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Chicken picatta. Easy and quick to prepare. Makes great sandwiches
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Chicken picatta. Easy and quick to prepare. Makes great sandwiches if you have leftovers.

Post your favorite go-to dishes that you wish you'd learn earlier in life than you did.
Always wanted to make this but never have wine in the house. I suppose I could use chicken stock instead of wine?

And I guess one of my go to dishes is breakfast. I love breakfast for dinner, buttermilk pancakes and eggs with some sausage mmmm.

Wish I learned earlier? Well it's not a dish as it's a side, but home fries. Dice up the potatoes and then microwave the potatoes for a few minutes. Then throw in a cast iron pan that's already sauteed onions and peppers while the potatoes were nuking. Let them crisp up and flip a few times and get them nice and crunchy. And of course season them. Seasoned salt, cayenne, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, fressshhhhhhly ground black pepper, and I add Accent too (MSG.)

Love home fries!
How can you start a thread like this, and not post a recipe?

Why does nobody post recipes on this board anymore?
I always fuck up home fries, but then again, I never microwave. How long? Do you rinse the starch off?
It's chicken breast, flour, S&P, olive oil & butter, and parsley at the end.

How much hand holding do you need?
Seriously microwaving them saves so much time as to boiling. I ALWAYS wash my potatoes because, well, they are grown underground... I don't peel them, I like the skin.

1) Wash and rub them so all the dirt comes off
2) Cut them into equal sized parts (so they cook at the same time)
3) Wrap each in a paper towel individually
** For 3 "normal" russet potatoes I would start at 5 minutes and check, then do a minute until a little pliable
4) Do what I said and throw them in the pan (I hope you were cooking the peppers and onions while they were nuking!)
5) DON'T TOUCH. let them crisp up and get that delicious crust.
>sharing recipes on a cooking board is stupid

There are many ways to make the same dish, it's nice to know little tricks or steps that some people like to put in their recipes that you may not have thought of before. You don't have to be such a cunt.
Ah sheet, gonna have to make this with some sausage and cheese to make it a meal.
I guess you could add cayenne or parika to the chicken too to give it a little spice? I mean, it's a very basic dish. But true, I guess I was harsh, I'm sorry.

Like I said maybe add to the flour cayenne, parika, garlic powder, accent, all sorts of stuff but don't go too crazy! And I also forgot to add you need capers to make piccata. I would hold the capers in my hand and run it under cold water to help rinse the salt off from them being pickled.

That sounds delicious! I would cook the sausage first and then remove it, and fry the peppers, onions, and potatoes in the rended fat from the sausage (adding oil and butter as needed.)

Then I would probably throw it in a dutch oven and put the cheese in too and mix it all up and pop it in the oven for a few minutes until the cheese is all nice and melted.

Fuck you! You made me want to make this for dinner now haha.
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