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I wanna look like Ogus. What's his drug stack? inb4 >wanting
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I wanna look like Ogus. What's his drug stack?

>wanting to look like a manlet

im already a manlet.
he jus takes creatine hes 100% natty
Clean diet
Creatine and proton powder should get you there. Enjoy blasting off
full natty

just take creatine and lift for at least 2 years and you'll look like him
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seriously though, what do you guys think his drug stack is?

if you train hard for a few years you can attain that physique without steroids

just need regular clean eating and creatine.
you can stop memeing now
hard work and creatinine

u seem to be the only one memein in this thread bro.

you just gotta work hard and eat clean.

ur the one talkin bout

> muh steroids.

> he's bigger than me must be dem steroids
one of my few favorite natural yt bodybuilders
great inspiration
oh yeah op lol never change stereotypical /fit/

>anyone bigger than me must be roiding and anyone smaller than me is dyel
theres so much bait already planted in this thread, are u guys expected like 300+ replies or something?

> OP on full damage control
Literally doesn't matter.

Just run test for your first cycle.

Then worry about adding in deca or tren or dbol

No matter what drugs you take, you won't look like Ogus, you will look like you, with more muscle

stop being a lazy dyel and go lift and eat hard bro. stay consistent and dedicated, get 2g/lb of protein everyday and you can achieve that physique in a couple years

otus is completely natty, i see no signs of roids... not trying to sound like im better but look at his baby delts and traps. fucking delusional dyels thinking he NOT natty....
>natty matty
>drug stack
But what does HE take?

He has the same exact look as all the other fake natties on youtube. They all share the same similar look to their body/skin. What specific compounds are doing that?

pic related; the fake natty crew. all of em have this same "look" to their body. like theyre all on the same designer drugs or something.
OP, just because he's bigger than you it doesn't mean he is abusing illegal substances. Lift for 3 years and you will have his body then.
Hes on all kinds of shit, but as other anon said, it doesnt matter.

You need to do a test only cycle before you do anything. Then maybe another with some dbol. Then maybe another with some tren and other shit.

After a couple years you'll be a bigger you and you still wont look like Ogus.
>OP, just because he's bigger than you it doesn't mean he is abusing illegal substances. Lift for 3 years and you will have his body then.

Ive already been lifting for 4 years and look nowhere near anything close to what matt looks like and im 5'7.

now i know ur just a trolling idiot

all the guys in that picture are natty, they are gymshark for fucks sake thats a NATURAL BODYBUILDING BRAND

fuk off to /b/
HGH, now fuck off fag
the "look" is what the male physique looks like, with large muscles and low bodyfat.

I'm not sure what you're expecting, here.
Well I guess he has a more stable diet and he trains harder. That's the only explanation why he would be bigger than you.
hurr hurr so funny op come on /fit/ and make an epic b8 post fuck off moron.
I count macros/calories and have multiple kitchen scales. I don't do cheat days or anything like that. My bench,squat strength is similar to ogus, he has me bit on ohp and deadlift, but not too far behind on deadlift.
>asking for his drug stack

the fuck is wrong with u? talk to the other 5 people in this thread spamming the same replies over and over about how natty he is


he's a natural fitness youtuber, fuck off.
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Dopey TestDecaEQ Stack.jpg
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Some combo of trenbolone/masteron/winstrol, maybe Equipoise. People react to different drugs in different ways so it can be hard to nail down exactly what someone is on.
You must have a small dick.
You must have reading comprehension problems.
Don't even choose one, you're just being silly

how small is ur dick tho
i honestly think most of them are natural you have to understand most of these people have been lifting for 5-10 years and do it for a living their whole day revovles around counting all their macros and eating a perfect diet and they all have god like genetic insertions i would be suprised honestly be suprised if they were on juice
Fucking cheater. Just more proof that you are a lazy loser. It's funny how naturals like Ogus look better than you. Enjoy your deformed, dysfunctional penis while I achieve a physique like Matt's in less than 2 years. I've purchased a training program from him and I will easily look better than you and have a great natural physique that is similiar to Matt's soon enough. Loser roiding bitch : ) I can see your girls jumping on my dick because yours won't work so you're gonna have to settle for some assfucking with a less roiding monkey like yourself. Homosexual steroid abusers like you get fucked mate. Fucking bitch!
You ain't shit, you ain't shit. You look like shit.
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I love this new troll tactic.
You're a fucking loser dude, no girl will ever want you.
Now go stretch your asshole so you can enjoy getting assfucked in a year. Meanwhile I'll be jelqing starting from today so your ugly bitch creams all over my natty boner. Stay mad, faggot.
If your dick isn't shrunken and useless then you won't mind getting a hard on, taking a picture of it and posting it in this thread.
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hurr durr i post my reaction image because i know i'm btfo by reality

>the picture isn't me
>the person you replied to isn't me
>the person you replied to isn't the person in the picture

You're really fucking dumb, dude. All 3 people in this story have different names. One is anonymous (me), one is Gearhead, and one is Dopey (picture).

So again, you must have reading comprehension problems.
Until you post a pic of your erect cock we'll all assume it's broke and lifeless.
>14 posters
>44 posts

Ogus please fucking go

hey dumb fuck

you're replying to two people


and other anon

i was asking you how small your dick is, I wasn't the guy who replied before that.


tell me more about a trip ive never heard of and another cunt ive never heard of and will never give a shit about.

get the fuck off this imageboard right now cunt dont even reply just uninstall windows explorer and noose yourself.
It's probably going to take him atleast an hour to hit up one of the natural beginner boys whos numbers he got at the gym and ask them for a picture of their cock so we don't think he's a loser with his dysfunctional penis.

Keep in mind that he soon will be getting assfucked hard by his very few natural bodybuilder friends because of his dysfunctional dick(the only way he is going to be able to enjoy sexual activities is going to be sucking huge, natural dicks or getting his shitty ass fucked)

What a fucking loser!

48 / 14 = 3 posts a person.

Test and fat burners, some tren as well.
Most people don't samefag like you, fucktard.

Ogus pls go
20 posts from 1 sad person, you mean

this is the only new poster
My guess would be
>high tren e
>low test prop
>high clen
>maybe stanazol instead of anavar who knows

52 / 15 = 3 posts a person.

Wow this thread is literally shit. /fit/ has been literally shit today.

If you think

> I wanna look like Ogus. What's his drug stack?

Is a good topic for discussion then your IQ is probably about as high as the post count in this thread t b h f a m
>asks fucking retarded questions
>expects not to get bombarded with bait and troll posts

leave nigga

he skipped face day
If you were smart, you'd realize that as this thread gets more replies, OP will look smarter and you will look stupider.

clen. maybe dnp, hes lean as fuck but not that veiny in that picture.
Falling this hard for bait. Good one niggers.
We all know /fit/ has always been shit.
You got too obvious with that one m8
Oh my god.

My dicks won't work?

I'm supposed to have more than one?

If you're gonna bait, at least use propper spelling and grammar. You type like a retarded black dude.

>whoops, tautology.

lmao ye lets see how that goes for you.

> yy-you'll see

> i'm not OP btw.
Jeff seid

No. I am.
hard work, dedication and a bit bit fairy dust
Just chicken, broccoli and hard work baby.
>wanting to look like a stretched asshole

Well memed
You know he's been lifting for like 10 years right?
go on reddit, go to the steroid subreddit, there's literally loads of posts every day where people discuss steroid use, what to take, answer questions etc.

dont go to fraud on /f/it/ because they are all idiots and dont ask the general board here because you'll just get endless memes thrown your way
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