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This guy was booked like Cena during his two year run at the
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This guy was booked like Cena during his two year run at the top.

Rarely losing, and never took a clean pin.

And not a single one you neckbeards complained about it.
It wasnt over 10 years.
>rarely losing clean
>a lot of his two year run was spent sidelined
>during that time, his only periods of "cena-booking" were spent against Haitch (which was perfectly rightful) and fucking Kane
>lost clean to Bray and bbgurl
>then went to IC Champ status
>other than that got jerked around by Orton in a never-ending feud

Just put some effort in, lad.
it's almost like he was over or something
He is better than Reigns or Cena in every conceiveable way that matters to me. He wasn't Cena booked either.
I know right?! I can't believe people actually enjoy the likes of CM Emo, Daniel Bryan (cringe!) and tiny autist Finn Balor. How embarrassing!
Bryan isn't better than Cena on the mic and has the personality of a vacuum
Name five wrestlers better than Cena on the mic.
I'd rather watch a hard worker than a fakey-fake underdog.
Cena is extremely stale on the mic and repeats the same thing almost every time he speaks.
>Hot crowd here in _______ tonight!
>some of y'all may like me and some of y'all may not
>the champ is here
Exactly. He can obviously do better, but his gimmick restricts him tightly.
>personality of a vacuum
>was the most over guy in the company from 2013-15
something doesn't fit here
Have sex

When Cena is serious he destroys most of the roster on the mic, even if he is stale is he still a shit ton better than Bryan on the mic
>extremely stale on the mic

If Cena is that then Bryan's mic skills are literally diarrhea

Cena is the best WWE-only talker they have since the AE
he's lame as fuck, why even deny it?

>Weak vegan manlets detected
Punk was better on the mic than Cena

A useless distinction nowadays since they steal talent from everywhere
Dude, when Cena comes back he HAS to have something changed about him. He's in slacks, he has a different haircut, he has a mustache, a little bit of stubble, ANYTHING.
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>Punk was better on the mic than Cena
>Punk was better on the mic than Cena
You're not fooling anyone Phil
They only started stealing talent for the past 4-5 years.

Most of the roster during the early-mid 00s were 80% WWE guys and 20% ECW/WCW carryovers.
Don't you have a picture of heidenreich to jerk off to?

Except Cena was booked like Cena for 10 years moron.
Batista is better on the mic than Cena.
Is this a joke?

It's "D-Bry" (CRINGE!) - get it right champ

He was never over. He only appealed to half a dozen loudmouth beta geeks in the crowd who thought they could be a weak vegan manlet like him.
>literally got countless stadiums packed screaming his name and his chant
>a minority of neck beards were his fan base

It's almost like this is bait or something.

>a minority of neck beards were his fan base

Please apply yourself.
New t-shirt
I'm glad this manlet is gone.
Batista pls go
> never took a clean pin

RR 2014
Braaaaaayyyy pinned him clean
No, it's the truth.
Kek you played yo'self
I don't even like Bryan that much but you anti-smarks make me cringe
He lost clean to Bray Wyatt at the Royal Rumble the year Batista won. So 2 years ago.

Please step out of 2007 and then have sex.
>using kids with cancer and the military to make retards chant "U.S.A! U.S.A!"

yeah, he's "great" ha ha
Lots of us complained about that vanilla midget that wasn't even over. It was his fucking chant that was over
Kek you played yo'self
Please Get A Proper Education
>and never took a clean pin.

lost to Bray clean as a whistle
Because he was good at wrestling and Cena isn't. He also didn't have a stupid gimmick and Cena does.

Adam Cole
Jay Lethal
Kevin Owens
Chris Jericho

Or did you just mean in the WWE?

Kevin Owens
Chris Jericho
Dean Ambrose
Smoa Joe
Bray Wyatt

Did you just mean on the main roster?

Chris Jericho
Bray Wyatt
Dean Ambrose
Shane McMahon

Did you just mean full time wrestlers on the main roster?

Bray Wyatt
Dean Ambrose
Sasha Banks

Just the best damn theme for the worst damn wrestler.


He needs to come back and rape Michael Cole again.
>Kevin Owens
>Dean Ambrose

Apply yourself to a meat-based diet
>He also didn't have a stupid gimmick


My sides


My sides

>Using 18+ in any context on a thread about fake wrestling

My sides

Pathetic weak vegan manlet charity case wrestlers make adults cringe
Reminder that Bryan stopped being vegan in late 2012
>My sides
Such a reddit expression.
you mean started?
Are you illiterate?
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>Sasha Banks
he started being a vegan in 2012 stupid nigger cunt

Please have sex with someone who isn't a family member
already with your mum
> Cole was burying him on-commentary for being a vegan on NXT

Wanna know how I can tell you're a moron?
Me and you are siblings though
is that what your mom told you? sorry anon i'm your brother and your daddy

Please write at an 8th grade level
samefagging cunts

>samefagging cunts

at least youre here for me
yes i am habibi
> everybody's telling me I'm a dumbfuck so I'll call samefag

Quit stealing my beef and end yourself
>stealing my beef

Wtf are you even talking about benchode
Someone correct my train of logic if I'm wrong, but let's say Roman and Bryan were/are booked relatively the same. Both were made to look strong and get big wins over major wrestlers.

Why is it then that Bryan and Roman had polar opposite reactions at their respective WM main events?

Do people like to rebel? I mean, we can argue talent and shit like MUH SUFFERIN SACOTASH and MUH YES CHANT IS OVER NOT BRYAN as much as we want, but the biggest thing I think that separates Roman and Bryan is how they are percieved by the audience. Roman is a promoters dream. Look at the cunt. People were calling him being the man since he debuted. It's predictable, it's shallow and it's insulting to pretend the Authority doesn't like him for whatever reason. It doesn't gel with the Reality Era they have created. I'm not saying Roman is bad, but his booking doesn't seem to suit him as a person or a wrestler. He's not someone a company would hate to have on posters. He's a homegrown supermodel, who used wrestling as backup plan. And that's not saying he's a bad person/wrestler. He's just a very forced character and I think part of the awkwardness is due to him not believing it himself

Bryan on the other hand loves wrestling and his character seems genuine. Bryan never had the look, but people clicked and it gelled. He was real and the angle felt real. And today I think that is what people want. That is the distinction between Punk, Bryan and even Cena nowadays, compared to guys like Roman and Batista. It doesn't have to be indie darlings maineventing WM by sheer virtue of wrestling in highschool gyms to 3 people, but a little reality and believability to storylines. Yeah sure there are exceptions to this, but knowadays, everyone is a smark. And they eat the reality stuff up. It can't be over the top, it has to be subtle and it can't revolve around HHH.

Punk's shoot got mainstream appeal for a reason. They gotta ride the reality wave home
>it's an anti-smarks getting worked by the GOAT thread
It's hard to get behind a guy who has the look of an actual badass compared to getting behind a guy who looks like a waiter at Pancake House.
If they made reigns actually lose and seem like he doesn't stand a chance he would've been truly an underdog. Except he's been super cena ever since he joined the wwe and continued in his single run.
But he isn't an underdog even if he loses in kayfabe, everyone knows he's the handpicked face of the company. He's literally Seth Rollins kayfabe character in real life. Bryan got support because in Vince's ideal world he wouldn't even be on the wrestlemania card let alone main eventing.
It's because he's a manlet

Its true the iwc smarks have a huge double standard
>But he isn't an underdog even if he loses in kayfabe
>anybody but you roman
Jesus please fuck off. If he actually loses people, would have more sympathy with him, and actually like him, except he wins all the time and no one can relate to him. Do you not remember the first month when the shield broke up? Both roman and deanetty was over as fuck
Roman and Dean were still over as the shield, they didn't officially split until a few weeks after the break up - then Dean was over against Rollins whilst Roman moved into the state he is now and has been since Summerslam 2014.
>anybody but you roman
>for stating the obvious fact that Roman Reigns will never be a believable underdog in the exact same way John Cena was never a believable underdog
Wow you really are those autistic cunts pseudo smarks from the youtube section aren't you?
>oh shit better meme
Nice one m8
It's not memes if its true. You're literally pissed off at roman reigns because he was hand picked by the company to be the top guy. If he had good booking like Daniel Bryan and actually lost some matches he would be over with most of the smarks. Except autist like you will never like any wrestlers unless he's shorter than 6 ft and was in an independent wrestling promotion
If Roman starts losing especially to random nobodies his fanbase will stop caring about him as is the vicious cycle of WWE faces.

See Sheamus, Ziggler, Rusev, etc.
You're as out of touch as Vince if you think Roman could ever be believed as an underdog and you would be a horrible booker if you think simply losing a couple times is all it takes.

that simply isn't his role and that's what makes him such a forced character.
It's because wwe doesn't know how to book. Ziggler was over as fuck when he beat the authority by himself except they didn't do anything with him after that.

Yes, it can happen because he was over as fuck when the shield broke up.
>pissed off
I just said you can't believably make someone who everyone knows will win an underdog. If he loses in kayfabe you just know he'll win the next two. He needs a different character.
>What is Joe Roman doing in NJPW
>over as fuck when the shield broke up
Yeah, because he wasn't an underdog - he was a badass who wanted revenge or w/e
He won't hold the title for long because of MITB and a returning Seth Rollins, you can bet your ass they will be aligning the Shield Triple Threat they are creaming themselves since last year.

Winning 3 titles in a short span is a double-edged sword, once his WM reign is over (including the post-title feud) he won't be sniffing the belt for a while.

That also means he will bulldoze to the actual indy darling title held by Fatty.
You see this is why wwe doesn't know how to book. If he had actuals threats that beat reigns clean he can go ver the next two. Just like how based fatass beat cena clean the first time. When reigns squashes all the top heels people starts hating him. The problem is wwe doesn't known how to make good heels anymore

Thats what he is right now and you autist are hating on him. He's a bad ass who destroyed the league of jobbers already

Begging you to have sex
>says the autist who hates reigns

Begging you to not live paycheck to paycheck
Feed me more (you's)
that is far from the same thing, him going over the LOJ was cena-esgue/stacking the odds type booking that fits an underdog like Dolph. By that point Roman already got his revenge on Triple H at TLC and reverted him back to that shitty Cena position. within 5-6 weeks the fans fully turned on him.
Dolph didn't destroy the authority by himself like how roman reigns destroyed the LOJ. Sting had to help dolph win. I don't remember anyone helping roman
The Roman Empire bro
Two usos. = one john cena

1 deanetty = dolph ziggler and 1/4 of sting
Reigns didn't lose the fans 'cause of booking. He lost them 'cause they realised that he sucks.

>Except autist like you will never like any wrestlers unless he's shorter than 6 ft and was in an independent wrestling promotion

Cool Strawman Breh.
Kill yourself rikishi
you literally answered your own question
But he didn't pose a question.

Go and seek the education you so badly need.
Please have sex you cunt
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