?
Direct cu ii is not worth it on nvidia even, there are better alternatives. Direct cu iii is great though on both.
>not 290x
>390 asus
>look it up
>so many bad reviews about shit wrong broken or over heating to 95c
I do not know what to do now.
just get 390 gigabyte or something

I just had a 290 ASUS that had a pretty shit cooler that I had to RMA. Obviously that's one testimony but I've stuck with ASUS for a long time and this is probably the first major issue I've had with them.
Waiting for the next gen has always meant waiting to see what AMD has for budget conscious consumers and what Nvidia will offer for high end.

Essentially AMD catches up and has a card that will outperform a previous generation similar tier Nvidia, but with about equal tdp, amd around 15% cheaper at launch.

For exmple a new 470/x could be as powerful as a 970, with actual 4gb, same tdp, and costing $280-300 at launch just to spite all the Q4 '15 970 buyers.

They aim to compete but not within the same generations unless power draw is not a concern.
Well for starters it's a 3.5
I just came from a GTS 450 less than a month ago.
I know the struggle.
The asus strix cooler? I noticed evga's acx 2.0 for the 979 is silent (0rpm) until 30°C but I haven't stress tested mine yet.
970* I mean
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This one.

Its really bad with fan noise too. After 5 months of having it it wasn't dissipating heat properly anymore. Had to RMA it.

Shame, but its whatever. I'd give ASUS a pass this gen.
Asus have a habit of reusing cooler designs on unsuited products, eg. The 290x platinum just had a 980 cooler. In my experience these have all worked well enough, but there's nothing to say against getting another brand.
Oh that one. I saw xfx double D 390 onsale for $280 after rebate but didn't know if the $30 MIR was a response of some kind to rma's for similar reasons.

ding ding ding, we have a winner!

somebody actually fucking gets it.

most cards are DOA instead of burning up. if it works now chances are it will keep on working.

if i sell my 290x and upgrade to a 980ti i'll probably let it go for $225.
So I see most everyone on Reddit (yeah I get it Leddit etc) seems to recommend a 390 over a 970 but in almost all benchmarks I've seen at 1080p the 970 outperforms the 390. Is the 3.5 GB thing really that big of a deal? Will the 390 have the power to even use all 8 GB in the future or was it just slapped on there to attract people who think bigger numbers means better?
Is ASUS 390 8gb any good or is it a meme?
Bathtub distribution as usual. I too had an awful 290x, got a new one through RMA and it was massively better.
I see thanks for the info. Trying to build new pc and i just can't pick a card at the moment.
>Is the 3.5 GB thing really that big of a deal?

not a 1080p

>Will the 390 have the power to even use all 8 GB

never, the only time that amount of vram becomes useful is at higher resolutions that the 390 isn't capable of playable fps at

>was it just slapped on there to attract people who think bigger numbers means better?

pretty much this
whats the best nvidia manufacturer
3.5 is a ticking clock, it's not just 3.5, it's 3.5+5 gimped ass memory, meaning if you actually need more than 3.5 it's going to drop to unplayable fps.
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This was at my local best buy a couple weeks ago
Cards are shit now fuck my arm pits.
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>the only factor that determines VRAM consumption in resolution
Yes. Look at blops3/acs - devs get lazier every year.
get nitro then, directcu3 is exactly what directcu2 is.
Proven over and over again that reference vs oc meme is a lie.
How to spot a shill 101.
There is literally no reason to have a GPU better than a GTX680 / GTX770 if you run at 1080p
MSI or Sapphire, i got nitro it is 68-70C under prolonged 100% load, fans do not spin at idle it stays 40C desktop 45-47 browser videos.
Next gen it will equalize though with 14nm AMD and 16nm Nvidia.
jayztwocents and digitalfoundry show better average benchmarks at 1080p and above for the 390

Both must be paid AMD shills since /g/ and /v/ told me Nvidia is best.
Minimum spec was GTX970/290 for the oculus rift CV1.

I am hoping my 980 doesn't shit the bed at VR, 390X will likely surpass it in performance by a great deal once DX12/vulkan/ async compute kicks in.

My next upgrade will likely be a 14nm AMD card if Maxwell goes the way of Kepler. I am not in favor of upgrading every 2 years, AMD cards seem to be better for the long run.

Just need my 980 to hold on for another 2~3 years with VR 2160x1200@90Hz until 4K per eye VR on a single GPU becomes a thing.
>I am hoping my 980 doesn't shit the bed at VR
Of course it will, even a 980Ti will unless we're talking about games that look like a VR version of 2005s best hits

>Minimum spec was GTX970/290 for the oculus rift CV1.

That alone should send up some warning signals given the 290 was originally an entire tier of performance lower than where the 970 sits. Remember: the 290 was the 780 competitor.
i own the strix really like it
only issue i have is how bad it performs in attila, but i guess thats all across the board because its a piece of shit game
yeah I hear they supersample a 1.4x native which is close to 4K. Gonna have to bare with lower settings for a good while it seems.

If I had anticipated this I would've upgraded to a 390X with 8GB on a motherboard with 2 PCIE slots. Then add a second 390X when they get cheaper and multiGPU VR receives more support.

Too late for that now, I'd have to get a better PSU and motherboard at least for multiGPU which is like building a new PC.
>Remember: the 290 was the 780 competitor.
Well, the 290 with reference cooler that throttled down to <900MHz under Load was. The boardpartner models were always a bit stronger in most games
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No its just the 970.

As true as that was even when the card wasn't throttling (such as boardp artner cards) at stock it still only just rivalled a 780.

I just personally believe that Nvidia's VR is going to take longer to mature than AMD's and most likely won't provide such a smooth experience.
it's moronic to build a system for VR right now anyways, unless you're really working with a devkit. Wait until this shit hits the market and ripes a bit. Buying hardware for it right now is like buying a fish to eat it in 5 months, shit just ages to fast.
The Fury is pretty much the same price as the 980 and blows it the fuck out.

Pascal uses a practically identical architecture, it's just maxwell+HBM.
>lists three
>1, 2, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.
Nice counting skills /g/entooman
So should I get the 960 instead?
Buy a new card and you have to tweak it.. motha fucker do you even fucking think, how old are you, stop giving people advice. You have no idea what your saying. You got nvidia so far up your ass you would say and believe anything to have this guy buy a 970.
performance is about equal, just the frametime spikes suck. Not a problem if you can live with slightly reduced texture details, but shows how the segmented VRAM can fuck your gaming experience up

i don't know. Its about the same shit for both vendors, nvidia just got some pretty specialized stuff in their maxwell v2 chips (i forgot the name, but they can render the center of the picture in higher resolution than the edge for example), while AMD stayed with their policy of brute forcing more performance with their superior async compute approach. time will tell how this turns out...
The 960 is slow as shit.
yeah, what I have right now should be enough to dip my toes in until the medium matures.

I've been eager to get into VR ever since I tried the DK1 at university. Didn't get any of the dev Kits though, been holding off for the first consumer version release.

I'll likely be spending most of my time on webVR and janusVR goofing around which wouldn't be very intensive. Aside from the occasional game or two which I should be able to run at modest settings.
Gigabyte 390 is voltage locked so if you plan on overclocking it's probably the worst model to get. Sapphire and Powercolor are probably the best overall 390s to get. Although the MSI apparently clocks higher it has higher temps and louder sound profile than the other 2.
>(i forgot the name, but they can render the center of the picture in higher resolution than the edge for example)

So you're saying they extract more fps by degrading image quality?
basically yes. Thing is that this is actually a pretty good idea since you won't notice it.
Dude get off this thread they are just going to confuse you more. Look at this video then make your decision and never come back here and ask a graphics card question.

>980Ti only feature
ah fug, dun goofed

The msi 390x is a real beast due to the staggering voltage offset msi uses by default. The msi 390 is slightly more sane.


>Nvidia says a recent 900-series GeForce graphics card or GTX 750 Ti is required for multi-resolution shading

nope seems like older nvidia cards even 700 series would support MRS not just the 980Ti.
The only 390X I care for is the Powercolor Devil 13, but it's too big. 2.5 slots for a hybrid-cooled card is too much.
Not only that, but a decent, more power efficient Fury is just a few dollars more than that.

Hybrid cooling is for scrubs as you are still air cooling the power delivery. Plus most hybrid cards don't provide any serious cooling for the memory chips which is going to hurt when going balls out for overclocks.
Maxwell is pretty much the only cards where Nvidia's TDP has been better, retard.
Only 750Ti was mentioned, the other 700series cards might not support it.
>The msi 390x is a real beast due to the staggering voltage offset msi uses by default.
After looking at all the reviews I bought the Sapphire 390. Didn't care much for the premium you pay for the X. FPS comparisons between the MSI and Sapphire weren't too different, but it was louder and hotter which is something I cared about. Plus I plan on Crossfiring the two and I like the way the Nitro looks over the red MSI, but that's subjective. Also the MSI is 2.5 slots with it's cooler.
>caring what a bunch of poorfag NEETs have to say

It's all sour grapes anon. They make the le .5 Maymay because all they have is .5 on something like a GT 220.
>caring what a bunch of poorfag NEETs have to say
My point was that everything gets shat on no matter what, so trying to buy what pleases /g/ is impossible anyway.
That's a good start, now make it more DORF.
Yeah its a big jump to a 390 I said you shouldnt do a 380 over it.
There's this magical tool called Google search
You're right, let's shut down 4chan completely, everything posted here can be found on google anyway.
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>muh dx12
>muh vulkan
>muh this changes everything poorfags bought into
its post like yours that make the tech community stupid. Stop talking in meme and just say what ever it is you're trying to say.
I'm feeling a bit of buyers remorse buying a gtx 980 when I have a 500w psu fx8350 cpu
When does pascal hit anyway ?
I dont really want to buy a year old card right now
Q2 at the earliest.
Q1-Q4 2016
Shit I hope Nvidia releases it earlier than that, the computer I have now is already like 6 years old and I need to replace my 4850 bad.
Any advice on what card to get for a holdover period so I can play DX11 games ?
Like we know, april or may
390 and 970 on discount will probably still be the smart buy then.
Well I'm planning to get a decent box soon so I wont have to upgrade for a while, I don't even play vidya that much but it'll be nice to know that I can.
Based on the way /g/ reacts to all GPU discussion, an IGPU is the only acceptable GPU solution.



These are good hold over cards.
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>Get shat on for X

>I don't need your approval.

I just got a ASUS Strix GTX970 and my temps have never gone over 70 C.

Pretty happy with my purchase, although this is my first build.

70c for a 160w~ card is pretty high all told. Though being semi-passive doesn't help matters. To wit: the tri-x 290x will struggle to break 70c at stock and thats a 250w TDP card.
3rd party cards almost always use more power than what reference says. They have more power delivery, custom pcbs and higher clocks
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You'd be surprised. Hawaii for example (as its the chip i'm most familiar with) is extremely sensitive to temperature - it can take a lot of it but power draw plummets as you cool it simply because the likes of vrms are temp dependant for effeciency.
the efficiency of the GPU itself also heavily depends on temperature. Thats true for any GPU/CPU, the only way you get around that is by using a different substrate. leakage directly depends on temperature.

Sure, but like any electronics lower temps = better but you are always limited by your hottetest component.
r9 290 or GTX 970
390 is the correct answer

They've been at or below $300 for the last several months
R9 390 is cheaper or same price, more VRAM (fully usuable 8GB), faster card overall, and not made by a company with shitty business practices (gimping AMD cards in GoyWorks games, gimping older NVIDIA cards in driver optimisation).
because what if its not enough power? also i realized i made a boo boo and forgot my psu was 80+ gold Rated 650w psu. just worried about the fx8350 bottlenecking it. i still regret not getting the i5/gtx 750 system as my first pc to custumize
>not made by a company with shitty business practices
They make the better products, that's why they can afford that sort of bullshit.
>tons of electricity
Poor little baby, an extra $5 on your electric bill, you won't be able to get that one last bag of Doritos at the end of the month
Have you checked your 1.2kW PSU privilege yet?
Nope, but if you actually check the amount of power consumption the amount extra in dollars is only about 5 or 6 bucks, even with the minimum recommended 750 watt PSU
it plays games at ultra on 1080p, thats it, it does what it does.
Let me put it this way: would you want to invest in a new PSU in addition to the GPU? Not to mention that the power consumed gets turned into heat pretty much 1:1. Nobody thinks about their electricity bills when picking PC parts unless they want to mine coins.
Emulators aren't bottlenecked on the cost of draw calls, not even close. D3D12/Vulkan wouldn't do them any favours, of course they're not going to care.
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See OP, now you're even more confused than ever. They going to tell you about head and power consumption and vram. I told you look at that video and decide for your self. Yet we are still here.

Fuck off retard
and take your judgemental presumptions with you
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Don't speak to me like that it's Christmas.
Whats the best GPU under 400 CAD at 1080p gaming?
The one that's closest to 400 CAD
Only if the current PSU I was using crapped out on me or if it wasn't 80 plus certified in any way
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