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Need advice for a group project thing. >Team of 4 including
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Need advice for a group project thing.

>Team of 4 including me
>One member is totally mia think he dropped out or something
>Another one works two jobs, so its hard to get a time to work with him
>The one day he was available, the third member who is upset we couldn't meet on her terms, said they were "busy all day"
>I'm pretty much free for whenever, but trying to get these two to sit down somewhere for 30 minutes is proving impossible

So member two is pretty much busy as fuck, member three is being a pain in the ass for the sake of being a pain in the ass, one is completely missing, and I'm sitting here with my dick in my hand waiting around for these retards, trying to get something started.

Its a pretty big project, which also has to be presented, next Tuesday. On top of that, I have a huge algebra test to prep for, and that is on Monday. This test essentially decides whether or not I pass the class. So I have better shit to be worrying about, and these guys are sort of wasting more and more time. On top of all this, I'm hosting my family at my place for Easter on Sunday, and I have a feeling these fuckers are going to wait last second, which just isn't going to work for me.

I'm on the verge of just throwing my hands up, and telling the professor I'm out on this project, since there are a bunch of extra cred opportunities. This is really my first group project since I started college. What do I tell the professor? Should I show up to class next week if I drop out of the project? Do I throw them under the bus?

This shit is fucking infuriating.
You need to put your foot down and make a calculated decision, not try to make the decision disappear. People being difficult will never, ever be a free pass in life to hit the eject button and bail.

Busy Guy is available one day? That's the day you meet with him. Send What's Her Face a recap of the discussion and her responsibilities. If she's available for the next group meeting and Busy Guy isn't, do the reverse. Start making decisions instead of letting petty drama dictate your schedule. If you need clarity, it's YOUR responsibility to insist on it. Get bossy.
Yeah I tried that, on the day busy guy wasn't available, but she was I tried to meet her but she said she wasn't going to bother unless all 3 of us were there. I said fine, lets skype it out and assign what we need to do, and she literally just said "no, I can't do this digitally, I'll just get involved doing other stuff if we don't meet".

She is honestly an idiot, and I'm getting tired of it. Busy guy would meet with me alone if/when he has time. I know for a fact he works two jobs though, so its not often he can meet.
Honestly, I don't even know how busy guy has time to come to class. He is 23, working two jobs, goes to college full time, and is raising his son alone, with a bit of assistance from his grandmother.

Meanwhile dumb bitch is taking 2 classes and works part time and can't find the time to meet, or just flat out refuses to.
>she said she wasn't going to bother
"We're in a group. You really don't get to make flippant decisions like that. If you're making a choice not to come to a meeting then we'll let the professor know that you've decided to leave the group. Busy Guy literally cannot attend. You can. You're expected to be there."

Testicles, man. Grow them. Grow them even if you're a woman.

As as aside, Busy Guy might have a tough life but he's gotta keep up with ALL of his responsibilities. That includes group projects. You'll face people like him in the future and you have to be equally stern with them. "Dude, we can do our best to accommodate your schedule but you still have a job in this group. We can't do all the bending."
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