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/Fatty/ going to get /fit/
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I am posting this as a way to bind myself to my word. I am tired of living like a fucking slug. All I do is sit around and eat and smoke all day. The only friends I have are basically forced to be. I'm tired of being a creep and never getting the girl. I want people to view me in a more positive way.

So starting today, I am utterly obliterating my lifestyle, and dedicating myself to becoming better. I want to contribute more, and look good doing it.

Pic related. Took this with one of my "friends". It's the starting point. I'll be back in a month with an update.
Ever hear of the psychological term "substitution"? It's when you tell people about what you're going to do to make yourself feel better.

Post your plan fatty, and if it's not started by today, you're gonna change it so that it does.
It's not really to make me feel better, because it doesn't. The only thing that will make me feel better is getting off my ass and doing something about it. Talking has never helped. I just feel like making myself dedicate to actually...okay as I'm typing this, I'm realizing it. Well, shit, sorry man. Should I just quit posting?

I'm giving up pretty much all of my vices. Giving up smoking, both weed and tobacco. Cutting out un-necessary shit like snacks. I just signed up for planet fitness and I'm going in tomorrow morning to get familiar with the place. I plan to work myself to exhaustion. Make it have more of an impact on how out of shape I am. I live out by a fairly decent patch of woods so I can run out there and haul debris about as well. I'm aware I might burn myself out, but I feel I need to push myself that hard. If I have nothing to do on a day, I'm going to make myself be active. Get myself on a better, regular eating schedule and stop eating out of fucking boredom. It's not to specific a plan, I'm sorry. But everything hit me today and I'm just wanting to get started.
>Should I stop posting?
It depends. Are you telling me bullshit that you're not gonna do? Or are you hammering out a solid plan?

For example, let's talk specifics. What is your workout going to look like? Have you thought about how often you want to train? Have you read the sticky?

All your problems are pretty stock standard, and /fit/ or other forums and resources can help. But you need to put in the work, or it, well, won't work.
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Emi's workout guide.jpg
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here ya go fatty, follow Emi she'll show you the way
Read the sticky. Not memeing this time. If you are serious, you need to read it so you work smart and see improvement. If not you might burn yourself out and see little returns.

It's not easy, you will hurt, you will cry, and at some point you are going to question doing this. You must hold resolve. Fight through the desire to give up. Get smart to realize what is a soreness from working out, and what is pain from a bad lift. Learn to eat better, and live better. Finally realize that once you get to your goal, you are not done. You will want to get better. This is not some temporary thing you do until you sent fat. This is a life change you do to make you happy and healthy.

Don't give up on yourself.
I don't know you so I'm not sure what works FOR YOU but your paln sounds like a full proof way to lose. You seem to be cutting off every vice and that's just. There's N easier way to do this. Like in all honesty you might find yourself miserable and quit after a while. I'd say take it slow And in moderation this is a lifestyle change. You've got to find a plan that you can actually stick with .

I'd say quit smoking either weed or cigarettes if you can quit both fine . personally where as I've quit smoking weed. Ciggs can't seem to break the habit so now I just try not to smoke as many. Trying to cut back.

Cutting out unnecessary shit is good like soda. Nothing wrong with snacks if it's good healthy shit like a fruit or nuts. But what you really need to do is count calories because you're never going to make it without doing that because St it's most basic level it's not what you eat but how much. Trust me. I'm down 30 lbs from simply counting calories and I have cheat days frequently. Other day I pigged out on poptarts, chocolate cookies, granola bars, two bowls of cereal etc etc and my weight actually went DOWN. You've got to learn a balance with food. Eat in moderation,
Anonymously posting a thread that's going to disappear in the next 24 hours to a bunch of anonymous users who don't know you or give a shit about you is not going to "bind you to your word". And being sick of your lifestyle and status is not the same as being resolved to change.

What I'm saying is that nobody here- including you right now, in your current mindset- can hold the you of tomorrow accountable.

What you just said you are going to do is really fucking hard. Quitting weed, cigs, and snacks, transforming your mind and your lifestyle, improving yourself- this will be harder than anything you've ever done; not just in the sense of how hard you'll have to push yourself in any one workout, or how hard it will be to resist cheating on any given day, but for how long you will have to sustain your efforts and stretch your willpower, and reprogram your habits for the long term.

Basically, I'm saying that there's a good chance you will fail. No matter what you just said or what you just "dedicated" yourself to. All I can tell you is to educate yourself as much as you can- on how weight loss works, on nutrition, on lifting, cardio, diet, etc. With knowledge and willpower you may succeed. You might fail, but I hope you succeed.
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You're motivated right now but discipline is more important. Use that motivation to start a habit.

Don't go full bore into something. Start taking simple steps.

Let's examine,

>sit around all day

Ok brah, well that's easy. Start going for walks or hikes. Do you live near nature? Hikes are optimal. Start slow, 15-20 minutes, then 30, then 45. Aim to walk 5 miles a day in the long term. But start slow.

> and eat

Throw all your shitty food out. Now. Seriously. Now you eat healthy 80% of the time. Do you know how to cook? There's a skill for you to learn. There are a lot of basic cookbooks on the web for you to find and learn how to boil water and shit.

Aim to eat a protein, starchy carb, and fibrous carb or fruit at each meal.

So for breakfast, egg, oatmeal, orange. For lunch, chicken, rice, spinach. For dinner, salmon, potato, broccoli.

> and smoke all day

I quit cold turkey. Went back once, quit again 3 months later. You'll hit a wall where you will have the strongest craving of your life. After that you are free and smoking will be disgusting to you.
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in a galaxy far far never ever.png
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good luck.
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Lilly is best girl but fuck its all inspiring.
OP you're going to need surgery for all that loose skin later on, unless your species moults
By posting this your giving yourself the sense of accomplishment, with out actually accomplishing shit.

Get up, start working out and come back in a few weeks / months with actual educated questions or to have real discussion.

Current fatty here
I told myself that enough was enough the day after valentine's day this year, and I started counting calories and doing what I needed to do to lose weight. Started at 296 lbs and I'm currently 268lbs. I work at a pizza shop and so I get free pizza sometimes that were mistakes; I ate stuff like that for the first few weeks and am still losing weight. It's about the calories like what this anon said. Don't make excuses and start today. It's very simple, but you just need the discipline to keep at it. Fuck cheat days, they only hold you back. This is a lifestyle change; it's not just a before and after, you are in an ongoing process. You set goals, you accomplish them, and then set new ones. You can do this, but you have to grab life by the balls and get shit done.
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