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Started an incest thread, but I think mods killed it. Anyway,
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Started an incest thread, but I think mods killed it. Anyway, I'll start by sharing my story (pic not related, but kind of reminds of it)

I once fingered mi sister while she was on the computer doing her homework or something. I believe the details will make you hard as Ninja Gaiden, as they do for me whenever I think about those beautiful moments...

It began a regular day in our house, regular 6 member family house, and this particular story took place in the studio, where mi grandfather kept his notes, work related shit and of course, the desk computer.

I was always horny back in the day, always looking for the ocasion to masturbate and, as I entered the studio (wanted to jerk off using the pc) I found my younger sister. Kinda skinny, slightly dark skin, wide hips, good legs and butt and little but perfectly round tits.

At first, I just asked her what she was doing, then started playing with her hair and making small talk.

Then, I started massaging her shoulders. She seemed relaxed and often smiled at me, completly unaware of my massive boner ( I was standing behind her chair). At some point I just lost it and well, fuckmycommonsense.jpg. I decided to go for it. After a good ten minutes or so, I went down and started massaging her belly, her shirt was kind of short so I could feel her magnificent tanned skin, and I noticed she was getting goosebumps.

I got scared, because I thought she was scared of me and she would tell on me, but she kept having a beautiful smile on her face...and she was still talking to me about anything and laughing at my stupid jokes.

I couldn't hold it anymore, so I started going up for her breasts. I got my hands beneath her shirt and went upper and upper til' I got to the point where I could feel her bra. I was in absolute ecstasy...
>I was in absolute ecstasy...

Would it be accurate to say that you were... euphoric?
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>get home from school
>run to my room to rub one out
>cum in an old dish rag
>not a gross one like some of you fags, I washed it between uses
>leave it on my desk
>go to my bed and lie down
>a few minutes later someone knocks on my door
>pretend to be asleep because I'm tired and don't want to deal with anyone's shit
>sister, 14, opens my door and looks in
>thinks I'm asleep
>walks over to my PS2 games and grabs one
>stops at my desk on the way out and examines the cum rag
>realize it's probably pretty obvious that there's cum on it
>sister grabs it and leaves the room really fast
>kind of freak out that she's going to show my mom but nothing ever happens

>couple years later
>digging through sister's stuff when she's not home hoping to find some nudes or a dildo or something
>see the rag in the back of one of her drawers
>memories all come back to me
>pull it out and unfold it
>can still see the stain where my cum was
>there was a sharpie wrapped up in it
>mfw I realize that my sister probably fucked herself with a sharpie while like licking up my cum
>regular 6 member family house
I'm hard :(

hahaha sorry, what I meant to say was that it was an average family house. Two levels, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living, a kitchen, a yard, and the studio
Anyone got any screenshots of greentexts that we can read while waiting for more stories?
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From the last thread
Does it continue?
Fuck, I already lost
Bump #2
This needs attention
wtf man that shits fucked up

who was panties?

OP here, will continue story.

...As I felt her bra, I inmediatly looked at her face to see if she was in to it or whatthef, but she kept playing along and she just said something like "hey look, this is some good info for the national history project" and still with her sexy smile. I felt like my dick was about to burst into flames, so I decided to keep going.

I started moving my hands in circles all over her covered tits. I did this for about 5 minutes and then I became a stupid-ass animal. I pulled her shirt up, hugged my beautiful sister...and I started kissing her neck while touching her sexy hips and rubbing her belly. I didn't know how to unzip bras, so I decided to go for her pussy instead.

As she kept doing her stuff, I started moving my fingers in and out of her jeans...at first, just to see for any rejection or anything. I stayed in fear zone for another 5 minutes until I collected all my couraje and slipped two fingers down her pants.

She would not make eye-contact, so I felt encouraged to continue. As I went lower and lower, I got to finally feel her pubes, and with a little more effort (the angle for my grip of her pussy was shit) I finally got to her lips.

At his moment, my life was complete, and I was about to cum without even touching myself. I went all the way down and noticed my beautiful, loving sister was dripping wet. So I did what any man would have done....slip one finger inside of her...just to see....

The feeling of her soaking insides will stay with me til' the time of my death. What a beautiful sound it was making, too.
Well since OP is live writing his itll take forever. Ill tell mine as well. maybe out live writes will even out the bumps
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Op hurry before Spider-Man derails
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Well then
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Only have 1-3, so dump the remaining if anyone has them please.
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OP here to keep going

I was fucking horny going in and out of my sister's pussy, it was making weird noises...like spaggehti or something...but It was so good and so fucking hot....I couldn't stop. And while my sister wasn't saying anything at all, I could hear her heavy-breathing.

Fear stroke me again, and I decided to stop. I removed my hand. Sucked her juices off my fingers in front of her and kissed her smooth cheek. I asked if she needed any help with her project, but she said "no thanks". She acted weird and quiet around me for a couple of days. But this experience would only be the first of so many great times.

Now that we are waaay older, I dream about fucking her and being lovers. I hope you liked this, and if you wish, I'd love to share more of my stories with you guys.
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I probably beat off to my sister too much
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Banged my cousin few months ago. It was hot and weird.
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Have 2 female cousins both sisters one is 11 the other is 10. I too am 11 (male)

>We always meet up at grandmas and have a sleep overs. Happens all the time
>Just got out of pool so were drying off sitting on the tile inside watching tv still in our swimming outfits they're in bikinis im in swim trunks
>Something makes us talk about freckles and my 10 year old cousin says I have one on my vagina.
>Peaked my interest I say I have one close to my penis
>She said really?
>My 11 year old cousin says i have one as well its on her pubic area and she shows us cant see anything but i got really hard.
>So i show them mine i pull my pants down i was hard and show them the frekle right next to my penis
>my 10 year old cousin shows us hers but hers are inside her lips
>She spreads her pussy apart and its the hottest thing i've ever seen.
>So I suggest we all get better look at each others privates
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>be about 11
>family is poor as fuck so I share room with little sis
>she's 8
>we're used to changing and stuff in front of each other
>I spend a lot of time just in my underwear
>just recently discovered masturbation and porn
>get hard but can't cum yet
>one day I get horny
>sis isn't in room so I start stroking
>feels good
>she comes in
>I'm embarrassed and put it away
>she asks what I was doing
>tell her nothing
>she somehow convinces me to continue
>I masturbate in front of her for a while
>she gets bored eventually
>she starts doing whatever
>I don't stop until I orgasm

This was just the first time things happened. I have other stories if people want.
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Come on, man...
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I think your missing the point
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Found part 4
I didn't know Lena Dunham was on /b/
I have. Several times. And she enjoys it
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Might as well post my experience.

>be 15, 5’6”, kinda handsome
>summer vacation and have two cousins come stay over at my family's house in DR
>One is a faggy 13 year old boy
>Other is a 8/10 long legged, d-cup, goddess 17 year old (kinda like pic related)
>As a kid, she was fat and loudmouthed.
>she became a beautiful woman
>My sister, 23, invites her to go clubbing
>Master plan commences
>Spend boring time with bitch kid
>1:00 am and it's time to go to bed
>In my sister’s room are one twin and a queen bed
>My sister and her boyfriend sleep in theirs
>Make my cousin sleep in the twin, so my hot cousin sleeps with me in my queen
>Try hard to stay awake for when she arrives but fall asleep anyway
>Flash forward to 6:00 am
>My beautiful cousin is out like a light
>Start rubbing her legs with my cock (may have contributed to my leg fetish)
>This goes on for 20 minutes
>Get brave and go to her ass
>Her fat, perfect, round ass
>The one that has haunted me on facebook for a year
>Start rubbing her fat ass
>My dick heats up in excitement
>See her pussy
>Rub her slightly hairy pussy with my rock hard cock
>move my tip around in her
>check and she is still sleeping
>Cum on her panties
>Panic as I scoop my cum from her ass cheeks
>Leave noticeable stain
>Hear footsteps, and fall asleep
Didnt mean to send so soon.
>So we look at my 11 year old cousins pussy
>Shes very shy she has large lips for her age compared to my 10 year old who hs very small tight lips
>10 year old cousin sees my penis getting very hard and notices it changes and asks to see it change
>So i let it go soft and i make it turn hard again and i show them i can make it bounce they giggle.
>I asked to see hers again and i looked at it and it was very wet i figured it was from the pool back then but i really think she was getting horny

I have more sexual stories with them one is full on sex if anyones interested until then im gonna fap to the other stories
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Pick one
>you guys are fucking sickos! I would never suggest removing a little girl's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples. Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow.The idea of thick viscous semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest,
her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible.
This is the incest thread, bro. Pedophilia is next door.
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Why were the panties damp? I need to know.
But if the pedophilia is also incest then its still relevant to the thread which means it's perfectly okay
OP here. Gentleman, please...


Fake story
Just regular young incest

Jesus christ, no wonder this is regarded as the most autistic place on the internet
pick one
Drink bleach
Story time Mother Fucker
Laughed hard for some reason.
Did the thread just die?
>i didn't know how to unzip bras
>unzip bras
I don't think that's what he meant.
Me 15, caught peeping on my cousin.
Slept in bed with her. Felt her pussy. She woke up. Told me to lay on the floor. 21 now. She hits me up saying she wants me to move to Louisiana with her. Her and her husband are getting a divorce. She has two kids now. Still hot as fuck. Living in FL now. Got two hoes. Still wanting to fulfill my lust for this bitch. What should I do /b/oys? She wants me there next month.
Almost busted at one point by mother in law (who's an ex cop). Had my naked niece sitting in my lap facing me. She was humping the shit out of my dick, breathing hard and shivering like it was freezing. My wife was at work (I was off that day, and trying to get off)
Hear the front door opening, and panic as I see my mother in law just trying to walk in like she owns the fucking place (apparently I forgot to lock up) I say "oh shit!" And my niece repeats it, and runs into the back room. I sit on my couch naked, frozen in fear. Realize in law can't see cause it's so bright outside, and eyes haven't adjusted. It was Fairly dark inside. Ask her what she's doing, and ask if she minds. Tell her I just hoped out of the shower and need some privacy. She apologizes and goes outside, telling me she's leaving a bag got me on the steps. After she's gone, grab bag, close AND LOCK the front door. Niece comes back in the room, tells me she's dry. I lick her little pussy till she's almost asleep from the joy. See she's drooling from having her mouth open the whole time. Lick the drool from her lips. Perch her on my dick and let her hump my throbbing dick till I cum on her. She rubs it on her belly saying it feels nice. Shower with her, get her dressed and nap till the wife gets home.
Mother in law never noticed I was fully naked, or that my niece was naked. Just made a comment later that I shouldn't be walking around in my underwear with children around lol
where in Louisiana
Aren't you worried about the fucking psychological shit that's going to happen to her later on?
Fuck man, they are gonna love you in prison.
New Orleans brother. Kinda effy. About it
Eh why not tho?
Not really. She enjoys it. If she wants to stop I'll stop. Till then, I'll enjoy her

>>595424868 been there. No big deal. Most people just want to do their time and go home. Besides, I have associates in other countries willing to house me with no questions asked should anything arise from this that would give me need to flee.
>buying into the fantasy make believe world that "child psychology" Wants you to believe.


>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Incest pedophila is a subset of incest
I had a similar experience

>jack off every night
>would clean myself off with paper towels and toss them in my trashcan then take a shower
>eventually I noticed that the wadded up paper towels were missing from my trashcan most of the time after I got back from my shower
>I was like 11 or 12 or something and for some reason I didn't think much of it
>same routine goes on for about 2 years
>one day I go into my sister's bedroom for something
>she's a year older than me
>I notice a trashcan on the far side of her bed with a bunch of wadded up paper towels in it
>take one out and look at it
>I can see some cum residue on it but the cum's gone
>I suddenly realized that my sister had probably been eating my cum every single night for the past two years

My boner was solid diamonds from that point on every time I masturbated. It must've gone on for about another year, it seemed like she stopped after getting a boyfriend.

Just typing this out got me hard again remembering it.
do it
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Lol Right?!
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Well New Orleans is pretty cool. I wouldn't do it if you have anything to lose though. I wouldn't leave a good job or anything for it.
> Two hoes
> Louisiana
> kids
Pick one.
Is anything you ever read on/b/ not fake? I haven't read anything not absolute bullshit. Not in 5 years.
I love these
Why didn't you confront her?
>my sister had probably been eating my cum every single night for the past two years
I know everything posted here is bullshit, but that's pretty hot
It's time sir

Actually it's not, my dear friend. But well, it is simply not possible for me to convince you otherwise without any proof (That for obvious reasons, I will not provide).

C'mon people, don't let the thread die!!! I want to read more about your sisters or cousins
Anymore have more stories like this?
Because it was real life, not a porno. I didn't want to blackmail my sister or fuck her or anything. Was good enough for me just knowing every time I blew my load that my sister was going to sneak into my room and eat it afterwards.

I did consider writing a note on one of the paper towels once, but decided I didn't want to risk scaring her off.
Like the ones about my niece. I wish they were fake, but I'll not dig into my phones hidden folder and share nudes or vids of her sucking my dick and get myself caught

dont ever change b... i fucking love this place.
10/10 more please
Best blowjob I ever got was from my cousin. When I came in her mouth and she told me it was too much to keep in her mouth, so she reflexively started swallowing it... well, I'm not sure I could hide how awesome I thought that was. I don't think she liked it as much.
My little sister and I used to have a sexual relationship. But when she started to learn to talk I decided to become an only child. I still go to the forest to visit her.
now THATS edgy
Bump for more stories
Much Darkness. Inner Torment. Wow...
what sort of aggregate was used for the calculation of your average, allowing you to think that FIVE bedrooms plus a study is average?
bumped and checked
Last one for now.
Niece has my phone and is watching porn.
Tells me she wants to try this. Shows me part of vid with girl being sodomized. Tell her it might hurt.
She says she wants to try. And that it won't hurt. So, she gets into the position she saw after getting naked. I spit on my dick and started to push it into her little ass hole slowly. She squirms at first and I ask if she's ok. She says yeah!
Tell her she doesn't have to do this. She says just go.
So I start pushing it in more. She says it hurts too much. So, I grab some lube and a numbing cream and mix a little together, rub it on my dick. Dick is so numb it's hard to keep it erect. Start to push it in again, gently. She said it hurt at first. Then said "it doesn't hurt anymore". So, push it in more and more. Slowly thrust back and forth. And I mean SLOWLY. Don't want to destroy her beautiful little ass hole.... Tell her to let me know when she's done. After about 10 minutes, start getting the feeling back in my dick. So, start thrusting a little faster. And a little faster. Finally give one final deep thrust as I cum buckets into her ass. Pull out. Walk her to the shower where she lets it ooze from her anus. Ask her how she is. She said good and it doesn't hurt. After the shower she says it felt good after she felt it again. Don't know at what point the numbing cream wore off in her, but she didn't complain. The next weekend when she was over and the wife was working, round 2.
I'm too scared to tell my story, in a way it's tons better than any of these.
>leave my phone in a pile of clothes in my bathroom with a spycam app running
>get a bunch of nudes of my sister
>do this every night
>sister seems to notice that my phone is always in the same place with the camera pointed right at her
>apparently figures out that I'm recording her
>never really got clear shots of her before but now she starts intentionally showing off for the camera
>lots of vag shots and her bending over and shaving and stuff
>after a few nights of that she just starts picking up my phone and giving me close up shots
>takes my phone into her rooms sometimes and points it at her while she dildos herself then puts it back
>we never say anything about it to each other
>phone is pin locked so she can't even be 100% positive that I'm actually recording her
kind of hot that she's getting off just on the idea that I'm recording her
Seriously besides the sex or blackmail, I genuinely would've been curious as fuck as to why she was doing it.

But there again my sister was a prude hambeast when I was growing up.
Tell us your lie faggot.
*average for white people
then do it
there's nothing to be scared of, your story isn't even real ; )
>I genuinely would've been curious as fuck as to why she was doing it.
Why do some men sniff panties and lick up the vaginal discharge? Protip: women are often even more perverted than men.
This anon beat me to it.
only a fool.
That's why we have time stamps
Anon why do you think your name is Anon.
There's nothing to be scared of.
I want to believe this is true
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thank you, tell another one whenever you can
I've told my "fake" incest/Pedo/rape stories.
My name is anon btw
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I'll have her again this weekend. I'm sure I can create another story to tell :)
That is my new favorite gif.
I would tell a story but it is long and I don't have it written yet. It is about 2 younger cousins 2 sisters one older with a dachshund one younger and the twins next door and the little boy my sister babysat for, It was a wild summer and fall. Like I said it would take a while to type it up so I will work on it and post at a later date.
0/10. You can't run apps while your phone is pin locked. They all go into suspended mode.
Please kill yourself you sick....wait a minute. I can't believe I fell for such obvious bait. Damn
Learn to green text by that time
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Don't know what kind of shit tier mobile OS you're using but apps run just fine while pin-locked on Android.
Lol haven't tried to do it from my phone
>>mfw I realize that my sister probably fucked herself with a sharpie while like licking up my cum

Some girls get really turned on by the smell of cum, your sister wasn't a virgin.
Isn't that the subtitle of the X-files? Want me to tell you a story about fucking aliens? Illegal aliens. Actually they prefer undocumented.
Wait, so you're only 11?
OK guys this'll be the first time I share my stories ever.

These stories are about me an my cousin and our various sexual encounters in our youth.
When we were about 10 I'd hang out with my cousin alot we'd play together all the time. Growing up we were inseparable. So much so that our families moved from NY to FL together. When I was about 10 and my cousin was 11 she was growing tits for a long while, at least a B cup at the time. So when I'd go to her house her father would watch soccer downstairs and we'd be playing on the computer upstairs. Often times I'd give her a massage and stuff. When I started to notice her tits I'd give her massages just to grab her tits and play with them.
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>next time my niece stories will be green texted
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nice dubs
Thread replies: 150
Thread images: 38

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