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Spider-Man's Tangled Web #11 Storytime
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Thread replies: 89
Thread images: 77
by Darwyn Cooke
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Ohh, I remember this one, t'was super cute.
Thanks OP!
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No problem anon
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I actually liked this issue enough to go out and buy a copy
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And that's the last page, thanks for reading!
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Never fails to make smile. Thanks again OP!
Surprisingly cute and fun. Good times when Peter could have some "win" by the end, despite Parker Luck.

Cooke remembered me the good ol' Bruce Timm.

Thanks, OP.
That helmet will never not piss me off. What's the point of designing a helmet where your hair sticks out like that?
this is fun I didn't know Cooke made a Spider-Man comic
did he do anymore? it fits his style perfectly
Don't like true love, anon?
Wasn't this the same guy that wrote that one Spirit run? Because that comic was great.
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Yea he made one about Spidey and Christmas, I like that one better.
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OH shit! cool OP thanks for coming through like that
this is enjoyable as fuck
I wish he got to do the Marvel Adventures series
Yeah, sucks he died when he did

This is too cute.
And that's it! thanks for reading
That was adorable, thanks anon.
Thread replies: 89
Thread images: 77

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