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Sexual stamina
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How to increase sexual stamina?

Should I do nofap or something? once or twice I lasted 3 hours but now I only last 10 minutes tops, wtf?

>pic unrelated
Could be worse. I usually go about 30-60 seconds. I'm almost positive it's that ever since the first time it happened premature, I get anxious about it happening again, so when my penis is in there and there's no escape I tense up and it leads to it happening again. Once in a blue moon I'll get 10 minutes. Be happy m8
I get only a few minutes with my girlfriend, we've been together for about 1 month only though and she's my first girlfriend. When I lost my virginity (long before my first girlfriend), I was rock hard, but could barely feel anything, and didnt even come close to orgasm.

First time with my GF was about 30 seconds, I never experienced pussy so tight and wet. Still I can't last longer than about 3-4 minutes if I go straight to pounding. Usually I pull out, use my fingers etc, and then keep going.

But I can tell she wants my dick so much more, I don't know how to improve, I bought a Fleshlight Stamina Unit, but it doesn't even come close. Her pussy feels like its cramping down on me and pulling me in (just like in my animes).

Will I get used to it bros? Thanks for reading :)
how big is your cock anon?
Guys any help is appreciated. I tried having sex with my gf for the first time, and my dick couldn't get hard enough to penetrate, probably because I jerked off once in the day already. But then we tried again today and I still couldn't get it hard enough. And I've stopped getting random boners that I used to get all the time. I'm just 21.
I'm trying to go on no fap.
Could it also be because of cutting carbs a lot?
Try edging, you can look up dick improvements on goodlookingloser there is where I got the best advice
A little over 6" length and about 5.8" girth. Not sure if weird proportions but I think in the normal range. Why do you ask?
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Alright faggots , eat foods with potassium like bananas , avocados , shit even almonds help with getting blood pumping down there.

To last longer get lifestyle extra strength condoms , which are thicker than normal condoms and give you less feeling making you last longer. Regular condoms are 6mm I think , and these bad boys are 9mm. They should help with the anxiety and also put lotion on thee dick.

Yu're nervous, breathe, relax, and tell your gf to suck your dick.
Actually being attracted to women helps.
I thought you meant sexual endurance, not fucking sexual disfunction. I have no problem fucking for hours without cumming, but i have a problem of tiring out fast, how do I increase that endurance?
yes cutting too hard can lead to that
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It's all about breathing no lie. I am sure you never notice it but I PROMISE you are holding your breath right before you cum. Be slow and rhythmic and breathe and slowly build up the pace. Also watch this video.
Also Elliot has done other vids on breathing properly and sex and lasting longer, just look through his channel.

>used to always hold my breath when jerking off as a kid
>noticed now if I ever hold my breath imminent bust
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Ya seriously people don't understand how important this is. I have gotten so good at the breathing that I can honestly last as long as I want. I actually have to make myself hold my breathe to cum now.
It's cutting carbs. Get some more food in you and have an energy drink or espresso beforehand.
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