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Wander Over Yonder: Season 1 vs. SVTFOE: Season 1 vs. Gravity
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Wander Over Yonder: Season 1 vs. SVTFOE: Season 1 vs. Gravity Falls: Season 1.

Which one is better?
1) GF
2) Wander
3) Star vs

As cute as Star is besides shipping this show isn't anything ground-breaking.
GF > Star > Wander

I don't find Wander to be anything special at all.
What's wrong with it?

Wander objective best.
1/2) GF or Wander depending on if you value writing or animation more
3) Star
its popular
it's bland, it has a horrible art style, the main characters are a mary sue and some beta douchebag and so on
I only watched GF. Wander just doesn't look interesting and Star never really inspired me to look past the pilot.
GF > Star = Wander
I haven't watched Wander yet.

If dubs I'll start right now.
Wander >Star > Gravity Falls
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S1 Wander is my favorite, but I'm not going to say that it's better than GF. They have different aims, WOY is just more appealing to me. Star however suffers from bad writing.
Get outta here Craig.
How the fuck is Star a Mary Sue?
Me neither, I feel like I'm the only one who feels this way.
GF > Wander >>>>>> Star

Only good answer.
S1 Wander is great.

S1 GF was just as good.

S1 Star took a nosedive after they switched studios. The animation and sound design were so bad that it killed the actual good writing it had.
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nanomachines star.webm
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I like the three but cant decide beetween wander and gravity falls, star is good but definetly the worst of the 3 but still better than a lot of the stuff out there at the moment.

and the 3 have pretty amusing villians.
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