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/Cutting/ general What would be better on a cut? Doing 5x5 (SS
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/Cutting/ general
What would be better on a cut? Doing 5x5 (SS for example) vs. Brosplit with 10-16 sets per muscle? 5x5 uses more complex muscle groups which burn more calories right? But brosplit has way more sets and you can train without rest days. Help /fit/
an intelligent bro-y split.
Push pull legs, do a heavy compound and work up to a minimum weight triple, then just lots of isolation.
Do stuff with tempo of contraction, really try and target weaker muscles. I was able to really grow training this way in my last cut, lost strength of course but thats a given.

You wont progress on 5x5 if you are cutting, and it is very disheartening to come in and be weaker each time.

This is advice for someone who already is strong and is cutting, if you are a noob that totally changes my advice.
should probably add that im not strong, i've lifted for about a month without diet in chech so basically the only thing that sets me apart from first timers is i know form. i currently do chest/triceps back/biceps legs/shoulder could this work? also forgetting the fact that you wont progress on 5x5 would it burn more calories?
bump because you are me
age, weight, calories, routine?
21, 77kg, 189cms doing SS currently
made any progress with your cut? whats your deficit?

Scarification on women is pretty hot tbh, though I'm a tattooed degenerate.
I lost the first 3kgs quite fast, I have to say.
My deficit is 500-1000 calories.
It's important to eat early on the days you train and a few hours before your workout, or else I feel week during training.

Bodyfat is at least 13%. I'm aiming for under 10%.
how long have you been on the cut and how much bodyfat did u have to start with? currently the thing killing me is getting hungry at night which prevents me from falling asleep
In the beginning I was eating at a heavy deficit. Like more than 1000 deficit.

I was always hungry, but I guess the trick is to survive it for the first few days. The trick is that after ~2 days, your body adapts and you will feel much better, since I guess it's in keto mode/fat burn mode.

I started lifting and counting calories seriously 5-6 weeks ago. Maybe you can look into the keto diet, I heard some say don't bother and just eat at a deficit and others that it helps loosing the constant hunger. Still the deficit is important.

I'm guess I'm not doing a perfect job at counting calories. I need to be more consistent.

I'm mostly worried about finding a good complete routine now. If I don't find a complete noob friendly one, I intend to replace at least 1 training day with a pure bodyweight routine.
according to scooby's calc im cutting at around a 1000 cals deficit, have been on this cut for 2 weeks now but still sometimes get the night hunger, maybe im not tracking my macros right?
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>though I'm a tattooed degenerate
I guess you are
Have you tried keto diet, as in eating not more than ~20g of carbs?

Maybe that will help.
Also I feel you, stuck on 77kg for nearly 2 weeks now.
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>Surely I'll never regret this decision!
>I want my face to be fucked well into old age!
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