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Hi adv What can I do / what is this? I just tried to sleep
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Hi adv

What can I do / what is this?

I just tried to sleep and as I lay there / here, i started to stare into the darkness behind my eyelids, i started thinking about life, death and what comes after. I started thinking about my fiancé of six years and not knowing if I will see her after I die terrifies me.

Then i began asking myself if this reality is real etc. That's when i felt like i was about to have some kind of mental breakdown. But as i write this, these feelings and thoughts go away.

What the fuck? Is it therapist time?
Nah bro, this is the time when you push those feelings deep down, go on to facebook, post a funny sentence or hilarious picture of yourself doing something awesome then jump on YouTube and look at some funny cat videos.
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calvinhobbes existential.jpg
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Hello OP. I'm a trainee psychotherapist who plans to specialize in a type of therapy called Existential Psychotherapy. Existential psychotherapy is a type of therapy that focuses on helping people come to terms with the givens of life.

I don't believe you're having a breakdown, I suspect you're asking existential questions for the first time.

"What becomes of my life and the people I love when I die?", "What is reality? How is reality defined?"

These are difficult questions. Psychotherapy might be of use to you, but equally, existential philosophy might be of interest to you.

Good luck.
I have been there. I'm on medicine because all that mind wandering gave me panic attacks. It helps. If it's really bothering you and making you feel depressed then ask a doctor about a prescription.
Sorry bro, I'm not a fgt.

I've actually had these questions for a very, very long time. I can even remember the first time i thought about mortality in the context of other people around me. What overwhelms me is that i wont know until i peace out, and even that isn't a guarantee. Thanks for your suggestions, I'll definitely have a look into both.

I've never had a panic attack, but what i imagine one feels like, is what i stand at the precipice of when these thoughts get too much. I feel you bro, sorry to hear it gets that intense.
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