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Booing Roman is now a meme based on nothing but kids thinking
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Booing Roman is now a meme based on nothing but kids thinking it's the cool thing to boo him. There is literally nothing WWE can do to not have him booed now.

He isn't even that bad. There is hardly anyone else in WWE who would seem like a legitimate champion.

Fucking annoying smarks are ruining the show memeing.

hes boring as fuck and being forced down the throats of the audience and they dont like it, and instead of adapting to this and doing something different with the characters, WWE just stubbornly doubles down. Just like they did with Cena and Bootista to the point where they had to edit out the audience cheering as he got blindsided in a cowardly sneak attack

why dont they just make him a heel?
Hello Vince
I think they're doing that actually
And who would you make champion? Dean fucking Ambrose? loool.
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>And who would you make champion?

Keep it on Roman, just make him an asshole and turn all that hate he gets into something good.

why the fuck would they start building up AJ as the heel and make Roman the honorable one. Just make him an arrogant asshole who curses out the audience for not appreciating how great he is and cheats to keep his title
>Roman isn't even that bad

In terms of talent, he's a step above Braun Strowman and about on the same level as Titus. (Who actually has far more charisma than Roman)

Roman is bottom tier in terms of ability, but is getting pushed to the moon for reasons. And fans clearly don't like those reasons, and are voicing it.
Cena, Brock, HHH, Mark Henry, Miz would all be better as champs than Roman
He already got his part-time run
>mark henry
Why don't we just switch Roman and Baron Corbin and pretend nothing's wrong or different until everyone just accepts it?
Hall of Pain Henry was pretty based. Once again, sure as hell better than Roman.
Not in 2016, Henry is retiring soon anyway

Post more qt Romona
Put the belt on Big E. Shit would be amazing.

*somebody gonna get they ass kicked*
*somebody gonna get they wig split*
they should just turn Roman full heel and then let Cesaro win the title off of him, I really don't understand why they haven't given him a world title shot he just fits.
Post pics of your lingerie, Romark.
I really don't understand why they haven't given him a world title shot
Cesaro doesn't connect with pajeets
sorry vince he isnt strong enough
Roman is just fine. Not my first choice for a champion, but not even close to my last. And he won't be champion forever.

Do you know how many times WWE has implied Roman is the new Cena, the new face of the WWE? None. That's how many. All WWE has ever done is paint him as one among many. He is barely more prominent than Daniel Bryan or CM Punk were during their title reigns.

Roman vs AJ should be entertaining. Roman vs Dean could be great. There are several good match-ups to look forward to in Roman's run.

The fans are acting like babby's these days sometimes when the story doesn't turn out exactly the way they want it to every week.

And I think there is also a stubborn component of the audience that has the line of thinking "I will never like Roman no matter what because you want me to like Roman."
Cesaro can't talk. He only had about three lines on Monday and he managed to fumble one of them.
Someone worth a damn
Is there anymore rule 63 superstars, or a website that has good ones?
Nobody can fucking talk. At least that Swiss jamook is decently over.
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Angry Rusev.webm
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>Henry is retiring soon
>Cesaro cant talk
Neither can roman
Only working in the WWE is it your job to watch your fiance and woman you love make out with another man. Seriously, was THIS story line worth that for Rusev? Poor guy.
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I'm going to hijack this thread and turn it into


Let's start with:

-people chanted ''we want Rusev'' when Roman Reigns was about to win the Royal Rumble
-people actually chant ''we want Lana'', even his manager is more over than Reigns
-legitimate 2 years build as monster
Bray Wyatt

-legitimate stable
-can actually talk
-crowd is into him and gives him an ovation every time he enters
Roman will be in the main event forever until wwe dies, which is never because all vince has to do is hire some indy shitter and the smarky smarks will keep watching it
>-legitimate 2 years build as monster

It's fucking baffling how they pour all this effort into a guy then let him fester in midcard agony.
Shouldn't it be the other way around? Having him pay dues in irrelevance before he gets the monster push?
Not an immediate, hasty monster push, then shooting yourself in the foot, undermining your own fucking effort and letting him wither away?
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-if he was booked as superman, like Roman, he'd be actually credible, unlike Roman
-legit babyface and crowd favourite
-can't talk? still better than succotash
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>Indy shitter
>People in Indies are more over than Roman

-First ever undisputed champion
-Fan favorite as a Heel and Face
-Literal rockstar
-This will probably be his last WWE run before retiring for his music career full-time

-Roman is good looking? So is Fandango
-And he still gets a better crowd reaction than Roman
-actually has an established and liked gimmick
Wwe fans are full of indy shitter fans now.

The casual fans left long time ago
But they need someone who can be a superhero for the kids. AJ will never be that.
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-good mic skills
-so good as a heel he actually gets cheered
-can wrestle
-he'd probably outsell Roman's merchandise if he was pushed half as much
Rey Mysterio was, so AJ can easily be.

He looks like your average wrestling fan.
Kids are dumb. Anyone can be a superhero to them if you book them appropriately pertaining to their skill-set.
Wrassling is a much more creative and lively medium than you give it credit for, apparently.
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King Barrett:

-was actually over and pushed until WWE dropped the ball on him because ''we must make Roman the face of the company'', what did he even get the KOTR for?
-Bad News was actually a rather popular gimmick, getting huge pops, see on youtube.
-can wrestle
Is he actually gone?
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-generic ''big guy''
-still gets legitimate good pops
Lmao, Reigns is A-tier when it comes to ability. No one here is denying that.
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-already multiple times champion, legit liked heel
-good looks, good on mic, decent wrestler, hot wife
>on the same level as Titus.

I don't now if you're over-rating Titus, or under-rating Roman, but no.
Titus is honestly worse than Strowman as a wrestler. He's horribly uncoordinated, even more-so than Braun.
He tripped over his own feet on, like, three different occasions that I can recall.
in terms of wrestling ability he is below average
Dolph Ziggler:

-good looks and at least he didn't get booed out of the building as champion, he actually got a big pop
>cites good looks
>chooses that picture

He looks like a sentient jaw with hair.
You don't need to be a "techanical wrestler" or "le flippy kicks" to be good in the wwe. You just need good character and roman's character isn't good right now. Although him working the smarks saying he's "THE GUY" is based
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and finally

-can wrestle
-good mic skills
-legitimately over
-good run as single
-pushed down the card all the time because ''muh Roman Cena''
I haven't seen this much fedora in a post before.
Can you post your pics?
>liking roman is fedora
Please time stamp your jaw fatty
>Raw next week
>Roman comes out
>Doing his promo
>Bullet club comes out to get him
>"I'm not a good guy, I'm not a bad guy, I'm a PAUL HEYMAN GUY"
>Heyman and crew come out
>Roman and Bork annihilate Styles Club
>Heel Turn Achieved
Post those pics bb
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>getting this upset that i made fun of your flippy midgets and technical wrestling
Post lingerie
Roman is twice the talker Cesaro is, and that's pretty bad.
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>anyone except you roman
Show me your lingerie
It's just acting. Any professional entertainer should be fine with it.
they've done it with literally every heel.
>build him
>give him a midcard championship for a few months
>Feud With Cena happens
>he loses the feud
>drowns forever in the midcard to eventually be released three years down the line

Rusev will be wrestling in new japan at some point. I'd put money on it.
That would be taboo because i only have your mom's lingerie bbgirl
Wear it for daddy beato
Are you gay dark boi?
he doesn't even need a padded Vest. Fandango has "THE LOOK" the only reason he was ever buried was the fans started cheering for him over the guy vince wanted him to cheer.
>it's bad to have a guy who shows that you don't have to be a fucking ripped mastodon to be in the wwe
if i say no homo as i cock dis here fist its fine
You're right except for the released part.
I don't know why people still meme about WWE releasing wrestlers. They're not liberal with it or anything, they just let them languish in the low-card even if they barely use them.
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>non roman fans are literally gay

Who would've thought
well if the guy asks for his release they usually do it.
No. I'd make Big Cass champ ASAP, with Enzo as his manager, because they're entertaining as all fuck.

If they put the same kind of rocket to Big E's back after New Day ends that they did on Roman when Shield broke up, we could have a legit new face of the company on our hands.

No. We don't have any faces over enough to take him on.

Injured. Also without a top face healthy, Wyatt at the top of the card doesn't make sense.

Legit worse on the mic than Reigns.

That actually might be a good idea.


Owens could be an unorthodox face of the company if done right, ala Stone Cold. Too bad WWE won't ever do this.

Actually, this one had potential.

No. Rybotch is worse than Reigns.

Miz is wasting his potential. Could be a top face if they changed his gimmick.

Too injury prone

Eh. I'm a huge Dean mark, but I'll be honest, he'd make a way better heel. Everyone who was in the Shield makes a better heel than face, other than possibly Rollins who needs another face run to show us what he can do.
>he wears lingerie
But i don't fag boy.

Stop projecting your literal faggot fantasy onto me

personally I don't think I'd break the newday up.
I'd pull them out of the tag division eventually and just make them a full fledged faction. Put Big E as the guy who does a wwe championship match and they use the free bird rule to call themselves the WWE Champions

it's never been done before and it would be interesting and awesome and that's why it will never fucking happen
>it's bad to have a guy who shows that you don't have to be a fucking ripped mastodon to be in the wwe

When did i say that?

I just said he looks like your average wrestling fan, and people can connect with him
>romarks wear lingerie
>roman lingereigns
oh. My bad.
Rusev needs to be WWE champ asap
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>Being this upset i made fun of your circus performance skills
>now claiming me to be a fag crossdresser

Please have sex and hold hands with a girl
>he admits to wearing lingerie
>>he admits to wearing lingerie
i don't

Timestamp your bloody vagina right now
>Lingereigns marks
Brock is tweener right now tho.

Hell, this would be a really good idea now that I think of it. Pair Roman with Heyman for a while, and eventually have Brock get jelly and feud with Roman at Summerslam.

Lesnar wins by DQ, while Roman betrays and attacks Heyman solidifying heel turn. At night of champions, Roman beats Cena (Not clean). Heyman comes out and talks some shit. Roman tries to talk shit back. Brock comes out from under ring and beats the shit out of Roman. Out comes Big E with MITB.

Reigns feuds with Lesnar at Hell in a Cell and wins clean. Heel Reigns eats mid carders and jobbers until Royal Rumble, where him and Cena eliminate each other, leading to a rematch at WM where Cenawinslol. Reigns turns face again, and WWE tries to slowly push him back to the main event scene. Make it seem like after losing to Cena he's legit rattled, and has to work his way back up like they tried to do after Cena lost to The Rock.

Also, main event at Mania would be Big E vs Finn. New Day Vs. Bulletproof starts with run in at Hell in a Cell, is the main event at survivor series, Balor beats Big E for championship at TLC. Big E wins Royal Rumble.
what's up with you and lingerie?

is that all you're going to keep saying?

are you autistic?
>Romarks in charge of wearing lingerie
So you are literally autistic.

Thank you for answering
>so good as a heel he actually gets cheered
>good heel
>Record Low Lingereigns
wait you were talking about seth rollins the whole time
i'm not a cross-dresser.

i told you this
>Lingereigns marks
did i hurt you when i made fun of your technical wrestling or le midget flippy kicks?
>romarks in charge of wearing lingerie
>Please have sex and hold hands with a girl

You're asking too much from these guys. Why not something more likely to happen like putting out the sun with a bucket of water?
i don't know why he was so upset.

i just said you don't need to be a technical wrestler or flippy kicks to get over in the wwe and he just started sperging out
Post lingerie
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All I wanted was more cute r63 wrestlers or at least a link to the artist. IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK?!
Give Undertaker the title one last time so he can retire
Romarks wear lingerie.
If i had to choose someone else it'd be AJ Styles, Seth, or someone new from Nxt like Shinsuke or Finn Balor. I wouldnt mind others like rooroo but they are buried and WWE has basically stopped with cool story lines to make less popular people more popular leading to belt changes. Its all just small fueds then someone wins a meaningleas match and oh hai i got dis belt.
>No. We don't have any faces over enough to take him on.
Dean Ambrose
>Injured. Also without a top face healthy, Wyatt at the top of the card doesn't make sense.
We have those if Vince doesn't keep pushing them down because ''Roman Cena''
>Legit worse on the mic than Reigns.
kek no
''Chicago this is real life''
please, when Cesaro cuts a promo that's as bad as Roman's you can come back
in denial
Fandango is legitimately more over than Roman. When was the last time you saw ''Roman Reigns'' in cubical letters? Never. Fandango gets that with zero push
>Owens could be an unorthodox face of the company if done right, ala Stone Cold. Too bad WWE won't ever do this.
Yeah because Vince is stuck with this 80s mentality of having Hulk Hogan/Cena carrying the company, despite the fact that his business took off when he dropped that.
>Actually, this one had potential.
Wasted and thrown down the midcard for no reason other than ''we have to push Roman''.
Again what was the point of making him win King of the Ring?
King of the Ring gave the chance to Stone Cold to cut the 3:16 promo, gave the chance to Booker to reinvent himself. Barrett was good and over enough to deserve a push, but noooooooooooooooooooooooo we have to make the crowd like Roman at all costs.
>No. Rybotch is worse than Reigns.
And yet gets legitimately good pops as a face.
>Miz is wasting his potential. Could be a top face if they changed his gimmick.
Miz I'm not sure if he's trying anymore or cares.
>Eh. I'm a huge Dean mark, but I'll be honest, he'd make a way better heel. Everyone who was in the Shield makes a better heel than face, other than possibly Rollins who needs another face run to show us what he can do.
Another one pushed down the card for Roman.

People wouldn't really hate Roman if he didn't steal the spotlight from more talented guys. WWE has wasted 2 years building nobody but him, when any of the above guys is a better draw without a push.

Thats what Daniel Bryant was
I'm sure the kids laying in a hospital would like someone to visit them who does not look like he works there as a janitor.

Nigga looks like Riff Raff on less coke and more HGH + suit - braids
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-future NJPW top ace
-over as fuck in Japan even though he rarely does promos because his ring work is so impressive
-one of the toughest guys in the business
-doesn't have to use a le wacky michael mercury gimmick
daily reminder roman reigns is


I wear lingerie, too
Whoever keeps making these.
Keep it up.

Based lingerie poster
Please wear lingerie.
Get that man some lingerie and well see how good he is

haha oh fucking wow

>implying kids wouldn't buy AJ Styles gloves
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reigns is shit.

we all love traps here though right dean marks?
What is with this new Roman Reigns lingerie meme? Did I miss something?
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>look it up on google
>find some taken-down link about "leaked lingerie selfies" that went up just a bit ago
shit dude i really need to know too but there's too much shitposting going on to ask
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>"i-i-its the audience! not the poor unbelievable booking!"
fuck that. The term "Heyman Guy" should be reserved for greats. Didn't they make Ryback a Heyman Guy at one point? baka
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look at the artist name in the corner you fucking mong
Just get rid of Brock and find a new Heyman guy put the title on that fucker until Rollins come back
>yfw Apollo Crews becomes the new Cena and beats Reigns at Summerslam
I wish they'd at least give him one more title chase, the sexual chocolate/markswoggle/hall of pain has always been one of my favorites no matter how heavy of a heel they made him
>He isn't even that bad

Lost all credibility here.
Romark go away
>Cesaro doesn't connect with pajeets
>Huge pop on his return
>Had fans fucking make signs for him that flooded arenas and spawned a shirt.

Guy connects plenty, and his new gimmick suits (heh) him perfectly. He is definitely championship material, considering some of the champions we've had previously.
Because their product has been pretty shit for the last year and a half.

And roman is one of the prime reasons among many.
I honestly wouldn't even be mad. As bad as "CENAWINSLOL" may seem, it allows the company to stay with having a big babyface, and develop more mature storylines elsewhere for others.

It feeds the machine, and the machine is what throws us a bone.
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>cutting out the end where Summer Rae appears like an angel to help Rusev up on his feet
Am I the only one who would love to see Kane as champion?
It's one guy forcing it
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>Wikismarks go out of their way to type this horseshit in a lame attempt to influence the reader
>Roman even gets Wikismarks ultra anally ravaged
>He isn't even that bad

Yes he is.
5 moves, of which 3 are shittily done. Almost no promo skills at all. Poor to average selling. Pushed to the moon for no reason other than height.

Fortunately with how awful his spear is and how little he protects his head, he'll be Edge in a couple of years so we wont have to put up with him.

At least Luger had a monster physique...
Roman is about on the same level as Cesaro in terms of mic skills. So using the "he can't talk " thing doesn't work. Unlike Roman, Cesaro is over and can fucking wrestle.
Why the fuck has Bray been buried for so long? The guy has "it" and him jobbing all the times makes no sense. Who did he piss off in the back?
Vince is said to be pissed that he is with a hot girl like Lana. So he is being punished for it.
He was built-up for one reason, to be fed to John Cena. You can't name a single heel within the past 6 years that wasn't pushed to the moon for that reason alone.

Barret and the Nexus
Del Rio
Lord Tensi
Bray Wyatt

Everyone of them was white hot then fed to Cena. And John basically killed all of them off.
Edge's spear was awesome tho
No it really wasn't.
>Fortunately with how awful his spear is
This is how you tell bandwagoning wannabe smarks from people who legitimately dislike Reigns

his spear is solid as fuck, it's always been solid, just like everybody said back in 2014 before it was cool to boo him

>Pushed to the moon for no reason other than height.
lmao he's like 6'3" what the fuck are you smoking
Keep booing him.
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