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"But I though he/she was a girl/boy!"
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File: well never know.png (101 KB, 892x529) Image search: [Google]
well never know.png
101 KB, 892x529
"But I though he/she was a girl/boy!"

Did they mean Piglet? I thought Piglet was the one everyone got confused with. Who the fuck would think Rabbit was a girl?
I bet Germans think Eyeore is a girl because all German women look like donkeys
Rabbit sounded and acted like an old moody granny.
Pooh calls him mr.rabbit how the fuck does that even happen
Those are definately bots. Someones gonna try to get famous.
Dumbasses think Edd is a girl, too.
In English, in other versions he has a cranky man voice.

Book translations sometimes changed characters' gender, e.g. Owl was female in Polish. But in cartoons they always stayed the same and I don't think there was any female besides Kanga.
I love this bait!
that's not bait you dope they're pretty clearly mocking that sort of mentality
>what is wikipedia: the tweets

>He is a friend of Winnie–the–Pooh
you're being more embarrassing than anyone you're making fun of.
I've never once confused the gender of any character in any cartoon I've watched because even at a young age I knew how to pay fucking attention.
How would you even think Rabbit is female?
He's a fag
I sincerely doubt the veracity of this claim, however I will allow you to continue deluding yourself into believing your own boast.
It's not even a boast, it's not hard to pay attention to gender pronouns, I would call myself average intelligence as a child and now at best. You were probably just a retarded as a child and couldn't into gender.
Same in Spanish, he also was referred as a male and spoke like an old cranky guy. Everyone was, except the Kangaroo and piglet. And iffy on the Kangaroo kid.
Yes, I was a retarded as a child. So a retarded that I grew up to think that claiming something like "In my entire life I've never made a mistake when it comes to ___" is boasting. What a a retardeded think for me to have thunk.

This post brought to you by Passive Agression.
All of them are boys including piglet
Except there were a lot of things where no pronoun besides "you" was ever used. It was either that or a proper noun. Like Blue's clues.

And especially in animals, there's no way to distinct gender if people don't call them by a gender.
File: Moose_Pearson.jpg (52 KB, 668x758) Image search: [Google]
52 KB, 668x758
When I was a kid, I though Moose was a guy. I had no idea that Moose was actually a girl until I re-watched a few episodes of Pepper-Ann recently. She was pretty tomboyish so I guess I see why I though that as a kid
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