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Badly describe an anime. Anon tries to guess what it is. Faggot
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Badly describe an anime.
Anon tries to guess what it is.
Faggot with a weird hairstyle tries to save people from going to jail
> white hair child soldier
> Norse
Unanswered ones from last thread:

>huge eggs
>baking, cigarettes, robes
>everyone's dead

>everything is grimdark
>except underground; it's pleasant there.
>turns out its fake
>everyone in the world dies

Unluckiest man in the world saves the world by grabbing tits

Naked chick and ginger armwrestle Chinese mecha in space
a neet asocial that lived 20 years with his sis leaves with a chick to get some swords
Plant people in space fight tentacle rapists to defend new home planet.
Sword art online
Kids ride motorcycles and then kill a giant fetis
Homeless girl hangs out with faggots.
>shut in NEET gets teleported to another world
>decides to help grill get a stolen object back
>dies and resets back at an apple stand
Nigger invades America and becomes friends with a stupid amerifat whils't falling in love with an indian grill
Cory in the house
Re zero, youre not even trying.
>class isn't like any other class
> main character is a cross dresser(not by choice)
>fuck the teacher, tends to be annoying, everyone wants to kill him.
>whole plot revolves on killing the teacher

Hint: tentacles are involved like always
Assassination classroom
Guy with pink eye kills himself.
ed edd n eddy
Guy on quest to save village joins a group of revolutionaries and fights a group made to counter the revolutionaries and dies
>first season makes you think it's a supernatural themed romance
>second season+ JK TIME TO KICK DEMON ASS
akame ga kill
Dumb loli girl who can't see the truth
>dude looks like a lady
Pissed off strong guy kills fuckloads of people.
Ouran high school easy
Tokyo Ghoul
Ace Attorney.
nope. that's a lady that looks like a dude
3) Monster musume
*whispers to the side* He probably watches anime
>The guy saves a kid
>Then the whole season he tries to kill this kid
>In the end he saves him
>Shitty ending is shitty

Also nope. I'll throw in an extra hint:
>guy unwillingly dates girl whose tits he grabbed, but cheats on her constantly
Monster. just watched it recently
>guy never leaves his apartment
Preist gets killed and one son is smart and the other one is blue and had a kick ass sowrd
Fat guy, skinny guy and ginger sing about being broke for 12 episodes.
NHK, my negro
Nerd ass musicians mom dead and chick leads him on till she dies. The end
>Oh this looks like your tyipcal qt anim
>otaku vampire lets virgin girl die by plant
High school delinquents, a gorilla, a robit, and a Freddy.
any anime ever
High School of the Dead
God uses dead kid as sword
Cromartie High School.
Gakkou Gurashi
3) To Aru Majutsu no Index
yea mayn. I feel like I should watch it again, I don't wanna get back into my old hikki habits
>get in the god damn robot
Ding ding my nig nig
Nope. Much older. Additional hint here
The Big Dango family and tears
Was expecting that response. You get full points regardless
Blood Lad
>cowboy bebop on acid
Do it, mane. Also read the mango. I read it back in like 2009 (when some qt [that I had no idea liked me because I was after some girl who would go on to turn fuck-ugly very fast] let me borrow them) and it's stuck with me since. There's a fantastic scene at a carnival type thing that absolutely is not in the animu and I recommend you torrent them or something. The novel which the animu and mango are based off of is nothing special though, so you can skip it.

happy reading brother
sounds like jormungand
Space Dandy, baby
finland saga
School Days?
>Angel Beats
>fuck you tear bags
Still no, sorry.
I give up. Which is it?
>Literally the most perfect student ever
Urusei Yatsura.
i'll give it a go man, I read the novel and I liked the drug bits
>bunch of spies before world war 2 try and stop white people from doing shit
you were right, old as fuck
still a nice comedy
>white hair guy
>loses innocence
>becomes a clown
hint: he fingerbangs the demons to death
sakamoto desu ga
>school with monsters.
>first friend is a vampire
>over 9000 episodes
>MC still hasn't grown up

2 valid answers for this. both are STILL ongoing and with several movies
>guy moves into little village
>get a few female friends
>everyone are crazy and it repeats each time revealing more insanity
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>Badly describe an anime.
jitsu wa watashi wa
That's one
Rosario vampire
actually I am
Higurashi no naku koro ni
>mismatched friends
>main character basically retarded burger flipper
>possible radiation-induced mutation
>under the sea
which one?
nagi no asukara?
Scooby Doo Monster Academy
not him, but pretty sure both
This is easy
>guy and a friend dies
>it's alien killing time
>they die a few more times
The three
no but close
sponge bob
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you got it
Tokyo Ghoul
>guy living a pacific life
>suddenly an alien riding a motocycle smacks him in the head with a guitar
>guy now gives birth to several mechas through the series
>my sex life
White haired dude who apparently committed murder gets thrown off an airship by another white haired dude
D Gray Man
>japanese guy goes to study at Europe
>finds a blonde-haired little girl in a library
>they solve mysteries and shit
a faggot who is obsessed with a book commits a shitload of murders in an attempt to purify the population only to be eventually thwarted by a ghost-type motherfucker and some chink that looks like he's never slept a day in his life
deadman wonderland
Death note?
>neckbeard in loli body
>has no plot
>nothing but cringe
lucky star
Joshi Shogakusei Hajimemashite
Not what i had in mind, but yeah, that's pretty much it.

>protagonist looks younger than older brother

yeet that one was easy af

heres another one

a masochistic ex-soldier enjoys eating 9and being) chicken, as well as general anarchy and shenanigans
White haired dude who supposedly committed murder gets thrown off an airship by another white haired dude
NEET rebirths in another world
>now i'll try to do it right
>one blonde and one black haired guy fighting all the time
>they really would like to do other things
>are forced by their douchy bosses to do so
>shitty animation, WTF is happening!?
4 gay friends swim
>actual plot
12 year old children participate in potentially fatal war-game exercises in an attempt to graduate in this classic tale of weebery and foreheads
No game no life
Close, but not
Not an anime yet, and i don't think it will be
girls und panzer
nope, its not naruto
Hint 1: >quite comical
>teenage werewolf must protect vampire lolita
1) not
A faggot club and a hidden cat.
Yu Yu Hakusho
>female exchange student with anger issues fucks school over
Yu Yu Hakusho
sounds like a good anime, which is it?
>get a boner and everyone in class starts laughing at him
>kills aliens
>A load of faggot kid in a faggot club with a hidden pussy.

Kill la Kill
Ouran Club
kid goes out and gets pet to fight pets
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you should check the catalog a bit btter fags
>gather the balls
>over 9000 episodes and still don't let the series die
>An autistic space woman with a string instrument wants to fuck an under-aged child; robot Kanye West gets pissed.
>travels time without explanation
>cucked by childhood friends
dubs of truth have spoken
girls who play a game at a club but one of them is a genius who always wants score 0
there city and there mysterious skyscraper in which curious retards keep entering and never return
>Normal guy in a HighSchool
>Want peace in his life
>Something unexpected appear
>Change his life forever
From here, you can choose whatzver you want.
>Get an harem
>Gain super power
>Become god
dude plays children card game
to save the world
>devils fight knights to make it to christmas.
Steins gate
>guy doesn't bang his sister for two entire seasons
Cory in the house
Let's try these here.

>seems business as usual
>Did she died?
>Wait wat
>Norse mythology and Christianity for reasons
>also, it's all about rape

Weirdest fucking anime I've seen.

>I have to do this AGAIN?
>everyone wants my body
>noob secretly OP as fuck
>darth maul motherfucker bein edgy as fuck
>it was all a ruse!
>but that means Darth Maul was really... FARMER JENKINS!
>habe AIDS, b0ss
>people die at same time
>play games
>one reincarnated, other abyss
Death Parade
>literally every recent anime
>Girl gets in a guy's bedroom
>Guy kicks girl
>Guy becomes a god
literally every anime
>let me use this overexaggerated superpower to kill the evil boss dude at once, and never use it again
>also, a shitton of fanservice
>a lineage of homosexuals
>unexplained magic
>construction vehicles
>funny hats
Since this thread is here, does anyone got a good "Romantic guy struggles but gets the girl" anime to reccomend me? Bonus points for any kind of violent accion.
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sword art online
2) Gurren Lagann
2) sounds a bit like SAOs second season
>last episode twist
>season 2 promised
>never happened
>Yellow faggot working in nuclear plant and drinking beer
>Has 3 children and a wife with blue hair and nice tits
>Yellow faggot does shit every episode but still somehow survive, lol xD
Family Guy
blue exorcist
>man uses bread to control people's minds
Ding ding ding, we have a winner!
I knew it wasn't THAT hard.
Lego movie
1: Highschool DxD?
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>dorky kissless virgin trips and falls on hottest girl in school
>hands land on her breasts
>harem ensues
>Guy miss his life
>Go back to school for one year
>The 13 episodes get release in a day.
>Monsters with tits
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Panty stocking
also OP from other animoo post, sup fampai
Already seen it.
>it's shit.
Thanks, though.
Every Ecchi/Harem's anime
it's shit
Nope. It's fairly obscure, as far as I know.
>A highschool boy who hates normies
>prepare for trouble
The Simpsons
Lol ez
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That's the one.
It involves a talking cat.
Which is?
Online god in a bear suit
I think that will be most like
>Prepare for flashbacks
rocket team
no the other mon.

1 is. Someone already got 2.
Child uses rat in animal fighting groups, society seems ok with kids wondering across the country by themselves.
>it wasn't ME, it was the one-armed man!
>don't drop the soap
>I need to make him magic
>let's drop a rock, see what happens
>yep, shit's magic
>Round 2, FIGHT!
>was not prepared.jpg
>the fuck was that?
>the fuck is this?
>the fuck are you?
>Guy have to suck tits to get energy to fight
seikon no qwaser
>Diamond is unbreakable: the game: the anime
>it was the gas station attendant all along.
>nazi zombies invading
>KKK joins in just to get fucked up badly by an ass raped child
Dance in the vampire bund
you are both right
>confusing architecture
>Endless Summer
>Vampire kill humans
>Take kids for blood
>One escape
>Want to find his fag brother
>Learn to fight
>Humans use demon's weapons
>Everything is fucked up
To the guy from the other thread that couldn't remember the name of it and was seriously asking, S-Cry-Ed
Suzumiya Haruhi ?
>dudes homecounty is invaded, gets drafted
>collects animal shit instead
Seraph of the end
seraph of the end
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