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Valiant announces 7 new series debuts
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Here's the full list with creative teams, I'll post details for each series following this.

FAITH #1 by Jody Houser, Pere Perez & Marguerite Sauvage in July
GENERATION ZERO #1 by Fred Van Lente & Francis Portela in August
BRITANNIA #1 (of 4) by Peter Milligan & Juan Jose Ryp in September
BLOODSHOT U.S.A. #1 (of 4) by Jeff Lemire & Doug Braithwaite in October
HARBINGER RENEGADES #1 by Rafer Roberts & Darick Roberston in November
SAVAGE #1 (of 4) by B. Clay Moore, Clayton Henry & Lewis LaRosa in November
DIVINITY III: STALINVERSE #1 (of 4) by Matt Kindt & Trevor Hairsine in December
>GENERATION ZERO #1 by Fred Van Lente & Francis Portela in August
>BRITANNIA #1 (of 4) by Peter Milligan & Juan Jose Ryp in September
>BLOODSHOT U.S.A. #1 (of 4) by Jeff Lemire & Doug Braithwaite in October
Very interested on these. Harbinger too, but I'm not sure about the writer.
That's high res, got any more like that?
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Written by JODY HOUSER

>AN ALL-NEW ONGOING SERIES! The high-flying hero that captured the imagination of the world is back with a colossal new comics milestone!

>In a city under siege by robots, aliens, monsters and even worse… celebrities, there is only one woman the people of Los Angeles can count on: the stratospheric superhero called Faith! Aspiring reporter by day and dedicated crime-fighter by night, Faith has tackled every obstacle in her path with confidence – like those crushing deadlines at work, the long-distance boyfriend half a world away, and the missing back issues that plague her comics collection! But, unbeknownst to her, Faith is about to collide with the one force she never saw coming: an up-and-coming super-villain bent on snuffing her out once and for all! But who is lurking behind the mask of her new foe…and could they just be the one person capable of rendering Faith powerless?

>Jump on board now to find out why Valiant’s one-of-a-kind hero is inspiring a whole new generation! Be here as FAITH moves from her sold-out mini-series…and into the history-making debut of her first-ever ongoing series!
Hyped for Shadowstar and Hammershot.
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Yeah, those are the ones i'm most interested in as well. Savage could be interesting, I haven't dug much into the info on these books yet, doing so as I post.


>Because you demanded it! Exploding out of the pages of HARBINGER WARS comes AN ALL-NEW ONGOING SERIES starring GENERATION ZERO from New York Times best-selling writer Fred Van Lente (IVAR, TIMEWALKER) and blockbuster artist Francis Portela (FAITH)!

>If you have a problem… If your parents won’t help… And if your cause is worthy… Log onto network #ZERO…because Generation Zero is listening.

>Years ago, the children of the experimental strike team known as Generation Zero were taken from their families by Project Rising Spirit, a private weapons contractor, and raised to be psychic soldiers. After years of taking orders, they have fought for and
won their freedom. Now, the world’s most wanted teenagers have pledged to protect each other tooth and claw, while using their extraordinary abilities to right wrongs for a generation without a future… To fight for kids, just like them.

>One of those kids is Keisha Sherman, whose boyfriend just turned up dead after a suspicious car crash in Rook, Michigan – a newly booming tech town that sprang from rags to super-riches seemingly overnight. When Keisha makes a desperate plea into her webcam, the local high school suddenly finds itself with several unusual new students… But as word of Generation Zero’s presence spreads rapidly through the halls, this volatile band of teenage upstarts is about to discover that they’re far from the most extraordinary thing lurking behind Rook’s stainless-steel facade…

I'm actually shocked Dysart isn't on one of these Harbinger titles. Hopefully he'll keep on Imperium?
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BRITANNIA #1 (of 4)
Cover by CARY NORD

>On the fringes of civilization, the world’s first detective is about to make an unholy discovery…

>Ruled by the Fates. Manipulated by the Gods. Commanded by Caesar. In the year 65 A.D., one’s destiny was not his own. At the height of Nero’s reign, a veteran of Rome’s imperial war machine has been dispatched to the farthest reaches of the colonies to investigate unnatural happenings… In the remote outpost of Britannia, Antonius Axia – the First Detective – will become Rome’s only hope to reassert control over the empire’s most barbaric frontier…and keep the monsters that bridge the line between myth and mystery at bay…

>From comics mastermind Peter Milligan (X-Statix, Shade the Changing Man) and incendiary artist Juan Jose Ryp (NINJAK, Clone) comes a psychological journey into terror, temptation, and bloodshed – presented in an all-new prestige format limited series!

Yeah, this looks hype. Sounds right up Milligan's alley.
BLOODSHOT U.S.A. #1 (of 4)
Written by JEFF LEMIRE
Cover by KANO

>In Bloodshot we trust!

>Project Rising Spirit – America’s greatest exporter of classified weapons technology – has achieved a breakthrough: a contagious, airborne nanite dispersion prototype that can turn the population of any city into an army of indestructible soldiers. A doomsday virus capable of destroying an enemy nation from the inside out. A machine-made pathogen that can completely rewrite human physiology…and hardcode every man, woman, and child with the same cutting-edge technology that created their greatest weapon: Bloodshot.

>But now…Project Rising Spirit’s top-secret contagion has been released onto the streets of America’s greatest metropolis: New York City. As mayhem engulfs Manhattan, Bloodshot must lead the most dangerous invasion ever waged on American soil and keep a runaway pandemic from toppling armies and governments…and threatening to destroy humanity itself.

>In the tradition of THE VALIANT, the Big Apple turns blood red in pivotal new standalone comics event from New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (BLOODSHOT REBORN, Extraordinary X-Men) and superstar artist Doug Braithwaite (ARMOR HUNTERS, Justice)!

>Anyone you know could become a psionically powered “harbinger” with the potential to reshape the course of human history. Your neighbor. Your boss. Your best friend. Your kids.

>Six months ago, a secret team of renegade whistleblowers leaked the existence of these extraordinarily dangerous individuals to a stunned world. Today, all across the country, crude, DIY psiot activation attempts have left hundreds brain damaged…or worse. The emergence of a new psiot in a community often leads to riots and mass violence. Gun sales are through the roof.

>America is terrified of what could happen next.

>With this revolutionary upheaval now in motion, Kris Hathaway, John “Torque” Torkelson, Faith “Zephyr” Herbert, and Peter Stanchek are about to discover their calling. Together, the HARBINGER RENEGADES are moving from town to town, building their ranks, and subverting authority one mind at a time…and setting out to prove once and for all that behind their power, there has always been a purpose.

>This November, the most fearless superteam in comics is going underground for AN ALL-NEW ONGOING SERIES from rising star Rafer Roberts (A&A: THE ADVENTURES OF ARCHER & ARMSTRONG) and superstar artist Darick Robertson (Happy!, The Boys)!

How has Roberts' new A&A been? I'm a dirty tradewaiter.
Wish they sued some other evil corp from time to time.
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SAVAGE #1 (of 4)
Written by B. CLAY MOORE

>Fifteen years ago, the world’s most famous soccer star and his former supermodel wife –pregnant with their unborn child – disappeared without a trace. The world believes they are dead… But, in reality, their private jet crash-landed on a mysterious, unknown island ruled by by prehistoric creatures from another time…

>This is the story of how they lost their humanity.

>This November, acclaimed writer B. Clay Moore (Hawaiian Dick) and explosive artists Clayton Henry (HARBINGER WARS) and Lewis LaRosa (BLOODSHOT REBORN) present a relentless epic of survival in a cold-blooded land ruled by instinct alone as SAVAGE makes his brutal entrance into the Valiant Universe!

Oh, so this is actually a Savage Land mini. Okay.
this looks stupid
This is the only one I'm interested in
I actually quite like the tightness of the major players in the Valiant Universe. As far as evil corporations go, you've mostly got Harada's HGC/Harbinger Foundation, and Project Rising Spirit. And hey, for a Bloodshot story, they're the ones you go to.

Looking at this text more, I'm quite excited. It seems to be doing the X-Men right even yet, especially with the idea of the growing subculture that was thrown out after Morrison's run. Color me excited.

And last but not least...

Written by MATT KINDT

>Earth has a new god. The world you know is gone. Welcome to the Stalinverse, comrade.
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>I actually quite like the tightness of the major players in the Valiant Universe. As far as evil corporations go, you've mostly got Harada's HGC/Harbinger Foundation, and Project Rising Spirit. And hey, for a Bloodshot story, they're the ones you go to.
I know but I wouldn't mind some fresh faces. And PRS is led by what, fifth CEO since Valiant started?
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Got some more stuff for some of these. Here are choice bits from interviews:


>Nrama: Fred, you’ve made a name for yourself at Valiant with the humor book, Archer and Armstrong. Tonally, this title seems like it’s going to have a markedly different feel. What made you want to change things up?
>Van Lente: I don’t know. It’s hard for me to see it as a much of a change, really. I see the world as equally hilarious and horrifying, and that’s the sensibility I end up bringing to most everything I do. A lot of what appeals to me about Generation Zero is it’s kind of cross-breeding the superhero genre with horror, to treat them almost like frightening creatures of folklore. They’re amazing, they’re beautiful, but they’re dangerous to regular people, too. Mortals don’t often survive their encounters with them.

>Nrama: The generation gap becomes increasingly apparent to me in the classes I teach. As someone who is a few years removed from the age and culture of the teens you’re writing about, how do you get into that headspace and tell a story that looks, sounds, and feels real to the reader?

>Van Lente: Look, seriously, I think if you try to be “hip” or whatever it’s going to immediately come across as fake and trying too hard. Besides, it’s also going to date your work instantly because the shifting mores of what’s in or out change with every outgoing senior class and every incoming freshman one. I was a teenager once, as we all are (if we’re lucky), and those are some of the most powerful formative experiences of your lives, because you were encountering so many things for the first time -- semi-adult responsibility, sex, drugs, realizing you have to make a future outside your parents’ home … really, you need to tap into everyone’s universal experiences, that’s the best way -- that’s the only way to do it.
Oh boy
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Hey, controversy gets attention. I can't complain.

I think it's actually still Kozol, unless something's changed in the past half-year or so.


>“Since reading I, Claudius by Robert Graves as a teenager, I’ve been fascinated by the Roman world, and how that world affected these British Isles, pretty much obliterating the ancient Druid religion that had long existed until then,” says Milligan. “With the idea of Antonius Axia, I had a way into this story that had been waiting for me to write for some time.”

?Milligan describes Axia as an “Ancient Roman Philip Marlowe,” and it’s an intriguing concept for a new Valiant character. It’s also a concept that demands considerable research, and Milligan and artist Juan Jose Ryp are putting in a lot of effort to make the time and place feel real. These preview pages from Britannia #1 reveal the meticulous detail Ryp is bringing to the design elements, and they also spotlight the element of the story Milligan is most interested in exploring: Rome’s Vestal Virgins. “I’ve been fascinated by the power and influence that the Vestal Virgins had,” Milligan says. “At a time when most women had little power, this group of women were at the very heart of political and religious life in Rome.”
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>IGN Comics: How did this event come about? Was it something that you had been building towards or a new idea that came about when Valiant was planning their next event?
>Jeff Lemire: This was never really planned as "an event". It really was the natural evolution of all the storylines I'd been doing in Bloodshot Reborn since issue #1. It's where "Colorado", "The Analog Man" and "Bloodshot Island" naturally led me. The "event" aspect came later when Warren and the gang at Valiant realized how big the scope of the story was. So this is a genuine case of putting story first.

>Roberts: In my original pitch, I described "Harbinger Renegades" as a street-level exploration of heroism in a world beset by tragedy, pessimism, and cynicism, and the relationships of those who know they are fighting a losing battle yet continue to fight on. While Peter is the most powerful of The Renegades and was the inciting force that originally brought the team together, "Harbinger Renegades" is an ensemble book. Some arcs will feature certain characters more heavily than others (that's the nature of storytelling), but everyone will have a role to play. It's actually why we titled the book the way we did, to put the focus on the team. This is a book about hope. It's sometimes hard to hang on to hope when you're all alone, but it's much easier when you're with your friends or family.

>What kind of tone can we expect? Is this going to be similar to Joshua Dysart's run, or are you looking to change things into a completely new direction?
>Roberts: Joshua's run was amazing and, similar to taking over "Archer and Armstong" after Fred Van Lente, it's going to be a tough act to follow. I think that he and I are very different writers, so there can't help but be a difference, even just on the surface. I'm not approaching "Renegades" with the intention of throwing anything out or purposely moving the characters in a different direction, but the characters themselves are in a different space now.
>I'm going to try to explore some pretty serious themes here…but it's me, so there's going to be a pretty healthy level of crazy. I mean, it's not going to be a comedy, but there will be some strange and light-hearted moments mixed in with the melodrama and (if I may use my favorite expression stolen from a Stephen Malkmus album) real emotional trash… At one point in my pitch I used the phrase "Jack Kirby's 'Trainspotting,'" which may sum it up pretty well.
My theory is he's on the Psi-Lords title for next year. Or they have a big Harada solo book in the works for him.
Psi-Lords title? Do tell.

And looking more into the details of Renegades and Gen Zero, I feel he's left these characters in good hands. I couldn't be more excited for "Jack Kirby's Trainspotting" and "Archie meets The Authority"
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There's nothing much to tell. This was one of the last page in the FCBD book.
Oh, ooh my. Were there any other teasers in there?
hyped for Britiannia, Bloodshot and Divinity 3.

others don't look like any good
Yeah, there was also a Shadowman tease.
I'm always down for more Harbinger myself, and both books sound like they're in great hands.
Britannia sounds really strong, especially looking at Ryp's preview art, but I'm still a bit worried. It's been a bit since Milligan's wowed me, but having said that I haven't followed his most recent stuff too closely. How have his most recent projects been?

I am literally always down for anything Fred van Lente
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Here it is. Had to find the page.
I don't know. Imperium is just the right psiot series for me. Perhaps i will have a look to new Harbinger book. But not expecting much.

I don't follow his works recently. But this comic has so much potential. Hope it won't be bad.
Harada really is the strongest character out of the Harbinger franchise so far, but everything we've seen of Gen Zero has been strong. Did you read the Armor Hunters tie-in focusing on them? They're an interesting group, and Van Lente seems to know exactly how to take advantage of their more militant dynamic.

Heck, I'm happy we'll have two titles examining the world for Psiots outside of the whole Foundation Zone fiasco, there's a lot of fertile ground there for story potential.

Gotta love those Dave Johnson covers.
didn't read any tie-ins except Bloodshot.I will check it out.
New Romancer is the last thing he did IIRC
Someone should do some Valiant storytime
I'm away on vacation right now otherwise I'd absolutely do as such.

I'd love to see how Imperium has been since it's first arc, whereupon I became a dirty tradewaiter universally.
Hell, in the same situation like you.
>no Shadowman
Ayy fuck this shit
You understand the pain of "Should I grab the trade or wait a year for three trades to be collected in a Deluxe" then. How do you deal with that particular scenario?
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I'm enjoying both New Romancer and The Disciple.
I mean the vacation mostly. But yeah I prefer buying tpb. I don't have patience for deluxes honestly.
What should I read before Divinity?
I'm really interested on the two parts and the new commie shit.
just read the first 2 parts. that was enough for me.
Maybe reading Shadowman and X-O Manowar makes more hype.
There is no need to read anything beforehand whatsoever. It's 100% standalone.

X-O Manowar, Livewire, Eternal Warrior and Ninjak do show up for a bit, but you don't need to know anything about them beforehand.
>reading Shadowman

Eh wot. Shadowman is actually the only Valiant thing I can't recommend at all right now.
Why not?
I respect that but it was good for me at least.
Justin Jordan's run could have been a good CW-type capeshow, did a decent job putting a cast together in New Orleans, but never realized any of the potential. Darque showed up, and it was a standard, dull thrust through the end of a fight between the two.

The anthology issues in-between were good.

Milligan's run was extremely bogged down by heavily repetitive narration and character beats, Jack basically going through an "I'm a monster" crisis the whole time. The art was good, though, but that artist did a fine job on Doctor Mirage as well.

I'unno, I couldn't recommend buying it but if you wanted to read it by all means feel free. I'd recommend the Milligan stuff over Jordan's, but still rank the whole series at the bottom of Valiant's output.

The Punk Mambo one-shot was quite nice however, and while I haven't read the third Ninjak trade (I don't even know if it's out!) I'd imagine Kindt did that Deadside crew justice.
So are the previous events in Harbinger retconned?
Nope, none at all. It's an organic continuation. Peter couldn't pop pills in space forever.
>only Valiant comic I liked was Solar
>find out there's a Valiant reboot that is apparently really good
>try to find the Solar comic
>turns out somehow Valiant doesn't have the Solar rights and the most recent Solar comic is made by Dynamite
>it's garbage
Welp. That's that then.
But I thought Peter was a horrible deformed mutant.
He pulled himself together. Check out the Harbinger: Omegas mini to see the immediate aftermath of the @X HGC leak.
You should really give some of the titles a look. They've been doing a strong job of publishing story foremost, organically developing titles.

Fred Van Lente's Archer & Armstrong, Joshua Dysart's Harbinger saga, and anything Matt Kindt & Jeff Lemire have done are great.
That Dynamite Solar book wasn't too bad (though the Magnus book by Van Lente was far and away the best of their Gold Key stuff). Interestingly enough, it's one of the only books I've seen without Doop use Doop-speak.
I really hope Bloodhound becomes Bloodshot's sidekick after Bloodshot Island.
It looks like he's going to be taking a lot of the Bloodshot Island crew with him into Bloodshot U.S.A.

Personally I really hope 'Nam Bloodshot makes it out as well.

As a whole Shadowman was a mess, but the Deadside on Ninjak was pretty good and I think they won't mess it up again.
Punk Mambo is solid waifu material
I'm quite happy with Ninjak as a whole. It might be one of my favorite Valiant titles overall. Damn fine action stuff with a strong narrative bent, and good exploration of the Valiant universe as a whole.

I'm very, very pleased we're getting a future arc focusing on Gilad and Colin together, their friendship was the best part of Unity, and i'm yet to read a tale set in Valiant's future that I haven't enjoyed immensely.
Aftershock is better

I'll be reading Brittania,
Bloodshot USA (Reborn under Lemire has been fantastic. Why has nobody gotten rid of PRS yet jesus christ?),
Harbingers Renegades cause I loved the first one, hopefully the author isn't shit. A&A is alright so far
Savage cause the concept sounds interesting
Divinity 3 cause whynot. I would've preferred to not been spoiled on what happens in the rest of D2 but whatever
>Aftershock is better

Nah, their "Not League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" for example is shit.

But I like them, they have a couple of great books.
I actually haven't ever turned my eyes Aftershock's way much, educate a brother?
Maybe Harbinger for Harada and some of imperium too
I've actually only 3 of their books because I've been lazy.

Replica is great though

Insexts is weird

Gotta catch up on the rest. Great teams on the books though
I recommend Replica (think Multiple Man meets Quantum & Woody), SuperZero (teenage girl really, really wants superpowers), Second Sight (psychic detective adventures, a bit generic, but serviceable).

I do not recommend Rough Riders (I can't believe it's not the LoEG!) and Insexts (shit, straight up shit).

The rest I haven't tried.
Didn't Dark Horse put out a mini written by Shooter?
Does the Valiant universe have good "stopping" points? I downloaded a torrent up through 2015, but I don't have the time to read years of stories all at once.
Most of their comics are self contained and end after a certain time, their longest ongoing is X-O Manowar and it ends this year at #50, most of their comics don't reach that long. You can read through one from the start and ride it til it ends, then pick up a different one or the new volume.
Each title can be enjoyed on it's own, by and large. There are some crossovers and stuff, but they are contained events in their own rights.

Really, you don't need to look at it like reading a universe, but reading books by particular creative teams.

Having said that, there are events you can use as guideposts. Harbinger Wars, Armor Hunters, The Valiant, Book of Death and 4001AD.
Oh fuck, it's actually ending at #50? I thought it was going to continue on ad infinitum
So far I've just been reading it as if I had bought the deluxe hardcovers. The autist in me wants to read everything in release date order, but it's proving a bit overwhelming (on top of all the other shit books I read).

I think I'll give that up once I finish Harbringer Wars, thanks.

I'm fine with it, it lasted for a while and part of the Valiant success for me is keeping it short and sweet. I was devastated when A&A finished though.
Not a problem friend.

I guess the only things I'd say watch out for, would be to read X-O Manowar up through #18 before reading Unity (which begins with an X-O crossover), and through #25 before reading Armor Hunters.

For Harbinger, just read the Omegas mini between 'Harbinger' and Imperium.

Also, Bloodshot Reborn builds off of The Valiant, and Wrath of the Eternal Warrior builds off of Book of Death. 4001 AD is more-or-less Rai's fourth arc as well.

And that's as complicated as reading Valiant can possibly get, I believe. Hope that helps.

Not everything the company has put out is great, but most of it is at least good, and there's some that I consider great.
So, what wedding did Archer meet Faith at?
That fucking perfect finale with the stable time loop, though. You can't beat a finish like that.

And hey, Van Lente is still kicking around and doing more in the universe. Gen Zero really sounds like just what I didn't know I needed.
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Aw really? I didn't know it was ending.

I'm really enjoying SuperZero so far.
Strayer wasn't too bad.
I also liked Second Sight

Most are self contained but you should read some stuff in order.

Harbinger->Omegas-> Imperium

You can read Imperium on its own but you'll most a lot.

Harbinger ->Faith
Archer & Armstrong->One Percent-> Adventures
A&A(Not Adventures) -> Ivar and Eternal Warrior
Q&W and A&A-> Delinquents

Harbinger->XOManowar-> Unity
Though Unity wasn't all that good

A&A, Eternal Warrior, Bloodshot -> The Valiant-> Bloodshot Reborn

I really recommend the Valiant. Bloodshot is ehh but Reborn was pretty great. A&A is one of the best books they put out and Eternal Warrior is ehhh

Honestly I'd just read them in order but by when the trade released. But I like having stuff in order so yeah.

Mainly read stuff that has the same characters in order

Only nuValiant stuff I haven't read is Shadowman and Punk Mambo. People said Shadowman wasn't good and I tried Punk Mambo and it was trash
The wedding of Aric of Dacia (X-O Manowar) and his space-Visigoth wife, Saana.
Awesome. I've bookmarked guides, but I'll save these too.

I pretty much have to read everything once I start - occasionally suffering, but it's been good so far with Valiant.

Now if only Eclipse publishing could have a revival like Valiant's, I'd be in heaven.
Oh, ok. I haven't read that far into X-O Manowar yet. Wasn't really expecting a call back here, but thats pretty neat.
That Magnus book was fantastic, so much better than I expected. Solar was alright for the first arc but I didn't like the second.

I'd never read Turok before but it was an interesting read for a bit
>Eternal Warrior is ehhh

Gilly's had some weird quality variations.

Pak's first arc was shit, just plain and simple. The second arc, Eternal Emperor though? I still think it might be the best thing Valiant has published. Phenomenal post-post-apocalyptic sword & sorcery fare, and 100% self-contained. I couldn't recommend it higher.

Milligan's Days of Steel mini was kinda ass.

I've really enjoyed Vendetti's Wrath Of the Eternal Warrior series so far, having Kano on interiors goes a long way to making it a damn worthy read.

He's also had a few stellar spotlight issues in Unity, #0 and #16.
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Yeah, I don't know where I'd rank it amongst Van Lente's works overall, but his Magnus is easily at least near Archer & Armstrong for great action-comedy.
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I burst out laughing when I first read these pages.
That's why I said ehh, Parts are good but others parts are not.

I've enjoyed Wrath especially since it seems to be getting into something interesting and art's great. Though the first arc was slow as shit.

I didn't like Eternal Emperor as much as you but agree with the rest of what you said.

ha, it was her camerabot doing that right?
Any Van Lente stuff you recommend, besides Magnus and his Valiant Stuff?
Didn't he write the Hercules title everyone likes for Marvel?
Come on they couldn't get Dysart to write this?
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