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Is it true women only want Chads who were socially accepted their
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Is it true women only want Chads who were socially accepted their whole lives and have big dicks?

Should genetically inferior men just kill themselves?

How does one into therapy?

I'm 22 and lost my job and don't know what to do with my worthless life, what do you recommend?
No, women have broader taste than men according to science. But then again, if you are trying to score a 8/10 girl and up while being 5/10 yourself; you should really come down to this earth and see beyond the appearance.

No, they shouldn't.

You get an appointment with a therapist, google local ones.

You're 22. It's barely an age these days. I recommend you get another job, train in order to be your optimum self and get rid of that depression with healthy life choices. Taking up a new hobby (once you got your job) could also be good for you in order to meet new people and stop obsessing over trivial shit like this.
what isn't trivial, anon?
Yeah, all women like one kind of guy. Just like they like one kind of food, one style of clothing, and one kind of entertainment.

If you don't know what to do with your life, go to a job counselor or start looking at taking community college courses. If you are focused on being forever alone, ask women on dates.
After years of feeling great, I just lost my job at age 26. OP is playing right into my suddenly re surging neurosis.

We clearly have deeper issues for feeling like we should off ourselves for genetic inferiority, but man it stings.
getting fired always sucks, sorry anon

I hope you find another job soon
How about becoming content with your life? Inner peace as they say? Could you find it important enough to be content just for your own sake?
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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that I think what most women want above all else is a meaningful relationship.
I'll be sure to pick up a can o' contentment next time I'm at Walmart.

Unless you have even more worthless advice.
I'll be back, shoveling snow.
Is it true that all men only want a Stacy that has huge D tits, blonde hair, and blue eyes?
That she should be smart but not 'too smart'?
And of course, she's only worth anything if she's a virgin?
Come on OP! As a conventionally attractive female, I find the guy in your post to be ugly, honestly.
The woman worth having are into personalities and values, not looks and jobs.
Penis anxiety is a huge social illness creating a lost generation of men. It needs to be addressed without ridicule in a public forum the way women's body issues are.
is it?

I've never really felt bad about having an average sized penis. Its not like mindlessly pumping away is how you get a girl off anyways.

>I find the extremely attractive guy in your post to be ugly

Is that supposed to be helping uglyfags? "Lol Im a grill and I find everyone ugly unless ur a 10/10!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111"
Wasn't the picture of that guy posted to represent the "perfect guy"?!
I just think the standards of what's attractive in America to be narrow and.... Not attractive!
I don't find conventionally attractive men hot... at all.
I'm trying to let OP know that tastes vary from woman to woman. I have plenty of friends that have different standards for attractiveness as well.
What I'm trying to say is that I find America's 10/10 to be more of a 5/10.
Isntead I go for what the media would describe as a 5/10.
That was meant to be a reply to you.
I'm curious what type of guy you're interested in, since I kinda have a face like that guy.
Big dicks are nice to look at but not fun to ride or put in your mouth

Tbh, this. It's socially acceptable to make fun of small penises and express an exclusive preference for huge ones, in a manner which would result in serious condemnation if reversed. In fact, it's not only acceptable but almost required; if you don't make fun of small dicks then you (or your bf if you're a girl) must have one. It's up there with "racism" as a term for "thing I don't like."

>Guy drives car I don't like
lol small dick
>Guy wears clothes I don't like
omg like small dick wow
>Guy is fit, but short
haha small dick!!!!!!
>Guy is fit and tall
he better have a big dick or he should just consider suicide

woo that was a lot of snow. Now to see what you good advisers have written for a "bitter" person like me.
Are you the same person?

The way I see it women see men as accessories, even their personalities are accessories to women they hardly see men as human beings and are quick to judge anyone who isn't ultra confident or happy as a red flagged piece of shit. Of course I could be wrong, but men usually are much more accepting of personality "flaws" in women then the other way around. Much to my confusion I see women judge men based on looks all the time but then turn around and say it's not that important. I'm not a woman so I wouldn't know I'm just putting together the variables.

I understand I'm undesirable for one reason or another so I haven't gotten too far in uncovering this personal mystery. It's hard. It's hard to deal with feeling worthless I guess and the way my mind works everything is absolute for the most part so I'd like to know when I'm wasting my time being alive.
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>"he's soo tall and handsome as hell"

Every single person in the thread is wrong. This is what women want:


Yes. With a tall, handsome guy.
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It's hurts so good.

>tfw 5'7''
>tfw ugly

women will lie and say this isn't important.

Both sexes are hypocritical shallow pieces of shit, by evolutionary "design." Men are more accepting of "personality flaws" because they don't see women as human beings either; they just want the hottest thing they can find to stick their dick in, preferably while agreeing with/liking everything they like.

Women don't know what they want so disregard every single thing they say on that topic.
we've established they want height.

desu being just ... bad with women is worse, tall handsome rich single

of course you get lots of girls that want to fuck you, but they're all whores, so you end up dating whores and that's shit, worse than being single and lonely

or gross one night stands with girls that have 20 plushies in their room, live with their mom, and will have 3 more one night stands that week with diffrent guys

Then kill yourself you stupid faggot. You're probably not even white either.

I have a friend who is shorter than you and has had lots of hot girl friends (no longer, since he got one pregnant). He has an attractive face, huge dick and is jacked. He's also outgoing. It's clearly possible to be short and get laid, you just need to not be a fag.

Would you date a 3/10 face girl who is 250 lbs? Height for men = weight for girls. If you are short AND ugly (and probably autistic since you're on /adv/) you will have to settle for someone who is your social equivalent. Find a fat, ugly girl who is not very social.
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> It's clearly possible to be short and get laid, you just need to not be a fag.
> He has an attractive face, huge dick and is jacked


I sleep well at night knowing these retards are going to get married and end up killing themselves after the inevitable divorce

Its delicious and satisfying
I'm sure it's awful desu

So upset lol

>Attractive face and huge dick and outgoing
I'm sorry don't understand how that negates my post I simply was saying they like height as well.

Perhaps I will kill myself so I don't have to read anymore shitty posts like yours white washing reality with random barking.

Whereas you are going to kill yourself when you turn 30 and don't actually achieve Wizardhood. I'm certain you're actually laughing about how you're a super smart MGTOW and all, and not shitposting on /adv/ because you're upset. The fact that you use a tripcode on an anonymous Chinese tofu recipe sharing mailing list shows that you are mentally ill.


Please do
If adversity doesn't make you want to try harder, you're not fit to reproduce. You shouldn't even exist on this planet.
>my illogical unoriginal rationalizations shall surely upset him!

Its sad you think in memes
How about instead of killing yourself, you just go back to /r9k/?
>If adversity doesn't make you want to try harder, you're not fit to reproduce. You shouldn't even exist on this planet.
Well the issue is futility, you dumb brofag. Futility, go look it up in the dictionary, I'll wait.
Because I'm not a robot. They're the true ascended masters. I'm just guy looking for perspective, and I don't like what I see.
He seems to think calling someone socially out of the norm is an actual argument and not a testament to how much of a sheep he is.

>Dumb brofag

I have a BA, MA, and JD. I scored 172 on the LSAT. In all likelihood, I am smarter than you. I may not be, but in that case I'm still (at least) not a total idiot.

You still haven't actually understood my point so I'm assuming you are yet to finish high school. Since antagonizing you into figuring it out hasn't worked, I'll be explicit.


>muh sheep

kek. Confirmed for being 14. Anyway:

>Is it true women only want Chad

No, but given the opportunity they will always trade up. You would, too. Imagine your "ideal gf." Now imagine her, except hotter. Which one do you pick? You seem to be acting as if this is a bad thing, but it's not. It's neutral. It's a biological necessity. Now, you have a number of options. You could try to make the best of your shitty situation and acquire the best gf possible. Or, you could bitch about it on /r9k/ and expect to get that same tier of gf by simply shitposting her into existence. Alternatively, you could and probably should commit suicide.

>Should genetically inferior men just kill themselves


>How does one into therapy

If you are not smart enough to figure this out, please see #2.
>arbitrary degree mill paperwork means I possess intelligence

wew lad

>I tripfag
>On an advice forum
>On a chinese cartoon board
>I have no accomplishments
>But you replied, I got a (1)
>I win, eat shit normies. I have truly Gone My Own Wayâ„¢

wew lad
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>I have a BA, MA, and JD. I scored 172 on the LSAT. In all likelihood, I am smarter than you. I may not be, but in that case I'm still (at least) not a total idiot.
Sure don't sound like it in all honesty maybe you're having a slow day.
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You're a real testament to the american education system

>this is 4chan therefore I'm allowed to act retarded and calling people losers is an argument

Kylo, why u kill han?

>Getting this angry and defensive because you posted a thread on an imageboard and someone replied in a way that didn't stroke your ego while sucking your dick

Fucking frogposting redditfags, I swear. If you didn't want advice why did you even come here?

is that way


Yeah, you're right. If I had to describe the apex of well-adjusted and educated individuals I would say, "A guy who uses a tripcode to post shitty, unfunny meme replies in every thread on an anonymous imageboard. Ideally he will be a MGTOW with no experience whatsoever regarding the things he gives advice about. If he gets a (1) it will be the best experience of his day or possibly week." That's how you can identify a true patrician.
You keep mentioning this MGTOW non-sense when I never have

Its not an anonymous imageboard by the way

I know Americans have a hard time using logic

Maybe one day they'll invent a gym machine that increases your critical thinking skills
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>gets angry and defensive
>says everyone else is getting angry and defensive
Hey man, what's worse, giving people false hope, telling them to kill themselves or posting a frog when a person sounds like they're having a manic episode?

>>>/biz/ >>>/fit/ go circle jerk about muh motivation and accomplishments, this board is for actual problems and advice.
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>this whole thread
ily guys


I'm not American, butthurt yuropoor.

>Its not an anonymous imageboard by the way

It is an imageboard which does not allow registration. Just because you used an autist code doesn't mean you're not anonymous.


>this board is for actual problems and advice
>and advice

>proceeds to get butthurt when offered advice

kek. If you just want to cry, go to /r9k/ or perhaps /s4s/. If you are intending to solve "problems" you will require some level of motivation and accomplishment.
Are you a cute anime girl by any chance?

That's nice.
I'm not European

I'm actually suggesting you donate your body to scientific research so generations will know how one man against all odds survived to your age with a severely underdeveloped prefrontal cortex
>I'm not European

We seem to have reached an impasse.

I'll donate my body for research on stupidity if you'll donate yours for research on unwarranted self-importance and severe narcissism.
He's not the one acting narcissistic tho
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An autistic, cute, /r9k/ browsing anime girl, who got a gf, but is too disconnected from society to know what to do with her
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Narcissism doesn't exist and self-importance is the prerogative of every sentient creature on this planet

How I operate my existence is beyond your understanding
They don't have to be all of those things.
Chads are nice to look at.
Social acceptance is a myth.
Big/Longer dicks aren't better, girth matters.
Sounds like the pilot episode of a really cute show :3
>social acceptance is a myth
You mean that girls like popular guys?
Narcissism is a rather complicated phenomenon that usually revolves around the narcissist abusing a victim in a sadistic predatory fashion.

Your self importance theory is self serving ironically.

irrational indulgences in human emotion for simple pleasure is an abhorrent waste of the precious electrons

Narcissism doesn't exist because Psychology is pseudoscience
Charles manson would not be married in jail.
Girls like guys that do shit that is interesting to them.
Most of these sociopathic killers have women who become obsessed with them while the killers are in prison, so there are some who like that. They have little fan clubs of women. I wonder why.

In any case, what's interesting to you triplady?

This is slander and a lie.

Narcissist does not mean bad person. Narcissist does not mean we make people feel bad to feel good

We love ourselves because we are the pinnacle of humanity- why would we want to make people worse, when we love strength and hate weakness?

Last week, some guy approached me, wanting a job. Young CS major.

I gave him a phone number and a recomendation because I saw in his eyes he wasn't like 99% of people- he was WORTH something.
Of course.
When will meme science end?
It's quite the complex, and it has it's ugly side.
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Lmao, this thread is just so funny
*licks crumb off face*

>Narcissism doesn't exist

You appear to be posting here, though. Or am I hallucinating?


>irrational indulgences are bad
>says the guy using a tripcode for shitposting


The term narcissist has a specific meaning and is certainly a bad thing. A detached and intelligent evaluation of worth or pursuit of worthy people is not narcissism. Liking the strong horse is not narcissism. Loving yourself is not narcissism. Being a narcissist is narcissism and it's bad in the same way that being an egoist sociopath is bad.
Good and bad?

How boring

dichotomous thoughts are emotionally driven trash

excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance.
synonyms: vanity, self-love, self-admiration, self-absorption, self-obsession, conceit, self-centeredness, self-regard, egotism, egoism
"his emotional development was hindered by his mother's narcissism"
Because killing lots of people is apparently interesting.
Nm, just waiting for the snow to pass.



So have you been reading Nietzsche or Stiner, Mr. God-Emperor of /adv/?
I love you.
Um, no.

What part of that suggests that we are cruel people?

I am excesivley nice and moral, which is one of many reasons I am better than everyone else.
That was satisfying.
I read Nietzsche as a child
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I was just seeing what it felt like to say it.
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You can love me if you want
Or was I feeling what it looked like? idk
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Was it everything you hoped for?
.... ok
i've been fired twice. You just look for another job and dont stop until you do. Its just the way shit works.
I love you.
You know better than that
Women are hardwired to bear Chad's offspring, but even Chad can't get by without lifting.

Why don't you lift? You might be a Chad and you don't even know it yet.
Sometimes I feel like Pinocchio, like i'm just tumbling around looking for validation and becoming more and more corrupted.

I'm just lonely.
I still don't know you.
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Are people impersonating you on /r9k/? Or have you started to shitpost antirobot stuff?
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>responding to namekids


Break your chains
I've seen you here before, you always have something interesting to say, or something on point. I know you're a girl and a smart one. Life's fun when it's candidly weird don't you think?

It's just a name, anyone can use it. I always defend robots.

I'll try, thank you based God-Emperor Kylo
I started lifting as a new year's resolution, I'm making slight gains, feels good, but idk it is what it is. I feel like a rotting corpse of a human being. I did a long period as a NEET and it was awful mentally, going back to work felt like my first day of middle school I was so out of it, now I'm back in the NEET life vacuum. I went to college for 2 semesters before this all, and before that I was homeschooled to my dismay by religious zealot parent and step parents and it was a disaster where I was just kept in a room to myself basically for years. Anyway, there's a lot of details and episodes to get into. It's all just a blur and a mess. That's why I'm thinking therapy, to get it all out to someone, to try and find a silver lining, instead of thinking about killing myself.
What is your actual problem in life?
I can't get no, satisfaction.
How do I become interesting? Why is it so hard to be interesting?

I wish to revive eugenics
I wish I could help you really

Satisfaction from others is not a worthy pursuit

The absence of satisfaction leaves you wanting for more and so you are stuck in a cycle of wanting to feel loved, appreciated, and all the rest and the feeling is really never satiated

Its a bottomless void that is never filled
Damn this video hurts.

>tfw you will never make a girl proud to be standing next to you in heels

Just kill me.
>Is it true women only want Chads who were socially accepted their whole lives and have big dicks?
No. I like guys who are smart and make me laugh, even if they don't know how to make other people laugh. I have a clit so I don't care too much how big your dick is unless it's fucking TINY.

>Should genetically inferior men just kill themselves?
No, but they shouldn't produce offspring. Everyone should be helpful. Go help at a homeless shelter or an animal shelter.

>How does one into therapy?
Find one that takes the insurance you have so you don't pay huge premiums. Also don't be afraid to change therapists and find a new one if you don't vibe well with the one you have. And know when some time alone in self-reflection would be more helpful than therapy. After a certain point, grief counseling stopped helping me and became a chore because I realized it was preventing me from moving on with my life, having to rehash the death of someone I loved over and over again every week. It stopped helping and then started hindering me. Know when that point has started and it's time to more on.

>I'm 22 and lost my job and don't know what to do with my worthless life, what do you recommend?
Going back to school if you can afford it, if you don't have the credentials to find a job that you might want. Otherwise, find a new job. Your life isn't worthless as long as you can do even the most basic of bitchwork. Cogs in the machine are important, too.

As long as you can take care of yourself, consider adopting a pet for companionship. Make sure you get enough socialization so you don't fall into a pit that's hard to climb out of. I didn't leave my house for 2 months once and got really fucked up. By the time I emerged because an old friend got me out, I had trouble forming sentences to carry on conversation. Don't get to that point in your life. Spend time outside breathing fresh air. Stay physically healthy to help with your mental health.
Of course. You have to be odd to be number 1. :P
The capacity for human desire is infinite they say.

Well the basics are pretty much I have an extremely poor sense of self worth. Gaps in my education. Depression. Anxiety. I live with my mother and that's not pleasant for a lot of reasons including she hates males and resents ever having children let alone her youngest NEET son whom the mere presence of is enough to stir hatred in her. I have no real plan for my life and never did. I isolated hardcore for a long time and have no social life, college was hell to get used to and then I cut ties with the people who liked me, because I didn't feel adequate enough to be their friends. I just feel like an outsider to real society, that's due to my upbringing for the most part. Idk what I want, lately I've been longing for intimacy, but that's jsut one of those things that will never happen. I keep thinking about this girl I knew at college, but I try not to, it's all too painful for some reason. idk You get the picture, a big steaming pile of shit. I can't really simplify it.
People tell me I'm interesting, but I'm also someone who knows a lot about things normal people don't know about, and I never shut up, which is annoying. I probably sound like a know-it-all and I know some people think I'm obnoxious. Learning to be interesting is not a worthy pursuit. Instead, focus on becoming not-weird and knowing enough about current events to hold your own in everyday conversation. Hit "normal", not "interesting", and you'll be golden.

Find people you find interesting and you'll be happier than if you yourself are interesting.
>I have a clit so I don't care too much how big your dick is unless it's fucking TINY.
That makes sense. I have a 6 inch peenor, feels small idk. I watched too much porn now I feel like if I have less then 8 or something I'm emasculated. I have sort of an embarrassing inferiority complex I guess.

>I didn't leave my house for 2 months once and got really fucked up.

I was a neet for over a year after college...I didn't want it to turn out that way but it did. I was also in homeschool before college which was basically nothing but lying to the evaluators that I was actually doing work and I was isolated for years in that. So I have some arrested development I think. I got to a point where I just got used to hiding, and I was noticeably anti-social. I'm alright now I guess, I just sort of wing it.

Open your mind to the possibility that you don't need to integrate into society

Education? Useless unless its for trades (many can be self taught), internet access and critical thinking skills allows you to have the collective knowledge of the entire human race

Depression? I have no answer for that

Anxiety? By-product of low self worth routines inside of your brain

Think of your mind as a computer, rewire it and control yourself

>Never happen
When you open your mind to possibilities you may understand that you can make almost anything happen

Most importantly,

Always think for yourself

You are in control of your own fate
The first thing that came through my head when I saw that pic was Joseph Stalin
You all need a room. Hm
What music have you guys been listening to?
just bee urself :3

I'm so glad I never watched that shitty show desu
I didn't watch it either
A good fight club clip would have been more effective, or a passage from the book. It's much more effective and destroying sacred cows and calling society empty. I mean they threw in mel gibson and cosby? Seems a little try hard.
The concept of "interesting" is much easier to define and think about. What is "normal" exactly?
You just get better and better
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I'm bored

Dance jesters
Well meme'd my property.
Some discouraging bluepill in this thread.

Just have a glass of water and go to bed, OP. Your life will improve after you learn to minimize friction and avoid comparing yourself to others. Your height, face, and frame cannot replace mental fortitude and self-love.
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arigatou oniichan
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sex is a spook
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asian booty
I am erect.
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>believing in 3dpd
Disgusting my boys

>tfw nobody is answering in my /adv/ thread

> I watched too much porn now I feel like if I have less then 8 or something I'm emasculated.
Yeah don't worry about it. 6 is actually above average and a lot less women watch porn than you'd think.

>I didn't want it to turn out that way but it did.
Same. Shit in life just happens and even though it sucks having to explain it to people IRL who have never been through things like that, we can't change the fact.

>So I have some arrested development I think. I got to a point where I just got used to hiding, and I was noticeably anti-social.
Jesus you really are me.

>I'm alright now I guess, I just sort of wing it.
Winging it is the only thing I can think to do, so yeah that's what I do as well. It's just taking small steps to get better adjusted to what life is going to be like: surrounded by people you don't know, having to socialize, learning to find ways to enjoy myself.
I deleted all my porn on my computer today as well, his posts triggered me.

which thread?

thank you for your understanding, I guess it all gives me a sense of self at the end of the day to differentiate myself. For what it's worth.
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Really everything, will you use your imagination now? Or do you go nofap? I could probably never delete my stuff, I'm actually quite proud of my doujin collection, everything is neatly categorized with tags, authors, year etc.

Also wanted to say, that you are a pretty chill namefag, I thought you would be terrible at first because of the name, but you never were a bad poster on /r9k/

And my thread is kinda autistic, I don't know anything about social activities etc., so I thought about asking here, because this board seems to be full of normalfags, but it didn't really help either

This name is just satire of "epicboy" who used to post on /r9k/ months ago, and it stuck for some reason.

I didn't have a huge collection or anything I usually delete everything after a while, I'll just try to use my imagination and only fap when I really need to instead of forcing it with imagery. I fapped without porn today, I fucked my pillows just moving my hips and body and I came buckets, anyway it's gross I guess.

You're a pretty chill Anon, glad to see /r9k/ spreading to other boards.
How the fuck does height = weight? You can't change height, but at least you can lose weight by exercising.
I am white btw
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>deleting your porn
>he fell for the no porn meme

Don't you ever hate wanting things you can't have?
>tfw been jacking off to the same pornstars since forever
Where do I find the names of the new starlets? I want to end this suffering.
Paid sites organize them by name.
I don't care to have them

Seeing them in HD on my 4k Sony Bravia and not having to do deal with their nagging after is glorious

/t/, /gif/

I look for the megathreads for JAV and xhamster recommended for sluts I may also enjoy
>to do deal

fuck im tired

also recommend 1000giri highly for JAV
Too many cuckish threads last I remember
Didn't think about that
And the 1000giri thing has 137 results on empornium.
You saved the day today, Pegasus
on /t/ theres a mega.nz thread with 20 gigs worth

Happy fapping

also just hide the cuck threads and use it for scouting new girls not to fap

1000giri is uncensored by the way

This is fucking godly. Thank you
How could miss this golden board
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Oh, I only started browsing /r9k/ a few months ago because I wanted to browse other boards besides /m/ and /vr/, they are both pretty slow, so /r9k/ kinda became a new home for me. even if it is pretty much roastie and normalfag stuff, sometimes there are these threads with which you can really connect and seeing some people with similiar feelings really felt great.

Oh, I thought you had a huge collection, but if you actually always delete stuff, it shouldn't be that much of a loss, you could easily find new stuff. I talso thought about cutting down porn, because I usually masturbate 6-8 times a day, but not yet. And that pillow stuff doesn't seem that bad, I had a phase where I used custom dakis with a fleshlight while reading doujins, so I can relate in a way.

And thanks for bumping my thread, maybe someone else will answer
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/t/ is the best hidden gem

You're welcome pal
Women are looking for a guy they can feel safe. (No threat of rape or murder)

Also biologically want a man who they think can be a good father. Not necessarily want kids though.

Humor is also important and ambition.

Those are more important qualities in a guy. For me personally Todd on last man on earth would be the only guy I would consider.
Women, like every other human being, want the best they can get. So essentially yes. But someone might settle for you if they are broken goods or something.
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