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street fight general

post stories/webms/gif
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Why you should never neglect your training.
Why does this make me rock hard?
OK, completely serious, that's the second time I've seen someone get completely naked to end a fight and it worked instantly both times, if you ever really need to stop a fight I think that might be the fastest and safest way of doing it

You just have to be able to swallow your pride if you have a little dick
USA fight
Russian fight
Why don't people realize the optimal 2v1 tactic is 1 grapple the other attack.

that is pretty one-sided.
There was a lot of controversy behind this fight. The company that put it together claimed the blonde-haired woman had like, 4 or so fights and therefore was ready to compete against the other one. I don't know how the investigation ended, but it really didn't help with MMA's reputation as being as dirty as boxing.

>Pure Boxing vs Boxing+Wrestling
>because Boxing is popular
I wonder what street fights would look lf Boxing got replaced with Taekwondo so long ago.
I was sparring on a public cement path one time against a guy that didn't have much experience, does that count?

Short story shorter, the guy slipped and fell before any real action.
>guy covering up his head with his hands
If shirtless wanted to fuck up fatty, shirtless could've just broken the guy's hands.

Fatty's cover-up-guard wasn't even that great.
If he were just to extend his hands a few centimeters from his head, the force of shirtless' strikes would've been partially absorbed by his muscles, and some of the force would've also been converted into the motion that would send fatty's hands flying into his head.
>that look on his face

Even watching live you could see he was fucking done
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>friend and I wrestled in high school
>decide to see what grappling's like on concrete
>fuck throws and takedowns
>start on our knees
>ground game on cement a few times
>few bruises on elbows and knees
>I end up with an injury on my knee, pic related area
>don't remember exactly what caused it
How fucked am I?
>that fucking jab

Shit was clearly not a fair fight. Props to the black guy just walking away when he knew the shit wasn't fair.
>>fuck throws and takedowns
>gets injured anyway
The gods of grappling cursed you for being gay
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Whenever we do 2v1 I usually grab the arms and yell at my partner to pound them.
Then when I'm the odd one, they just circle around and take turns attacking me.
>mfw my partner won't attack because "its not fair"
it isnt you pussy
You have a firm grasp of the obvious.
Pretty clear fatty has 0 combat or MA experience.
Well that was a dumb and completely useless experiment and your injuries are entirely your own fault.
I once fought lmao
That old guy was just a massive suckerpunching faggot. The one guy was talking to him with open palms and the other one didn't even take his hands out of his pockets. They didn't want or expect a fight.
Because even in street fights some people have decency and lines they don't cross.

>Why don't people realize the optimal 2v1 tactic is 1 grapple the other attack.

The optimal 2v1 tactic is one guy facing off while the other guy pretends to be neutral. Than guy nr. 1 pretends to attack and guy nr. 2 sucker punches or attacks from behind.

If you want to be a nasty asshole, do it right, faggot.


Yes it is, you dishonorable swine.


First of all 90% of "street fighting" is sucker punching. If you let someone so close, it's your fault. You see how the old guy had his hands raised the whole time? He's just more street wise.

Also old dude was pretty nice, because he pushed the other guy away pretty hard before even attacking. At that point they had to get ready for a fight if they just walk towards him with their hands down it's their fault.
>If you let someone so close, it's your fault.
Dude there were no signs there was going to be a fight. Not every argument has to turn out violent. What the old guy did was assault.

>He's just more street wise.
You mean he's a cunt who can't argue verbally so hit just punches people out. Did you even watch the video? He didn't have his arms up, he had them crossed which isn't "street wise" at all, so again, he didn't signal that he was ready to attack. There was no pushing going on either, he punched him and then he punched him again.

>Dude there were no signs there was going to be a fight.

Neither of us know the story about what was going on before the scene. But what we know is that it was a 1 vs 2 situation and the old guy was much weaker physically. If if he miscalculated and one of the guys puched him first he'd been done.

>Not every argument has to turn out violent. What the old guy did was assault.

I'm absoutely against violence. But 50% of all street fights I've been in started from a very close distance with someone punching me right in the face. On the street there is no "warning sign", nobody says "prepare yourself, we are going to fight!".

If someone is getting closer than an armlength - consider it assault and restore the distance or attack. I had to learn this the hard way.

It's best to punch your attacker while he is talking:

>You mean he's a cunt who can't argue verbally so hit just punches people out.

Again, we don't knwo what happend. But still he defended only his place.

First guy got pushed back, then second guy decided to appraoch, which means offensive action. Second guy saw the knowdown and decided to attack.

>He didn't have his arms up, he had them crossed which isn't "street wise" at all

You see, he has body slightly turned and his arms crossed, which is a very sublte form of defense.

It allows you to cover your body and you also have your arms closer to your face while not looking agressive. You can also punch from this stance. Every bouncer knows (and uses) this stance.



Or if you dislike RBSD, think of it as a variation of the "philly shell" in boxing..


>Lesson 1: punch him while he is talking
>Lesson2: protect your personal safety zone, raise your arms in front of your body when you expect a sucker punch
>walking towards someone with your hands in your pockets means "offensive action"
Yea ok m8.

>getting closer than an armlength is assault
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>On the street there is no "warning sign",
You just need to study human behavior a little. After that, you'll notice some warning signs.
It also helps if you use your intelligence along with your knowledge.
dat punch
>On the street there is no "warning sign", nobody says "prepare yourself, we are going to fight!".
You mean aside from that weird mating ritual that thugs love to do, where they go into kissing distance with their faces because they are actually gay but pretend it's a dominance thing?
He's right in that someone purposefully getting close to you that you don't know is a warning sign.

There is some body language that you pick up on when someone plans to sucker punch you too.

So really it's just about observing or experiencing this kind of thing, and it's not some super secret Bourne bad ass killer shit.
Is a fight in a bar a street fight? If so, shouldn't street fights be called public area fights?
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Why are manlets so angry?
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Because when they learn they are taught so hard they forget everything.
the midget nigger tried his hardest then backed away while the big gorrillaniggers could 2v1 the midget asian

niggers in action
>There is some body language that you pick up on when someone plans to sucker punch you too
Like what?
Not the anon you were arguing with I just actually want to know

One thing people like to do is hide the hand they're going to swing with.

There was a Gracie JJ video rundown on their YouTube channel going over a fight at a YMCA basketball gym that the friend of one of the guys fighting recorded on their phone. You can very clearly see the black guy aggressively moving in towards the white guy while "hiding his hand".

The white guy just happened to pick up on it and pulled the black guy into his guard before he could sucker punch him and in the scramble got an ankle lock.
I saw that. He was indicating when he cocked his shoulder back and assumed a slumped posture. Definitely a dead giveaway.

My brother gave me some solid advice once, "Always throw the first punch." Works in tandem with knowing your training.
fucking manlet. He should have got out of there with those giant negroes there
>my brother gave me some solid advice once
>always be the one who gets charged with aggravated assault
solid advice indeed :^)
mma fighters have glass jaws
Wear a knee brace (the kind you get from the sports department in Walmart are pretty good and cheap) and don't strain it for a while and you should be ok.

If pain or lack of mobility persist after two weeks to a month with no sign of improvement, see a doctor.
Every time we have threads like that all I get is that around blacks, never relax. A pack of black guys? Yeah they'll probably come at you 20v1 and even if you're not moving anymore and you appear to be dead, they will keep stomping on your head. Fucking crazy.
Unless you are not in America.

In Germany it's the Turks instead.
didnt fight him like he should have, let his bigger friends take care of his shit for him.
>throw weak ass punch
>guy in green barely feels it turns around
>huge dudes come out swinging out of nowhere.
underrated post
>manlet arguing with 6'1 nigga in red
>oh god he's big and scary I know I'll yell at his 5'11 friend
Green is a puss too
Nope, it's the same in Europe. You must be sheltered if you've never seen a pack of Africans assault a lone person.
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>those heights
Don't share needles with /fit/, you'll catch autism
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>t. manlet

Worst ground and pound ever. How in the fuck did they miss?
This thread makes me glad that I'm white and don't have to be around niggers nigging
>behold the power of BWC
Bunch (of) White Cars?
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white people fight too
You don't have to be black to be a nigger.
>Manlets, when will they learn
what the hell are you on about
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>pol trys not to be racist
>white people fight too
Is there more?

Maybe the part where two white guys twenty times the size of the kid who got sucker punched came in and beat him to death while he was KO'd on the ground got cut off.

Didn't the small guy was being a jerk with the niggas?
Here's the video of it: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=979_1405121395

It's much worse with sound. Reminder to avoid monkeys unless you're at the zoo.
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This could've easily turned into a school street fight.

How would you have fucked up the black girl if you thought she was going to gouge your eyes out and kick your balls, but you were going to get her first?

>at work
>some quiet co-worker is leaving
>he's a very nice guy, pretty quiet, makes funny jokes and puns sometimes, but rarely talks becasue his voice makes him sound like an idiot as it's 100% monotone
>he's just about out the door
>an angry customer runs in and starts screaming about how "that retard" pointing at him, sold them the wrong phone credit
>boss tells quiet guy to just go home and they will deal with it
>angry customer ain't having this, so runs after quiet guy and punches him in the face
>QG goes down pretty hard, angry customer stats wailing on him
>i jump my counter but before i get there quiet guy has grabbed the guy's arm
>by the time i get from my counter to the fight he's broken the man's arm in three places

turns out he does Hapkido, which i had never even heard of until then
>leaving the grocery store
>group of teenagers outside talking or whatever
>walk past not thinking much about them
>hear a shout
>turn around just in time to get tackled by a wigger
>reflex kicks in and I perform a piss-poor tomoe nage
>get to my feet and look behind me
>wigger is on the ground bleeding and the van I threw him into has a huge dent in the side
>his friends start screeching and moving towards me
>draw my gun (concealed carry permit) and my phone
>call the cops and keep the seven of them at bay until the police arrive
>the whole time they're shouting death threats but they don't try and rush me
>cuffed and stuffed for about an hour until the cops saw the tapes of the parking lot and talked to the witnesses who saw the whole thing
>they let me go and give me my pistol back

That's the only real fight I've ever been in. Guy I threw had a skull fracture and a broken neck but managed to pull through without any serious problems. I pressed battery charges. The other kids got arrested for weapons charges and battery because they shoved some people around.
>but rarely talks becasue his voice makes him sound like an idiot as it's 100% monotone
You just think it makes him sound like an idiot.
In reality, it makes him sound like a monk or Asperger's super genius.
>turn around

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>last friday
>while driving at a red light pic related snatches my cellphone from my hands and starts running (I had my window open and I was looking at it, ik dumb)
>I immediately scream at him "I'll fuck you up you motherfucker!"
>green light
>park my car at the mini strip mall around the corner
>get out of the car and run as fast as I could posibly imagine
>start catching up with the motherfucker while screaming like crazy "I'll fucking kill you motherfucker!!! I'll fuck you up faggot!!!"
>"The guy in the red shirt stole my cellphone!!"
>people notice him and begin to follow me
>run around 3 to 4 blocks
>dumbfuck is getting tired
>drops my cellphone in hopes that i'll just leave it at that
>pick it up and still run at this fucker
>"c'mon man I gave it back"
>"shut the fuck up motherfucker!"
>hit the bastard 6 to 7 solid punches to the face while holding him up by his t shirt
>broke his nose for sure
>people that were following me saw what I did and said "Let's beat his ass!"
>mugger runs again
>we catch up
>someone throws him to the ground
>kicking festival starts
>while kicking him "For making me run 4 blocks you fucking faggot!"
>take a picture with the cellphone that he tried to steal
>tell this faggot to kill himself, leave him in the ground alone
>no cops involved
>tell this stupid fuck to kill himself

Cardio is very important guys, I swear to god It was the fastest I ever ran in my life, also the first time I sincerely screamed at someone "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!", weird moment but I felt alive.
Fuck off Wu, no one cares.
>Cardio is very important
jesus christ
>3rd worlders
At least we don't get shot or bombed on a regular basis in my country
Just happened thismorning
>walking home from 7/11 with monster
>guy comes up behind me and bashes my head into brick wall
>get low and stab him in the leg with pencil in my pocket (NY, pencil is edc for self defense)
>double leg
>gouge the shit out of his eye
>bash his head into the ground 3 times
All I got is a black eye so I'm not calling the cops about this one

You sound like a total asshole.

Some idiot was trying to steal you phone, so what?
Did he threaten your life? Did he even hurt you?
It's just a fucking phone, you sociopath.
>beats up guy who mugs him
>he's the asshole

liberal detected
>punch a downed opponent 6 or 7 times
>still conscious
Even your Internet tough guy personal is a pussy.
Jesus I think he punched the kid retarded.
cmon sucker punch aint a fight
in the streets it is you cuck.

It would have been enough to just push him to the ground. Or maybe punch him once. But go full retard over a fucking piece of plastic?

I mean look at Anon's pic, it's a kid.
No need to break his nose.
Bet he thinks twice before trying that shit again tho
He was running away after he dropped the phone. Had the cops gotten involved, anon would have been charged with escalation, battery, aggravated assault and so on

It`s a miracle no one there grew a conscience and called the cops because all parties would have been charged
What the fuck reality tv show was that for? I can't believe they let an average housewife get beat up by an MMA fighter.
>drop pants
>other person attacks while your pants are around your ankles
>they're now especially enraged because they assume you made a homosexual advance on them
>they proceed to bash your face into a bloody pulp

Sounds like a winning strategy for sure.
yeah but then you can get hate crime charges on them

nigga, I didn't hit you because I like you.
why do guys rip their shirts off when they're going to fight
I fucking guarantee that you get bombed and shot at more than the US or any European country.
To prevent the other dude from grabbing onto their shirts. That's why judo and gi dependent BJJ don't work in real fights.

i'll take things that never happened for $600, Alex
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>has dreads
smfh. i'd go around beating the shit out of these kids if i was black

Sure thing rapefugee, and you better get used to more ass whoopings like that when you try something.
3 on 1.
Typical of niggers.
>"why are you filming?"
>"Just for everyone's safety"
That made me laugh harder than I thought it would've

>Bet he thinks twice before trying that shit again tho

No, next time he'll probably use a knife or punch the guy in the face he's trying to mug. Raising violence by the victims doesn't work against prohibiting crime, it only leads to more violence on the attacker side.


>Sure thing rapefugee, and you better get used to more ass whoopings like that when you try something.

Fucking disgusting /pol/ scum you are. Out of here.

BTW I'm as white as can be and well situated. Two weeks ago someone stole my bike - so fucking what?

But in fucked up 3rd world states people chimp out over a freaking phone..

I hope that next time when anon with the mobile phone story follows someone he'll run straight into his gang and gets beaten up.


>why judo and gi dependent BJJ don't work in real fights.

Sure thing, buddy.. What are underhooks again?





I can post pics of my swollen eye
Why the fuck did it have me trip as Tommy Woods
>What are underhooks again?
Something that you use in wrestling, since it's illegal in judo
story time
> be driving home with gf after watching the superman vs batman movie
> 4 murries fighting in the street (16-20 year olds )
> its 2v2 and theres one guy getting stomped on.
>the other is getting hit trying to pick his mate up
> gf calls cops and i get out of car to stop the stomping of this poor cunt
> push guy off him and pick this guy up he looks about 16 other dude looks about 21 or so
> the guy who i shoved over gets up and starts shaping up
> ive dong kyo for years and a bit of boxing
> i think i broke his ribs and jaw in the brief and violent encounter
> his mate sees this and goes to get me from an angle
> bro i picked up hits him with a scooter and he goes down
> the two guys i helped out run away

cops rock up and the other passerby confirms my story that i never threw the first punch
cops let me go
> actually did break his ribs
Why even get in the middle of it if it's 2v2? Just keep driving.
Didn't you read his story? dude was getting stomped to death.
I have a personal hatred for people who stomp on peoples head while they are down...
and the guys stomping were bigger and older than the guys losing the fight
Who fucking cares? He's a little old man getting disrespected by some massive dude. I think he can be let off the hook for dishing out the first punch..
Actually, I cared. Very interesting read. Thanks to Wu, and suck a dick to you, tea bag receptacle!
Ahh.. Ok, now I have no sympathy. What the fuck was that dude thinking?? Just walk away.. -_-
This reminds me of the time a tiny Vietnamese kid spazzed out in light sparring and knocked me down with a full-power right hook
It was a prank video.
ah my fellow chilean, good work popping that mf flaite
>it's illegal in judo
that isn't accurate, people just don't use underhooks because grips work better most of the time in gi

ippon seoi nage is the first throw you learn in judo and it's based on an underhook
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