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can't be bothered to buy lifting shoes just to increase
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Thread replies: 24
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can't be bothered to buy lifting shoes just to increase my squat by 5kg and look like a total faggot.
holy shit
whats up invalid_ xD

op's name is invalid_ on www.destiny.gg/bigscreen so if you're mad at him for his post you can come hack him

hes not even subbed OhKrappa
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post memes xD
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sure thing fellow destiny.gger
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Destiny is packing HEAT.jpg
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you got it mane
>lifting shoes

How about wearing normal fucking shoes you idiot? Might as well go running in a singlet by your logic
>tfw I squat and dead barefoot

Best feel
I don't think anyone cares what I wear and I feel comfy in them
lifting shoes aren't meant to increase your squat. maybe you should read up on shoes a bit before being a retard like that
one day you slip and fuck up yourself, please stop
my normal shoes are running shoes, winter boots and dress shoes. guess which ones i'll wear to the gym, faggot.
dress shoes with fedora faggot. well i bet you dont even lift so
I use combat boots.

Is this bad?
Dont really have much of a problem with them except that they double as my casual shoes. So i dump foot powder every hour into them.
Generally I don't give a shit what people wear to the gym but fucking hell why do you use outside boots for the gym have some manners.
You can litterally get some cheap boots for 5 bucks and then lift in those, buy a small bag for those that your outside shoes also fit in and you can just use that.
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Adidas Kaiser confirmed for best lifting shoe 2015
why would anyone need lifting shoes

just lift in socks you goddamn faggots
Flat footed, the support arch from my running shoes help me not blow up my knees.

My running shoes are minimalist running shoes, so they have no cushioning and a very thin sole anyway.
Are you retarded? I'm not that anon, but I also love deadlifts and squats bare footed. I rarely get to do it barefoot, but it is the best. How the fuck are you going slip on a hard rubber mat that is designed to be non-slip? Are your toes crazy long? Are you a retarded newborn giraffe? Do you even lift?
I would like some proper lifting shoes, but I don't want to look like a faggot that walks around with em when I life babby weight.
Thread replies: 24
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