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I'm 19 and I've been on this board for two years now,
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I'm 19 and I've been on this board for two years now, and began reading Superman comics since then. And I would like to take your time to explain why Supes is my favorite superhero of all time.
Imagine you are Superman. Born a god. You're faster than the speed of light, you're indestructible, you're strong enough to shatter the very own fabric of reality, you can move freely in space, are inmortal, you're self-subsisting, can breath ice, fire heat vision, etc. etc.
But there's a set of powers that are the most important. Omniscience. Maybe not an universal, but you're capable of seeing the full spectrum of wavelengths and hearing in space, and at least, In Earth you can easily hear everything there is to hear, besides smelling and, by extension on a weaker note, feeling most things a few countries over.
Your mind works faster than any quantum computer of the time.
As a human being, on your daily routine you hear sounds on the background, thing that you don't focus on.
Imagine that on a global scale. Imagine hearing every baby being born, you can hear every kiss between couples, every last "I love you" given by a dying person. If you concentrate you can focus on the heartbeat of every living being, and hear nature's greatest symphony.
Imagine you can hear every crime, murder, rape, beating; every cry of pain and plead for mercy there are, your super smell allows you to smell the pheromones that indicate fear and pain of every living being on the planet. All the time.
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As Max Landis (don't crucify me yet) said, when Superman looks down on humanity, he sees children. He's better than they could ever hope to be, and that's a fact. When he saves people, he says he shares their pain, yet they and we find that difficult to believe. They see a flawless god, how could he know the meaning of pain?
Right now, Imagine you loose you family, all of it. You arrive at a place where you're perfect for their stardards, and when you find the last threads of what could have been your life, of race's legacy, it's taken from you, and you're hopeless t do anything about it.
And still, all around you, at all times, problems from people who you shouldn't even care for keep appaering, keep coming back to you. They see you, and hope you can save them.
I don't want to upset you (the one reading this), but in to generalyze, and let's be completely honest here, either we would go crazy, we would conquer them, we would erradicate them or we would escape to another corner of the universe.
Yet, Kal El looks to a broken world, a perfect being sees an imperfect world and says: "This looks like a job for Superman".
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He knows pain, he's suffered it and experiences it every single second of his existence on Earth. He knows the pain of losing a father. Two, in fact. And he can't bear it. Of all the things he can't do is bringing people back to life, but he can stop them from dying.
He decides to take the world's most difficult job: be the best hero he can by helping people and inspiring them to be the very best they can be, by following a very simple code: "Do what's right".
From a philosophical point of view, he doesn't kill because his parents, Martha and Johnathan Kent, thought him that's wrong. From a sentimental point of view, he's in constant interaction with death, he can detect it everywhere on the planet, and by empathy he'll be unable to cause that pain.
I don't think Superman feels pity, or mercy for humanity. Also, I don't think he loves all of us, but if there's something nobody can convice me of otherwise, is that Clark thoroughly cares and believes, from the bottom of his heart, that we can be better. Not as a species, but as indivituals.
Why? Because if a broken, shell of a man, who has time and time again had everything taken from him when there was nothing left to take, stand up and evey day face a world where people hate is very own existence, where he has to feel the pain and misery of everyone around him, and he stop at least one person's pain, for how short that lasts, then so can we.
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Superman is the greatest superhero of our time not because he's an angsty saviour, not because he's an unstoppable god for us to place our power-fantasies in.
For me, he''s the greatest because deep down, he's just Clark Kent. A man. A man who can, and will, always know the difference between right and wrong, and will always do the best he can to help.
We see the pain of other people all around us everywhere, with our own eyes, on school, work, at home, on the street, on the news, everywhere. And most of the time our own conflicts lead us to lose focus, we become insensitive to this. We, myself included, think our problems are far more important than other's.
But when is that really the case? Can you, on all of you honesty, say you have truly helped another person without any other interest except for doing what's right? When was the realized a stranger's problem where more important then yours? When was the last time you helped a stranger without hoping anything in return?
We all, Superman included, know what's wrong and what's right in this life. The only difference is that Superman always chooses right.
And the man who always chooses right, for me, is a hero.
but that's wrong, anon.
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This isn't a fucking essay workshop
Cut it down to 1 post please
I couldn't get through half of this without my eyes rolling too often for me to read properly
>in the end, Lois still refused to believe that Clark and Superman were the same guy

Funny and sad.
Bro, I'm 20. Your age is no excuse for you to type like an illiterate. Please learn some proper grammar and spelling, your posting is too abhorrent in this regard to read.
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>underage GTFO
I'm gonna smoke a bowl and come back to talk to you OP.
Why is Superman 9 feet tall?
TL;DR: All-Star Superman gave this guy a boner.
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someone call for an exterminatus goodness
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What was your favorite part of All-Star?
You tried Morrison's Action Comics run or any Johns Superman?
Are you that fag from the American Allen thread ?
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Anyone got some dope ass Superman wallpapers? I can never find that many good ones.
Agree with OP, Superman is best superhero by a mile.
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>American Allen
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He's been a character for 75 years and 100's of writers have written stories about him. The fact that one elseworld mini series triggers you this much is hilarious.
Shit, *Alien, sorry
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jesus christ kid what is wrong with you
>"Lois, I'm Clark Kent"
>"So, either you're lying to me now or you've been lying to me since the day we've met"
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Morrison is shit, bro, and All-Star belongs in the toilet. You should read American Alien, the trillest Superman comic of all time.
Imagine growing up, you can hear your parents fucking every night and you cant shut it out.
I see so many people shilling that comic, I'm avoiding it out of fucking spite at this point. I've seen people interrupt completly unrelated storytimes going "Hey, why are you reading this shit? You should be reading the comfiest..."

For christ's sake people.
>someone call for an exterminatus goodness
You didn't praise the Emperor. The Inquisitor's will be with you shortly. Praise the Emprah!

As a trade off you get to hear Lana schlicking
>been here for two years

I nominate OP for a retroactive underage B&
I wonder if any writer ever brought up the fact, that he has powers to save billions, but he has no power over his parents' death.
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You fucking serious, bro? American Alien was written by MAX FUCKING LANDIS, screenwriting genius and Superman expert (watch Death and Return of Superman on Youtube). Shits like Morrison could only dream of writing Superman comics like his.
Why is Lois black?
the Jewish agenda is taking deep roots.
She's just Super tan from all the Sun radiation Superman is putting out.
I know its bait, but he wrote one very divisive movie and a bunch of shit no one career about. If his dad wasn't already famous he never would have gotten anywhere.
It's not even that bad. I actually liked the first two issues. Third seemed a little stupid and unnecessary, but it was not bad.
a greentext would have sufficed, bro.
,Are you fucking kidding? He wrote Chronicle, widely regarded as one of the best movies of 2012. He also wrote American Ultra, a soon-to-be cult classic among more intelligent audiences who like original ideas.
Hi Max!
Literally what and literally whatter.
Call me when he writes an MCU movie. :^)
hey opie whaddya think of Man of Steel
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