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Waifu claiming thread. Claim your waifu and discuss. Obligatory
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Thread replies: 97
Thread images: 83
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Waifu claiming thread.

Claim your waifu and discuss.

Obligatory claim.
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Yeah I guess its hard to explain how fucking giddy I was when I found out about this game, this is just something I've been waiting for for a long time, I've played a lot of strategy and grand strategy games in my time and they've all always been solely on Earth and it just gets boring after a while. Couple that with the fact that I've always loved space and you can probably start to see why I have needed a game like this, that doesn't suck, for a long time.
>Buying games
get with the times man.
>not listening to these dubs
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Megumin claimed~
Going to sleep now, good night /waifu/
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still here
Miho claimed
>not looking at the time between posts
>thinking dubs mean shit
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You's quick.
>Shizuru get!
>If dubs, they don't stop comin and they don't stop comin and they don't stop comin and they don't stop comin and they don't stop comin and they don't stop comin and they don't stop comin and they don't stop comin and they don't stop comin and...
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Milinda claim
20/20 claimed

It's been months since I played a video game, so yeah, improving my mood.
>Hawk Eyes
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Just in time for new thread
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a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

((hey everyone))
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Kyouko 159.jpg
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> I could only sleep one hour last night, but I was able to take a decent nap a bit earlier.

Mmm, ok, it's a start I'd say.

>What about you? It must be pretty late for you right now.
Yeah it's almost 7AM, I'll go to sleep soonish, as always. My sleeping schedule is always the same, but eh, atleast I get more than enough sleep.

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sachi claim
i was too slow edition
>if dubs rattle count goes up by 100
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Faggotry is here.
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You know Gasai (36).png
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Yuno claim

Going to play destiny for a bit and then bed, good night thread
Stay beautiful and remember, you have a heart of gold. Don't let them take it from you!
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Still better than me lol

Csgo is great! Running at 5-15 fps!! :)

Stop me
CS 1.5 on 56k lagging across the map
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Hey Barry. How goes?

>Rattle rattle
Now now, no cheating.
sorry.. i missed some people
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>Stop me
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Hi Miho.

Nah. We should play CSGO together later
Are you playing on a Calculator? Even on integrated graphics it should run better that that?
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It's getting hard for me to keep my eyes open.
See you guys tomorrow.
>or in an hour
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Never asked for this harem.png
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Curie claimed.

one artist who does drawings of curie for me might take a job for a comic where she gets made into a futa and then sold as a sex slave. pray she doesnt do that I do not want Curie soiled like that. I am protective of her.

Music for this feel?
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Hello Nano
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I'm assuming you guys like people in real life, correct? If so, could you guys tell me how to like people and not despise them?
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Happy to hear that man. Worn-out, our track meet lasted much longer than expected.

Sleep tight.

Lel, the true gaming experience.

>Best idol claimed
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How you been?
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it isn't cheating if you get dubs
cya person who is in many ships
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Bet you were, cute stuff.

Damn, game does look pretty fun. And I'm as sucker for space exploration or just space combat in general, stuff like this typically sucks me in.

>get with the times man
Gotta get on that two year gaming lag, man.

Still beautiful.

Mmmm, nice. Downtimes like that just make you appreciate entertainment like that even more. Glad your mood is improving, buddy.

>confused hands

Hello there.
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Getting ready to start a Civ5 match with a friend, going pretty good~ How're you Shizu?
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Oh damn

If I'm up lol

I know none

Be optimistic

Am poor fag

Old laptop

Night Galky
>liking irl people
There is like 1 Person i respect and a handfull i try to get along with
If you don't like people in the first place it's not really easy to start
I guess just spending time with someone you don't mind being having around will make you value that Person on some level
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I could give you the tor I used if you really want the game.
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Good good. Vaguely entertaining the thought of starting over on my death robot drawing but mostly just listening to music.

It's kind of cheating.
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Meh, I dislike most people I come across. But you can't really treat them like shit upon first contact. Just put on a face and keep going through it, every now and again you'll find people you genuinely enjoy being around. Just takes time, man. We're all different, gotta learn to give people chances.

Nah nah, it's fine. I appreciate the offer though, you're sweet.
>pats softly
QOTT: What is your worst, tangible fear?
>inb4 being alone


I'd rather die. Than live in a house filled with fleas.
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Sounds like a chill night, very nice
Sleeping with closest door open

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Insects, most of them.

I can't stand insects, I'm scared shitless of them (with few exceptions)
For this thread to come to life.
I fear the polish trucks driving on the Highways somewhat, does that count?
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Hey Mili. How're things?

Nope. People are terrible, why would you want to like them?!

It roughly means "unpleasant"
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Hate bugs. And I have anxiety whenever I get emotionally "involved" with someone, so that's a thing.

Some other fears I have, but those are for my noggin.
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The white race being destroyed.
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Its not that bad i have done it.

Now roaches fuck that shit.
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I have returned. How is everyone?
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Here i go again
Already been drinking and about to eat some cake
Cant wait to vomit
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still have to work for them though
already happend
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You run track? What do you do?

Ive been better. Just kinda tired...

Sweet! Im game. Give me an hour.

Its okay. I got out of the hospital this morning.
How are you?
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Naughty naughty!~
Playing with tomoko and konata
Least your doing good.
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Oh, I'm sorry. If you don't like the nick name I could probably think of another one.

Too cute, just too cute.
>The white race being destroyed.
My person of Aryan decent.

Heyo there, Gourd. How's your night treating you?
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smug adorable Curie rolls in to the thread.

rip in paper.

also 10/10 smugness for you
>fubuki claimed

Good morning everyone, how are you doing today?
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Well... yeah but it's just not the same~
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heello friends, hows your night going?
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Join the club. Ranked yet?

Roman Candles or any other firework like that.

Usual the mile but lately the 800 or 4x8.
"l was not designed for combat"
>proceeds to gun down raiders faster than l am
Yea, I never really like people besides my best friend of six years (whom me and I recently split apart). I suppose I have accomplices at school, and plenty of friends online, but just kind of want to be a regular teenage boy that goes to the mall with friends. OK, enough of this pity party.
Any of you guys wanna play osu!? I'm a bit rusty, but would be glad to play.
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Thumbs up!.jpg
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Roaches are cute though.
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Really? I don't mind that at all. My shrine to Satan is in there. There's nothing to be afraid of.

Are you alright with spiders?



Emotionally involved? In any way, or just in love?

You must live in a constant state of utter dread.

Spiders are great, though. I had a wolf spider in my bed yesterday just chillin'

Hospital? What was that for? I'm fine. Just packing for a weekend trip.
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Good morning Fubuki, doing good, what about you qt?
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Shit night tonight. You?
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Chill Gourd.png
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Things are alright here.
>Are you alright with spiders?

Nope, not really. Thankfully in my country there's only smaller ones and cellar spiders, those are enough for me.

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Me and my friend thought up a solution to everybody's problems the other day. Build massive interstellar space ships and put all white, non jew, people on them and send them to find a new home planet. We get a new unspoiled planet to build ourselves even higher, and everybody back on Earth gets to feel like they finally got rid of the thing causing all of their problems. For about 10 minutes before society completely collapses and they start eating each other in the streets.
Pretty much yeah.
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why is everything so violent up here?
>literally tackles a guy and breaks him with her bare hands.
>omg what
>is absolutely adorable 2 seconds later
>omg Curie I love you
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reminder ~
also change ip if you want more ~
Don't put too much faith into your acquitances from school, as soon as school is over they'll be gone
If you want to have real friends after school you better put in effort to keep them around
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ok ill work for them properly then
spiders are creepy, i can't really understand how people like them
Checked Hitler
Sounds like a plan but what about slavs? They're white, too? Would they be allowed to come?
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drops mic
>also drops plate of food I was holding
uhh fuck
Curie out its extended nap time
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Joseph and Gregor.jpg
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They're my babies. If /b/ allowed webms with sound I'd post a video of Gregor hissing.
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Yeah. Thanks friend. Steal any more nukes lately? kek

Nice! Im a really bad runner so im jealous...

I checked myself in for suicide watch. I just wanted to be safe. Im better now though!
Oh? A trip? Where to?
A bit tired. Beside that doing fine today, thanks for asking. :)
So what are you doing today? ^^
I'm fine with spiders, as long as they come nowhere near me.
I'm cool with roaches. Theyre alright by me. Just kill 'em or toss 'em. But fleas. Walking along your carpet and watching them rise up out of it and jump onto your skin. No matter what, you can never escape having blisters on your feet up to your calves.
Alcohol my legs every time.

Doesn't matter, had sex.

Are you a puppy?

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It's going well, adorable. Just hanging out right now while talking to some people. Music to go with it, that's about it. Thanks for asking.

How's your night going?

More so towards the romantic side, hard for me to get attached like that to people. I get horrifying amounts of anxiety and what not. Probably due to childhood issues.

Good to see you're chilling with those shades, man. Up to anything right now?

Stop making so much sense, Cowgirl.

>We're gonna get the largest steam roller
>Move it like for an hour over certain areas.
>And we're just gonna act like they never happened.
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Lurking Gourd.png
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Just been lurking around. Not much to do tonight thankfully.
Thanks for the smug my dude


I put my amp in front of it so the doors won't fly open at it when I'm sleeping


Dubs = noticed. How's your day been?
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why shitty?

eh im alright, throat still feels weird.
I think i should go to the doctor soon



my nights going ok, just watching animu and looking for a new car
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They can have their own ship with a gallon of vodka and 3 ak47s per person. If they survive the trip the ones deemed worthy can be integrated into society.
Yeah pretty much.
Its a great plan and it really needs to be put into action, if we can't save this world then fuck it lets start over and do things right this time.
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Mutual understanding. You think they're small and creepy. They think you're goddamn Cthulhu.

Mmm did that before. Doctor was a real a-hole.
>"You tryin'a kill yourself?"
>"Yeah wanna come with?"
Fucking hated that guy. I hope you were comfortable and I hope you're alright now. I have a few friends meeting in LA so I'm headed down there to drink, cook, and play d&d
Thread replies: 97
Thread images: 83

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