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Fem anon here: I'm getting that lonely feeling again.
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Fem anon here:

I'm getting that lonely feeling again.

About 10 months ago I got out of a year long financially, emotionally, psychological and lightly abusive relationship with a mtf. I decided to take a year long break from relationships but nearly broke that promise when I became someone's little. That became a psychological game, and I have been virtually single for 5 months now besides some hookups and fwb.

I am feeling urgently lonely and wanting to settle down with someone, and kind of left my plate open for it, but now I do not know how to date or flirt anymore.

I have two major options, and some sides, but all have their problems and questions.

I'll post the questions and descriptions below.

Mainly person 1 (here after known as ;M;) is very interested in me, but is fresh out of a 2 or 3 year relationship with a girl. He's still feeling a lot of the emotions from it, and I wanted to give him some time. We've dated before, just before he dated her. He's fairly privileged and has a promising future. ;M; also lives fairly far, about a 3 hour drive. I could potentially work out here for a bit, save up, get a job out there (or transfer) and we could live a happy relationship. How much time should I give him before trying to discuss any future with him.

Person 2 (here after known as ;K;) is much closer to me, about 20 min drive. We see each other about once or twice every other week. We have great sex and have dated before. He seems like he could be privileged but doesn't have the motivation to get a better job or work towards moving up in position. We spend great time with each other with out having sex, his family seems to like me, and I think he's adorable. For some reason though, he's constantly wanting me to find him women to date, where I have no resources for him. I think I'm just his friend he can fuck. He's really introverted and won't go out to meet people, so it really confuses me why he doesn't consider dating me, when his only objection is that I "live too far" but then he goes and dates women online that are several states away!
Person 3, now known as ;A;, is a great person, smart, has a good job, tall, beautiful. I don't see him as often and haven't known him for as long as the others. He lives about an hour away. We seem well connected when he's around and the sex is great but again, not required every time we see each other. How do I advance that relationship, while I'm sure he has as many side quests as I do?

Person 4, now known as ;P;, is rich, a druggy, and super cuddly. He's currently dealing with a homeless person who took advantage of his apartment unit. He was recommended to me by one of our mutual friends, with the intention that he needs someone who won't have sex with him for his money. He's great, but again, I haven't known him for as long, either.
Wow a couple months without a stable relationship how extreme I really feel bad for you op
Well I was used to being in and out of relationships for only a couple months at a time. That's just how I functioned. I tried being on meds for my depression, but I just keep forgetting to change my insurance over.
Maybe anon, instead of judging me for my relationship speed, you could throw me advice on how to be happier alone.
I don't think anyone is happy alone
I at least need a vibrator to keep me happy, and I don't even have that.
At this point in my life, I kinda just want to settle down and get married and have kids and live life with life. that's what I want advice on.
Is there anything in your life that is fulfilling to you? I certainly do not think you are in the right place or mindset to get married and raise children because that will end likely in either divorce, abuse, or something along those lines.

Do you have a job? How old are you? What are you doing with your life? What are you passions outside of romance and sex?
I have a weekend job as an actress, that's pretty fulfilling. But it's only a couple hours a weekend.
I'm in my 20's.. I plan to find a temp job or part time job so I can go back to school for art. I otherwise don't have much interests besides listening to music and surfing the internet OTL
If you want something more steady, I'd recommend nursing, or being a CNA. Being a nurse might fulfill your desire to serve and you could potentially help kids if you wanted to if you want to feed a familial motherly instinct thing since you feel like you just want to "have a family and raise kids."

If you're into art, I'd say just focus all your time on practicing art -- drawing, painting, whatever you're into -- everyday. The idea is to be self-sufficient, discipline yourself into getting better, and all that. I'd go as far as recommending therapy if you can afford it as a way to keep track of how you're doing.
science isn't my field. I suck at science and don't use that side of my brain well. some people are good at math and science, some are only good at art and lit.
it's something I'm trying to work on, but I don't have the space to work on the bigger pieces that I have in plan, or the money for supplies for the other pieces. I'm pretty confident in my art (sometimes)
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