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I'm talking of course about GXY

That's right faggots, we are here to make some money buying an undervalued stock! We all know that the energy revolution is coming, kicked off in part thanks to Tesla, and LITHIUM is going to be the gold of the future. After vetting several other potential stocks we have settled on this guy.

So buy GXY you niggers and enjoy the ride to the moon! It's already up 50% since we bought in two weeks ago.

BTW it's only $.33 per share so even if your cash poor you can still fuck around and own a couple of hundred.

GXY - has a producing mine in Mt. Cattlin and a management with know-how for years now, had to shut the mine down since there was no interest for lithium in 2009-2012, but restarted it now in great supply shortage. has a lithium off-take agreement with mitsubishi, the production started two days ago. share price still massively undervalued. has a low-cost brine deposit in Sal de vida waiting for development.

My best choice for investment in the industry is GXY (Galaxy Resources), they are the ONLY producing lithium company next to the "big five" (ALB, SQM, FMC, Tianqi, Ganfeng) with a shareprice that is massively undervalued and no debt in the company. Everybody else from the lithium junior developers are virtuals (companys with a research in their hand and a field infront of them).

GXY is a good investment, solid company, no debt, good experienced management with ties in china and year-long know-how in the industry, experience in the sector meaning they already did this for years now and most importantly they have a producing lithium mine which works and already produces, NO other company in that mkt.cap-range or SP has that. A bargain at the current price.





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Since this is sort of the mining investments thread, thoughts on GSS?
>all those negative comments and with the time and date

Lucky chuckle fucks had a chance to board early and missed the rocket
I would avoid gold miners. We chose GXY because of its lithium deposits and they're actually mining that shit instead of "Planning" or "Surveying"

I just found a few of the dozens of negative comments.
Any reason why gold isn't good?

I can't buy GXY since I'm limited to robinhood . In fact I heard about GSS in the robinhood general.
Can I buy these stocks if I sign up using Robinhood? US trading newbie here.
Also I think GSS actually owns several active mines.
Gold trades based on fiat depreciation and less on industrial use. Precious metals operate by different rules.

Unfortunately you won't be able to buy it without a proper brokerage
So any good lithium/mining stocks tradeable on robinhood?
Which brokerage companies would you recommend?
$LIT maybe? Google is your friend.

TD Ameritrade, Etrade, Scottrade. Take your pick, it's entirely your preference.
Any Ausfags have bgs and ajm on their radar? Going to buy in next week likely.
anyone from finland or other nordic country here?? found any way to buy this stock without having to open another bank account overseas or some other shit like that what defeats the whole purpose since im putting in 1500eur max

how about you stop upvoting this thread since its top comment is already claiming pump and dump
That was disproven in the next post.
Finn here, no idea how to buy as of yet but I filled in the forms to open an account at Lynx, I hope it works through them. Any Nordic guys around who have been able to buy this? I'm considering looking for the proposed dip next week but if that doesn't materialise the I guess I'll just try to hop on at the current price levels. Not going to throw any money into this that I can't afford to lose.
How to I buy this stock? I'm Canadian and I never invested anything but I have a bunch of money in my chequing account that I can transfer to some website do buy the stock.

Honestly I'm fucking retarded and have no clue where to do it, but I want to profit off the great Australian resource war like in mad max
Who's your bank? Make a broker account with them if you're with td or bmo and buy GALXF stock
Presidents choice financial lol. Will I be too late? I watched the youtube video with the asian guy and it seems like an actual good stock but I'm kind of worried because I've never invested in anything before
It's a lot of our first times dude. We are in this together. Meme to the moon or commit mass suduko together!
Could the GXY stock price really rise like the majors? What is the production capacity and diversity in comparison? I don't know anything about mining co on the world market.
i have nordnet and OP bank accounts and no luck.. isnt this supposed to be avaible on FSE(frankfurt stock exchange)
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support us with dank memes https://imgflip.com/memetemplate/64756049/peperesources
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buy LK9, GXYA.F
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Memes aside, don't invest all your money into one stock. That's what index/mutual funds are for.
how high can GXY go by estimates?

I'm hearing as high as 10 USD
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guys how would you name our lithium kingdom website
Is there a way to trade in gxy online? I normally use eToro for trades, but choice is limited and there's nothing on there even resembling gxy or lithium stocks. Any recommendations?
theres no otc stock on etoro, u gotta find your broker..
Yeah, I know I can't do it on etoro, but are there any online stockbrokers that have gxy available? I'm asking because I'm in Japan right now so I can't just go to my local stockbroker or ask my bank until next month.
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man i guess that you have to choose either one of those available, AUS, US, EU... i found that you got some japan stock exchange but i cant find a ticker for gxy, can you tell me some of your known brokers?
man what a shithole i cant find anything you got jpx, then some japan otc stock exchange

i guess either ask on some stock forum (japanese) or ask some bank/broker..its pretty hard to adapt to your local mindset you know
oh fuk ure not hiroshima guy right.. well then ignore my research lol
Someone should make a page on which brokers you can buy which stock

I'll start for Belgium.

keytradebank.be - GALXF
makin it already

are you sure you dont have lk9 gxya.f?
GALXF is US stock
Not on keytradebank. I'll ask around.
The company does not pay dividends and made an after-tax-loss for the year 2015, so it doesn't even have a p/e ratio.

This doesn't seem a good value investment
I found one. It's Toronto Dominion.

I'm gonna trade via these guys, except now I'm confused. It only asks how many units I'm gonna buy, it doesn't convert that into how much cash I'm putting down. I want to know how much money I'm putting on this thing so I won't just throw my life savings away or make next to nothing.

Wait i'm an idiot.. They made a 54m after-tax-profit in 2015 rising from a 50m after-tax-loss in 2014 and their net assets rose from 50m in 2014 to 104m in 2015.

(Info from their financial statement: http://www.galaxyresources.com.au/Investor/gxy_ar_dec2015.pdf
Stay poor retard
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then calculate it? make a picture of their calc
Disregard this. It's Sunday, so I put down a trade and figured I could just see how much it was worth after it was finished, and cancel with no losses if need be since markets are closed.

I was right- it gives you the unit price, and asks how many units you want to buy, so you just do the math. I've put down around $100 AUD on it, or £50. I'm gonna cancel it and make it £100, and see where it goes.
be sure there are no fees, there should not be until the call is processed just read all those disclaimers
Scotia I-trade has an annoying brokerage fee, but I use them for index investing. Am a space janitor with 1500 shares already up 20%. Remember it trades on NASDAQ so you will pay US withholding taxes.
How the fuck do i buy these stocks? Can't find 'em through my bank.
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Sign up through another website. That's what I did. My bank actually sold their stock trades to a partner, so I had to do that anyway. It seems okay, but takes a little while to sign up (lots of shit to fill out). Look up Toronto Dominion, you can trade gxy on there.
dont miss da train
Might want to add that i'm not from Canada. Denmark fag here.
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There has to be some sort of Danish site you can use. You must be able to find something if you look up "trade gxy Dansk" or whatever.
Thanks, i can read i'm not retarded. I obviously wouldn't keep asking if those strings gave any results.

nothing. None of the majors have it. This is rip.
Bummer. Well it's Monday tomorrow. Why not look up a local stockbroker on Google or something and ask if they have it?
Don't have enough money to invest for that to pay off most likely.
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>Be Chinese Singaporean
>Open an Interactive broker account
>Bought direct from the ASX market
>tfw the stock gained $400+ already

IB seems to be a good choice. But you need to put in a minimum of $3000USD if you are under 26. If you are 25 and above then your deposit needs to be at least 10k though.
Also for some reason my minimum lot size for GXY seems to be 10,000 at least. Not that I am complaining after the stock shot up like that.
i hope there wont be any upward price swing next few days, i dont have my account ready to buy yet
Thoughts on buying GXY stocks on CFD?
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Forgot to put my face. And also to make some corrections. *If you are 26 and above you need a 10k minimum deposit. (On paper, but they usually let u start trading once u deposited enough inside)
well if you want to leverage then go for it, but you have to know what you're doing
also im starting to get the impression this might be a pump and dump scheme with us being hyped to moon inflating the stockprice.
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thats what literally all shitcoin schemes are

doesnt mean you cant profit if you get in early
man our funny meme share volume cant be compared to billion meme moon company... thats not some neckbeard firin his meme coin script
the real problem is me being inexperienced, i dont know when to dump this shit
Lol this OP is great. Some of those posts are mine.
i like this one
TFSA with your bank, open up direct investing, and then you can buy it yourself
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I doubt that 4chan/biz has enough influence to increase the price by much.

The problem I see is the echo chamber. High profits can only be made by taking big risks. And that is what this is: A BIG RISK.

People who keep going on about the price of lithium doubling can you even tell me how much lithium reserves GYX is estimated to control?

Well lets face it none of these guys know the first thing about this company really they just see the price increasing and want in on the action.

Don't bet what your not prepared to risk, make sure to set a stop-loss order and update it regularly and then pull out when your comfortable with your profit %.
How do I buy stock? Please advise for someone who has played with altcoins before but never real money or stock. Which service should I use?
google is your friend
Stop loss is for small cats! Space Janitors buy 2000 more shares and mock your stoplosses!

I am going to the kuiper belt powered by Lithium!
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forgot images! I am a poorfag....
Can someone link the GXY meme generator? I have a good one.
I have been looking but all the websites I'm finding are expensive with lots of shit I don't care about. Is there anything basic and cheap?
What's your bank and country? You should be able to go to any large bank and they can hook you up
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Literally don't know how to buy as a Britbong. Smh desu senpai.
beholde da mighty open is comin, .40c
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Good news, GALXF holders! AUS fags I dunno if this is your doing, or if it's our gubmit, but keep up that appreciation.

>Is there anything basic and cheap
>anything basic

If you're a burger and you can't figure out who to open an account with just by googling "simple brokerage" because it's too complex, you shouldn't be playing this game.
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We're all gonna make it.
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>MFW can't buy in until tomorrow
>MFW it's blocked from online purchase on tradeking for being too OTC
>MFW I have to call them tomorrow and confirm that, yes, I'm willing to take a $50+ fee on a $200 investment
>TFW I am the reddest of red flags for investing
yea i totally forgot that i can stop loss. I will be placing order by tuesday hopefully.
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do yourself a favor and don't do it. thank me later. there are much better things to put your money in.
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>there are much better things to put your money in
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Fuck we're back down.

Take it easy, these aren't funny enough. save your energies for better memes.
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oops forgot image
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i quite dont give a shit man, just holdin my 50k shares to da moon
i like that these threads are no longer filled with news and intel, there are just bunch of new guys just speculating pump n dump, seems like erybody just holding, thats cool, yea wait for da open guise
yea im speculating cuz im bored, but im gonna buy anyway, the intel in the first thread was enough proof for me
thats the spirit fag, dont look back, seems like everyone i told about this invested at least 1k .. im im such a generous friend damn
this one is a classic
Also, don't do it. You will also have to pay that fee on the sell too. So you would need a 50% runup to just break even on trading fees...

I mean sure this could triple, but no way I'd do something that crazy especially after we've just had a 50% runup these past couple weeks. No to mention I feel it's going to open even higher on Monday, I'm expecting another 10% jump.
Well crap. What do I invest in, then? Or, alternatively, where can I find a brokerage that doesn't ass-rape me for OTC's?
what price do you reckon i should shoot for when buying on tuesday? i hope it wont skyrocket before im able to place an order
I use Scottrade. They charge $7 a trade plus .05% of the value which in your case would be literally nothing. I hear Charles Schwab has very friendly OTC policies too but never looked into them. That's if you're American. Otherwise dunno.

I wouldn't buy at these prices desu. I bought in at .22 and again at .28. I felt a little uncomfortable buying more at .28 after the crazy runup a few days later. It's your money though. Again I can see this running to a dollar within a couple months but at the same time I can see it going back down to .10 too.
yea i see your point. But im mad that i missed the train. I have about 1k € laying around and i thought this might be good opportunity to double it.
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dear brothers,

waiting for the ASX to open and bring us a mile closer to the moon, kick into that comfy setting put on your lana del reys and look at the pictures of our beautiful mine.

Have a good day all
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posted in other thread:

how are my german/austria bro buying galxf? CapTrader doesn't seem to list it
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its beautiful....
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To the moon boys
>Haven't sold it and didn't crop it out to remind myself and you cucks that win or lose there comes a time to sell too.
The diluted profit per share in 2015 was 4.85 and the share price is currently 0.40 giving a p/e ratio of 12.125 suggesting it is currently still undervalued.
so you suggest i can still enter even if its 0.4?
people entered into this when it was $1,50 and the lithium price was half of it what it's now
It depends on what you're comfortable with. Australia market opens in 2.5 hours.
i dont care as long as it doesnt dip below buying price

Personally I plan to enter, but I don't want to encourage you when I don't fully understand it myself.

You can see there most recent financial statement here: http://www.galaxyresources.com.au/Investor/gxy_ar_dec2015.pdf.

I'm not experienced at reading them but it looked like 2015 was a very good year but the previous 3 years have been bad (50m loss, 103m loss and 120m loss for 2014,13 and 12 respectively).

They could have turned the company around or the ceo could be cooked the books for all I know ;)

De giro
They had a 200mil debt which they restructured by selling the Jiangsu converter plant to Tianqi, and 50% of Mt. Cattlin to GMM, they got 60mil a month ago by Mitsubishi for the offtake.

I however do encourage you to not invest if you are not able to analyse a company thus do not know how to read the financials. Stay out of the company before you are not confident enough into what you are investing.
>stay out
>offering reasonable advice

It's like you want everyone to buy
Looks like it's too late to get in on GXY. I missed another meme pump
its not too late to join the trump train
You can buy into this and You'll make money, but you're developing a very bad habit which can wipe you out in the future
That's what they said about ETH when it was $12.
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I'm in at .21 lol.

>meme pump
When will this shit die. 15 million shares traded Friday with an average volume of 8 million shares traded per session.

>comparing a virtual coin to tangible assets

Kill urself
Im a dutchfag, where do i buy this?

Need an exchange with decent volume.

>implying I was talking about shilling coins
Sup Anon, i've been invested in mnkd now for 3 years going on 4. Bought it when at 5.09 and should've sold @ $11. Do you think they still have a chance or they're going the way of the dodo?
We're using memes to double our money and put Trump in presidency. Nobody should underestimate the power of memes.
40 min. My body is ready

Order in. Lets do this cunts
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Oy, im concerned about Brent dropping. I checked the correlations to lithium stocks and with a set of 300 data points it is below 0.5, now should we be worried that with cheaper oil, lithium companies will take a hit?
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>holding my meme talisman

20 min boys !!!
Oil has nowhere to go but up. This is more good news.

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I luv u guise
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> what personality is /biz/?

>entj master race reporting in
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Hello. I'm new. Did I do good?
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Shes on
Too bad all non-proprietary data streams take 20 min to update. We won't see the open for 19 more min

you must be fun at parties
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You're fucked.
Entp. Kill me senpai.
Because. . You didnt buy enough!



Oh fuck me, if you didnt buy a couple of weeks ago you missed the moon ride. This shit has jumped 3 cents and hasn't even opened yet. Looks like this shit is gonna take off today
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Lol nvm it dropped down to 415
That was fast
It'll open above .4 and you won't get filled, or it'll open below .4 and you'll get filled at a loss.

But you get 500000 starry-pepe points for knowing how to buy stock and not asking for a broker like half the idiots in this thread.
Up 8% on insane volume on the open. Going to be another 15%+ day I recon.
Ah. Lesson learned, not money lost.
The few quid I'm down will be insignificant once we make it to the moon.
Will my order get executed during US market hours?
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>mfw Im watching the train I missed depart
If you are in North America buying GALXF, yes.
Conference call on Tuesday might save your ass, probably not but there is still hope.
Almost at the daily volume average one hour into the market. We are literally going to the moon.
Why not just invest in $LIT? It's a 3x for global lithium.
Cause it doesn't pay a dividend.
because two weeks ago there was an insane entry position. I didnt stumble upon this hype till yesterday and now its too late to hop on relatively safely.

why do you invest into something that doesnt give a dividend? thats like you're trying to lose money
If Lithium is only going up, better late than never.

Besides, it will contract at some time or another.
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I'm buying $1000 tomorrow morning, team.

I have no idea what I'm doing, but this will either be a fun way to make $500 or a lesson in not playing with stocks.

See you on the moon.
What will you do with the 200$ profit anon?
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0.427 +0.027 (6.75%)

man this stock swings like it has bipolar. up 445 then down to 415, then back to 425 and then ahh fuck i give up. i think i'm suffering a stroke
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pretty much
DW anon I just did the same thing. Just amended my order now. Probly cost me more fees as well..
Does anyone here know anything about long-term lithium sales? or are you all riding this metallic wave wherever it goes?
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Some Aussieposter dropped a bunch of knowledge a few weeks ago and everyone bought in and keeps parroting everything he said. We don't know shit we're just along for the ride.

God bless that man. If only he had some more picks.
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Does this mean I made $100.00?
I don't think so. If you were holding 5,000 shares from the open you'd be up 100$, but since you ended up buying later at .429 you're down about 44$.
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I know how based aussie picked GXY.... pic related

This is it boys. I've been waiting for a reason to part with my hard-earned money and now I have it. This is a beautiful mine and I must own a share of it with my /biz/ brothers. Rise or fall, we will share this beauty in meme fellowship and a comraderie unrivaled by any other board. Come Monday morning, I too will be one of the proud owners of this gorgeous mine.

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to the moon.jpg
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Makes sense. I put in an order at .40 and realised it would open higher so I just amended it before.
Got another 2k shares on the list with a 0.36 limit for GALXF, stoked.
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If you're not in yet, try to use a broker who will let you directly trade shares on the ASX. OTC shares trade at a price almost entirely based on whatever happened earlier on the ASX so prices basically stay constant until the ASX opens. OTC tickers don't trade until after the ASX has closed. So, for example, if GXY starts to tank right now, you're stuck holding the bank until tomorrow morning- and you'll have to sell at the price GXY closed at (adjusted for FX ofc).

If you're holding otc shares already, i'm not sure if you could short GXY and cover with the otc shares or not, check with your broker.
They have a viable product so I don't think they're going out of business. I could see them as a takeover candidate by somebody after their patent portfolio. Going forward I think their prospects are better now that they are out of the Sanofi agreement. Odds of the stock ever getting back to our break even price...dunno.
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>tfw still waiting for vanguard account to be upgraded so I can buy shares
Nice!! You at 3500 shares now then?

Maybe you're due for a promotion space janitor

fuck you im in it for the money fuck your fellowship
m-moon or bust, right brother?
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I upped my limit to 0.44, I can afford another 1k or so. 3500 puts me at head custodian, I demand all the keys to the moon base, other plebs get to deal with the urinal cakes now!

60% gain and im out

fuck your emotional rollercoaster

Nigga OP here, I'm American. I've been making these threads since the first general. Fuck that guy for not trying hard to share his knowledge.

Long term. Lithium about to become the next oil since everyone going electric
>fuck your emotional Rollercoaster
>has only been up since I started these threads.

Fuck you. You never had a position nigger
How many shares do you have?

I had 15 k in my bank so i put in 3 k total at .28 on galxf for roughly 10 k shares

My greedy self wants to throw in more but my rational self is telling me not to be greedy
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based witchcraft !!
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>never had a position

lol I own 50k shares, I bought at 25 cent burger dollars. if you can do math you know when I will crash the market
Pictures of your position you lying fuck.

More like common sense. When you see good information not being monetized then you try your best to help others.

Only 3.5K shares at .21
>Revenue increases 122x since last year
>Operating costs decrease 2/3rds since last year (theoretically as revenues go up so do costs)
>Loss cut in half

>Half of their cash went into receivables
>2014 Assets classified as held for sale vanished and didn't seem to have any major impact on revenues, would have been sold at a markdown if they did
>Equity doubled

They have $36,880,627 in long-term liabilities, most of it debt.

This shit looks suspicious to me, from the accounting standpoint alone. It's a great concept but there's probably a reason it trades at $.33. I'd avoid this shit.
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>pictures of your position

picture of my position right now
If by burger in that image means American, the SEC's website doesn't list GALXF, GXY, or Galaxy Resources. Yes, I know this is an Aussie company.
Hey, with that attitude you can't come with us to the moon.
Find me a miner stock that doesn't have debt after the colossal ass fucking the sector has been receiving since 2012
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>25 cent burger dollars
Lol you saying you bought GALXF? Even if you did manage to get 50k otc, good luck getting ur sell order filled. Also,
50k is like .65% of aveage daily volume. The market won't even blink.

>put into order 15mins before the market opens
>watch the market panic
>we are skating on thin ice boyz
I was just trying to correct that idiot pumper who said that this company had no debt.
Oh wait, that pumper was you. Thank god for post IDs.
Where can i learn this accounting voodoo? any definitive books?
>15,380,961 shares traded
>up consistently 25% a week so far

How do you eat with your head so far up your ass?
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I've decided to go from $1,000 to my entire emergency fund of $15,000 based on this, boys.

See you on the moon or see you in hell.
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>up consistently 25% a week so far

past performance is not a predictor of future results, its like youre trying to lose money

Always play on reason, not greed. Your emotions are getting the best of you

If I get a 50% bump out of this, I will be able to afford a down payment on a house. If I lose it all, I've still got my 401k chugging away at a measly 4-5% return.

Bracing for impact.
>holding jnug and dust at the same time
Confirmed retard.
up 100% in a month with no news. gee, i wonder if that's based on fundementals or if this is a pump

>gambling this much on a firm that doesn't even pay a dividend
You should strap up to a blood pressure machine and record the results throughout the day
Honestly, to be able to read balance sheets, income statements, and to get a firm grasp on fundamental accounting, you should probably just take an accounting I & II class at a local community college or something. Other skills you will need to be successful in the stock market are being able to parse through corporate bullshit and fluff and you will also need basic business intuition. If you can't achieve those things, I suggest an index fund.

Here's a decent textbook, but you actually have to read it and try the exercises. Accounting is a hard skill and you absolutely need to do it for yourself to understand it. It's a puzzle.
Bro, answer the question here:>>1199258

I'm vegan. Blood pressure is already so low I'm basically dead. All you'd see is a flat line, senpai.

Ok, I will answer it for you. You can't find a miner that isn't absolutely fucked out of their ass in debt. That doesn't eliminate their debt situation. Each one of them has a problem, and each one of them deserved to be blown to smithereens. They made large bets that clearly didn't pay off, and now reside in purgatory for who knows how long. Miners and basically all commodity businesses should be avoided unless you are a trader or investment bank. Sorry.

A company that is still growing rapidly usually won't pay dividends, because it wants to invest as much as possible into further growth.
Is it too late to put my $1000 into this? I if it reaches a dollar I will have $2000 and it was at $2 years ago, if lithium is the next oil surely it would reach $2 again no?
i wish you would of told me 2 weeks ago when i bought it for 25cents. god damn i hate been 50% up. now what to do with this extra $4,000 profit i made in 2 weeks..... oh dear god.... the agony
Well obviously Australia is heavily invested in miners so they won't go anywhere. The country to bail them out of they're producers. So I'm not worried.

It's good to hear education opinions that are bearish though
>Using ANY TA on pennies.

You're going to lose your shit if you don't know the story behind the stock. If you don't know the speculation and the reason people buy and sell. That is what pennies are all about, because you're trading against idiots that also use straight trend lines to predict their trades and will dump whatever they are holding at any slight sign of a drop OR if they see a negative sentence on a message board.

>Shares Outstanding 1.3b.
lol'd. Looks like it must be mostly tied up though, judging form the volume. Always look at price/volume action. Financial statements are a must, but not for the financials.

Also, minimizing losses is the only way you're going to stay alive in the penny world. But, you're either going to lose a shit ton, or your not, on Monday. Liquidity will dry up VERY quickly if shit goes south.

If it were me, just looking at the chart, I wouldn't touch it. I don't know the story though. I've traded pennies for 3 years.
Do you know how lucky you are to managed to have gained a 50% profit in anything? Take your money off the table. Buy Aussie Johnson & Johnson or some shit. You earned it.

My government bailed out General Motors and they're in nearly equally as bad of a debt situation as Ford is today (who didn't take any government money). Government bailouts mean nothing. Shareholders come out the losers anyway. Besides, without doing any research personally, what makes you think the government would bail out Galaxy fucking Resources? Of all of the major miners they could choose from? 1. I doubt a smart government would bail out a "experiment" miner (lithium) and 2. I assume these guys are the "literally who" of the sector.
>Using ANY TA on pennies.
>If it were me, just looking at the chart, I wouldn't touch it.
Lol look at this nigga
I'm a hypocrite, I know man.
>actually relying on a 401k
Damn it Aus fags buy more shares. Make the price go back to .45

How long until markets close?
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mega-memer meltdown
Based on your other posts I can tell you're either a troll, delusional, or retarded. It doesn't really matter to me what you are as long as you read what I said and the seed got into your brain.
Visibly upset
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you forgot "desperate"
i think i'll incorporate that...

see pic bro
At least you admit to it.
so when did we decide to dump in the IRC? I can't get back in
c'mon... "moon or bust" is a pretty desperate slogan.

anyway, i was thinking that instead of "driven by desperation" it should be "drivel of desperation"... what do you think?

(you do understand that you're in a meme factory, right?)
Fuck off faggot there is no IRC
This conversation is glorious
i've been learning from /pol/ about meme warfare. apparently, if i meme furiously enough i'll be able to win against superior facts, logic, and, with enough practice, even reality. my /biz/ness acumen has increased significantly since i started meming.
if it goes back in 30s I'll by some more as I have very little :(.

Going to pull the trigger on DKO and BGS this week.. c-can someone be my buying buddy? I'm nervous
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>How do you eat with your head so far up your ass?
Quite well, thank you for asking.
Meme magic is real
Yeah that's right, forget I said anything..
You think that's bad I bought at >$6...should have loaded up when it hit .60.
anyone here own other Aussie lithium stocks besides GXY?

Put 1.8k on PIO for the lulz today
Thanks bud. I actually took ACTY 210&220, but I barely paid attention and My uni kinda sucked. I've been looking for a good text on the subject, I only know the good FIN books.
it's down to 410....noooooooooooooooo abandon ship!!! the dump has begun
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