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>people being mean to lunch ladies
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>people being mean to lunch ladies
What are you trying to say, OP?

Who is being mean to lunch ladies? The kids in the picture? You don't seem to have posited a statement or a question. This thread is pointless unless you elaborate in some way.
>people feeding trolls
No human beings are mean to lunch ladies

>be me
>be 8, standing in line for lunch
>be forgetting my lunch punchcard
>be panicking because no food
>be given saintly reprieve by lunch ladies who know that food is basic and will not deny such to a child
>be given uninteresting but nutritious meal
>be not starving or suffering malnutrition
>be growing into adult with physical and mental health at normal or higher levels
>be on 4chan typing this

Lunch ladies are GOAT
Why are lunch ladies always so damn ugly? Like is there some ugly bitch repository where they hire lunch ladies?
God bless America
The lunch ladies who worked at my high school were kinda cute actually.
It's sort of the same rule regarding waffle houses. Any female working there needs to be ugly as sin and/or pregnant with meth mouth.

However they are some of the nicest people you'll meet in food service.
The prettier girls advanced to better jobs faster by virtue of their looks
Most ugly ladies resort to jobs no one wants to do, and that's why they're more common in those areas. But as
>>7619997 said, their niceness is what makes them vaulable, but overlooked by first impressions cause humans are assholes. This has been a thing way before feminism kicked in, so it was something for them since they were fortunate not to be aborted by their parents.
Those lunch ladies fucked you over, anon. Occasional fasting improves your health and mind, and the improvements are lifelong if you start when you're a child.
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Don't over worry. I started fasting on occasion at the age of 13.

My only real problem is that losing the seminal fluids deprives the mind of bodily energies.
>high school
>used to always try to sneak a second lunch even though you're only allowed to clock in for one
>one of the lunch ladies realizes this
>keeps an eye out for me
>keep trying different shenanigans to trick her
>eventually starts being friendly with me
>turns a blind eye to me sneaking second lunches
>even hooks me up with free breakfast

God bless that woman
She wanted your cock. Did you give it to her?
>fair is fair
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