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I think my girlfriend is retarded. Not as an insult, but I
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I think my girlfriend is retarded.

Not as an insult, but I am genuinely concerned that she meets the clinical <70 IQ definition.

Originally, I just wanted to be loved. She's gorgeous, warm and friendly and we get along fantastically. I was 'online-gamer-friends' with her when she was 17 and she started making moves on me (I was 27 at the time) but it wasn't until she was 18 that I was receptive and started 'dating'. I was almost 30 and dating a teenager.

At the end of the day I didn't care much about it, I was banging a smoking hot 18 year old.

A lot of the dumb shit she did I put down to just 'being a teenager'. I remember being a teenager and doing stupid shit too, we've all done stupid shit.

A lot of the other dumbshit habits she has I could see could have been caused by her fathers' poor parenting.

Now I've just had my two year 'anniversary' with her two days ago, and she keeps talking about getting engaged, etc. and I'm facing with the prospect of my son (or god help me, daughter) sharing the same genetic disadvantage. This does not sit well with me.

Her father clearly IS mentally challenged. She warned me that her father is 'a bit different', but I could tell within two seconds of talking to him that he has VERY severe cognitive problems.

However this was apparently caused by a severe brain trauma from a car accident and not a genetic defect.

Her twin brother is a well known twitch streamer and is now a professional gamer (as in on an actual sponsored team). They grew up separately after their parents split. My girlfriend grew up with the mentally challenged father who blamed all of his life problems on her mother.

So it can't be a genetic defect, right?
In addition, she's finishing her degree. She deferred her first year and then didn't want to go. I pushed her into university and convinced her to go to alleviate my own insecurities about my girlfriend being an uneducated bimbo. She won't tell me her GPA or marks - I think she's insecure about the intelligence gap because she can tell I'm bothered by it. It became a lot worse after my mother told her what my IQ is, but when she was assigning classes for her semester she was logged into her University account and I found some of her exam results and she's getting good grades. I also know that she's qualified to study abroad in Korea which has a minimum of a 3.0 GPA and she hasn't been worried meeting it so she must be comfortably above that.

So how would that be possible if she was mentally retarded?

I'm not one of those neckbeards who assumes IQ is everything and everyone else is just beneath me. The only reason I even know my IQ is the board of my company wanted all candidates for a senior role tested. One of my best friends who I work with is one of the most articulate, knowledgeable and intelligent people I've ever met and he only has an IQ of 110. But my girlfriend and her father stand out to me.

So, is my girlfriend retarded or not?

I don't really want to slam her but I can give examples of why I have pretty good reason to believe she's mentally handicapped.
what do you want from a girlfriend, a buddy to discuss astrophysics with?

get some male friends for that, enjoy the intimacy with her.

do not get married
RE: The Dallas shooter

"Did he do the shoot up deliberately tho?"

Even when I take her out to an expensive restaurant, she drags her sleeve through her food and has food all over her face like a child. Doesn't wipe her mouth until I tell her to.

When taking out the bin, on more than one occasion she takes the garbage bag out of the bin, ties it up, puts a new bin liner in and then puts the old garbage back in the new bin.
She's talking about getting engaged, etc and I'm not just looking for a short term relationship either.
Please give examples. Not all "retarded" behaviors are actually indicative of intellectual disability. Like you said, if her marks are reasonably good, she can't be all THAT retarded.

She's young, so she'll act stupid. Many girls act fucking stupid/don't know dick on top of that.

If it matters/puts shit in context, I'm a female with a graduate degree, high IQ, who lacks a lot of common sense/common knowledge type shit and can't be fucking bothered with a lot of it. Weird as hell also, but cleared of autism by multiple pros. I'd say I do a lot of "retarded shit" which I can or can't explain, it varies. Mostly I'm just curious about your GF's retarded shit.

This sounds a hell of a lot less like low IQ and much more like some totally different neural fuckery, would probably take a pro to tell you what exactly. Which makes you sound like an uneducated dick, desu. If you really can't handle it, then cut her loose for her sake/your own sanity. Otherwise talk to her/her parents about getting her some quality help.
never get married to anyone

there's literally no benefit to you
I'm also not sure when exactly her fathers car accident was.

If it was prior to her birth, perhaps epigenetics could explain her special cognitive abilities?

She orders home delivery and then drove to the restaurant to pick it up.

She got upset that I was getting ripped off at a bar when my neat whiskeys were constantly filled 'less' than other peoples whiskey on the rocks.

Yet again, doesn't sound quite like low IQ, sounds like a processing disorder.
She could be book smart and is just dumb as shit when it comes to everything else. I was with a girl who got excellent grades in college but didn't know a damn thing about anything and I had to explain shit to her like a child. I.E. She couldn't grasp the difference between 2D and 3D animation and she had no idea what the word archives was. ("Anon, what is... are-cheeves?")
The only thing retarded here is the dude thinking the emotional, still growing young girl is retarded.

Protip:18 isn't a magical number when you're suddenly an adult with wisdom.

The truth is, being with her stunted father during growth has probably stunted her intellect in conversation, trust or seeing how others react.

She probably only likes you because you're a much more stable person than the last male figure in her life.

Why not try dating someone who you can enjoy and not insult on the Internet? Calling someone retarded because of school scores that you made them go take is mildly abusive.
One of her classes at uni is an business class of some sort.

She overheard me on the phone discussing something and told me that it won't work.

She can't understand that if my company makes something for $300,000 and sells it for $400,000, we have a total of $400,000 cash afterwards and can build another

She kept saying "but $300,000 minus $400,000 is minus $100,000. You can't build another because you only have $100,000"

Honestly there's just so many that it's actually hard to remember.
For those saying it doesn't sound like low IQ, including the "female with high IQ" I actually doubt you've done an actual real IQ test.

Even in the examples I've given, she demonstrates a lack of understanding of displacement / spatial awareness, patterns, problem solving, etc. which are all related to IQ.
But the internet is my passive aggressive outlet for my insecurities.

I want the internet to tell me everything will be fine and I'm just being an egotistical elitist prick about the whole thing.
Other than sex with a willing girl a decade younger than you, for whom you have no respect and little affection, what is there in this relationship for you?
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Just make her take one of those free Raven's matricies tests online. It's obviously not going to be as accurate as a real IQ test but the basis should be solid.

That was then, this is now. She's nearly 21.

I also failed to mention she moved back in with her mother about 10 years ago.
It's true I have less respect than I should for her, but I'm learning to respect her in ways that are unconventional to me. I have a lot more than little affection for her. I absolutely adore her and my life revolves around her. I never thought I'd ever have kids or get married, but this girl alone has changed me enough to strongly consider my luck that someone as sweet as her is willing to spend the rest of her life with a prick like me.

I think that maybe she's trying to fix me up like a rescue dog or something. I think she is changing me, and for the better.

Several IQ tests since I've been trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me too. The spatial thing is a little fucked, but...I've cracked eggs directly onto the stove, driven on the wrong side of the road, gotten into the shower with clothes on, went somewhere frantically to be on time but ended up in the wrong building, done weird shit without really noticing (similar to the food thing with her), got hung up on things similar to your business example etc etc. Also, my problem solving skills pretty much suck 99% of the time. How I have come out with a high IQ is a mystery to me. I have a good memory and good intuition about how things work, my exceptional traits end there. I can't navigate my neighborhood at all. IQ does cover a lot of things but it isn't all it's cracked up to be and you know it. Clearly her problems are SEVERE, but "retarded" doesn't seem to cover it. Again the spatial thing is pretty stupid, but coupled with other stuff, it doesn't seem like low IQ to me. Maybe low IQ, but other shit is also involved.

If it bothered you and it's obvious things like this, how did you even get to this point with her? I guess that's what's making me pissy and ranty about this.

What does she intend to do as a job?
Counseling / Korean translater / fashionista

I wouldn't marry it with a bargepole myself then, but then again my missus is a vet and I'm an engineer myself- I couldn't cope with a non-stem person by my side for the rest of my life.

If you can cope with a arts student then by all means- go for it. It seems as you've been together for two years you're more than happy to settle.

I'm not really sure how I got to this point. I can't really explain my feelings for her.

At first I just wanted to fuck her cause she's pretty cute and I didn't think the age difference would be an issue.

About 6 months later I had worked out that it wasn't just an 'age difference' and was regretting the whole thing, but started to you know, develop feelings for her. She's genuinely adorable and I just stuck it out. After about a year I was completely infatuated with her. Even if she is special, it doesn't change how I feel about her. It just changes how I feel about kids.
This is probably the worst post I've read today.
>Protip:18 isn't a magical number when you're suddenly an adult with wisdom.
Of course not, but 18 is a number when a person is expected to be capable of for example wiping her own mouth.
>She probably only likes you because you're a much more stable person than the last male figure in her life.
Based on what? Are you realistically pullin the /r9k/ card of women just using others because reasons? Where are you basing this deep character analysis on? There's literally nothing indicating in the posts that the feelings are not genuine, don't project that hard. Why are you even using a name on an anonymous imageboard?

Why are


typing like

this? What the fuck man?
I'm using a smartphone. Her father figure compared to her boyfriend is a gigantic difference in living with a man. Of course it's a different kind of relationship.

Also, you missed the point you god damned tool. Of course you're expected to do things when you're 18.. but the thread is about her mental health and intellect- not her responsibilities.

Not to mention most people don't move out until their early/mid twenties; but what your dad is an idiot and you have a -persuasive- boyfriend obsessed with having an independent girlfriend why the fuck not right?
Give us more examples, this is great.
This anon is right. There's nothing wrong with a girl liking a man for how far ahead and capable he is. She moved out at a ripe age and only really knows her father as someone she's lived with. She sounds like she might've had rose coloured glasses while making decisions with someone that could support her
>Also, you missed the point you god damned tool. Of course you're expected to do things when you're 18.. but the thread is about her mental health and intellect- not her responsibilities.
Just to point out, none of the things mentioned has been about responsibilities, really. Failing to wipe your mouth isn't a "responsibility", as you call it. It's a sign that you for some reason cannot function as expected which is absolutely tied to mental health. I'm just wondering that did you even read the same examples given in the thread.
Moving out quickly probably didn't have a lot to do with it, but being mentally slow is probably to do with her dad being so slow, being taught by him and communicating properly?

I think the sad truth is that some people are just not very smart, they're generally innocent I suppose but it sounds really fucking annoying.
>You pointed out 18 was a number people should "know things"
>I say how it COULD BE, but it's not so important really
>some people just dumb
>some people are mad
>at names and paragraphs
>on 4chan
Sounds to me like she suffers from adhd and is emotionally stunted from living with her father who is cognitively impaired. She's clearly not under an iq of 70 or she wouldn't even think to empty a bin, it's just one of those dumb inexplicable occurrences (or putting your phone in the fridge or not emptying the pockets of things before loading laundry ). As for saying stupid things, consider it hyperbole to get your attention (a symptom of attention seeking behaviour).

I think the symptoms of Adhd //specifically the symptoms of Adhd in women// are consistent with her behaviour. Adhd develops frequently in children with emotional problems from childhood and is easily treatable -often mild cases are curable.

If you love her and want to marry her eventually, get her into therapy to address her stunted emotional development. But if you're just with her because you like the power you have over a young girl with emotional problems, do her a favour and leave her.
On skype with she just dropped this gem.

"Gays wouldn't get raped in prison because they'd like it... oh, but what if the rapist is a homophobe and hates gays? then he'd probably rape him because he hates him"
Are you even serious anymore? 18 isn't an age you are supposed to act smart, it's an age where you are expected to be capable of completing tasks like eating cleanly and not dragging your clothes and face into the food, which in fact are tasks that an average child is expected to be capable of handling. Please note that this does not have anything to do with being dumb or lacking intellect, as it's doesn't have anything to do with actual intellect (for example, mathematics, which were also mentioned as a poor point for the woman in question) but rather tasks like coordination and basic functioning in society.

You are just repeating your point of "some people are just dumb" in an autistic fit, even if multiple examples presented you are a clear indicator of problems running deeper than just being dumb. Sure, as we don't have any deeper first-hand information of the person in question there can be never a clear diagnosis on what exactly is wrong with the woman, but at this point claiming it to be just "dumbness" is a pretty ignorant statement.

>some people are mad at names and paragraphs on 4chan
Is this actually your first day on 4chan? Where do you think you are?

I'm really looking forward to your next post of interesting greentexts of repeating the same things over and over again, as it only further serves to prove that in fact, in your own words, some people just dumb.

People with an IQ of 70 can live perfectly happy, married lives. They are much more than capable of taking out trash.

I do agree that she has had some developmental issues as a result of her upbringing. She downplays the issue, but I've already got her seeing a counselor.
What do you both study and how good are you (both) physically?
Put the spaghetti back in your pockets
Sometimes people just dumb
Why can't you just see?
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Pterodactyl-chan is right. Sometimes people are not that smart and the father figure obviously impacted their daughter, as they had previously mentioned as well, along with nothing that unfortunately sometimes people aren't smart. Do you really expect everyone to be of the same level intelligence unless their background depicts otherwise? Or are you going to troll some more?
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Because for the reasons I explained in my post (recap: dealing with situations that actually require coordination above intellect) it's laughable clear that the mental conditions of the woman in question cannot be explained with just "lol she dumb". Hell, even the OP in two posts above you (which in fact has the most information concerning the case) agrees that she has some developmental issues and takes her to counselor.

Sure, some people can be "just that dumb", but that's obviously not the case here and your shitty posts have not really given any reason to think otherwise. I'm just going to stop here, as you're clearly just repeating the same thing over and over again.
They're not trolling.

I do understand where they're coming from that sometimes a persons background depicts their intellectual development.

But I've met a few (not many) people who come from good places and we're just not that smart.

I partially agree with the one anon who mentioned taking her to a therapist for development.
>some people just stupid

If you're really concerned about her you might want to seek some help. You can born mentally challenged without parents being one, so there's a change even if the father wouldn't be the cause.


That's not what the other person was saying, so clearly you didn't.

You're overthinking things to the max, follow your agenda, not hers. Don't take what women say so seriously or anyone, make sure their actions match their words.

See >>17352620
>I never thought I'd ever have kids or get married, but this girl alone has changed me enough to strongly consider my luck that someone as sweet as her is willing to spend the rest of her life with a prick like me.

That's so fucking sweet, I envy you. And I'm not being ironic.
if you believe intelligence is something that is passed down genetically and not largely a product of environment and upbringing you're probably retarded too so I'm saying its a match made in heaven
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