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Anybody have any experience running clubs or hosting warehouse
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Anybody have any experience running clubs or hosting warehouse party's

yes, don't do it unless you can get reliable numbers out on the regs (you'll have to pay fucktons to promoters who will just jew you on booze) cheap booze (a diplomatic connection helps for taxes) and drugs/hookers for VIP areas (that's where the money is made)

if you are even close to being a faggot, weak willed or generally shit at making deals, it is a bad idea. pretty much everyone you have to employ will have a bigger dick than you

if you're very keen, try sponsoring a night somewhere established in exchange for a cut of the take. you need an established promoting strategy or the means to get one (rich college kids, yuppies, over 40)

by your presence onn 4chan i highly discourage you
>pretty much everyone you have to employ will have a bigger dick than you

Oh man lol. That captures it quite well.
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