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You are currently reading a thread in /d/ - Hentai/Alternative

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Role-Reversal and Gentle Femdom General - Notice Me Senpai! Edition

>related hentai
>monster girls
>general lewdness
>dojinshi recommendations
>anime/manga recommendations
>preferably recommendations that are on-topic
>friendly discussion

Previous Thread: >>6542073

>What is Role Reversal?

New Map:

Old Role Reversal Map:

FetLife Group

irc channel: irc.irchighway.net , #gfd

/rr/ and /gfd/ megapastebins:

Writefags and drawfags welcome!

Kitsune story:
List time!

Animated films:
>Garden of Words

>Witch Craft Works
>Madan no Ou to Vanadis
>Morobito: Guardian of the Spirit
>Monster Musume no Iru Ichijou
>Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii (The world is still beautiful)
>Akame ga Kill*
>Infinite Stratos
>Accel World*
>The Pet Girl of Sakurasou*
>Danna ga Nani o Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken
>Tasogare otome x Amnesia
>Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
>Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
>Mysterious Girlfriend X
>Magic Saliva

Manga/Light Novel:
>Kono Onee-san wa fiction desu
>Unbalance x Unbalance
>Sensei Lock-on
>Arakawa under the bridge
>Natsuyuki Rendezvous
>Tramps like us
>Hokago play
>Game Over

*/gfd/ is not the main focus of the story. Don't read/watch it purely for the /gfd/, make sure you enjoy it first and consider the /gfd/ a bonus.

Doujins: http://pastebin.com/5w7qgrM6

As usual, recommendations are welcome.
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How Ya'all doing tonight?
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Forgot pic
I'm a huge faggot
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>Notice Me Senpai! Edition
so...attention whoring?
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Good. Currently looking at various dating sites... Gods help me...
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What about a "Free of yurispammer" edition?
like i've said earlier, /r9k/ never left. just like summer never leaves. they just keep multiplying
Sounds good.
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So more hetero? Personally I'm fine with either.
>implying yuri can't be /gfd/
>this delusional
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Are you replying to yourself?
Everything you say, pal. Everything you say.
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seems like there's a janitor in the thread, or someone is reporting all text posts.
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Just pointing out the obvious deleted post. I think a certain board name caused it. How strange.
So there enforcing it now? whatever that's fine.i was waiting for it sooner or later.
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literally 10 seconds of lurking and you would know
but let's play a game (i wanna play a game). there are two actual arguments for me to stop posting yuri. one requires a bit of contemplating but the second one can be figured out in a moment if you read the OP carefully. if you find it, i'll try to avoid ugfd. sounds fun?
I see, let's not speak more about it then.
Do whatever you want, you own the thread. You alone. I need to "lurk more" anyway.
lurking should be obvious. but you're not even trying to solve an easy puzzle
Lurking is always good. i will wait for pics then fap.
I think he's being sarcastic.
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No fighting u guise ;-; pls
i'm a little drunk i see.
Okay, I will be clear now: stop assuming anyone who disagrees with you is new. It's stupid.
Don't worry, I'm done.
My favorite from this artist.
>didn't get it
i didn't even try. you did it for me
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Hnng god I love ear-nibbling, that paired with dirty talk whispering about the lewd things she's gonna do to her pet. Fuck it does it to me like nothing else.
Thanks for the pic
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Is pururin giving cloudflare errors for everyone or just me?
It's dead, Jim.

The site is gone.
Well shit

Got a good alternative?
hitomi. always hitomi
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Sadpanda has all the good stuff anyway.
>tfw wearing heart monitor for 48 hours because doctor was concerned that my heart was beating weird a few weeks ago.
>tfw 48hr nofap.
>tfw no qt 3.14 gf to cuddle me and then milk me after I take this thing off.

i hope it's nothing serious anon also i hope you feel better.
I bad to do a heart monitor for about a week due to suspected arrhythmia. Shit's uncomfortable.
>Wires keep popping off.
>Wake up lying on top of monitor.

I wore one for a few days. Was supposed to be longer term, but the nurse shaved my chest with what seemed more like a potato peeler, and my skin got horribly irritated, which led to bleeding under the adhesive. Didn't take long to fall off. If I recall correctly she even nicked my nipple. Going to be more careful about who I let shave my chest from now on. Also,
>all these boys with weak hearts
The worst part was that I do actually have arrhythmia. Caused by my depression.
>all these boys with weak hearts

B...but I don't have a gentle femdom qt 3.14 gf to strengthen my heart! :c

Depression causes that?
Does that mean that it goes away if depression goes too?
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really badly, I wish I had someone to hug
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I kind of miss the /r9k/ threads cause I felt at liberty to talk about feels and there seemed to be more discussion in general, but I really don't miss all the anger and depression that was shitting them up.
Alright i guess. Just playing xenogears.
I preferred r9k threads then /d/ despite the shitposting that went on there. Depression and anger didn't bother me much granted the last one went pretty bad i doubt their coming back.

I hung out there and talked i came here for pics but that's just me.
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The usual sadpanda.jpg bypass works still right?

I think he means the other way around.

Then start a thread there. Worse case just let hit bump limit. However I say persevere and push through the crap for the good stuff.
Yes, depression can cause all sorts of heart problems.
I never asked.
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how is it? Have been meaning to play it for awhile now
A lot of reading lol i been playing it for years. Disc 1 is good disc 2 turned into a visual novel (they rushed second disc and or ran out of time)

Story line is deep or that's what my bias says their is just a lot to read and i find it interesting. it's more or less about ancient technology and god.

Mech battles and all that. Check it out on youtube to see the battle system it's dated but i enjoyed it. Also disc 2 does turn back to normal but that's at very late game. It's a shame that they didn't finish it on time i would of liked to explore some the areas.

I'm kinda bad at explaining but youtube should help.
Excuse me ancient advanced technology i believe.
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How is witchcraft works gfd or rr?
Ayaka Kagari is like "I must be your pure and obedient wife that does everything you want me to"
Yo, real talk.

I've been thinking lately about how relationships seem to have devolved in modern times.
This video (https://youtu.be/ao8L-0nSYzg) kinda sparked the notion in my head that we've forgotten what decent relationships are in favor of more junk food tier replacements. Also the fact that gfd, which is basically loving relationships with females taking the lead, is considered deviant kinda troubles me. It's not like it doesn't belong in /d/ at this point, intimacy seems like it's legitimately a minority thing now. Maybe I'm overblowing it, I dunno.
I'm not religious, but I almost think that all of those old crotchety religious types were right about this world being too obsessed with sex and drugs and entertainment, and we've largely forgotten what deep, intimate relationships are in favor of superficial and shallow ones. Like all those dudes writing the Bible and talking about how marriages should be and what marital sin was were on to something. Like they'd seen what we're going through now before and were trying to warn us, but couldn't write a dissertation on why this shit goes south the way it does, and so their points kinda flopped.

I think I could explain this a bit better but it's like 2 AM. :/
Anyways. Does anyone feel me here?
Yeah, shit kinda goes in cycles. It's hard to predict, harder to prevent. Usually you can only really perceive it long after it's past, and it takes something on the order of religious fanaticism to get people to change.
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>Maybe I'm overblowing it
I think you kind of are, there are still many people looking for a " deep, intimate relationship". But c'mon I think you need your sleep, You're not making much sense, overblowing isn't even a word.
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>. Like they'd seen what we're going through now before and were trying to warn us, but couldn't write a dissertation on why this shit goes south the way it does, and so their points kinda flopped.
They probably were speaking from experience yeah.
Which kind of makes the "never let women teach men" part kinda dire.
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Downloaded the ROM. from what I have played so far its been pretty fun. thanks for recommending it for me.
No problem have fun and enjoy
I still choose to have a intimate and healthy relationship over sex. Not that i don't want sex but i rather have sex with somebody i care about as corny as that sounds in modern society

I guess i choose to be a virgin then lose it to a random person i don't know. I'm not very normal for modern society haha but that's just how i roll.

It may be a poor decision but it's mine to make.
Is it /gfd/ and /rr/ when the man receives a rimjob or when the woman receives a rimjob?

I have been a little split on this topic thinking who really is in control when this happens but I have come to the conclusion that the man should be the one doing the rimjob because, well, its a goddamn ass

To me the one who has his/her ass licked is in control
Join if you're in the mood to chat.

Copy+paste into browser URL to prompt Skype or paste it in an empty group convo for Skype to run it.
On the other hand, a woman giving her qt a rimjob to make him embarrassed and flustered from the shame of getting off from having his ass licked is a situation with the woman in control.
It depends more on who initiated it and why, it's not black and white.
/gfd/ and /rr/ is where regardless of who is tonguing who, the man is in a submissive position.
Good night all time for dream land.
Are you sure it's nofap? Don't they give you a booklet to write activities down in? Just say that you were exercising (not wrong).
Do we need to go over how gfd and rr is more than just the sub Dom relationship.

Pick me please ;)


10/10 would moan uncontrollably

>>all these boys with weak hearts
*hisao's waiting to happen

It depends on what the female wants, and why, imo
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You know I just can't shake the feeling for that guy that he is actually not embarrassed but afraid that other people will call pedo and get him arrested. Yes, I know that is a really sad thing but I feel this is the world we have come to live in.
Tsumino has the same collection pururin did I think
>all these boys with weak hearts
..god.. Goddammit. <3
"Takamiya-kun, you're my princess"
It's all about attitude.

man doing the rimming: "Use your tongue and make me feel good. Just like that..."
woman doing the rimming: "I'm going to rape your ass with my tongue and make you squirm in pleasure."
Not really. It's more like a knight swearing loyalty to his princess, to protect her no matter what.

The whole housewife thing is a little annoying though. But it only shows up in one joke, anyway.
Rimming is very fun.
Don't know it's copy pasta. I'm willing to change it though.

No. The three big religions push rules about sex because if you can control a people's method or idea of procreation you can control that group of people. It's fucking complicated, but I say just take religion as advice. After all the phrase "because God said so" is the same as "because I said so". Weak argument either way.
You are overblowing it. The main purpose of religion was and still is to bring people together to a common topic and form a community. Also to give us hope for the future. To make us feel sure that it is worth to live because the supernatural is taking care of us. It also provides an activity that masses of people can (and maybe must) take part in so it automatically forms a community.

Most of the other things about marriage, gender roles, dogmas were introduced into the text simply because they were the efficient ways to live as a community in those times. That was well studied in the ancient times and got introduced into religion because almost everything that was knowledge came from the divine, in short science and religion was heavily intertwined. The institution of marriage was always introduced to tie families together as a family was significant asset and power for survival, thus it needed a clear system to regulate it.Granted there are many different ideals for religion and stuff usually adapting to the natural environment of the place it originated from but religion was always cornerstone of founding and regulating civilizations.

As for relationships, thing is that we do have looser relationships but we now factually understand many more things that the ancient thinkers only guessed out of observation. That and life is also a lot different (at least in the modern society), survival is barely an issue, our lives are easy, our freedom is incredible however the complexity of life also gotten incredible. We can do so much more things, we want to do so much more things simply because it is possible, we also live longer and have more time for it. Relationships are complex things but our complex life makes it even more complex and thus we often choose to do simpler and "fun" things, just because it is possible. Relationships suffer because the family is much less of an asset for survival and there are plenty of other "fun" things to do.
>As for relationships, thing is that we do have looser relationships but we now factually understand many more things that the ancient thinkers only guessed out of observation.
Human interaction isn't really one of them though.
>talking with a friend on skype
>she tells me to slap myself for something I said
>I chuckle at the femdom-ish tone and do it
>she responds with a smug 'great'
>conversation continues as normal

Pretty silly moment but I liked it for what it was.
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Wow, way to shit this thread up with rational, thoughtful discussion. Don't you people realize that sex is about shame and strict social roles? (sarcasm)

Sorry, didn't mean to suggest otherwise. I phrased it really poorly.
My thoughts exactly
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I need to get back into these threads. Much of "le cancer" seemed to have filtered out when the R9K threads went back up.
Here's some shit.
Also I might be gay. I hope not.

Tfw on the precipice of pure androgyny, but I can't decide if I prefer a manlier look, or a more feminine one for the rest of my life
I want to be more androgynous. I tend to prefer more feminine boys, just nicer/cuter in general.
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Seconding androgyny. I want to be the ultimate perverter. Girls who see me want to fuck me; boys who see me want to be fucked by me. Cats chasing dogs, rain falling up, peace in the Middle East.

Do folks here mind pics like this? I know it's not inherently on-topic but I figure it's OK as long as it is hitting the right buttons. Also, I worry I'm lowering the quality of the thread if I don't post an image.
It's gfd dude, not /cuteboys/
Also, I agree with your first sentiment.
>Do folks here mind pics like this?
I'll allow it, but then I have a weakness for catboys.
I like traps in general

That's what I feel, If I become more feminine, I'll be able to get away with a lot due to cute
>Girls who see me want to fuck me; boys who see me want to be fucked by me.
Usually it works the other way around.
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b-but they're wearing a leash and I bet a girl made them dress like that
Nah I'll try to pick out stuff a little more appropriate.

Gosh, who doesn't want to be treated like a cute pet. I'm starting to realize how easily I slip into the sub's perspective in any image or fantasy.


How about Kami Tora? Personally I found these pics to be mind-opening. Crying is overdone for sure.
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>Gosh, who doesn't want to be treated like a cute pet. I'm starting to realize how easily I slip into the sub's perspective in any image or fantasy.


Much more a fan of feeling that i'm being controlled, or that there's an authoritative aspect to the relationship.

Being pampered is fun sometimes, but other times I'll need someone to break down my walls and invade my space

I really have to say, I love the fact we're all so diverse ,long live /gfd/.

(Also, have the closest thing I have to porn on my computer)
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Cute pets still need a firm hand. That pic is disgusting BTW, they're practically holding hands and that slut is exposing a fingernail. Seriously though that shirt looks like it expresses "please rape me, winky face."
Afterwards you should send a firm hand this way :3

I need that shirt.... for social purposes
There needs to be a shirt for boys that low-key indicates "I'm sub" and shirts for girls that low-key indicate "I'm domme".
Like thunder and flash in Saving Private Ryan
That's actually a perfect idea....

Now let's actually do it... we should throw a /gfd/ /rr/ symbol on there or somethin'
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But that would be gay. For real I'd love to have a domme/subboy party/orgy/month-long retreat/alternative lifestyle community.

You may be on to something. Personally I've been thinking about a tailored smartphone app.
It wont be lowkey for long though. You'd have to make it something plausibly deniable, like a certain color combination of shirt and shoes, or something.

>How about Kami Tora?
He's got a thing for crying, which makes a lot of his pics seem less than gentle. But really, post whatever you like. Especially if it has cfnm.
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The crying is almost background radiation for me, it's so universally present. Admittedly I could probably cry submissively oh god I just realized I have a crying fetish this sucks.
There there anon, it's going to be alright.
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...reading that actually made me physically relax. Thanks.

Another question, how do people feel about dickgirls on guys? For me it's basically the same thing as girls on guys but I could see it being a turn-off.

Who /cries easily/ here?

My eyes always get a little wet if I just happen to think about something even a little sad

I also get that way when someone's being really commanding and sounds a little angry
I believe in the stiff upper lip, so I can poker face through just about anything. When did I last cry...
I don't care for it unless it's a shota involved
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I don't break down too easily any more, but yeah that's pretty much me. I still get pretty weepy towards the end of a good book.

Do you think golem dick poaching is a problem?
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Hmm well anyway it was a while ago. You way is probably emotionally healthier though.
>Do you think golem dick poaching is a problem?

Come again?
I fucking love Wokada. I wish he did more gentle stuff like this.
You know, when you poach dicks from golems.
I tend to easy get n the verge of crying when I feel hopelessness for myself. Unfortunately it happens rather often. Although I always man up. last time I seriously cried was when I decided to quit my last job that literally sucked out my soul for 2 years. Not because I was going to loose my income but because all the pent up tension that gathered during the two years suddenly exploded. It was in front of my family too, shit was embarrassing...
I cried twice in my life I don't often cry at all.
it's only gay if you don't slap hard.

We need forums.

I like it although I don't consider it girl on guy


>that pic

Oh my god, fuck yes
I feel ya. If I ever get yelled at for doing something wrong I always tear up
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It's good to cry every now and then. It's easier to just bottle it up, showing emotion takes courage, even to just yourself.
>It's easier to just bottle it up and explode on others
I know all about that not good at all..
Listening to sad music when I'm down will break me down easily
I don't think my booty could handle a golem dildo. To be entirely honest.

I mean, it is embarrassing as hell for me. Especially when I cry during the daytime and I have to see people later, they're always able to tell and end up treating me with kid gloves

Same exact feel, sad music destroys me. Same with sad poetry and sad movie endings.

This last week is the first time I've actually decided to let it out. Tuesday night I was having an anxiety attack, and I had to just step into my backyard for a minute. I had just told myself in my head "you are a good person" and something about that just caused me to break down into tears.

Similar thing happened Friday night, I was getting down again and decided to eat an apple. And while I was just sitting there by myself eating, I just fucking broke down again.

I'm really worried this is going to become a regular thing. I don't want it to be.

This guy's stuff fucks me up pretty good.

Sorry, an idle thought. The pic I posted looks like it might be high-fantasy, with the girl caressing what appears to be a stone phallus. Is there any porn with witches animating stones to make cute boys?

>it's only gay if you don't slap hard.
For some reason this makes complete sense. Guess I need to learn how hard I can slap.

I'd love to have someone who understood I'm going to cry sometimes, and that I want comfort without pity.

Ouch, that sounds rough. I hope you're seeking treatment, there's no reason to live with that.

I think I'm going to try to make myself cry tonight, it could be therapeutic and I think I'll recover quickly.
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>The main purpose of religion was and still is to bring people together to a common topic and form a community
>people actually believe this

How would this kind of thing even be "treated", though? With some shitty pills that are probably going to give me a dependency issue? Should I talk to some counselor or something?

I thought about trying to get medical marijuana because that's the only thing I really trust, but I don't know who or how I'm going to ask about it. Would I just tell a doctor and explain it's about stress/anxiety?

I just don't know. This has all been building up for a few months now and it's hitting my brain like an 18-wheeler.
Fuck. It's the "I'm about to burst into treats" kind of vocals that really gets me.

Cried hard to this one:


I really just want to be a qt angel boy. This is my feel right now.

>Is there any porn with witches animating stones to make cute boys?
I dunno but that sounds like an awesome concept. There is one about a qt android boy being used as teaching material for a girl school tho.
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If you're uncomfortable with psychiatric medications, talk to a therapist. They can help you get things out and talk about your options. For what it's worth, I had a bad spell of depression. Antidepressants finally did the trick after over a year of earnestly trying other things.

I'd really encourage talking to an expert but I could also leave a contact if you have more questions.
I like futa. Its the best parts of girls with the best parts of boys.

How long did you have to take antidepressants? I just don't know who or what to trust, it would probably help to talk to a professional but I really wouldn't be happy if they told me I needed a medication. I feel like even hearing that could make things even worse.

I'd like to think that this is just all in my head and that it'll go away with time, but I just don't know.
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I hardly cry, and I hate doing it anyways. I get all blubbery and cant speak, and then people ask whats wrong, and when I cant tell them I get all embarrassed and more upset.
holy fuck son I'm actually listening to that song right now i love eden
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>I had just told myself in my head "you are a good person" and something about that just caused me to break down into tears.

I know that feel all too well. I feel like I can't accept being told that because in my heart I feel like a massive disappointment.
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>Ayaka protects Takamiya
>Calls him her princess
>Princess carries him in every other episode/chapter

Some other anon put it best: she isn't a mere pure and obedient waifu, she's his knight. I'd go as far as to say that Witch Craft Works is THE /gfd/ anime/manga at the moment. Perhaps it'll change once something better comes along.
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>I feel like even hearing that could make things even worse.
If you're worried about dependency or any side effects then tell that to your doctor.
#notadoctor but doctor are literal experts, they train continuously through their careers to keep up with stuff. Don't believe the random internet trash talking about how "it messes you up". It helps millions of people daily.
this one got me good
too familar a feeling. i just can't lie to myself to make myself happy

Eden always causes me excessive feels. Sometimes I have to stop myself. Amazing artist, though.
Frankly I felt improvements after a week on a small dose, but everyone responds differently to treatment. Taking medication doesn't make you a bad person nor is it necessarily a life-long commitment. Dependency isn't impossible, but modern antidepressants are pretty safe.

So let's see...

/gfd/ the anime: WCW
/rr/ the anime: Nozaki-kun

Is this correct?
>/rr/ the anime: Nozaki-kun
I don't know, but I guess that's the next anime I'll be watching.
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Off-topic pic but discussion appropriate >>6545959

Some comments in the last thread made me think that it would be nice to write up a little primer on how I'd approach myself, in the hopes that it might help some girl hook a boy. Are there any dommes here who would find that interesting?
Find a therapist to talk to and if they suggest medication just politely decline and see if just talking helps, because it usually does.
Translator Anon here. I've translated some of this guy's light femdom stuff before and posted on /d/. It's mostly all teasing, masturbation. Most of the scenarios are set in a world where women are superior in the hierarchy between the sexes, which is why most of the storylines revolve around controlling men through masturbation and talking down to them. If anyone can, it'd be useful to get access to some of his works that haven't been put up anywhere. I'm happy to translate them if someone can find them.

He said recently that he'd entertain the idea of a concert in the future. I will go and tears will be shed.
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It prevented me from being happy with myself for a very long time. I used to think that I did not deserve to be happy, and that there was no way I could bring joy to others.
Any tips for getting over that feeling/mindset? I get stuck in it for too long and far too frequently.
>The vocaroos Rusfem didn't upload to Picosong are expiring

Fuck fuck fuck, I knew I should have downloaded them.
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It's late here so I won't be checking it all out tonight, but thank you for translating anyway. It's always good to have more /gfd/ content available. Good job!
Add it to the copy pasta?
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It might be different for everyone, but what helped me was working on self-improvement. Learn how to look good, hit the gym, figuring out how to talk to people.
Have you found anybody who does /gfd/ audio stuff? I know Rusfem and Mizspecific, but I need more.
Any good gfd doujins where the girl suffocates the guy with her breasts
They are hosted on soundgasm now.
lots of /ss/ stuff is like that. I recommend the artist kloah.
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>Listening to sad music when I'm down will break me down easily
That reminds me about how in celebration of both the FFVII remake and Cloud being in Smash Bros, I decided to do my first playthough of FFVII since I was 6.
Couldn't even get past the intro without crying.
Nostalgia's one hell of a drug.
>too lewd

They censored the wrong image!
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>Nostalgia's one hell of a drug.
its far worse with music, and things like travel tickets and so on.
I was moving some boxes the other day, and I found some old travel tickets and a ticket to a play from '05, and I broke down for about an hour crying in the corner.
Not complaining*, but this is some tame and fluffy stuff; how did it end up on /d/?

(*Really not complaining, I find most of /h/ kinda disturbing and would rather not go there)
Does anyone know of any exersizes I can do to make my cum shoot farther?
Basically because it uses bdsm terminology.
Because, sadly, for most people regular femdom means pain and humiliation.

Also /rr/ is rare as hell and many people don't even understand what it means to swap gender roles.
This is very much a D/s thing at it's core. Most good real life D/s relationships usually have good "aftercare" like cuddling after a bondage session and so on.
bdsm isn't all about being a hardass, sometimes its about cuddles.
Penis pushups
That sounds dangerous.
those were all really good doujins but none of them had what I wanted, no suffocating the boy
If we're sharing sad music
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Pretty sure this is legit.
Don't think I know anything with actual suffocation, sorry. Smothering yes, but not suffocation.
no pain no gain
I just want the kids face inbetween the tits.

Also the artist agata.
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>just bottle it up
Story of my life tbhfam.
A little bit. My eyes get wet every time I pee... is that normal? I'm usually good at hiding my emotions whenever someone's around me, but when I watch something alone that has a sad moment, or just reflect on my past and worry about now and the future, I end up bawlin'.
>Talk with mommy gf on the phone about watching movies together some time (we have a long distance relationship btw)
>Told her some of my favorites and mention the ending of Raising Arizona makes me cry
>End up watching it with her online while talking to each other on the phone
>Don't want to cry, worried about what she'll think of me if I do
>Get to the ending
>Eyes get watery and I get quiet trying to hold my breath and stay stronk, not wanting to think about what always makes me cry when I watch it
>Movie is over and I managed not to completely burst into tears and get a runny nose
>She asks why the ending would make me cry
>Completely burst into tears and get a runny nose while thinking about what I was trying not to think about so I could explain it to her
>She thought it was cute and kept saying, "Aww, babyyyy!" Comforting me for like 10 or 15 minutes
>Tfw no one's comforted me when I cried before
Madoka Magica, Raising Arizona, and Leon: The Professional have made me cry the hardest I think. I wonder how many people have cried listening to M83's "Steve McQueen" song... I did the first few times I listened to it...
Take your pick.
If you can do one you're good. One is all you need.
I don't want to break my dick.
Nope, if I ever want myself to cry I need to strongly focus on a very melancholic mood and I very rarely find myself crying it unless I want to be crying(last time was after a sudden break up) .

It's a pity tho as I enjoy crying, it makes me feel very relaxed after it's over. I hope to one day find a gf that enjoys seeing me/making me cry and then comforting me about it.
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Are you me? I haven't been able to cry for years, at least, not in response to sad things. I can get tears of rage if I'm mad enough at something I can't control, but sadness only ever gives me a painful pressure in my tear ducts.
The closest I can get to crying is when I listen to Feel Good Inc by the Gorillaz. I always tear up to that song, for reasons I don't understand at all. Every time I hear that shift into the chorus (1:21 in this vid). Every single time.
For a man, I guess I do.

>tfw no gf to dry the tears
I break down in tears if I hear a song that has a lot of sad connotations to me. I find music to be a very powerful source of emotions and it's easy for me to start drowning in feels when I hear a sad one.
I can't sleep, I haven't been sleeping well without someone in my bed for almost 2 years and my body pillow doesn't help anymore. So at least I've been catching up on shows and learning about coffee roasting.
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Sorry I didn't feel like it was worth making them anymore. It seemed kind of bad to keep perpetuating bad feelings.
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I used to cry really easily when I was a kid, and that sucked, but now I can't remember the last time I cried sober (maybe like 4-3 years ago?), but I'm 100% great at crying while drunk to movies and shows. Madoka Magica, NHK, Trigun, It's Such a Beautiful Day, The ending of The Office (yeah for real), The Royal Tenenbaums, The Phantom Carriage, etc. Basically anything that even tries a little to make me sad.
Also occasionally I'll have a good cry-myself-to-sleep session after drinking, because life's kinda lonely.
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Here what i've seen

Also on a unrelated note, nipple exercises W O R K

I'm actually ashamed to say my whole chest seems to be a new pleasure point
>kegel exercises
you mean clenching my butthole?
Clenching your penis hole.
I wish I could cry. I think I got so good at not crying when I was younger I forgot how.
Think of the muscle you feel in use when stop yourself from peeing
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I don't blame you, and I think you're right. It's more like I miss what they used to be.
/Sadpost incoming/
Long story short

>wake up at 6
>everything that can go wrong has gone wrong since
>wish i had someone to run to
>only two possible outcomes from anyone will be "Is that what you're sad about?" or "you whine too much"

Man, when I say I just want to cry, but it hurts even more crying by myself..

I mean it.
And to top it off, over the last two years i've tried to make it a point to stop ranting and complaining IRL to see what people would say....

it hasn't changed in that time
Seriously, thanks the support means everything to me.

I hate holding it in, but i also know it drags people down... just needed to vent a small amount
I've held it in since I was little. It's not a good idea. I can't express much emotion at all anymore.
I feel you, that's how i get in public...

People say it's anxiety but i really don't feel excited as much as apathetic.

When i'm with friends, close family or a SO

it flips right around and i might be a little too expressive
Exactly how I feel for the most part. When I'm around people I don't know I feel perfectly fine but II can never say anything. Around family I'm less quiet but I still can't tell people how I feel. Either it's a conscious decision on my part because I don't want people to leave or an unconscious one due to my upbringing.
SifSub you sound exactly like me, and earlier in the thread you told me to slap you. I know this isn't /bicurious hookups/ but would you like to connect one-on-one? (Apologies to everyone else)
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I'm sorry to hear that, anon. Not sure what to say, other than that we're here if you need to vent.
Oh god, I had no idea. And she uploaded a new one too, I thought she was done recording for good. This made my day a lot better.
aww man you hit the nail on the head

o-oh anon-kun .///. I would but depending on the type of relationship i get into, i can act different, such as with males, i'm exclusively for very convincing traps.... also I might live too far
I'll flirt with you forever though ;)

Thanks, just wanted to get it out in the air
Thread might as well be. Most of the guys here seem to be at least part gay. Goes with the territory I guess?
Ahh, I don't think I could every be too convincing, but I'd like to try. Even if it's just more flirting I'd love to chat.

Probably, I just don't want to ruin a good thing.
I mean im almost unwaveringly straight, but it's more out of appreciation for the female body
you kik?
I would agree, but I personally find the male form really unattractive. I just like things in my butt.
I do now. rkmwdt

Not gay if it's cute. Or if the lights are off. Yes I know I'm in denial.
Only gay if the balls touch buddy. You're in the clear.
> Or if the lights are off

"hey man, i accidentally jammed my dick in your mouth, my bad"

..What if i make them touch
Dunno man, never thought about it that much. It's probably still gay.
I clench my butt hole and then my pee stops
Were all gay it just depends on what you're gay % is.
You''re doing it all wrong man, you've got to clench you pee until your butthole stops

As long as your member jumps when you squeeze whatever, you should be fine
I've been curious about this. If I tense up some of my muscles I can stop myself from cumming/orgasm and stay hard.

Same muscles? If so I know which ones to be exercising.
>nipple exercises

As a woman who cries a lot, it breaks my heart to see men being afraid to cry. I can count with one hand the amount of men I have seen crying and it's so intense. All those feelings bottled up for years, finally getting out of their system, and while they do so, they still try so hard to hide it, to stop crying. It really is quite a sight.

I'm sure if you want to cry, you genuinely have a reason. I hate the fact that I cry for the stupidest things (unwillingly) and everyone, even strangers, will try to comfort me. I don't deserve that, you guys do. Let it out and do be afraid.

I'm probably pulling this out of my ass, but back in the day men crying was seen as respectable, as it showed a man cared enough about something to break down into tears.

Now days if a guy sheds a tear you're called a faggot.

Not sure where all that changed.
No, that's accurate- you can see a lot of respect for tears in medieval German literature. It was seen as a symbol of powerful emotions like grief and faith.
You can make them more sensitive

Awww thank you, you deserve to get it out to no matter how little it seems. We all get the shit end of the stick sometimes.

And the reason we (or at least I) try to hide it is because, well no one likes to be a burden, and then if the person listening looks sad, we're gonna try to comfort them too, mid-cry

...tears suck
It got crowded. Like any large amount of people in a small space it became less desirable/acceptable to show weakness (i.e. emotion).
>you can make them more sensitive

How? What sorcery is this?
Just keep playing with them and they'll get more and more sensitive. It might take a while but it works.

best to do it mid orgasm until you start to mentally enjoy it, physical pleasure comes after very fast
femanons, what are some of your favorite poses to see a boy in? I'm making an album for my girlf~
Abort. In this day and age taking nude pictures of yourself is asking for it to be leaked.
You just gotta fix yourself up extra-cute so no one recognizes you.
15 years old/10

literally everyone and their mom has nudes somewhere these days
not to mention that what's the fucking point of dating someone you can't trust with your nudes

Maybe it's just me, but I could really give a fuck less about my nudies getting "leaked". A naked body is a naked body, and I'm sure if all my friends have already seen videos of me wall twerking, I probably won't care if any of them see my junk.
I don't ha

15 years old/10
I get really fucking horny when high. Like im usually an assertive and dominant person irl. In bed im a sub leaning switch. But when im high i get really submissive. I just want to dominated by a girl so bad. I want you to be ecstatic when you dominate me.

Can any of you relate?

And girls, what do you think of this?
Why would you ever risk that? I mean, once its out there no power in the world will be able to get off the internet. Its a really big risk and it makes no sense, you already see eachother naked irl.
because it's awesome and everyone does it

like I don't think you see the thing where in a world where everyone has naked pics out nobody actually cares about your naked pics. it says more about the person who leaks them than it does you.
What kind of high are we talking about here

this is me on vyvanse adderall etc but on weed i don't have the energy for anything
post pics you faggots
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Finally found a pet category for me
>because it's awesome and everyone does it
You would be wrong on that.
Me btw

Dark souls joke
I can't imagine having anything happen to me when I'm high.
Like, I think I would have a heart attack or something, just masturbating when I'm high is fucking insane like holy shit.
i always wonder if someone has my pics from when i visited the nudist beach. what are the odds that i'm in the bg of some family photos or those made by voyeurs?
I don't get horny when I'm high but I want to cuddle pretty much everything in sight. The amount of times I've curled myself up into a ball with my blanket and fell asleep wanting to be cuddled and patted is ridiculous.

The way that is being bent really cannot be healthy, especially if he's supposed to be hard.
That's why it's safer to send them via texts, and only to someone you know you can trust. Don't put them in an album on Imgur or some shit.
>I'm autistic and can't understand that he doesn't mean literally everyone

1 in 5 teenagers is enough for what i'm talking about to be true, especially when that number includes people from the ages of 13-15 who think like you do.


do you think some magical hacker is going to find the right imgur url and then post them with my name that he found by magic or what

even then, see above.
Neat carry on champ i need more entertainment.
>I'm autistic and can't understand that he doesn't mean literally everyone
>because it's awesome and everyone does it
(laughing my ass off silently)
idk it's just dumb to come on here for advice and then get all this shit that you hear a million times growing up

it's like going somewhere and asking for advice on how to smoke weed and people being like "don't you know weed makes you high"

or, more applicably, "don't you know weed is illegal no one will hire you if they find out you smoked weed"
yes anon it is called hyperbole
mmm k
Just weed.


You should try it, its probably the most amazing feeling ever (short of cocaine and sex).
But seriously, do people actually care that much about their nudes being leaked that they will never post them on the internet anywhere? It's a human body without clothing, I don't see the big deal. I'd be more concerned about whoever is going around leaking your nudes.

Maybe I'm just a secret exhibitionist and I don't realize it yet.
No thanks.
Not everybody wishes to post their nude body everywhere for varies reasons. I do agree though it's only the naked body.
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Come on guys, if we don't post pics the mods will start deleting our threads again. Start an /r9k/ thread if you want to blog.
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Up too late, looking through old photos, realizing I'm a total idiot for letting a boy get away because I didn't know how to react to an attraction to a guy.

>tall but skinny femme guy
>competitive but always says "I barely mind getting beaten by you"
>frequently asked me to place his drink order for him
>once when we were both buzzed he had me put makeup on him and he was cute as fuck

I done goofed and didn't even realize it until it was too late.
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rinko a lewd
That's ok you learned in the end.
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What's /gfd/'s opinion on men's facial hair?
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it's very different for boys vs. girls. for guys, no one really gives a shit. for girls, they're ridiculed if anyone finds out it's them. compare how media treat's a guy's nudes leaking (take Dylan Sprouse for example) compared to, well, literally any other female celeb.
that being said, i WISH it wasn't a big deal for either gender.
let them be. if they can't understand what's being said to them then a shock therapy will do the job
It shouldn't be but that's what society decided i guess.
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We're on /d/. There aren't a lot of complete heterosexuals here.

Pretty much this.

I could only ever see myself in a serious relationship with a girl, but if I had the opportunity to ride some hot guy like a fucking horse, I'd take it in a heartbeat.
i'll pass not even bi but to each is own. i'm in the small % of no dudes entering my butt sorry.
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I'm pretty straight, but I think it would be fun to pound a cute trap in the butt
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