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My mother relayed me a story from her past, where she had a chicken
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My mother relayed me a story from her past, where she had a chicken that got bitten by a dog in the behind and developed an infection as a result. It got infested with maggots and she had to clean it out and nurse it back to health. When she was done, the cloaca (or whatever it is called) was healed shut and the chicken couldn't lay eggs properly.

Somehow, that story made me sad. Btw, this story happened several decades ago in the Anatolian countryside, so going to the vet for a chicken would be unrealistic, as in, there were many PEOPLE who couldn't go to the doctor, let alone small animals. But assuming it was in a place where veterinary care is easy to access and money being no issue, what could've been done to ameliorate the suffering of the bird? Is euthanasia/slaughter the only good option?
If it was taken in right away it probably could have healed in a way so the cloaca wasn't shut.
Maybe could have put something in the cloaca so it could heal around the natural opening but not close with scar tissue. The foreign object would have to be held in place with some kind of harness. I'm thinking something similar to the "spoon" they use when an ewe prolapses. Ugh, poor chicken. I think putting it out of its misery would have been best, however. The cloaca is for egg-laying but also elimination. So if it scarred over, the chicken would die of sepsis because it couldn't poop.

This post has made me sad, anon.
That's actually pretty close to what you would do aside from you should use a straw. It's the typical treatment for a fixable prolapse
Realistically it probably should have just been put down
>this thread
I want google to go, now. NOW!
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