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Why is there so much tech nowadays without a removable battery?
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Why is there so much tech nowadays without a removable battery?

Is the size really more imporant than the lifespan of the device?
Consumerism + planned obsolescence.

Once the battery dies, another new, "better" product has already replaced it and you like the dumb consumer you are must buy it.
The number of people who hot swap batteries, and keep the same device 5+ years is tiny. eMMC has a finite lifespan, and it will start significantly degrading by the time the battery is dwindling as well, the same is likely true of the display panel. If you wanted a fully featured high end mobile device to last a decade it would be too expensive, and you'd be complaining about the price instead of the specs then.

A user friendly replaceable battery is something only autists make a big deal over. You retards are literally incapable of being happy with anything.

So what you are basically saying is that mobile devices made in the last 5+ years are all garbage?
File: Apple.png (40 KB, 3400x4400) Image search: [Google]
40 KB, 3400x4400
>Why is there so much tech nowadays without a removable battery?
Apple set the bar with iDevices: Be as minimal as possible, and 100% locked down. Meaning shit battery life and no interchangeable/removable parts.

Thanks Apple cucks.
Not just smartphones even some vapes have it!
Succinct and true.

The long and short of it: more money to bleed from you.
You think you're cool ahmidenajad? You fucking douchebag puppet for the Ayotollah fuck you.

Iran seems to be doing bretty well.
LG v10...came with a free extra battery, charger and 200 gb sd card.

Did you buy the wrong shit op?
im using a 7 year old dell laptop and i wouldnt trade it for any of this new shit out today, i just replaced the battery too, cost me $10.

Enjoy buying a new laptop every year you fucking consumerist boot licking cuck.
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