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Is it weird to fb message a girl I haven't had any contact
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Is it weird to fb message a girl I haven't had any contact with in a year? We used to have some mutual friends and I'd see her from time to time. I kinda liked her, but she had a boyfriend at the time and our friend groups kinda drifted apart so I haven't seen her since last year.
Recently I commented on a photo of hers, and she commented back, which made me think of her again. I'm pretty sure she's single now, should I message her and see if she wants to catch up sometime? We're both 24.
OP give yourself permission to be creepy, and I'll tell you why. There is never not going to be a least one woman who doesn't find you creepy. You could be the most charming, hot, and amazing guy in the world, and there's going to be at least one woman who finds you creepy. And when I say give yourself permission to be creepy, I don't mean catcalling, walking up to women and saying "nice tits", and groping people in public. I mean doing things that are usually outside of social norms and being bold. I guess you could interpret this situation as weird, but you'll never know how she responds until you do it. Just fucking do it faggot. You're going to experience rejection in life anyways, and what are you gonna do anyways, sit around and wonder if you should be messaging this girl like a beta? Fucking do it.

Also don't be a complete fucking sperg about it and be confident in what you're saying. Acknowledge that what you're doing is not normal. Be a champ. "Hey, I know this is kind of weird, but I think you're really cute and I'd like to get to know you."

Besides when are you ever gonna see this chick again?
Other anons might bash me for telling you to be so straight forward, but if you're messaging her out of no where and you barely know her with the obvious intention of wanting to bang her trying to start a conversation about the election, then you're going to be creepy.

Perhaps it would be alright to start off with a "hey, what's up!"
Then after she responds, tell her what I told you to say.
Thanks anon, I'm gonna do it
keep me posted f.am
>"Hey, I know this is kind of weird, but I think you're really cute and I'd like to get to know you."
That IS being a sperg. You have to ease into that, not open with it. Just start with a "Hey, been a while. How've you been?"
Hence why I posted >>17110134
Didn't catch that. Yeah, good call.
What happened op
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